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>barrack units?
also fuck oranos (more like orANUS) players
never played that shit but i have a irresistible urge to rape cleopatra for some reason
that's Isis tho
Isis is for BBC (big brother cock) ONLY
Not big bird cock?
I don't know if it's other noobs getting better or quitting the game, but I keep getting steamrolled now
>also fuck oranos (more like orANUS) players
Ghostmaster bros....

When I played initially I could've sworn people were better when I queued at night. At ~1300 elo I haven't noticed any difference lately though. Maybe you just had a bad day?
No, big undead cock (BUC)
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>Cast chaos on you
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anubis is top tier furbait
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Oranos > Ocenatus > Hyperion > Helios
If you choose anything different you're playing Oranos wrong

But that brings a question to my mind, what are your favorite Major and Minor gods?
Do you always follow a Minor God order or you change depending the situation?
how does this one fare with the original? which one should I play as a first timer?
It's pretty much the definitive edition. There's some minor issues with pathing, but it adds more cool flavor stuff, does everything right that the original did well and is even surprisingly balanced.

I just played a crazy game Isis vs Ra, but forgot to take screenshots again... maybe I'll go over the replay.
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Started with a fast tc. He tried to pressure with Wadjet and Priests, but couldn't really do anything, I even managed to kill one of his priests. But then I realized I hadn't scouted any food next to the tc, which made things awkward.
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I found my food and made a second sphinx. He had 2 rax and made some axemen, but built a second tc aswell instead of committing to them. My idea was keeping him busy with the sphinxes so I can be greedy and take my hunt, which worked pretty well as my sphinx killed another priest and made him move his entire army there. My goal is getting a fast heroic, because his rax units are gonna struggle against buildings.
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Eventually he did go for my hunt, but I was already finished with it and got all the food I needed for now. My heroic was also almost finished, so I was gonna shift to gold anyways (did it a bit late here, I often end up getting too much food with 2 tc, because initially you need a lot to keep vill production going).
It is me or all egyptian strategies pretty much boils down to Fast Heroic
i'm currently just playing vs the AI to get the hang of the game before jumping into ranked. Is it just me or the computer is wildly inconsistent in performance? I always play at the highest non-cheating difficulty level and yet I have some matches where I win easily and others where I get my shit kicked in even if i have a matchup advantage
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With heroic done I decide to take the fight with ancestors + eclipse, which allows me to get a migdol behind it.

I think Ra and Set can fight a bit more in classic thanks to electrum bullets and against norse I've even seen Isis fighting successfully with rax units, but yeah fast tech feels kinda neccessary. My gameplan is getting Mythic asap aswell, because Osiris camels feel like my only good units.
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With 3 migdols controlling the map and gold + Osiris coming in I feel in strong position. He attacks my fortifications, but loses his scarab then has to retreat.
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He shifting sands on my undefended gold, putting me out of position. They might look close on this zoom, but my army is pretty far away.
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He retreats his shifting sanded units, fearing to lose them, making me feel confident. I send enough units to punish them, but then his main army joins the attack and I get overrun. Instead of trying to defend my second gold I decide to send my camels onto his gold instead and the game breaks into chaos.
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He does some damage to both my gold mines, while I manage to push him off one of his. With my Son of Osiris incoming he retreats and we're fairly even, though I am ahead in age.
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I try to push my advantage by sending camels onto his new gold, but somehow he has a migdol already there and my camels get caught by his army.
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Since my camels are getting caught on one side and I see his entire army there I decide to send the rest of my other camels to his tcs to disrupt his eco and make the game chaotic. (I had no idea I was down this much army value at this point)
I still can't understand how you can play passively/defensively in classical age and not get punished, given Norse and good classical rushing MU units exists
That's or it's just egyptian that get that privilege
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He responds to my attacking in multiple places by attacking in multiple places aswell. I try to hold on atleast one side with my soo.

Norse is probably my worst matchup, so I'm not really sure what to do there. I'd definitely build a lot more barracks units before going up there though. I also try not to be completely passive, which is why usually I'm getting the upgraded sphinxes (2-3) to keep pressure off me and see what my opponent is doing.
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He tries to get his slingers onto my soo, but that leaves them vulnerable to mummies and camels coming out, while soo can micro in and out of the migdol. On the other side my gold is broken though and I just realized I had 2 save ones I didn't use because I never scouted them, which made the game really hard.
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With the push defended and catapults coming out I start my own attack. Throughout all of this he was also unable to use his right side tc due to my raids. However my main gold runs out and the other one was broken leaving me scrambling for more.
Lets 1vs1 again tomorow, Isisfag
Now I know what I am doing in this game
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I take down one of his tcs, but my push stalls due to running out of gold. You'll never guess what's about to happen to my Son of Osiris!
While my soo mysteriously disappears, a knivefight ensues over the remaining gold. Without soo I worry about simply getting destroyed by spears, but fortunately I remember to make mummies just in time!
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There was a pic associated with this.

