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So glad I bought into the hype. I uninstalled after 10 mins. I will not reinstall until it's finished (20 years time) I will not relearn changed mechanics with every patch.
It's an inferior version of Stronghold without castles
There's already a thread up about this, learn to use the catalog retard.
hi dev lol
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Dude made millions.

Right now he's banging pristine snatch in a bathtub filled with champagne while he waits for his custom built McLaren to be delivered by chinhook to his coastal estate.

I wish gookmoot didn't get rid of the unique poster counter so we could see that this thread is literally all just one guy talking to himself because he's obsessed with owning some slavjank game
Reminder that Ostriv is and always was a far more detailed historical city builder and doesnt have a jank half arsed military system tacked onto it
t. oleksyndr hoholchenko
its giga assblasted mentally ill faggot who made 100x threads before release saying game is a scam and doesnt exist just hide and dont give him you's
So, how many manors do you control in game?
Do you really just develop one manor?
Every earl held like 100 manors and never visited them.
It's funny that the old thread bitching about how this game failed to keep players or being a game died and instantly you made another.
That's the weirdest form of marketing bar none. You'r game is still shite, just give up, Pawle
You get one manor per province.
It's the guy who claimed that the game didn't exist and that all the gameplay footage was just a bunch of non-interactive renders, so when it actually came out it and was fully playable it permanently mindbroke him. Now he does nothing but obsessively shitpost about it. Ironically, at this point he's the only one left who's making sure that the game gets discussed at all.
what is a province?
buy an ad faggot
A 2km by 3km patch of grass
t. Scamislaw Polakowicz
>Every earl held like 100 manors
You're not an Earl, you're a Lord. In britbong terms, you're landed gentry. Bottom of the nobility totem pole.
it was a massive success for the developer, if you buy only because your favorite jewtuber pushed it its your fault.

i already played banished (pirated)
>i already played banished (pirated)
Are these games even comparable?
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So, is this game just Stronghold with less focus on warfare?
I guess expected it to be a character-focused game where you have to marry other characters and try to get the inheritance.
Kinda disappointed to be honest, seemingly the selling point of this game is "nice graphics" and I just couldn't give a fuck about graphics.
let him cook bro
>I will not relearn changed mechanics with every patch.
>implying there are any changes or new mechanics
>making a thread about a game you don't play that nobody gives a fuck about
What thread were you trying to push off the board with this worthless shit, OP?
No. Banished has more features
Stronghold with no castles and no replayability. At least in Stronghold there's lots of missions, challenges and in Crusader, an AI to fight. Here it's just the same map or something with no challenge. I feel scammed playing this game.
When I imagine a game called Manor Lord, I'd imagine it would be about acquiring hundreds of manor though diplomacy and conquest.
Like England had 60,000 manors, and lords owned scattered settlements.
In many ways manors were similar to stocks.
Robbie still mad?
Wait, manor houses in this game are called manors?
Wow, that's kinda insulting, considering manor during feudal period were estates, only later became synonymous with manor houses, because the lords leased out rest the manor with collapse of serfdom.

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