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Lovecraftian city builder launching into early access in a few days. Just played through the demo and I thought it was very well done, fairly standard gameplay but with some thematically appropriate wrinkles and no annoying quirks that often plague this genre.
We have anno at home!
Buy an ad.
Shout out to splattercat gaming !!
Looks pretty kewl but i hate that you're shilling before release and i cant try it now. Be more considerate next time
Why is only the advisor black? and why is his VA mispronouncing words like "clam" as "calm" and "sated" as "sateed". Is it AI voiced?? It's not disclosed on the store page... Something's just so off with him.
The advisor's black? In a Lovecraft-inspired game? Lol dropped.
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>early access
cthulhu is worshiped mainly by mixed race people and primitive sub-humans (i.e. non-whites) in lovecraft's work, a black advisor is lore appropriate.
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Damn the first lovecraft game to stay true to the fact that niggers and other non-anglos worship eldritch horrors.
ONLY the advisor is black. Everyone else is anglo with anglo names
that's a pass from me
sry i misread but you're right, more of the cultists should be non-anglo. although cultists corrupting anglos into cthulhu worship is consistent with lovecraftian lore
Funny game
The VA pronouncing things wrong might also be paying homage to the fact that in Lovecraft's books, the cultist are almost always retarded and inbred to shit.
Perhaps I'm also retarded and inbred to shit.
Yeah, a black kang offering you advice on how to end the world through cults and esoteric bullshit wouldn't be very Lovecraft at all
What a retarded idea, Lovecraxploitation is the worst. Still:

>devs clear try to do some sort of hybrid deep one + mystery meat advisor
>the white trash (hated by HPL himself) goes full retard about it
Every time.
or they're using an AI voice without declaring it. I doubt an actual person would mispronounce ways this way. Calm instead of clam? Wouldnt that make someone do a double take, given the context? He talks about people's needs to eat. Or when people's needs were SATED he says SALTED. Who makes mistakes like that?
It's not the inclusion of a black person that bothers me, it's that it's clear that it's forced. The devs are Polish, but their publisher is from California, so this feels like something the publisher pushed on them (or they're just trying to be more "Western" by putting in a token black person in their game. The fact that the ONLY black person in the game happens to be the one with the most "screentime" is no accident, it is very much intentional. As to what that intent is, only the devs could say for sure.
absolutely disgusting
The East has fallen...
the advisor is white too but he turned black because a minor pronounciation mistake during a ritual. he learned his lesson and is extra careful now. he won't risk a worse fate like devolving into a russian. great character.
I wish you were as funny as you think you are.
It's one of those "oh you want to make a game about that RACIST squid alien author, better put in a black guy or else no soup for you" things.
Not gonna lie, it did occur to me that that might be a possible intention. But it's also possible that they just do what they see other games do (put black people in their games). Dont forget, they have a Californian publisher, and the advisor is the only person who actually talks to you, the player, the others just say a one-liner "worship the old one" or whatever. So maybe that's why.

BUT also, it's just a bit strange that looking at the trailers showcasing gameplay, I did not see any footage with the advisor, nor is he on any of the screenshots on the Steam store page. I didnt do an indepth search by any means so it's possible that I missed it. Seems like a weird choice not to show the only guy who talks to you the entire time.
What's ironic is the advisor being black is a far more racist depiction than any other alternative.
What I would have done if I were in charge of a Lovecraft Anno game with a mandate for DEI is make it like 2070. You have one faction that's more European settlers and another faction that's native worshipers. Europeans are needed for advanced imported industry, natives are needed for industries like pearldiving and arcane goods. Both have their own farming and good chains, some of which crosses over.

Overall, it's kind of sad to see this sort of surface level reading of Lovecraft rather than a full understanding of Lovecraft's intentions. He had as much fascination as fear when it came to subjects like archaeology and non-European cultures. A lot of people did at the time. It's why there was a Polynesia fad for a while.
I'm saddened by this whole thing, I was really hopeful the demo would be good, screenshots looked good and I really enjoyed ANNO1404 and was looking for another game with people's needs and production chains.