Sure if our schedules match.
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Having knived his villagers off the gold, with the help of some camels I manage to take the upper hand in the main fight again aswell, while also splitting off some more camels to raid.
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After winning another knife fight over the remaining gold and with our opponents base in shambles he is forced to resign!

Maybe this was a bit too much image spam, but would this kind of blogging be interesting if I cut it down a bit maybe? Not sure how good the screenshots are at conveying how the game went though. Let me know if you liked it or call me a faggot if you didn't I guess.
Daily reminder we are playing a team game together tomorow fags
Be there or be square
thx, I'll try retold.
> But that brings a question to my mind, what are your favorite Major and Minor gods?
> Do you always follow a Minor God order or you change depending the situation?
I almost always play the same minor gods
I like the idea of being able to adapt, but in practice I feel like one minor god is always better for my playstyle/the major god than the other
Only exception is with Odin: I play all his minor gods
> Oranos > Ocenatus > Hyperion > Helios
I guess everyone picks Oceanus and Hyperion, but I'm not sure Helios is that popular: I prefer Hekate
> Let me know if you liked it or call me a faggot if you didn't I guess.
Thanks for sharing anon, I liked it
What's your elo?
Thanks! I've been up and down in the lower 1300s. That game put me at 1339.

Forgot to reply to this, but for me it's ususally Isis > Bast > Nephtys > Osiris because I feel ae is Isis' main strength, especially when compared to Ra who has better economy and better units. I've been wanting to use more Anubis against greeks, so I can secure an early tc with serpents and their 2 heroes dont kill all my vills and priests, but it hasn't come up much or I forgot to do it.
should I switch to playing thor instead of odin he seems objectively better
Odin is still totally viable, but learning a different god isn't a bad idea anyways.
I get big lagspikes, guess it's my connection...
Sometimes the game has connection issues, even if you're stable for some reason, but if you're getting them all the time it must be on you.
Team gaems in 1 hour?
I'd be in.

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Name: /vst/
Password: /vst/

The lobby will be open for 10-15 minutes so people can join
rehosted, rejoin so we can figure this out
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>Cant chat
Janky as fuck, as per usual
did you end up playing?
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Yeah, got some team games together after Isisfag bashed my skull in 1vs1's
We made a good team, first time also doing team queue so it was also a learning experiencie

I also learn that with party teams positions are randomized still, we ended in opposite sides during one 4vs4
Wish you could choose the position you spawn, like in AoE2
Ironically the computer is too consistent in random map.
It has set attack schedules. I believe it always ages up, waits a few minutes, attacks, and repeats. Often times it will grab a second TC instead of refilling its army, and thats the easiest time to take the game
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/vst/ plays at 3:00am my timezone
Set your alarm next time.
how is this games 1v1 compared to wc3 or aoe4?
More active than aoe4 and the opponent you're fighting is actually the opposing player unlike wc3. (I have no idea what kind of comparison you want)
I dont know I dont play these fucking games
Dumb question m8
>The Titan of Disapproval looks in your direction
Pronounced: Your Anus
>rouge lite mode for an RTS
actualy pretty interesting idea, lets see how it plays out
Something about that quote makes me kek. Makes me think of this kinda post:
>I have blessed you with lashing roots. The next time your foes surround you, they will regret it, but only if you post "I love Mommy earth!" in this thread
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>women with makeup vs women when the makeup comes off
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>Still no news of the remaining 4th gods to add.
I dont care about the bugman civ dlc. I just want the extant faction to be completed.
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New Game Mode:
Arena of the Gods.


>The gods have summoned you! Arena of the Gods, the latest mythic journey in Age of Mythology: Retold, invites you to step into the shoes of a legendary hero and forge your destiny!
>In this new game mode, you can engage in 35 exhilarating skirmish missions across mythical landscapes where divine challenges await. >Whether you battle solo or team up with a friend**, the arena is fraught with World Twists that bring the chaos of shifting weather and ancient powers to the forefront!

Plrevious Thread:
So this willl be the AoM equivalent of SC2 Co-op?
Because that would be amazing
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I'm very curious about this, it does sound fun, but also a little vague.

