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>modified portraits in dlc
>posthumously honour Adolf Hitler with a Ritterkreuz
Is paradox dare is say based and /ourguys/?
Everyone's obsessed with the iron cross on his neck but how can no one notice that they made him handsome? Why the fuck did they yassify Adolf Hitler? This shit is beyond me.
>Handsome Hitler
>Il Dulce killer jaw
Any hope for Hirohito?
no he literally looks like a chudjak kek
It should not be a shock that an overwhelmingly white male developer team with a long history of racism built into their mechanics are secretly Nazis.

This is the same developer team which STILL does not even represent some cultures as anything more than "uncolonized land" in their games.
To be fair, it is kinda ugly. Current Hitler portrait looks more handsome.
hirohito was the OG chudjak
They're literally releasing a DLC that's all about Germany winning the war with Venegance weapons. At this point the only thing left to do is add Holocoaster mechanics to kneecap Germany players with incerasing industrial and military debuffs for baking cookies but if you don't bake enough cookies communists start an uprising or something.
>only thing left to do is add Holocoaster mechanics
They know perfectly well that it didn't happen. That is why they will never add such element to HoI. Also, Hitler was quite attractive in his younger years. It is a well-known fact.
You're thinking of Himmler, but they look basically the same so I can understand why you'd make that mistake
it'd just be tasteless if it was added and 99% of normies playing won't click the button
you'd need a way to force a fascist to do it and i don't think they want to do that
This new style clashes badly with the older portraits, I really hope they will eventually revamp every single portrait that has been there since the launch of the game
>expecting paradox to put effort in their work
Looks worse than his old portrait desu
Why did they make him red?
Boring bait. You have to be a little bit believable to hook us chuddies.
Himmler looked more like a chink then hirohito
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Looks like the latest style they've settled on. Horthy also now looks like gammon
Yes, more chins WILL be added next DLC.
Paradox knows their market is /pol/ so they pander to them
All East Asians look alike to me
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Hitler was handsome irl though
>posthumously honour Adolf Hitler with a Ritterkreuz
Wasn't hitler awarded it twice before becoming the Dictator of Germany tho
Iron Cross 1st Class.
Ritterkreuz was only invented during WW2.
>Dark brown eyes

What bullshit is this?
This isn't meme shit Downfall or Wolfenstein.
Hitler had icy piercing blue eyes."
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>why depict a handsome man as handsome
You don't know what pork or norferners look like.
That man is swarthy compared to an illiterate Anglo.
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>No playing with Diavolo Hitler.
Portraits with darkened faces have the most aura
I knew he escaped to Argentina
Truly a cult lol. He looks like a soft jawed tranny
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Will this update have any more secret Hitlers?
more like Miklos SWARTHY am I right bros hahaha
They know their audience
How do you get kratos Hitler?
That's Byzantine Emperor Adolfos I
Kongo black face Hitler?
Glasses and funny moustache Hitler for Germany?
Bavarian Hitler?
Going town the path to replace Hitler and getting another Hitler would be pretty funny.
I guess AI Hitler really resonates with people.
Asians were always about quantity over quality
That's Shadow DIO though
I mean, those are the same people that changed that Manchu princess's portrait from her in a uniform to her in a traditional dress, chud forces are at work
>shadow DIO
>shadow Diavolo
>Shadow Hitler
Just a coincidence.
Hitler can't have a stand, otherwise he would have intervened during part 2.

Yes it was a cult but there's historical accounts that he was considered handsome and a had a lot of fangirls. Now maybe that's just Germanys woman having low standards or the result of brainwashing. But it's a real fact he was seen as such. Hence why he never married Eva. He wanted to maintain that popularity among the woman and he needed to remain a bachelor for that.

Plus ask any Nork and they'll say Kim Jung Un is most handsome
>Hence why he never married Eva
He did though? Right at the very end, but he did.
>He wanted to maintain that popularity among the woman and he needed to remain a bachelor for that.
I think it had more to do with him not having enough time to commit to a family and stating on record he doesn't want children because they'll be pressured to live to him and obviously (in his eyes, anyway) fail.

All in all while there were plenty of women who wanted to suck his cock it had a lot more to do with status, power, charisma etc. than with looks.
But he was actually awarded the Iron cross during the first world war.
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>Hitler doesn`t have a stand
Ngl this 'new' west German cross is boring
he already had that from ww1 right? and no game that censored the Third Reich flag is based in anyway
he never wore it because thought it too pretentious (even doe earned)
there's already a game mechanic that let's you put occupied populations under Brutal Oppression. it even has a little concentration camp icon. It costs you more manpower but totally shits on resistance if im not mistaken. idk what else you chuds want
He would look so much better without the terrible mustache.
They took 10 years off Goering and Himmler and fixed his moustache
10 more to remove 50lbs from Hirohito.
I've heard they're just AI generating portraits now, is that true?
Nobody here is privy to how Paradox artists draw.

Dismiss all claims of "AI art" until proven otherwise. It's just the latest iteration of a buzzword used by pretentious pleb ""critics"". Last one was "CGI=bad".
File: Winston-Churchill[1].jpg (75 KB, 800x964)
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why does Winston Churchill look nothing like the fat drunk that he was?
That's not Churchill in OP's pic, it's Stanley Baldwin

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