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I was told that this is like XCOM but with big mechs so naturally after a 2 week long xcom2 binge i decided to try it. It took me some time to get adjusted cause oh boy is that game in another universe in production value, animations are janky, music is forgettable, almost non existent voice overs and when there's one it often sounds like it got recorded with a $5 mic in a garage. Abysmal performance is also a paradox for me (get it, cause it was published by pdx), game looks like something from 2008 yet constantly uses 70++% of CPU/GPU even when theres nothing on screen, every menu lags, its fucking 2d text window but opening it has noticeable delay, i just started the game theres nothing in the hangar, wtf. The only good thing about that game was 2min intro with lore, seriously can someone explain to me why this pathethic excuse of a game has such a devoted following?
Because it's good.
Explain the appeal of NUCOM2
men like mechs, it's not for you.
even though it's deeply flawed, it's catering to a specific fetish well enough to satisfy some of the fetishists
It has very extensive customization especially with mods but yeah the game engine is absolute shit
Zoom zoom.
>making excuses for Unity slop
seems like you are the zoomer here
I grew up playing the original X-COM and Mechwarrior 2. OPs complaints boil down to “the graphics aren’t good enough”. The game looks fine for what it is.
xcom 2 looks and runs like shit too, what's your point?
i can have stable 60 fps in xcom2 while this game tanks to 15 on certain maps
Your computer is a potato, hope this helps.
>can only bring 4 mechs
>enemies only scale up so lights will become obsolete over time and you inevitably need to bring only assaults
>performance issues like hell
i dont know why people are defending this at all other than being starved of mech games, id rather play MechCommander which lets be honest none of you retards will probably even have heard of
theres exists no computer which can run this game at stable fps
I will go reinstall the game on my 5 year old PC and test it for you and report back, anon.
Zoomies will always defend this garbage while shouting "I PLAYED THE ORIGINAL MECHWARRIOR".
Roguetech fixed that. Well not the performance issues but it improves the game in every way.
It's a jankysoul game. You must have the right mindset to appreciate jankysoulcore games. I got into them thanks to Gothic 2. Jankiness is a feature that add SOVL
The performance was the worst part of the game. Roguetech can chew through 32 gb's of ram if you play for 2 hours straight, it is insane.
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Chicken mech enjoyers don't have many options
Roguetech is so bloated i cant even run it
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xcom2 looks better, has a lot more detail, loads fast and has snappy menus with 60 mods even on my 10 year old pc, meanwhile this pile of trash barely works, has laggy menus and permanent memory leak, literally any BT streamer or youtube content creators aka people with 5k PCs play with framerate like it was pre voodoo gfx era.
>pre voodoo gfx era.
>xcom2 looks better
All we need to know about your taste is right here.
rich coming from faggot whos jacking off low fidelity 3d terrain where developer decided to click Unity check box for every post processing effect, including film grain obscuring literally everything including flat UI during strategic gameplay aka 90% of the game.
You're not making this better for yourself.
I was not comparing art direction but quality of assets and graphics fidelity.
I built a new computer last year. Even with 32gb of ram both roguetech and BTA chug to the point that they're not enjoyable to play. They just bloat too much for unity to handle it.
Battletech extended by contrast works flawlessly.
It's a videogame adaptation of a tabletop war game, most of the existing fanbase see this as a massive upgrade over mspaint clipart running on java that the fan-made battletech engine is.
This is the crux. Battletech enjoyers have to make due with what we get because titles are few and far between.
>just play mechcommander
Most of us have already played MC 1 and 2 to death. Battletech is not a great game, but it is the closest to the holy grail that we've gotten.
Now MW 5 clans looks pretty good, so hopefully piggy will be able to make MW6 mercs good and not look like babby's first unreal engine game like mw5 mercs was.
MW 5 clans is real time right? Its like MW5 not BattleTech?
The base game is trash. Roguetech is good though and runs just fine if you're not a spastic. The loading screens will never not suck balls though.
MegaMek is the better BT game but has no actual content. Playing GM and player doesn't work - especially if you are not a grognard with encyclopedic knowledge of the advanced rulesets. CBT is such a based ruleset and even though BTA and RT try to bring the CBT rules to HBS-BT they don't get it right.

Someone taking the HBS format and moddified models and adding proper hexes, turn orders and repair mechanics would be a near perfect game.

Skill issue. Read the advanced install tips. I had it running perfectly on an old rig and beyond well on my new one.