>only if you post "I love Mommy earth!" in this thread
I love Mommy earth! As a playable faction, mind you.
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>1 win
>1 loss
>1 win
>1 loss
>1 win
>1 loss
>perfectly balanced, as all things should be
could be worse
Perfectly balanced
ok, new game mode is cool but what about chink release date? it was supposed to come out in 2024 so was it postponed or are they really stingy with any information
even if it would come out in late Dec it'd be 2 months from release rn
You need more?
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Poor you
Aren't you supposed to try to win?
I am trying
I don't know what's happening, I went up to 1100 elo, then started losing even though my playstyle didn't really change
I had something like that happen too. Was pushing the upper half of 1200s and suddenly lost 150 elo in 2 days. Might just be random luck, but you could also try changing your playstyle up a bit. I back then started doing a cheese strat and went over 1300 with it pretty quickly, but then when it got nerfed and I went back to playing more regularily I didn't fall as much as I expected. I think even though cheesing like that wont teach you the fundamental very well, it did improve my game sense compared to my previous passive play, because I got to see more of what was going on and how many units my opponent had at what point in the game, compared to being completely blind before.
Meh it's just skirmish
Broke the streak by losing twice. Playing Isis in current patch is tilting me off the earth. Loki and Thor feel unplayable. Poseidon is really hard aswell and overall she just feels like an insanely weak god right now.
Play Oranos
Too hard.
It's... really not
t. Oranosfag
How am I gonna play a god with no thighs and belly to keep me motivated?
You're very down bad, Isisfag, it's actually very concerning
It's called being a heterosexual male, you should try it.
It's also just that it's gonna take forever to understand another civ and I'm not smart enough so I'll lose 300 elo and 50 games in a row.
A quick question before I get into the campaign - do the mods increasing the number of houses you can build work there?
Also, any news on whom the second expansion will be about?
When it comes to real-life mythologies, Mesoamerica seems to be a no-brainer, but with Atlanteans already present there is the possibility of including another completely fictional land/nation.
nta, but can someone answer this? im curious as well.
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What's wrong with FE? Why couldn't they just give us normal Gaia?
Brother, stop gooning for five minutes, we need to kill these Throwing Axemen.
Looks like one is an illustration while the other is a screenshot of the 3D render, which is based on the pre-release Gaia design.
We were never getting a sexy leaf-bikini Gaia in current year, but they could have just redesigned her model to look like her original portrait. Tree-Gaia is seriously just so dumb.
I like Tree Gaia, they should've just gone with something more classically nymph-like, less Groot-like.

Warcraft Kronos is what I cannot bear to look at.
>It's pretty much the definitive edition
of AoE2-lite. No I will not stop saying it.
same thing happened to me and I just switched from playing very aggressive to playing passive and rushing age 3 and I went on a win streak and got right back to where I was.
I think the current meta that developed is to play an aggressive age 2 or to prepare a defense in age 2 for an aggressive push. if you just rush straight to age 3 you catch opponents off guard. disregard if it's a god with strong early game scouting.
This is pretty much it. Some kind of weird tree nymph would be fine, Groot with tits is strange and bad.
>something more classically nymph-like, less Groot-like
Classical depictions of nymphs were basically just human females. A middle-ground between a classical nymph and the nature theme would be what they already did with Gaia's model in the original AoM- a big buxom lady with a leaf-bikini.
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now where did these come from
Probably for the Arena of the Gods thing. It releases November 7.
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It is possible to make weird tree nymphs that are tree-like without looking like Groot. It's the Groot part that sets me off.
Why even make her not look human in the first place? She was depicted as human in Greek classical art, she was depicted as human in the original game. The only god/titan that looked inhuman was Kronos, because he was being tortured and roasted alive deep in Tartarus for ages and got all deformed.
Literally just make her Skin green and make her hair and clothes be plants growing from her. No reason to go Groot-Mode or full White woman in plant bikini.
>every other god is depicted as they were in classical mythology
>virtually all humans, with the exception of animal-head egyptian gods
>but Gaia CAN'T be a normal-looking human like she was depicted by the ancient Greeks because... she just can't!
Nah it's retarded. She looked better in the original. Consistent with the rest of the cast. They changed it because they're literal faggots.
Kronos and Prometheus are also weird. All of the Titans are depicted as primortial entities rather than just dudes except for Ouranos.
Thats why Oranos is best dude titan
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Kronos is a charred human. What's supposed to be weird about Prometheus?
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>What's supposed to be weird about Prometheus?
Does this look like a man who gets his liver eaten everyday?
> an aggressive age 2 or to prepare a defense in age 2
So aggressive in early age 2 then defensive until age 3?
I basically always rush in age 2, that might be my issue
Almost all the gods we have are depicted as basically human, I like that they try to change things
But I really dislike the result
I'm fine with the unit being their elemental forms or whatever, but outside of that not looking human makes no sense (same goes for classic Kronos).
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It is reaching a point in this team ELO in which everyone in team games, with exception of Norse and SOMETIMES Greek. just straight out rush a second TC in Classical and cannot really punish it as Oranos.
People just stay close TC and dont go outside, playing safe, and my 8 hero murmillos + Caladria can't really punish it, going mass Murmillo to bust a TC at this point is not a good idea since I will be falling behind economically AND players actually can make troops to defend at this bracket.

