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Slavery DD
my knees are kneeling on their own…
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Hello and Welcome to another Tinto Talk, where we spill information about our entirely secret unannounced game with the codename Project Caesar.

This week we will talk about how slavery works in this game.

Slave Pops
One of the six types of pops we have are the slaves. These lack pretty much every right in all countries, and are simply exploited. They are not allowed to move around on their own, they have harsh enough lives that they are basically only keeping the current population levels at best of times, and they have absolutely no income nor any political power. If they get any sort of literacy they are very likely to be rather upset. At the start of the game the usage of slaves is mostly gone from Europe, but it's more prevalent in other parts of the world.

>Part of the slaves in Cairo at the start..
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Usage of Slaves
Slaves are primarily used in resource gathering operations, but they can also be used in various buildings. These types of buildings can be categorized into two types of buildings.

First we have the slave-soldier buildings that require slaves to function, and produce manpower or sailors. These include buildings like mamluk or janissary barracks that provide a part of the armies of the Mamluks and Ottomans.

The second category of buildings are the plantations. These are buildings that you can unlock from Age of Discovery advances. There are three types of plantations, for sugar, tobacco and cotton. These are far more productive than the RGO for the same goods, but require slaves to function.

>One unique building to get you a lot of sailors.

Of course there are other uses for Slaves. In some religions you need a steady stream of them to sacrifice daily to make the Sun go up the next day.
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Acquiring Slaves
There are multiple ways to get slaves.

First of all you have the classic way of conquering nearby territories and enslaving part of the population as you sack their cities. This is something that as diverse cultures as amongst others, the Haudenosaunee, Aztec and the Kanem Empire can do from the start. They also get easy access to casus belli to go on slave raiding wars. As you sack a city, a percentage of the population will become slaves and appear in the closest slave market you have, and if none is near enough, then to the closest slave market nearby.

Secondly, we have the Berber States, who engaged in slave raiding from the sea. In Eu4, this was a button you clicked on your ships when they were near a coast that had no slave-raiding-cooldown active. In Project Caesar this ability is a part of the privateering mechanic, in that if you have access to this ability, then your privateers will raid a random coastal location in the area they are in, and take some of the pops as slaves for the closest slave market. This is stopped by having a truce, above 100 opinion, or a good old coastal fortress.

>Morocco is one of the countries that can do this from day 1.
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Thirdly, you have the Slave Market Building. While it acts as a hub for slave trades, it will also try to enslave pops of non accepted cultures, and different religious groups. This is to simulate how the Delhi Sultanate and others enslaved people in their conquered lands over time.

>It all adds up over time..

Fourthly, you have the possibility to build slave centers in foreign locations that have less power projection than you. This is to simulate part of how the Europeans got their slaves from West Africa to the New World. While a significant part of slaves were bought from other African Kingdoms that were willing to sell slaves taken from their enemies, they were also locally captured by the slavers themselves near their slaving centers. If you wish to fight this in your territories, you need to go to war and forcefully expel them.

Finally, you can trade for slaves. In Project Caesar, slaves exist both as a type of goods and as a type of pop, and they are slightly linked. Buildings can produce slave goods and require slave goods as input. When a slave goods is traded between markets, the game will also move pops in relative sizes to locations that have a demand for slaves.

Thus, if you have buildings or resource gathering operations that can use slaves, they will create a demand for slaves in the market, and if you trade from a market that both produces slave goods and has enough slaves present, the game will move about 200 pops from the slave market each month for each good you trade.
At the start of the game there is the Trans-Saharan trade, where northern african countries import slaves from West Africa, many sold by the Kanem Empire.

Later on, during the Age of Discovery, you will see the triangular trade between Europe, West Africa & Americas, which will reduce the Trans Saharan trade volumes.