>massive upgrade
It's a game which megamek isn't but the mechanics are trash. Megamek is a better option if you, lord forgive me, have friends and would be an infinitely better experience if they ran more restricted campaigns i.e with proper starting interface + rules and managed encounter scaling ect.

This is the best any will ever get, however. CBT is getting curb stomped by Alpha Strike so rip any proper CBT game in future. Megamek will cater to grognards and HBS Vanilla will turn off prospective players like OP. RT and BTA will provide fun but limited experiences to their increasingly niche and autistic communities.
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Clans bounces. It can look incredibly pretty if there's lots of foliage and good lighting, but looks like a PS3 game on the more barren planets with the lighting filters.

why are there three times more power poles than necessary!?
To follow the bushido code of the samurai.
Anything after the fourth succession misses the point of Lance v lance combat.
Is there a suggested loadout I should be shooting for early on in Battletech? Or just m lasers and srms as many as I can fit and max armor?
The general build strat is
>strip everything
>max armor
>plop in weapons based on what role you want a mech to have.
>peel back armor until everything fits but don't go crazy
There are also some weapons that are straight gabage like ac/2's.
it's a sweet game i just wish it had more shit in it

listen man its a you thing if you dont like this game
i asssure you there is, my 10 year old computer could run it fine, you have a shit computer stop being poor

>t. shit eating faggot
Medium lasers are the most efficient weapon, yes, cram in as many as you can. Unfortunately the game does not simulate range very well, so the difference between long-range and medium laser range is half a movement phase usually.
Technically small lasers are the most efficient, but they have a poor range even if you mod support weapons to be useful.
I've basically only been dropping a TINY bit of armor to put on a heat sink or ammo and keeping max armor at this point since I was getting shredded. Its crazy how mechs can just get clipped at almost full armor and blow up even before exposed and the pilot is just dead.
Thanks for the reply, didn't know if there was a like "put 2 shotguns on your blackjack already retard" fit I should do kek
I'm slowly getting it just feels like I'm playing on hard mode sometimes and other times its way too easy. (no matter what mission difficulty says)
There's actually a great canon refit for the blackjack that makes it a lot better.
Strip the ac/2's and 2 of the med lasers for 2 l lasers.
Interesting, I'm probably a retard but why is that the "canon" refit? Was it like that in the intro? Been awhile since I did that, came back to an old save. Thanks again.
>>max armor
Literally the opposite. Kill your enemies and you don't need armour.
I know a lot of people didn't like it because of browns and women. And to be fair the crew is pretty awful, but I've been playing this games with mods for so long now that I forget there are actual human characters at all.
based CTE giver
It's an actual variant in battletech lore
The blackjack is maligned because it's a niche design but was extremely successful when it was deployed in that niche, using its ac/2's to chew up advancing forces before they could even get in range to do anything. The refit was an in universe attempt to give it a bit more flash when it came to general mech combat as well as remove its dependence on ammo.
Battletech is not kind to ac/2's because they're heavy for the damage they do and you never ever can fully utilize their range advantage because their range is literally the whole map most of the time and you never ever have that type of vision.
Not true fans. There were browns and women in the cartoon too.
>your ship engineer is a fat Muslim woman in burka
it hits too many checkboxes at once
>It's an actual variant in battletech lore
OH duh sorry I thought you meant in the game in regards to the character don't mind me.
I hate that the blackjack of all things was the posterboy for this game. You'd be hardpressed to find an uglier mech. At least their rendition of it. I have seen good looking recreations of it. I dig the concept, I think the rifleman and jaegermech pull it off much better though.
>no specific mech based on your family origin
Such a waste.
Surely mods fix this. I played a fair bit of BEX but I can't remember how it changes starting lances.
Should I do the full campaign before moving on to mods and the other mode?
Yeah it's worth one playthrough. Going back to vanilla after you install mods is kind of a chore.
It has some cool moments that I enjoyed. I don't think I ever finished it though. Taurian Concordat gets involved which is neat if you're into Periphery lore. Play it for a few hours and if you really don't like the characters but you enjoy the gameplay, then switch to one of the mods.
Only curious if it unlocked something or was worth playing through yeah generally thats how I feel about stuff like this, worth an attempt at least once. Thanks.
Because it's a turn-based version of the Mechwarrior games before PIG started puppeting their corpse. It runs like shit because HBS was making Shadowrun RPGs before this.