Think I will have to take starting a second TC myself in Classical, that really will put me on edge since I'm only comfortable rushing and taking control of the tempo of the game. There's also the option to go mass Turmas but without the speed bonus from the base game not sure that's a good idea.
Kinda sucks, honestly.
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>constructs 3 Watch Towers in your path
why are turtlefags like this? lol
That's a free tc for you.
Why is he letting you mine gold between his two tcs?
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o no my ally is being overrun!
Those are axemen and priests, not villagers (I had to look twice aswell).
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*teleports in front of you*
Ptah is outrageously good desu
Genesis qualifiers bros! Almost makes me want to stop being an otp so I can play and go out in round 1.
The axemen yearn for more gold.
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Anybody that says Shifting Sands is a bad GP never really used Vortex before
Shifting Sands is a mini-vortex, and the fact you can land your army on top of the enemy army or enemy base is fucking great, imagine throwing 20 elephants or 40 camels directly above an army comp mainly using archers
Mista won today by evading 2 GPs with SS
Its really good. It just doesn't help Eggy at their traditional weakest when your getting your first midgol up (possibly securing your second gold mine at the same time).
Luckily the barracks spam strategy gets around this for the most part
most games I see right now players either build for a rush or build for a defensive army against the rush. but i've picked off a lot of easy wins by just rushing straight to age 3 and building no army as an odin player when my opponent is usually expecting the raiding calvary rush.
Balance wishlist
Bring back old track rating system
Ballistics now give +1 track rating for ranged land units (haven't thought about water/building specifics)
Ares bow, bone bow, huntress axe, maybe some Atty tech give an extra +1 or 2 track rating so they conteract spirited charge, thundering hooves, desert wind etc.
honestly chariots are so bad they could probably just have bulit in track rating 6 and be balanced
electrum bullets changed to +30% slinger and priest damage
Caladria heal halved on fighting units
Serpent spear gives bonus snare
some of ring giver's strength moved to base jarl

Not sure if the engine can even implement this but:
Garrisoned heroes give towers/boats bonus vs myth unit
Odin Ravens invisible on mini map
reduce windup/down on chariot attacks but give them turn time so they micro smoother if going in one direction, but still clunky if your getting fancy

would be shit but fun:
Elephants lose building bonus, but innately get stronger as lower hp (maybe increasing blast damage w/ friendly fire)

Dlc wishlist
Fog godpower which reducing line of sight (don't care who gets it,just think it would be flavorful and fun)

Thanks for coming to my ted talk
How are they going to nerf electrum bullets? My guess is turning them into a DoT so that they don't benefit from the anti-archer (and anti-infantry with sekhmet) multiplier
I started plating Zeus, building a massive army in age 2 and attacking pretty late
At my elo they never have enough to stop it, they probably think I'm not gonna attack when they don't see a rush
does anyone have a list of gameplay differences between retold and the original?
They're going to revert the buff and keep eggy untouched otherwise.
Liver damage is no joke
What egyptians need is an additional land unit
>greeks get 9 + heroes
>Atlanteans get 9
>Norse get 10
>egyptian only get 9 + 1 pharaoh
I think they'd be fine if migdol units weren't complete trash. Camels without Osiris upgrade and CA are easily in the bottom 5 and elephants are a slow win harder unit.
Electrum Bullets are not OP

get better bait m8
does anyone have an original voices mod?
Who here plays with the original one & done (excluding basic bitch Atlantean) god powers?

The thing the game was centred around and could push the tide of a strategic battle.
Theres no reason to go back to the original.
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I WANT that +Hero speed relic and I WILL get it and there's NOTHING you can do to stop me
>Slingers are shit
>Electrum bullets makes them usable
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Egypt having a usable unit? AAAHHHH I need to.... NEEEEERRRRFFFFFF
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On another topic, anybody waiting to play the new update this 7th?
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why are low elo players like this?
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As the local Oranosfag I ask to pardon this little autistic oranosfag behaviour
That being said, what did you do to piss him off this much?
Looks like he got wrecked by ragnarok
Oranos can easily murder HoR's with Fanatics, and even maybe Arci with Murmillos can hold them off, so Thorchad must have beated down the salty noob before fishing off with Ragnarok. Kek.

That being said, I do understand the little oranosfag anger to some extend, in 1vs1 Norse is far my worst match up too.
Cant do hero murmillo army, too easily countered by TAs, Murmillo and Turmas feels like doesnt work to a Norse that is commited to classical, Katapeltes + Ballistas can work but it's super expensive and very slow army comp due the ballistas. Rushing second TC feels suicidal vs Norse.
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what is up with oranos fags lately, this is the second one that flames me

he also played realy bad, spams turma while already spotting I had nothing but cav, gets surrounded in the middle, gets pushed off deer, wastes his chaos for a 6 horse cav raid

then he sneeks a vil into the upper corner to build a portal(good move actualy) and then, instead using it for raiding he build a towncenter, I spot it with nearby vills and deny it, then he dubbles down and builds another one and a fort, I come up with burning pitch axethrowers and he GG's out