There is also another market system, as the Mongol States have access to taking slaves when conquering land, and they created the greatest slave trading network the world has ever seen. Since Muslim states could not keep muslim slaves, and christians did not want christian slaves, the Mongols traded the muslims to the christians and the christians to the muslim countries. The trade links from India goes to central asia as well, as Delhi trades their slaves to other markets, while they get the slaves they require for their mamluk-style armies.
Stay tuned as next week we’ll talk about Great Powers and Hegemonies..
Can modders create a breeding farm building that converts slaves into population increases?
can we just delegate some ai nations or society of pops with providing us with slaves once we get a colonial empire going?
>Of course there are other uses for Slaves. In some religions you need a steady stream of them to sacrifice daily to make the Sun go up the next day.
Sorry, but the human sacrifices must stop.
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>muh problematic already
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Johan confirmed you won't have to look at non white people except for characters.
so you can enslave euroids and make them work on your moroccan plantations in cuba?
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no because inferior cultures won't be able to build seafaring ships capable of sailing across the ocean.
Hail Johan
Redeemer of Paradox
It's parakikes we're talking about. Notice the
>If they get any sort of literacy they are very likely to be rather upset.
part, which implies n words can be educated and that the PoC lovers in there think Haiti is a good thing.
My knees are bending ahhhh Johan ahhhh
I'm no longer just kneeling my head is going towards the floor for a prayer
From the sounds of it you can build a slave market in any "foreign location" country you have better PP than.
me on my way to enslave chinks and transport them halfway across the world
essentially the British solution after abolition
>white slaves pops
Uhhh this isn't very based
i really want to know how strict foreign location is. like say as england can i park an entrepot in northern germany and send them off to the deep south and not have anyone do anything because i'm so much more powerful than the minors there?
the good ending
>closer to home
What do zoomers do in their spare time? Capture slaves?
I assume there is supposed to be a required difference in PP, which (if balanced properly) will make it practically impossible do to such.
Literally what happened in the Transpacific Slave Trade, Filipinos and Indonesians getting shipped to Mexican slave markets
agreed, what the turks have been doing with syrians is too similar to the black sea slave trade.
yeah, you haven't taken part in a zoomer slave raid before? they're pretty bussin, no cap. fuckin boomers doesn't understand how skibidi slave gyussy is. negative aura low rizz
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These pop - goods interactions may finally make it possible to turn Alb*nians into fuel.
Johan, I kneel (on the neck of an Alb*nian)
I think Christians won't be able to enslave other Christians unfortunately
Hopefully the non-whites get hot icons like these
johan hates black people
V2 was more based, everyone was white but the slaves
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Hopefully they decide to open it up to modding
that kind of thing has always been done by events, not sure why they'd change now.
I'm not sure why that would be tied to slavery. The game could just let you pass something to invite pops of a culture and/or religion to settle a specific area in your country, probably with some guarantee of cultural/religious freedom that decreases conversion rates
The new slave icon
I kneel to Johann-sama.
The comments in l*ddit asking for an option to ban slavery are cracking me up.
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The new icons are racist, it's over for Johan for real now
He implies that literate pops have incredibly high militancy if enslaved. Presumably you COULD enslave some Germans but their pops would immediately revolt making it a futile investment. I assume this means that you can only manage either very small pops of literate slaves (Barbary coast slaving whites) or large populations of illiterate ones (slavery in the Americas).
what use is there even for the literacy meme in EU5 timeline when 90%+ of people were illiterate everywhere
He's whining too much but it's a generally fair point. It is immersion breaking seeing the wrong unit models.