It's fun because you LARP as a mercenary company going around blowing up other mechs to rip them apart and shove their parts into your own.
You probably didn't increase your pagefile as the install instructions explicitly tell you to. You shouldn't have to, it's a failure of the engine that you do, but it does work.
Depends on whether you're playing vanilla or one of the mods.
>animations are janky, music is forgettable, almost non existent voice overs and when there's one it often sounds like it got recorded with a $5 mic in a garage
Round here this is called SOUL.
>but why is that the "canon" refit?
Battletech's tabletop game does not by default let you use custom-built mechs. You're limited to variants that were canonically built unless your opponent explicitly agrees to allow something you homebrewed. Lots of canon variants from early in the game's lifespan are just dogshit as a result, including most mediums which are hilariously undergunned.
Yeah I thought they meant for the pc game like for their character or clan or something, thanks for the reply though
vanilla story
That guy meant it's canon as in it's the good one that gets used whenever that mech is mentioned later in stories.

>vanilla story
LRMs are beyond broken in vanilla. You can just sit outside of most weapons' ranges but in direct line of sight with good enough sensors and vision buffs to still be able to see them and fish for head hits for completely intact mech recoveries.
Blackjack is absurdly fragile by nature and wasting so much weight on AC2s doesn't help it out. You probably want to get some other medium mechs ASAP, like dragons or centurions. Keep in mind that standing in trees and other cover helps a lot, as does moving far and getting evasion stacks. If you have enemy sensor contacts and aren't on the clock, consider approaching half-way and let them initiate on their turn. They'll be relatively far away and you'll have your defensive bonuses, then you can chop them down.

Also keep in mind that if you aim for the center torso you will kill things much faster, but you probably will not get much salvage. It's usually still worth CTing enemies because you are pretty much always at a hefty numerical disadvantage, but if you run into a mech you really like you can consider knocking outs its legs.
Yeah I'm using some shadowhawks trebuchets and centurions right now though the blackjack is still getting rotated in and out a bit.
He's fragile, but don't be rude.
I wanted to mention for the OP btw to try to use -popupwindow in the launch options for the game so you can run borderless. I found that made my game way better on the same exact settings.
I could have sworn they were 55 tons...

Anyway, I don't like them, so the slander will remain.

