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Gigachad Łukasz Jakowski finally fucking released it!!
wtf even this has mission tress? Is this like the risiko version of eu4?
Based on Steam reviews it still needs a good amount of improvements.
Still it looks very promising.
What's this game like? Why is it so popular?
Because PDX games are so dogshit that people crave anything that actually delivers.
It's eu5 but good.
Oh yeah another "indie" that's better than the well known great game. Getting back to Stellaris then.
This looks like AGEOD tier slop but that timeline makes sure its even worse
I'm surprised. Game is playable. For such an advanced and ambitious project, done by one person!, this is an incredible achievement.
>t.paracuck dev
impressive game from 1 dedicated autist I must say
Eu for thirdies
>eu but for poor people
>not even a date for the mobile version
yeah, it's DoA
Haven’t played but imo should focus on one start date and perfect it, having 1000 different start dates up to modern day is just unnecessary effort and development time
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We can form Kekistanin AOHIII. B A S E D
What are the start dates?
does it have pops and economies
I will now (in a few weeks when I have time for games) buy your game
no this game is eu4 for thirdies. super falvourless map painting
>eu4 for thirdies
what does that even mean you fucking retard
What are the prerequisites to form it? Can you check it?
ESL pajeet nonsense
calm down thirdies, be glad superior polish chads made a mobile map painter lite eu4 for you
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>scroll mana
>statue mana
>diplo mana
>bird mana
>provinces are just flat values which require statue mana to improve
>0 flavour whatsoever, native american phalanxes vs korean slingers
It's (2013) EU4 mobile, refunded - not worth the 9bux.
Realpolitiks 3 is better
ummmm where the crack at?
are there forts and supply lines?
literally any bored modder can add flavor to the game, paradox inflating the DLC count with flavor packs is what confuses people and drive them away
There are "palisades" which do add a "defensive fort" modifier to the province you built it in. Of course there are the upgraded buildings that add more fort level to the province.

One thing I wish the Lukas did with the buildings is have it like EU4 where you straight up replace and upgrade the building instead of having a bunch of weaker buildings lying around, they literally have the same modifiers as the future ones but you can't replace them, you have to destroy them.

Supply lines are also not in game but I wouldn't be surprised if Lukas does add it, let's hope he has enough ambition to keep updating it and adding more mechanics. I seriously want a MEIOU/ET lite game and this seriously has enough basic mechanics become it.
I watched one paid shill's shill video and it looked like slop
>paid shill get money from one poor polish dude lol
kys faggit
>3 position on top seller list
Simple. Game is fun, meanwhile Eu4 in current state is not.
>8k players
wtf thats more than some AAA flops
I didn't bother with eu4 after leviathan, stats and mana inflation was already beyond control
Does it have navies?
post more screens
Appealing to simpletons and risk players
this guy only does mobile risk games, the fact that there's people here excited for it is embarrassing
Doom is still a good game and it will remain a good game regardless of how much artificial tedium modern games introduce.
I’m out then, I only play games with navies
Just invert the map colors and take over ocean countries
>eu4players think their game is somehow a shelf above 'risk games'
it is thoever. and I'm not here to shill eu4, it's shite
after playing it for some hours yesterday, yeah, the game is fun
a bit broken at times and without much flavor, for example, I played as Portugal and could colonize already in the 13th century, and by ~1300 some german states had already colonized most of canada, but still it's impressive for a game made by 1 person
modders are going to have fun porting TNO to this, since now there are mechanics that would make it more than a map painter like in AoH2
some stuff is almost 1:1 to eu4, and considering that this was made to also run on android phones, yeah, that's good enough
if there are people autistic enough to mod more stuff like missions, specific events and etc into the game (there probably are), then it will be an overall better experience in the future
What's up with all the eu4 hate? If that's bad, than all grand strategy games are bad since eu4 is their epitome
It's impressive for a one man game, nevertheless the shallowness and lack of difficulty prevents me from playing it more than a couple of times.
>Gigachad Łukasz Jakowski
that totally happens to be not you
>modders are going to have fun porting TNO to this
Who’s going to have fun playing it though
You are a dumb nigger.
isn't this the same dev that send his fans to attack a youtuber for bad reviews and then he just abandoned the game to make yet another bugged sequel? Fool me once
Only 14 year olds who like country balls play this child's game.
>but eu4
I don't like eu4 either. It's outdated.
people who can't play the actual HOI4 mod, which is surprisingly a big enough community that people ported both TNO and Red Flood to AoH2
first of all, who the fuck would stan this game lmao. its so bland
lot of kids it seems. I remember checking the forums back then and a bunch of people saying it was "easier" than play victoria 2 or EU4.
Is he going to abandon this one too?
I really dont get it. It's like EU4, but with only the bad parts.
>not even a date for the mobile version
>mobile version
kys kankerzoomer.
Those graphics really look beautiful. Much better than what nuparadox could ever deliver.
woah new 'Jak just dropped???
Its literally AI generated
Pretty embarrassing for Paradox.

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