Nonetheless if you can make one set of Europe unit models you can probably make another for Americas/Africa/Middle East/India/China. The artists are there, contracted and paid for.
You probably only care about having literate burghers/clergy/nobles
Some reasonable points undercut by brainrotted progressive faggotry.
>muh privilege
ah fair enough johan did mention that the slaving center will capture people from all strata of society
can't wait to bring the kangs to Brazil to work in sugar plantations. Iirc there was even a literal kang from the Kongo that was sent to work as a slave. His descendants did a slave revolt. Would be nice and historically correct then to be able to enslave named characters
This hiv infested troon has a point, it ruins immersion to see subhuman pops represented by ubermensch icons
Trying too hard.
>they're right but some of the words they used hurt my feefees
get over it
Whining about Europeans being better than everyone else doesn't have anything to do with his actual point
Nothing they said was wrong, the way they said it just makes you upset because they signaled they're part of blue tribe instead of red tribe. Get over it.
>Whites are only 4% of the world's population
>Everyone being represented by white icons is worse than everyone being represented by any other race
Just ask for culture specific portraits and icons and skip the bullshit.
>If they get any sort of literacy they are very likely to be rather upset
Based retards
It's not the fact that he's being verbose that is the problem, or even the request, it's that he's not coming from it from a perspective of immersion and verisimilitude but rather squealing about Eurocentrism, basically he's just seething about a game marketed mainly to White people using White people as the default.
Paradox games are aimed at Latinx.
>Lush hair? A well trimmed beard, blush and lipstick??
What is he talking about? I just see messy hair, stubbles, and ruddy sunburnt skin. I'm not really sure about the lipstick point either, the woman's lips are the same color as the guy's. I don't see how he's reaching the model/glamour shot conclusion
Neither of those are in the post.
>it just makes you upset because they signaled they're part of blue tribe instead of red tribe.
Yeah well, since that guy is talking about A FUCKING GAME how about he just not signal about being part of ANY tribe, whether it be blue, red, or even pink, and instead just speak like a normal human being?
>"he shouldn't have put his retarded contemporary progressive politics into his post"
>"oh wow ur feefees hurt?"
You retarded subhuman faggot.
The Ottomans won, Circassissy.
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>Kanem Empire
Never knew this was a thing.
>incentivizing players to conduct slavery, expand slavery, capture more slaves
If the game is built well enough then the real inefficiency of slaves will incentivize people to want to get rid of slavery as quickly as they can.
retarded trannoid confused the slave market operators with slaves
Will Africa have a slave race in EU5 like they did in real life?
>a slave race
Literally who?
bantoids are in the game, yes
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>If they get any sort of literacy they are very likely to be rather upset.
Ignoring everything else
>one day we will have ethnic differences on poptype icons
A problem with this is that the game doesn't track race, just culture. So you could have Bantoid culture pops in your colonies assimilating to English culture and now all their pop icons are white. It would only work well if pops could also be assigned races just like culture and religion. And mixed race too, so you can have black pops assimilating to mixed pops assimilating to white pops being visible with the icons
Watch Paradox just replace the portraits with 3D models now thanks to these fags
Why use human faces for pop strata icons anyway? Why not use something to represent them instead? A slave could be represented by shackles, a peasant by pitchforks, clergy by a pair of praying hands, burgers by a coin purse, aristocracy by a crown. It worked fine for EU4 and Vicky 3. IMO, having items for icons would be more recognizable at a glance than 5x5 pixel faces
Did you ever get confused by V2 icons?
I am afraid to admit that I haven't played Vicky 2 for more than 20 hours. But those icons didn't focus on pop faces as far as I remember like these ones do
Has EU5 showed any use of 3d?
I'd appreciate if they could keep muttoids out of my map painting game.
>Spaniards colonize the Americas
>set up an entire racial caste system
I mean... maybe they should track race?
Also the French in this period enslaved a diplomatic party of Iroquois chieftains as punishment for breaking a truce/treaty and sent them to be galley slaves in Marseilles