Adam Jensen was a kino enemy and highlights how everything is just one big shit cauldron with everyone getting shit on by everyone else.
>Adam Jensen
I forgot he was the enemy. He's also in Mechwarrior 5. I hope he pops up in more battletech games. Maybe I should play through Battletech's story again.
I didn't ask for this
>Its crazy how mechs can just get clipped at almost full armor and blow up even before exposed and the pilot is just dead.
Contrary to all the "walking hulking armored tanks" misinformation created and propagated by Mechwarrior, battlemechs are actually "just" really scaled up infantry (used for recon, alpha strikes, hit and runs and generally more "guerrilla" warfare operations) and durability is not really their strength. They still get easily fucked by "realistic armor" (i.e. actual tanks and artillery) in more open terrains and dumpstered by aircraft. It's just that the universe is extremely under-militarized relative to the size, scope and amount of human populated worlds, and the battlemechs are the easiest weapons to transport around efficiently.
Indeed but gameplaywise its kind of fucking nonsense to lose a pilot outright because of one shot from nothing. I get most people probably just restart the mission though.
On the harder armored tanks and whatnot is it best to do called shots on a specific side? They seem pretty... tanky overall.
I just kite them since any that pose an actual threat aren't very fast.
I also like ac/10's because they can 1 shot all but the toughest tanks.
If I have to rush them like if they're guarding a convoy I stomp them.
I like this game
Ideally you flank them since their side armor is garbage, but if they're not moving and in the back you kind of just have to melt through it. Keep in mind melee attacks are excellent vs vehicles if you can close in. I think LRMs also get a bonus to hit since they're so slow.
Anon, why are you using weapons other than UAC/20s?
It doesn't fit in my Jenner.
>since their side armor is garbage
Even the bigger tanks? LRMs either do nothing or one shot vehicles in a lot of cases even the 15s it seems kek
based jenner enjoyer
ah luv yoo, jenner
With the amount of enemies I have to destroy, UAC/20s simply don't carry enough ammunition. Energy supremacy!
The number next to the LRM is just how many the launcher fires at once.
Yes, i'm saying 3x the number either do nothing or one shot vehicles.
>based jenner enjoyer
MWO made me love the Jenner. It's the only MW game to make lights feel relevant and useful. At least it was, I dunno what it's like these days.
Mech Commander 1 and 2 were always my favorite up until battletech for actually making me feel like a badass tactical man. I like the whole running a group and tactics and logistics parts almost more than the combat.
I always just put full frontal armor and as many SRMs as a mech can take
I really liked 1, 2 was fun but disappointing. I also liked 4Mercenary. BT is kind of bad. It just feels wrong.
Well other than front mission there aren't many good mech turn based strategy games sadly
Random question: The mission where you attack the Newgrange droppod and fight the enemy lance after... You can't spare that dropship right? You *have* to pop it to proceed the mission?
Yep. You need to give him something to not have asked for or the story can't continue.
>You need to give him something to not have asked for or the story can't continue.
Did I have a stroke or did you?
I was memeing.
Destroying the dropship is what makes adam jensen hunt you down. You gave him something he didn't ask for.
fuuuuuuuuck we didn't ask for this
If there's nothing for him to have never asked for then how can he never ask for something? Makes sense to me.
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The AC/2 thing is true if you play modded. In vanilla a Rifleman with two AC/2's and two UAC/2's (if I remember my build correctly) with properly trained pilot was pretty much gamebreaking headhunter, sniping shit from across the map.
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>tfw full ballistic
I really want to like ac's but I can't find a medium setup I like with them.
LRM and large lasers seem to pair pretty well on limited basis.
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Looks like a game, but the game is really about women
>caring what your slaves look like or say
I like good aesthetics, I'm never gonna make it. Not all of us are immune to the nasty taste of shit.
kek I'm just giving you guff for being a retard
I agree with you that I don't need moon crickets and brown creatures in my games but find me a better turn based mech game please.
>for being correct*
>walks by a construction site
>walks in
>goes to the outhouses
>reaches in and starts scooping shit into his mouth
>yeah I really hate the taste of shit
You're being called a retard because you don't even have to interract with any of these things. You're going out of your way just to do so to be mad about it.
Every time I decide I'm gonna make a good AC2 mech I slot them in, fiddle with ammo, then look over and am reminded that 5s and 10s are only a few tons more for significantly better weapons.
all AC are ass, 8t for AC/5 + ammo thats 9t for 45 dmg absolutely pathetic, Mlaser has 25dmg for 1t you can fill rest with heatsinks
Nice self-own. You're like the guy in one guy full of poo in and around their mouth yelling, "SHUT UP GET OUT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT"
Not perfectly fair since mlaser are absolute cheese in vanilla. I usually switch to PPC boats at some point anyway. Llasers have the same type of problem AC2s have though, way too big and heavy for what they offer compared to PPCs and Mlasers.
why do you guys talk about poop so much?
indians have begun to flood the west recently.
Its pretty cool how AI doesn't have to actually see you to shoot you. Love that. Vehicles can just shoot rockets at you from across the map even when you're completely hidden from every unit. Sure wish I had that ability.
I think its pretty cool how the AI knows just how far your visual range is and will step just out of it on purpose also despite you having no idea what their range is.
>Sure wish I had that ability.
You do. Scan has an absurd range. You need 1 or 2 people running it. Then your Catapult or whatever you have can just indirect fire them into oblivion. It's how I've always attacked bases in this game. Just bombard the turrets from beyond their range.
>You do. Scan has an absurd range
What are you talking about?
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Sorry, it's called Sensor Lock. Easily one of the most powerful abilities and absolutely necessary to make the most out of LRMs.
Sensor lock doesn't do what you said in your post. At least not in vanilla. All you need is a heavy armored unit with a rangefinder and its way more effective than wasting a perk on sensor lock. Here I thought I was missing out on some massive part of gameplay kek
Nah fuck sensor lock. LRMs do rule though.
That said, no, the AI doesn't need a sensor lock to do it, their vehicles, towers, and mechs will shoot you despite having 0 visibility, no sensor lock.
>Sensor lock doesn't do what you said in your post
It does exactly that unless I'm misunderstanding you. So outside of sensor range they are completely unknown. Then when they come into sensor range you can see if they are a mech or vehicle and what tonnage, but you can't shoot at them. Then if you sensor lock them, it reveals them and you can indirect fire them with LRMs or fire a PPC or something beyond your visual range at them.
I get what you're saying now but that doesn't remotely seem worth using THE VERY LIMITED SLOTS you have to put skills into on sensor lock when you can... walk 2 steps further. If they are in sensor range they are near enough to get hit with a rangefinder usually. I've been using an amored up centurion as a "spotter" and distraction. The indirect fire doesn't require sensor lock, just one mech with a view on them.
Still doesn't change that the enemy can just shoot you whenever and doesn't have to sensor lock you or anything.
>but that doesn't remotely seem worth using
I dunno what to tell you. LRM boats with a sensor lock scout is amazing. If you use your positioning right you can bring down mechs before they even enter visual range. By using a mech as a visual spotter you're taking unnecessary damage and costs. The Tactics line is easily my favourite of 4. Tactics/gunnery combo is insane. But I mean whatever works for you. I was just letting you know that you can do what the AI does when they shoot your from their sensor range instead of visual range.
How do you sensor lock when you're in the non combat phase? I can't make the game let me attack early even when I have clear visual, even half moves just end the turn automatically.
>I was just letting you know that you can do what the AI does when they shoot your from their sensor range instead of visual range.
But you can't, because they don't need a skill, they just do it. So it isn't remotely the same thing, once again.
I dunno about that one, it's been too long. I remember it entering combat as soon as someone was in sensor range.
It enters combat once THEY get to have 4 free moves after you sprint around like a retard, i've tried moving half moves, etc, even when the red line shows up showing it has visual, it just autoends. I've restarted missions many times trying to let it let me "sneak attack" so its not like I'm just sprinting in blindly.
I give up on tactics and strategy I'm just going to fill everything up with armor, srms, and m lasers fuck this shit.
Whatever works for you. That's part of the fun with the setting. You have a lot of tactical options. Big monke unga bunga mechs works.
It doesn't thats the thing kek
For actual mech combat my lance murders things, its the objectives that fuck me over. Grugg want beat story with big stick
Grugg need heavy mech only have medium mech
Grugg sad
I find my strat works great for objectives. Not terribly fun to just bombard turrets with LRMS outside of their range, but it works. When I get a king crab I convert back to Grugg as well though.
Bases aren't generally a problem, convoys can be fucky but whatever. This game really could've used more actual battlemech on battlemech combat in the story at least at the point I'm at.
Yeah convoys are fucked no matter what you do. They are suicidal.
Do Heavies function any different in combat beyond their later initiative? Like does 1.1k armor on a dragon do more than 1.1k on a shadow hawk? I don't think so but just want to make sure the initiative is the only thing. Not seeing much reason to use the dragon I cobbled together when I have trebs and shadows.
Armor isn't worth more, they just have more tonnage and thus usually have more armor potential and of course, more weapons.
In theory yes but the question was if the actual class mattered in any way beyond initiative because of the question I asked.
My Shadow Hawks carry similar to the dragon and have 20 more armor maxed out (not that 20 matters, but they are the upper end of mediums) so there doesn't seem to be any real reason to use the dragon for this game given how easily you can get sh's.
No there isn't really a reason to use a dragon outside of meme shit in the pc version of battletech.
Do you guys go with LRM5s or do you go biggest you can? The tonnage seems to suggest its better to go 5s if you have the slots.
>2 difficulty mission
>2 lances of lower end mediums, killed easily