Even if I look past this, the writing is bad, there are a lot of mistakes (in writing AND VA and I have good reason to think the advisor's voice is AI), and them potentially using AI voices (and potentially other AI tools, I saw one of the devs being recommended an AI tool in the Steam forums and was receptive), while hiding the fact that they're using AI tools doesnt sit well with me.

I also didnt enjoy the onboarding, and just the "vibe" was off, I can't really explain why, I was just not that "grabbed" by the game.
How could it be a Lovecraft game if you don't have your very own niggerman?
Play Against the storm.
>"I've never read lovecraft's stories": the post
>DEI californians made lovecraft cultists muttoids!
Every passing day you American politics brainrot guys prove yourselves even more retarded. If anything the rest of the cultists/population being white is the mistake, not the, probably hybrid, advisor.
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If anything there is too many white people in the game.
The cultist baddies in Lovecrafts works are usually all swarthy niggroids or mixed-race abominations.
The protag is usually a white dude who then goes nuts at the end from the forbidden knowledge he has discovered.
Pic related is what the average cultist in the game should look like.
I don't remember lovecraft being about americans though.
I think the demo was pretty good, played until the 'end' where you get ready to upgrade to tier 2
One shitty part though was how specialization of your cultists meshed with specializing your islands. Ok so you spent time specializing your guys as shepherds and corn farmers, oh you got a new island that is great for growing corn and sheep. Good fucking luck dealing with the bullshit you have to do to actually get the cultists from one island to another.

But other than that i thought it was nice for what it the actual game is set to cost. Solid enough Anno gameplay (though i dearly miss Anno's pipette function and ability to pick up and move buildings) and commitment to the cultist human sacrifice-y shit.
His name should be Cat
>I have never read lovecraft
We know.
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Are you kidding? Lovecraft lived in New England for most of his life and a lot of his stories take place or at least draw inspiration from the places where he lived and visited. Call of Cthulhu, arguably his most famous work, partially takes place in New Orleans. The famous Miskatonic University which features in multiple of his stories is located in Massachusetts, as are the cities of Arkham and Dunwich. The village of Innsmouth, though originally imagined to be in (old) England, was located in New England in its most famous incarnation. The Haunter of the Dark takes place in Rhode Island. And so fucking forth. Almost all of his stories are about Americans and quite a few of them either directly or indirectly reference what would now be called "Amerimutts".
the advisor should have been a cat instead
Another Lovecraft "expert" straight from Reddit. Let me guess, you also believe he was racist, right?
Lovecraft was like an early muh heritage amerimutt
>100% pure "Anglo-Saxon Teuton" (amerimutt nonsense) phenotype
Funny enough he suffered an existential crisis when he found out he was mixed and had Welsh background. Later in life he married a Jew and became increasingly upset about the Nazis being antisemitic.
>OP makes a thread about a game
>All that is talked about is how the advisor is black
Talk about thin skin, eh
found the americans
47 posts, maybe not even 5 about the game
>reading lovecraft means you're american
Are you retarded?
It seems alright but it's in ea and tutorial is too damn long so idk if there are interesting challenges later.

The animation and speech on advisor is just the 1st thing you notice in tutorial that don't look good. The art of him in event screen is so much better, too bad I didn't take a screenshot.
>getting offended at a mutt joke

idk, are you retarded? You're def too thin skinned for this site's banter.
Where's the joke, retard?
damn you really are a stupid one, even for a muttmerican.
>be retarded
>get told
>"i-I was just pretending, y-you're american!"
You're the one posting in America prime time, my probably spic friend. You're uncultured, retarded and obsessed with Americans, the quintessential thirdie.
>Being advised by black people

Sounds like a game exploring eldritch psychological horror
The Lovecraft flavor is kinda fun but doesn't add anything meaningful on a mechanical level, except maybe the ability to sacrifice pops. Outside of that, it's basically just a dumbed-down Anno game with nothing going for it.

It's not necessarily bad, but it's not good either.
Because the game itself is shit and there's nothing worth talking about.
I liked it and plan it make it my main
How’s Kursk?

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