Vic 3 has that, although they try their hardest not to use the term "race" anywhere. But it determines discrimination and I think what they can assimilate to.
Yeah, for the ruler and his cabinet so far. I think they're using a branch of the 3D engine from Imperator instead of CK3/Vic3
Hopefully we get the option to castrate slaves as the Arabs did for thousands of years (and still do in North Africa to this day). Castrated slaves is the perfect labour system.
every pops needs to have his ball status tracked at all times, with higher revolt risk when hes reached the blue balls status
Yeah, you'll get incel revolts if you don't ship unmarried men off to the colonies to create mutts.
dego spaniards and their jungle fever have a lot to answer for
retard bongs ignoring arab and ottoman tradition of castrating slaves so they can breed them like dogs have a lot to answer for
I pretty sure the icons will be based on which culture you play, not the pop themselves
>race mixing
Paradox isn't that based or autistic, the best you can hope for are colonial regions spawning a specific colonial culture like Mexican or Brazilian in eu4 and non slave Christianized pops assimilating to it, leaving the bleaching to your imagination.
Hello Rudyard
>race mixing
Not a race of slaves but a race to get more slaves to trade for guns and shit.
Yes, eugenics and Darwinism are indeed based
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Does anyone else want dynamic flags that change with the era/ruler/government/land acquired?
Go play Vic3 instead of trying to make EU5 into Vic3 with toy soldiers
I don't like vic whats-so-ever.
What's the big deal with wanting some dynamic flags?
>What's the big deal with wanting some dynamic flags?
Those were not a thing in the EU5 era. It was just one flag or banner per state, no matter the situation.
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>Those were not a thing in the EU5 era. It was just one flag or banner per state, no matter the situation.
Why would you go on the internet just to lie?
>clergy by a pair of praying hands
What skin color? What about religions that sont pray like christians? Male or female coded hands? What about representation of disadvantaged people who lost a finger?
I know you are joking, espacially with Lib word salat like "representation of disadvanted people" but I think would be unironcally pretty neat to have a few variants of thing s like this. Its not insanely important, it would just be kinda cool to have my slave pops look white when playing as the mamluks, and look black when playing as portugal, same goes for any other symbol. That some "diverse" people criticise the game on the forum for not having this feature (yet?) is retarded though.
I want Paradox to add a forced migration where I can set the location/province/area in my country where I want to send a group to or offer a lot of cash to another ruler to send the group his country. You'll also have to pay cash and use manpower to have a fast forced migration with some deaths otherwise it's a slow forced migration and more ineffective.
Gotta wait for the jewish Expanded dlc for that
>Norse Greenlandic slaver empire playthrough when
thats very low on my wanted list, vicy 3 has that and it doesnt improve gameplay that much
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Hello and welcome once more to another week of Tinto Maps. This week we are going to the lands even further to the East and taking a look at Korea and Japan. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Korea during the Goryeo dynasty was under the orbit of Yuán, and had very close ties with it, with the Yuán emperors taking Korean wives. The north, though, and also Tamna in the Jeju island wouldn’t be unified under Korea until the following Joseon dynasty, so they are still separated although all of them also under Yuán. On the other side, Japan starts in a very interesting situation. After a failed attempt to overthrow the shogunate and restore imperial power during the Kenmu restoration, one of the generals that contributed to such restoration, Ashikaga Takauji, in the end established his own shogunate in 1336 (just before the start of the game). The emperor had then to flee the capital and thus we start with the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, with two opposing Emperors and the shogun fighting for legitimacy. So, although it appears unified at first glance, Japan hides many internal divisions within (more on that later). Further South, the kingdom of Ryūkyū is not yet unified, so the three mountain kingdoms of Hokuzan, Chūzan and Nanzan vie for supremacy over the island.
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Societies of pops:

Basically already shown in the Manchuria Tinto Maps, but they need to be shown here too, especially the Ainu.

As it happens in China, the “Goryeo dynasty” name is actually not the name of the dynasty itself, which is actually the house of Wang.

Here (as well as with the areas next) we have tried to follow the administrative division of both countries in period, but we’ve had to make some adjustments. In Korea, we had to account for the fact that historically, almost immediately after the start of the game the Josen dynasty took over and the administrative divisions are somewhat different, so we’ve adjusted them together (and had to divide some of the bigger provinces for gameplay reasons). In Japan, the administrative divisions remained virtually unchanged since the establishment of the Ritsuryō system in the 7-8th century until after the Meiji restoration in 1868. However, we still had to make some adjustments, and the smaller ones had to unfortunately disappear.
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Very mountainous and forested areas both, so the few plains have to be taken the most advantage of.

Not bad developed areas, but obviously development decreases the further north it goes.
Natural Harbors:
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Korea is mainly Korean, and Japan has been divided into four main groups. Besides this, we also have Ainu in the north, Jeju in Jeju island and Ryūkyū in the Ryūkyū islands.

Korea has the same (name pending) religion as China while Japan is Shintō. I must say that this Shintō is not at all considered to be a Kami-exclusively-oriented Shintō nor the post-Meiji State Shintō in any shape or form. In all effects, it is considered under the Buddhism umbrella and it is treated as Buddhist Shintō, while of course including some different mechanics and references to the Kami too. The name Shintō was chosen basically because it’s more recognizable and identifiable with Japan. Besides this, there’s also the Ainu religion for the Ainu, and the Utaki religion for the Ryūkyū.
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Raw Materials:

Not bad areas for resources, and plenty of rice and fish in Japan to get good sushi. The more observant of you will see that the resources of Hokkaido have already been adjusted thanks to feedback from the previous Manchuria Tinto Maps.
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how many is that?
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Some may find surprising the presence of Izumi as a Market in Japan, but it is the area that served as the main point of entrance for commerce into central Japan, where the merchant town of Sakai developed, until later Osaka developed under Toyotomi and basically took over that function.

Not much to say here, except that quite a bit of population waiting for some action.
Extraterritorial Countries:

I’m sure many of you were waiting for this. The samurai clans in Japan are represented as Extraterritorial Countries, and we have tried to be as close as possible to their distribution of territory in 1337. As you can imagine, that is not an easy task, and some more tweaking is needed, so if you have any feedback or extra info on that regard it would be much appreciated. Unfortunately, there’s some overlapping of some clans on the same territory and only one name can be shown at a time, so not all names are visible (the Oda clan is still there, I promise), but there are a total of 143 clans (not counting Ashikaga), plus two extra for each of the imperial courts that are present at start. Related to this, each clan will pledge its allegiance to either the northern or the southern court, mainly based on their historical allegiances but allowing a bit of leeway (and those allegiances don’t necessarily have to be permanent). So, as a bit of an extra tease, these are the allegiances of the clans at start (yellow are the north court supporters, blue are the southern court ones, and again keep in mind that only one color can be present even if there’s more than one clan with different allegiances in the same location)

And that is all for today. Next week I’ll pass the baton back to @Pavia for a look further south into South East Asia. See you there.
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>Slavery and Japan dev diary in the same week
My two favourite things, very based
this looks very cool
it's going to make meiou look like a marvel of optimization, isn't it?
It's fucked up how much the Tinto Talks have soured EU4 for me.
MEIOU was hacked into EU4's engine with a gorillion workarounds that aren't good for performance, Totally-Not-EU5 is being built from scratch
For me, it was Imperator souring EU4
Did the count, modern Japanese borders have 406 locations (408 if you add the Southern Kurils.)
for me meiou soured EU4
based autist
>143 clans
jesus this will take an extremely dedicated weeb autist to give every one of these an anime girl portrait, it'll probably end up being entirely ai generated
145 for modern Korea (both) borders. Some locations north of the border were not shown in previous maps I think but I didn't count them.
also, these faggots said they'd show the entirety of the Kurils' locations in the Japanese map back during the Eastern Siberia thread but here they're nowhere to be seen. Can anyone with an account in the forums go bitch about it?
>I must say that this Shintō is not at all considered to be a Kami-exclusively-oriented Shintō nor the post-Meiji State Shintō in any shape or form. In all effects, it is considered under the Buddhism umbrella and it is treated as Buddhist Shintō
this is good
EU5weebs we feast good tonight
>Bugs still complaining about (((North-Eastern))) China having less locations than Hokkaido in the Japan thread
Johan better not bend the knee to the yellow jews
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They have a point. Hokkaido does have a lot of locations for such a sparsely populated place.
Perfect for natural Bantoid migration
Bantoids couldnt even migrate to Sao Tome
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oh my golly gosh we won weab sisters
No meme arrow so you say that and you look like that
Of course I do. You don't?
Hokkaido should have been its own country, if any. There is no point in making that amount of locations if there is no real civilization there.
It is kind if weird that's more provinces than Ireland has just for Hokkaido. Then again the Maldives is like 12 provinces so Asia devvs seem to have gone nuts with province density (except in China so based)
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Secret Ainu Mosir formable soon, trust the plan
It should have more people
I actually wouldn't mind if they renamed the game to Gaia Universalis or something, clearly is ceased to be about Europeans with focus on stupid Australian tribes
I wan't to form a breakaway state on Kyushu as the Shimazu. Perfect corner position to expand to the entire island.