what was his gameplan? even without burning pitch, a middle sized army would have taken care of that
he's just having a gamer moment
Oi, thorfag
Lets 1vs1 this weekend
Burning pitch is the one redeeming quality of playing as Thor
maybe, when I have time
I haven't played for a month and I got rusty, need to get back into the grind to be an actual semi worthy opponent
You fookin' better
I want a good foight
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>No electrum bullets?
>No axemen?
>No slingers of the sun?
>Yep, it's Oranos time
>old school aoe player
>had aoe 1-3 and aom and all their expansions on cdrom and played the absolute fuck out of them
>enjoyed aom a bit casually back when it came to steam with extended edition
>somehow got the chink dlc despite never buying it, found it boring
>haven't really played it since, mostly an aoe2de and aoe3 player
does retold bring anything to the table for me? see it's on sale rn and kind of want to get back into it. im a turbo casual though, wouldn't mess with competitive shit a whole lot honestly.
Check back in tomorrow when Arena of the Gods drops
They are also remaking the Chinese stuff from the ground up so it might not be boring/shit this time around
>I'm sure to win because my Scarabs are superior
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Poseidoms were eating good now
>making the most op age 1 godpower even more powerful
amasing balancing
Literally a nothingburger
Have to try and lure people off Zeus somehow.
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shit, wrong nerf
>Wonder age
It doesn't matter, poseidon still is the strongest greek god
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yeah, weekend match aint happening, this update lost me like 100 elo LMAO
lmao Thor got cucked bad
so how we lookin
also used to play a ton of hades, loki, and gaia, are they still fun?
There is an option in AoE2 to hold ctrl for military drag and alt for just eco. Is there a similar AoM option? Closest I've found is military easy drag, but the functionality is a little different.

Gaia has never been stronger.
Loki just got a small nerf but is still strong.
Hades is balanced. Archers just got a nerf, but this brings them closer to alignment with the original AoM.
I haven't tried arena of the gods yet. Seems like it would be fun though.
>I haven't tried arena of the gods yet. Seems like it would be fun though.
Eh, it is just skirmish with some special modifiers. It lost the novelty quickly for me
ctrl+space or something to select all military units visible on the screen
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This is very similar to Starcraft 2 co op mode
I hope this mode lives up to these expectations
> This is very similar to Starcraft 2 co op mode
I know it's early but do we have exact details on blessings and what they do yet?
Maybe it is enjoyable with friends, but yeah my initial opinion is that it is just co-op skirmish
They give examples in the announcement:
> Earn the favor of the gods and get Blessings for each victory. Below are just a few of the many enhancements to your strategy!
> Freyr’s Chosen Few (Unique): Houses/Manors are more expensive but spawn a Villager upon building.
> Gaia’s Lashing Roots: Heroes and Legends deal area of effect damage.
> Odin’s Outlaw Wisdom: Special Abilities and God Powers recharge faster.
I mean exact, as in percentages and numbers
He's just asking dude no need to call him that
fucking lmao
you got me
>Citizens getting sucked by Implosion are desperadly grabbing and clinging to their donkey as they fly
Cute detail
>still no 4th major god for the other civs
You're going to get them drip fed one at a time and the next one might show up alongside Immortal Pillars
We tried arena of the gods with a friend, it's really disappointing
Does it get better in later missions?
Played it solo in Extreme difficulty, first difficulty spike being that Acropolis 2vs2 with Gaia + Hel world buffs
int he first levels the ai is basicaly off, don't know if that is intentional for the tutorial or a bug
Noticed that as well. I usually play on standard because I'm dogshit at this game, but I went hard mode because of the achievement and the AI basically does nothing except once in a while it will send a raid. Usually to the other AI rather than the player, of course.
The first levels are 2v1 if you play coop too, impossible to lose
They really could've made something better out of this. If they wanted to make an actual Roguelike mode make one don't just halfass it.
That feel when laptop cant handle this gayme
>Freyr's Champion isn't Reginleif, it's just a nameless Norse hero
I swear if future AotG pages are just random bozos and not actual heroes like Ajax or Heracles or whatever the fuck I'm gonna be mad
Maybe I'm reading into things but AoE2 getting the Achaemenids makes me think they/Persia might improve their chances of becoming an AoM civ sooner rather than later, would mean they can easily recycle Greeks for the campaign too
Aztecs or a Meso civ still seem like the safest bet though
Aztecs where teased in the original tales of the dragon dlc, that might not mean much now that they try to pretend it never existed but its still very likely
>Aztecs where teased in the original tales of the dragon dlc
Where / how so?
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This is every unit that shows up in the editor when you search for "legend".
Oh that'd be cool, we get evil Theocrat for an evil themed set of matches
I bet the Chinese heroes will get a bunch of pages for themselves too
how is this game from a purely singleplayer standpoint
Pretty good
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I hate how hard is to find 4vs4's at this ELO
Is Atty eco just better?
Got way outproduced by a Kronos player, both of us 1 TC.
Ah, I see. Guess I will HAVE to play with consolefags. Shame.

