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Will Microsoft save this trash?
Trash goes into the trash can.
Macroshart hasn't saved anything it bought out ever, at best, absolute best case scenario possible (0.000001% chance) it will simply be net neutral
It ain't like before Rick. We have different times, different people. You can't repeat the same success. Nothing will be as innovative and groundbreaking as it was at the beginning of the century
what's wrong with it?
The only way to save it is to just give back the original WC3 with the way it was in that final patch before reforged.
Blizzard can't be saved.
Try to move on.
Haven't they been responsible for the AoE revival? The Definitive Editions have done well.
Looks like the usual suspect that always posts ragebait shilling in wc3 threads has arrived early this time
They better save HotS first.
Add a Murloc campaign.
I find it funny that in base WoW, they covered up Sylvanus's midriff, but in HotS and the Overwatch 2 skin, they stuck to the sex appeal.
They might do something with it on the anniversary
lol no
A new century is born every minute.
Nothing. But people in 4chan are too scared to talk about the things they like so instead they all bash on things.
Microsoft. the company that censored Age of Empires 3 and made a barebones shitty age of empires 4 saving warcraft 3. keeeeeeeeeek
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Have you seen the trash Microsoft spews out?
They throw out AI-assisted or downright insulting remakes for old shit and bland disappointments for long awaited sequels: Halo Infinite, Age of Empires 4, Forza Motorsport, Starfield,...

They are literally unable to make a non-shitty, non-disappointing big release. That's why they go all-in on buyouts and day1 Gamepass filler.
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Yes sir!
They took the SOUL out of Reforged!
>Macroshart hasn't saved anything it bought out ever

>Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
>Age of Mythology: Retold

Big fan of the new starting menu, but the UI still feels like it's lacking something. It's also nice they've caught up to the current milenna with adding hotkey UI. But holy fuck how long has it taken just to do the simplest things?
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>Finally get remasters of Warcraft 1 and 2
>Everything is AI upscaled
it's a fucking animated painting made in a literal crippled web browser (chromium). You're lacking grey cells
Oh wow the autistic video game police are here to tell me I shouldn't DARE enjoy anything that isn't 100% perfect. I don't care. KILL yourself
there's a pretty huge fucking difference between in-game 3D scenes and animated web browser jpgs, you fucking moron, you fucking imbecile. Kill YOURself you utter fucking clown
my point still stands rofl
they saved it with filthy AI dogwater diarrhea slop
Right now the strategy games of Warcraft had more care that Command & Conquer right now.
Nothing more to add...
>Warcraft has more remasters that Command & Conquer right now
>They deliver bare fucking minimum, and Grubby makes an hour+ video out of it
Oh wow, it only took them half a decade to do the bare minimum...
go back shill. tell your bosses we are not pleased with their low effort shit.
Shitty retard internet users never changes.

Accept it or die old and retard.
Are you having a stroke?
Are you, Blizzard hater?
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so they managed to rerelease old version. what was the point of reforged again?
milking retards, this is the second milking session. They even permanently broke warcraft 3 for everyone who didnt buy reforged. But dont worry they promised to fix it ;^) When? Dont worry about that. When the milking is done.
I get that you've probably played this shit for like 20 years but I bought the game a few ago for 50% off and only play the campaign. They could update the main menu to be a mp4 of the CEO fucking a dog, I really don't care. I keep expectations low and enjoy it for what it is. Any updates are a plus.
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Art department might've dropped the ball but one thing that's nice about the WC1&2 remasters is the assets are all exposed and easily modified. Coding department did a good job from what I've seen. Gonna mess around with some WC1 modding.
Furfag porn mode incoming.
The only question is if it will be pokémon, digimon, pony, sonic or palworld first.
My bet is on Renamon first.
WoW is full with lefty women, the absolute crazy type that will protest that kinda of content.
OW2 is full of slutty e-girls that actually like slutty outfits and often cosplay them.
HoTS is unfortunately dead, but the team that was behind it was great. Hopefully it will make a comeback, although I doubt it.
Grubby has to shit out endless content about nothingburgers, its the entire point of his business
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>release new classic HD
>it's still worse
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Guys, how hard is to get into pvp in this game in current year from 0? Is there a decent amount of noob/low elo players for someone new to have fun like there is in AoE2?
now's the time with this gayaaniagSIHIEFUCNT
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>AOE and AOM chads in the corner
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I'm just really happy about this skin. I've been loving it forever.
>while crying that nobody in real life plays with them because of the meta bullshit culture
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Something kid me wished when he played WC3 in 2002, using campaign heroes for skirmish. But they forgot the DK Arthas skin for classic, I hope in the next patch.
activate your windows bud. It's been long enough.
I see blizzard continues with their hate boner tradition for the Warcraft IP
One day...
The modding continues. I've made a custom launcher to make playing mods a breeze, reverse engineered a good portion of the map file binaries, made the barest of a world editor to edit those maps, got some very basic unit and sound editing to work and put together the start of a mod with it. Unfortunately the actual map terrain and unit stats seem to be buried somewhere. Might be tricky to modify if the data for those is in the CASC files.
>pretty huge fucking difference between in-game 3D scenes and animated web browser jpgs
Not at all, in the case of the old and new WC3 menus, because they have never been interactive.
A 3D scene where the camera can't be moved may as well be replaced by a video running in the background of the UI elements, saving resources in the process and losing nothing.
I wish WC3 had the smart HP meter introduced by the best Age of Empires title, AoE4.

You don't need to see the HP bar of the town hall filling 20% of the screen width at all times. All such a huge bar tells you is that it has a fuckload of HP, but people actually playing the game know that quickly anyways.
You should only be shown HP bars of units/buildings that are either selected or (optionally only recently) damaged. Full HP strongholds don't need to show their HP bar at the start of the match.
Nice work Anon.
Microsoft would have to kill WoW to save Blizzard at this point and that is never happening.
Did they fix reforged?
>Not at all, in the case of the old and new WC3 menus, because they have never been interactive.
>A 3D scene where the camera can't be moved may as well be replaced by a video running in the background of the UI elements, saving resources in the process and losing nothing.
spoken like a true soulless hindu humanoid husk. If you really think there's 0 difference between original WC3 menus and new reforged ones, then you just don't have nor understand sovl.
The entire point of WC3 coming out onto the market was to flash and boast full 3D environments and models. There's a reason so many people remember the game and its expansion for their SOVL menus and heroic poses on campaign screens. It's also the reason why india is a poor shithole with 0 innovation and thousands of dead human bodies floating down rivers next to people shitting on them on the banks - you have no soul, you don't understand or appreciate intrinsic subtleties of culture and art. To you, a flat gif is the same as a real-time 3D render. It's like saying sand is the same thing as snow, except better because it doesn't melt. You just don't *get* it and you're biologically incapable of getting it
No. It's a buggy broken mess with a buggy broken campaign, there's also massive lag and delay periodically occuring when you use the HD classic assets. There's tons of visual bugs and errors, especially with the world editor. WC1/2 are also very lazy remasters with lots of errors, bugs, removed animations, removed art, off model units (knights literally have bobble headed units) and basically they don't understand what tall pixels are. Aesthetically they look like cheap mobile games. It's not a great version of WC and it's not that good compared to free alternatives like stratagus.

If anyone was hoping for WC to get the Starcraft remastered treatment they're sadly mistaken. Blizzard seems intent on shitting on WC as much as possible if it isn't the tranny coded MMORPG shit they pump out for furfags and twitter activists. I'm not sure whether they actually hired pajeets or just suck in house but people are already fixing the icons with free AI upscalers that perform better than the shit Blizzard or Sanjeet obviously used.


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