I do wonder how transitioning to independent Daimyo works though. Especially given these clan territories can overlap, will you simply maintain extraterritorial holdings while recieving a core location that is yours(and thus still have clans owning buildings on your land as well), only get locations to yourself that you alone control, or will there be some sort of system where you can't claim a location until you kick other clans out of it. Some of the territories are quite disparate(look at Takeda for example) so I'm unsure.
A bit surprised there's no buddhist monasteries as independent tags. Particularly Enryaku-ji.
>Extraterritorial Countries
I think the concept shouldn't be Japan-exclusive. This would work wonders on some HRE institutions, or even some religious ones, like the old military orders.
boy do I have news for you
I'm guessing you missed the extraterritorial countries Tinto Talk. It's not Japan-exclusive, there are ET countries all over the map. Some examples they gave were banking branches, trading companies, and holy orders. The big one they showed in Europe was the Hanseatic League. Some guys were already talking about using this to make a modern day mod where you could play as McDonalds
blackrock playthrough would be epic, I wont invest in ukraine tho
ukraine is winning however
The daimyo will get ways of getting to own the land and turn into normal, landed tags. It's a specific extraterritorial countries mechanic for Japan, so that the country breaks apart and there's a proper Sengoku Jidai. And the Shogunate can try to limit this effect.
Can't wait of the Coca-Pepsi Wars.
>Sea of Japan
uh oh. A LOT of mentally weak Koreans will bitch to high hell about this.
>Seto Inland Sea treated the same as the Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan
>ukraine is winning however
not enough. Japan MUST be more granular.
>Sea of Japan
Goryeo's development is less than I expected. I suppose it's because of the population being 2.5 million; I wonder where they got that number since I remember reading it being higher.
Is it possible to prevent a Sengoku Jidai under this framework?
>Is it possible [...]
yeah, it is
roger coromines or whatever his name is confirmed it. It's also possible to do an Imperial restoration, apparently.
>first reply in paradox forums is Hirohito with the rising sun flag
>mostly "respectfully disagree" points
lmao Koreans are seething
>dozens of provinces that have less people than schools
I love Japan...
>imperial restoration
Sounds good to me.
>Is it possible to prevent a Sengoku Jidai under this framework?
The plan is that there will be a way to avoid it or limit it.
Meiji and his descendants are Korean btw, Wakoku's God Emperor is a Yayoi bvll
>I actually wouldn't mind if they renamed the game to Gaia Universalis
That's a stupid name
They're going to give it a good name, like Magna Mundi
it has to have Universalis as a part of the brand recognization
Magna Mundi: A Europa Universalis Game
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>play as mcdonalds extraterritorial country
>slowly grow chain across the world
>use massive wealth from burger sales to influence country politics and destroy competition
>WW3 breaks out
>mcdonald buildings get caught up in this mess
>hire paramilitary groups to defend franchise locations and maintain Big Mac supply chain
>survive the conflict relatively unscathed compared to others
>use your McMercs to seize power across the globe and become a settled country
>start dropping McNukes on burger king locations
>the clown always wins
>the McWorld Conquest will become possible in EU5
>Imperator Rome is a flop.
>Imperator Rome 2 (Project Caesar) hyped to high heavens.
First the draft
Then the masterpiece
Trust the Johanplan
>not the JoPlan
JO you say?
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, well, Johan would never do that.
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Here is a building that only some countries can build..
IR 1.0 was EU4-tier manafest, it seems like Jewhan has sobered up after getting absolutely flamed for shitting out that turd of a game if these dev diaries are anything to go by
The direction IR was going in immediately before development was discontinued was very promising, and that was with a very limited team. It is more enjoyable to play than post-2020 EUIV.
have you been following the dev diarier at all?
Cracka Mamluks
I really don't see how they will make playing as a bank in any way interesting or fun. How do you even spice up the core gameplay loop of
>wait for money mana to tick up
>build a new bank that makes more money mana
>repeat endlessly
you're going to have to make sure kings pay their debts while not getting your offices abroad shut down or go bankrupt Medici style.
Any how do you implement that as game mechanics in any interesting way? Sounds like you just press the improve relations button
that's why it won't be playable on release, that way the have one more year to salvage it.
Bring back development mana buttons but for banks only
I thought that you can play as the Ainu society of pops?
