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Anyone remember playing a Star Wars scenario on Warlords 2 Deluxe?

For some reason growing up I had all of these base scenarios, but then like just a few more that I thought were standard too, like middle earth scenario and star wars scenario.

It was a neat window into perceptions of star wars lore from the mid 90s.
Found it on one of my external harddrives
What's this game look like? Post some screenshots?
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Looks cozy
That's Warlords 1.
Didn't know Warlords 2 have space combat.
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War2 had some really cool scenarios.
I think og Warlords 2 only had like 4 scenarios, but then it released an expansion back for a scenario builder.
And after that they released Warlords 2 Deluxe, which included a ton of fanmade scenarios, among them, historical and scifi scenarios.

Seems like the Star Wars one wasn't actually included there, but somehow I ended up having it in some pack.

You could easily change art assets of terrain, towns, units.
And stats of units within the parameters of the basic gameplay.
the scenario builder was really cool
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anybody know what he means
does it matter at all

I have the CD but install doesn't work on W7

it looks pretty gay though compared to W3
although I do remember playing something in this artstyle but with machines and soldiers
>it looks pretty gay though compared to W3
Yeah Warlords 3 looks a lot better.
>anybody know what he means

>I have the CD but install doesn't work on W7
Get oracle virtualbox.
Install within an old OS, like windows xp.
You can extract it from that virtual machine and play on your more modern OS, but I'd recommend sticking to the virtual machine, since the AI turns are slow in warlords 3, and if you alt tab, the game pauses, but in a virtual machine you can keep the window active even while you're doing other stuff.

>anybody know what he means
unit pack, I don't think I ever tried it but I have it downloaded.
I'd avoid it unless you're experienced.
>it looks pretty gay though compared to W3
Warlords 1 & 2 were DOS games, W3 was the first one developed natively for Windows.

>anybody know what he means
Looking up the title on Mobygames shows that the GOG release is from Slytherine. I suspect the latter modified the original Darklords Rising with that 3rd party unit pack.
these fags are lame as fuck
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Has anyone tried this oldschool Warlords clone? Is it any good?
yeah it's comfy
for anyone wondering - it's a stack pushing game. the build of the stack determines bonuses you get, and what opponent's bonuses get negated. it's super streamlined, cities produce gold, to pay for upkeep, production, and additional unit types. the UI is great, everything has a shortcut, there's in-built help. there are no hidden modifiers, everything is upfront. 60 scenarios, 20 unit types,

it's sorta better version of Empire/Perfect General. where it diverts from Wesnoth/Fantasy General there's no "combinatoric" thinking - zones of control, figuring out the order of attacks, no tactical layer and managing cities like in HOMM or MoM. mechanically, the closest current thing is Conquest of Elysium, minus the autism.

the formula peaked at W2 Deluxe. W3 tried to add more variety, introducing additional modifiers, but it muddied up the design - it doesn't work that good, without tactic level battles, feels forced. W3 is nice, if you get bored with W2, and need additional kicks, but overall it plays against the major strength of the predecessors - streamlined simplicity, so obvious, the game would be made eventually by someone in some similar shape or form.

i love it, it's so fucking chill, feels natural, fits like a glove - think intuitiveness of Civ 1&2. the game doesn't insist on itself, doesn't get between the gameplay and the player. the more complex titles like MoM, could be a better investment of time, long term, but they give me the feeling, that the creators had more fun there designing it, than the actual players - kneel, peasant, and enjoy our creation. Warlords takes you on the ride. disclaimer: i'm not the smartest person, maybe there are people out there who get into things like MoM, Dominions with the same ease.
The GoG/Steam release is Darklords Rising, which was released by SSG themselves as an expanded version of the game. The reviewer probably only had the original release and thought the added units were fanmade. Always take critical reviews with a grain of salt on GoG, they are generally written by retarded angry ESLs.
nah you are right
for me its Master of Orion 1
neat sleak design, no unnecessary bloat
Got curious so I downloaded a pirated version of the GOG version of Warlords 3.
There's no K4SH mod applied.
My download is from december 2019, so just a month after his review.

It does come with the 1.02 patch though, I think Ashaman isn't just thinking of Reign of Heroes changes, but the patch difference when I'm looking at what he is saying.

Like in og Warlords 3 Darklords Rising, 1.0
Knight Lords had +2 Morale.
In 1.02 they got Dragonslayer instead.
Elven Lords also had +2 Morale, and got Demonslaying.
I think Elven Cavalry had nothing, but in 1.02 they got +2 morale instead.
Lots of hero abilities were also changed from 1.0 to 1.02.
You could easily add 2 types of dragons as allies in 1.0, like having Gold Dragons and Red Dragons on your 3rd and 4th ally slot, but with 1.02 they added an extra penalty if you had more than 1 type of dragon.

Not sure about the +3 strength bonus that missile units get vs flyers though, I don't see it among the patch notes.

I liked having Morale +2 on Knight Lords and Elven Lords, and losing Assassin on vampires was painful, but I mostly like the patch.
>i'm not the smartest person, maybe there are people out there who get into things like MoM, Dominions with the same ease.
I've been very stressed the past 2 months, and I kinda defaulted to playing some warlords2 deluxe.

Like when it comes to many games there's a lot of preplanning, what do I wanna go for.
Because I don't merely just care about winning in Civilization, I wanna build a cool civilization, or have a neat conquest, so it's a lot of thinking about what civ and map I wanna play, maybe which mods.
Similarly with master of magic, which retorts and build do I wanna go for, also mistakes are very punishing on hardest difficulty so a long game can end fast.

In Warlords 2 I pick a map, hardest settings and then just play through it. It's not necessarily hard, but I have to think strategically enough that I turn the game into some math problems.

One issue I have with games is that I often pick hardest difficulties even when I'm not ready for it, but for warlords it just happens be smooth even if I haven't played in a long time. If I didn't have that issue, maybe I could have similar chill experience just getting whatever retorts in master of magic and just play more casually at a lower difficulty level.

It's like the strategy version of playing vermintide(fantasy left4dead) for me, just starting it and then mashing while brain goes into auto mode.
>Got curious so I downloaded a pirated version of the GOG version of Warlords 3.
>There's no K4SH mod applied.
>My download is from december 2019, so just a month after his review.
Exactly, always look into these things yourself. These people are legitimate morons.
i've been watching MoM veteran play troughs, and it has to be a blast, being able to envision your run 75-100 turns in from the start. i'd be cock-blocked by the game, for not picking the right mix of books or something. have the 400 pages strategy guide on my hd, but jesus christ, it's super dense. i'll get there, some day.
bump of moderate interest
Any important 3rd party patches for W2Deluxe?

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