Yes and No. early on atty is good due no drop-off dead time, but citizens are very slow and easily killed, left unchecked and unraided an atty can get a lot of value from just 1 TC.
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Forgor screenie
A lot of people say it has one of the best singleplayer campaigns for an RTS game and I tend to agree
Skirmish AI is usually pretty good, too
And there's an inbuilt map editor so you can make whatever you want, though it's not as indepth as the Warcraft 3 editor is AFAIK
AoM is one of my favourites and I don't really touch multiplayer outside of coop with friends
Look for a lobby instead of ranked
The seasons gimmick is a lot more fun than the frozen atlanteans gimmick
is this trials of the gods shit just playing as gaia over and over? what the FUCK were they THINKING
It's needed for the amazing story anon!
That is indeed retarded, we were hyped but still stopped playing after the fifth Gaia missions
You can change civs after the tutorial set, though there are some missions afterward where you're a specific god like Gaia
Sorry my mistake it's after Acropolis, where the route splits (you can still play both missions)
you play norse later
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how many of these fucking maps are tutorials? i'm three maps done and the fourth is also labeled as a tutorial even though nothing new has happened since the first one (and even the first one hardly needs one)
It's just those four
Then it's mostly skirmish missions with some occasional things like that Kronos mission at the end and the Isis Gold Rush mission which is Deathmatch for some reason
You get to play the most chad god, Oranos after the tutorial set of, but yeah Gaia is extremely gay and lame major god
>complained just before the suffering ended
of course
well time to power through this last one then, thanks anons
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Honestly I'm leaning towards agreeing with you, this mode is nice but at the same time feels extremely undercooked
I'm playing in Extreme and it barely puts a fight.
Except when it does put up a fight and it's extremely difficult.
>it's another episode of tamarisk oak tree map
small indie company like microsoft has no resources to playtest their own games
personaly i'm getting turbofiltered on extreme by one of the scenarios in the second page where you are 1v3.
I can only hold on by abusing atlantean heroes + gaia's aoe blessing but there is just no way to resist the endless onslaught
I have not get to that one, well shit now you got me excited
The first page is pretty dull but I like this seasons gimmick on the second page
There's potential but it probably should've been realised when, you know, they released the mode
Also hoping we get a way to put the modifiers into base game skirmishes, Thoth double tech is pretty hilarious
>32 range laser crocodiles
I'm just extremely fucking tired of Gaia world twist
Please tell me she fucks off later
Once you get off that page + 1 mission on the next page, yeah
Though you do have to play Gaia for the boss battle maps (at least I think so, only did the first one)
I get the feeling they'll release more when Immortal Pillars comes out and we have to play as the Chinese or something
I'm hoping we get a good mix of characters, preferably not just AoM originals but also Perseus and stuff, I think that'd be fun
aoe in general has been leaning super heavily into singleplayer with this aom update and with the recent aoe2 expansions. wonder what's going on with the higher ups.
>we're running out of civ ideas for AoE2
>make more SP content to keep them occupied
most people only play the campaigns in rts games, this is something widely known.
it also doesn't help that multiplayer is infested with tryhards who suck the fun clean out of the game, a new player sees that he has to follow strict build orders or spend the rest of the match handicapped and rightfully nopes the fuck out
The problem with victors and vanquished was that it was poorly done. Arena of the gods is shit and hardly anyone will play it, the paid dlc for AoM is going to be the china civilisation and there is going to be a new undisclosed civilisation in the future
>>we're running out of civ ideas for AoE2
Is this a bad thing though? It's not like they can keep adding civs indefinitely, and they're already doing weird historical inconsistencies (italians/romans for example). at a certain point they definitely should explore other options. not to mention balance gets more and more difficult the more civs you add.
As a SP chad, I think this is a good thing actually
So now that the dust has settled is Retold a good remake? Is it a good game?
Yes and Yes.
Can you answer using more depth.
Not much to say honestly, I'd put Retold on the same ballpark as AoE2 DE, borderline direct upgrades from the base games, with little worth criticizing that does not feel like cherrypicking
>Arena of the Gods
>Enjoy comfy Retold game
>Gaia opens her wood bitch whore mouth
>Music stops entirely
>Have to play entirely without music and just sound effects
On a positive side, since playing without Music bores me to death, I started to be more aggressive early on to bait my units AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH charge at enemy base and proc battle music
It's both effective and fun to play this way
>>Enjoy comfy Retold game
Enjoy comfy Retold background music*
Did they remake the music too?
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fuck this faggot mission
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>kronos appears in the final chaper 1 mission
>supposed to hold him off till gaia arrives
>she never arrives
I am so lucky the titan AI is so stupid and gets stuck everywhere
you can choose whichever god for that particular one. I just chose gaia because it seems to be the only way to actually stand a chance with hero spam + aoe blessing + bite of the shark
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lmao, my little titan can attack him from over the wall, we are so back
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Lmao they can kill eachother for all I care
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"My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined"
I last played in September, is Gaia good/fun now ? were centaurs nerfed ?
>were centaurs nerfed ?
Oranos > Gaia
more like ur-anus lol
truth is, atty as a whole is just gay
>lame myth units
>meme siege
>boring god powers save for implode and vortex