All they have to do is add a mechanic where you can buy titles for huge amounts of money. That way the infinite money you stack up during the "build-based country" phase goes into becoming landed, and you just become like any other country but with bank offices. Should also have to monopolize the bank within your family to do that too, basically reforming into a monarchy.
It's funny because there's a country in the anbennar mod for EU4 that was in development, and the proposal was pretty much exactly like this, building bank branches and making money that way. And it was rejected for being too complicated. Meanwhile in Caesar playing as a bank seems too simple.
>>wait for money mana to tick up
>>conquer a new province that makes more money mana
>>repeat endlessly
welcome to gsgs
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Who is right?
It's all amazing on paper, but we still have no idea how any of this game is going to be played and whether we'll like the tedium of it. For all I know a bank state could hit the perfect complexity spot and become tutorial material.
>cockroach profile picture
I feel like banking countries were including to just be a bank for the real countries so they have someone to borrow money from when their estates hate them, them being playable is untested bonus material
Japan having the third highest population in the world is kinda surprising, I thought Mamluks and Golden Horde would be above them. Korea should probably also have a bit more doesn't seem accurate only having like a quarter of Japan.
Yeah, but possibly not on release. The society of pops gameplay loop isn't finished yet and Johan wasn't sure if they'd figure out how it should work by the time the game comes out
Japan was the size of France in population.
Japan's population is way too high, I don't know what Tinto was smoking. Way too evenly distributed, too. The population for Kyoto is too low, it should be 200k at minimum, but the next biggest city should be Hakata with only around 40-50k people. There are 40k+ people in three random provinces surrounding Hakata alone, and I can't even tell which one is the city. And the northern part of Japan should be really sparse, instead the countryside has a bunch of 20k+ pop provinces which is around the same as provinces next to Kyoto and Otsu, in the heart of Japan's population centers.
Japan's population should barely be reaching 10 million by 1450, and this is in a period of very fast population growth. It's just that this era came right after a ~600 year long period of plague, famine, and general suffering that kept the population suppressed, combined with better agriculture. The land should be very underused in 1337 with great potential for growth, interrupted only by war deaths from the nanboku-cho and sengoku periods. But it shouldn't be starting at 10 million, it should pretty underpopulated, and end up at 10 million after about 100 years. More reasonable starting number would be around 7-8 million.
>muh 65 gorillion deaths
that has literally nothing to do with the timeframe of the game, zionist chinks, what a time to be alive
We live in a strange age where you get social and political clout if your ancestors got absolutely fucked up.
>money mana
There is no simulation of genetics, so the game can't really account for Japan's late rise to prominence. Tolerance of high population densities and the resulting epidemic diseases is something we had to evolve for, but it's likely to be some flat, broadly applied modifier rather than a fully fleshed out system.
They literally are, read it again.
wtf are you talking about?
>outbreeding depression
Something about this painting is so aggravating
It's the hands
They must be the guy behind him
You can't read.
Have you ever wondered why Japan had such a low population and high disease pressure before 1300, or does your understanding of historical demography end at memorizing a few numbers?
>low population
War and lack of proper infrastructure?
Populations increase because of new agricultural techniques increasing crop yields, nothing to do with genetics or evolution.
disease resistance is genetic and can develop in just a few generations against very virulent diseases like smallpox and the plague
but developing that quickly requires high body counts from pandemics like the black death
When he says genetics he means disease resistance. Japan suffered repeat plague waves from the mainland for hundreds of years before ~1300, in EU5 start date the population only just recently started to grow again. though it did help that agriculture got better, yes.
because its lowclass art, all the actual high quality art was stashed by the nobles and is still under copyright/no-pictures in Japanese castles. The best Japanese art isn't the ones commoners were allowed to replicate like the divine wind one.
It would be fun if you could build things in other regions on behalf of other nations, and thus collect your share of taxes this way.
Do you have a source on this or some further reading? Sounds fascinating. I knew the Japanese autism about copyrighted material had to be some deep rooted stuff.

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