verification not required
>lame myth units
Who needs Myth units when you got heroes
>meme siege
Only chumps care for siege
>Boring God Powers
Air dropping a whole army unto the enemy army is absolutely hillarious what you even say
>>save for implode and vortex
most literate atty player
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>lame myth units
I like satyrs, argi, lampades, and centimani
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You can just cast Gaia Forest on the enemy spawn and Kronos will get stuck in it
I killed him with hero Arci while Gaia, who did show up, stood there and watched
If you put enough Gaia Forests down the enemy waves don't spawn at all, pretty funny
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Just kill him outright lmao
He goes down like a pussy
>Get to Page 2
>AIs, both enemy and allied becomes VERY active
Neat, I like this, even if it's busting my balls
What are some world twists they could do for future Arena missions?
>Heimdall causes Undermines to cut across the entire map
>Ares causes human units to get progressively stronger over time as war becomes inevitable
>Bast causes all animals on the map to have bouts of aggressiveness every five minutes but increases the food they produce
>Hekate causes all your (and your allies' and enemy's) god powers to be cast for free across the map at random
>hermes causes Ceasefire at random
>Hephaestus instantly grants all blacksmith upgrades(even the thor ones) for free to everyone at the start of the game
>Osiris turns the game into regicide but your regent is a son of osiris(or similar powerful unit)
>Tyr randomly turns your villingers into myth units
>artemis dubles the range of range units but they are twice as expensive
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>freys chosen few
>houses are more expensive but spawn a villiger after they are build
>egyptian houses are free
what did they mean by this
>trying out arena of the gods with turbocasual friend on standard difficulty
>standard ai doesn't expand beyond their starter TC, barely even makes military units at all despite plopping military buildings everywhere
why the fuck is the no-AI difficulty called "standard"? is the whole fucking campaign like this? this shit is fucking depressing, no wonder campaignfags get their shit kicked in when they try out multiplayer
Set the AI In extreme and its still easy, until its not, theres 2 difficulty spikes in Page 1, the Gaia vs Kronos Acropolis map, and the Olympus 2vs2 vs an Oranosfag and Kronosfag, these two were deceptively difficult.
Page 2 seems to drop the act and the AIs becom much more difficult and active
so it's another A Long Way From Home situation? of course, small mom & pop company Microsoft doesn't have the resources to test their shit internally and normalise each difficulty setting
>horus' ancestral protection
>have 1 phoenix
>now have 2 phoenixes
>now have 4 phoenixes
>now have 8 phoenixes
>now have 16 phoenixes
very well thought-out gamemode
combine it with the aphrodite twist and you can dubble your vill cap after like 5 minutes
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good game
Mother Nature always wins.
>arena of the gods doesn't even play music until you trigger the battle music
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>deathmatch vs egyptians
>go all in on myth units - cheaper favor + more health + explode on death
>build forward temples while i race to age 4 - Hel, of course
>vomit giants
>the sissy pharaoh and his 2 or 3 priests never stood a chance
>win before the enemy AI finishes building a citadel
>didn't even summon nidhogg
i don't usually play norse but that sure was something. almost tempted to get the freryr dlc to see how even more retarded AotG deathmatches can get with stone giants in the mix
>arena of the gods doesn't even play music until you trigger the battle music
these are features, not bugs
>play defensive and just spam piss cheap prometheans
>the prometheans die and spawn 3 minions
>the promethan comes back and spawns 3 more minions
>the first batch of minions come back
>the second batch of minions come back
coziest game of my life
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"Lol", said the Oranosfag
"Lmao, even"

Oranos > Oceanatus > Hyperion > Helios
Blessings: Hero splash damage + Hero bonus speed + cheaper villagers.
Promote EVERYTHING (including citizens) to hero, make only Murmillo and then Fanatics.

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>Enemy Oranosfag in Mirkwood
>Fail to realize he went Hyperion
>Amass 40 hero murmillos, waiting for his next attack and then I dive in, destroy his temple and steal his Hero Lifesteal relic
>He arrives with his army at my base, but right when I could splash him to death, he cast Chaos on my army
>40 OP hero murmillos goes down to 8 in a matter of 2 seconds, and the low HP survivors get effortlessly clean up
>Lost an entire army because got Chaos casted on my shit

So this how it feels uh
It takes an Oranosfag to kill another Oranosfag I suppose
Exactly, especially in a singleplayer/pve mode like this
It's fun getting to pull off stupid bullshit because you paid attention to the tech tree and thought about it, and because there's a bunch of these strategies you can do all of them at some point
I'd like to think even the balance team will recognise this and not change any of it
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>>horus' ancestral protection
>>have 1 phoenix
>>now have 2 phoenixes
because the eggs themselves also get revived when they hatch so you actualy get 3 phönixa if you delete one and all three are eligable to lay another egg
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also, lets talk about how much I LOVE single player content that is online only and will instantly cut itself if you lose connection even for a moment, ESPECIALY in strategy games where you might spend like HALF AN HOUR playing one mission
works on my first world internet connection
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>game begins
>still stuck on the please wait
thank you worlds edge
Page 2 is a massive spike in difficulty holy shit
It's like the game telling you to make OP strats or cheese, or otherwise you fucking die
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it realy pushes you to your limits even with the op powers, you can't even castle up like in aoe 2 because building damage is so weak and sige tears through them like a sword through jelly, you need to have a realy strong opening or you get rushed to death

I used drownsy dance to slow down enemies to a crawl for several minuts, circling them while building up till I had enough lazer crocs to deal with them
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finished the last gateway
was actualy realy fun, a gigantic stupid brawl where the enemies get constant gigant reinforcements including a free titan

I enjoyed this gamemode, bugs asside, it got me playing it on and off, a mission then a break and then another one and then "F it, another one". Coming up with strategies involving the powers you get plus the map modifyers was legit fun and you can experiment with them a lot. Dubble tech Poseidons secret cav is cheap af but actual poseidon can get like 60% life steal on his horses plus passive regen, there is a lot of funny stuf you can do.

for future litterations of this mode I would just want actual swapable legends who got abilities that actualy sets them appart from other legends, kastor is just kastor, if I haven't missed anything, he just hits hard once every 30 seconds, not very impressive
>decide to boot up the game to check out the new arena of the gods feature
>tutorial keeps flashing the auto-eco button so i enable it just so it stops fucking distracting me with the flashing
>villagers now refuse to hunt, even if i force them to do it the game re-assigns them to something else
Grim to think new players rely on this shit. This will likely never be fixed either, just like auto-scouts licking enemy TCs.
it does what its supposed to, how else would you implement auto eco?
Because it's shit? Why the fuck would you waste resources building farms when there's free fucking food on the ass of nearby animals?
These are for console plebs
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>30 minutes
Thanks, Prometheus' Secret Knowledge, glad my economy got crippled for something that will only be helpful after the game is over.
well the game doesn't make it "that" easy for you, you still have to excavate it with your vills if you want to have it up at a reasonable time
Just dont cast it and win it the old fashioned way
your eco is crippled whether you cast it or not
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_______ ___ _____
no, it only slows down your eco if you actualy summon the gate
>that one map where teams are divided by a wall of trees
>wasted my implosion destroying the trees
>despite all the trees being on the ground, i still can't cross over
Forest Fire can sort of get you thru
Otherwise Hades with Apollo is the way
Or Oranos
Or having a Roc
unfortunately i didn't pick any god with forest-clearing powers so i had to spend like 10 minutes cutting through with all my vils, 10 seconds after engaging the enemy i got kicked from the match because my internet connection had a hiccup
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double tech worlds are fun
I love Automatons so much and I love Thoth so the two of them coming together in this mode has been really swell
horus as well, when they die and get reborn and can repair themselves again, creating an infinite aotomaton works
2*0 = 0
Chat is this real
Are they going to drop new campaigns like they're doing with AoE2? I don't really care about multiplayer at all
Immortal Pillars is coming with a campaign, and the next civ DLC probably will as well
Arena of the Gods and Mythical Battles or whatever it's called will probably also get more content over time
Singleplayer definitely seems like the focus but it's still early days
Anyone has good mods for playing coop? I found one that redoes the main campaign for two players, it's great
Arena of the gods is extremely disappointing, I hope they redo the whole thing instead of adding more content
The Chinese will have a campaign on release
So Chink DLC is getting delayed right? It wa ssupposed to come out late 2024 and it's 18th of November and we don't even have a release date yet.
I managed to fight and win against two hard AIs yesterday (probably laughable for pros itt, but it was a start for me). I was playing as Freyr because I found some of his bonuses to be better than the other Norse major gods. The free repairing and cheaper techs felt like they helped a lot. Being able to cast a free hill fort bastion as a god power for only 40 favour also saved me, vastly strengthening my defensive line. I tried a few games with Freya but kept getting steamrolled.

I was wondering whether the consensus was that Freyr and his minor gods were simply better than the original deities? Is there a sort of pay-to-win element at play here, or are they fairly well balanced? Maybe Freyr simply matches my defensive playstyle more.

Which gods, if any, do see you as possibilities for a fourth major deity for the other factions?
>Greek: Demeter
>Egyptian: Amun
>Atlantis: ?
Nyx or pontus
Could be a Christmas release, hard to say
Freyr is pretty good, all that defense on top of Norse being aggressive as fuck, hard to go wrong
Freyr is actually pretty balanced in pvp: around 50% winrate, below Loki and Thor
>game is dead
What went wrong?
Waiting on actual new content
Fun as AotG is it's still skirmish maps with modifiers attached

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