>1 difficulty mission
>1 lance, 1 convoy (2 of the convoy are super tanks that can't be just stepped on)

make it make sense game
The skulls lie.
Yeah I'm finding that out. I don't even want to fucking know what a 5 skull convoy mission is like.
It is better because you can better manage heat and ammo while also getting more dicerolls. But it's a lot easier to find one improved LRM 20 than it is finding 4 improved 5s.
It is better, slots providing, you mean?
I'm messing around with 1 lrm20 on my main guy as a sniper basically but I'm not sure if I'm happy with the output. I just found a +10 damage +10 stability damage ac/20++ that I think I might have to find a use for though...
>Go to do one of the missions where you help rookies
>Get a tonnage warning
uh... I'm gonna die aren't I?
Those rookie missions are disasters. Just like, here is Lil Jimmy in his 2nd hand Urbanmech, we hope you can show him the ropes. As you land there's 4 Atlas with paddles waiting for you.
kek So far the ones I've done have been fun. I used them as bait and pummeled the fuck out of the enemies. I'll report how quickly I get smashed.
YEAH there are two heavies and my highest weight is that shitty dragon I'm not using.
Fuck it I'm going for it.
They're usually a cakewalk. Your medium with an urbanmech, commando and spider vs assorted trash.
Good luck out there. You will learn to love your Dragon after this is done.
Nah I'm not using the dragon, lower initiative. Shadow Hawk. I'm saying that is the biggest thing I have besides parts.
Yeah that has been the case so far. This one has two heavies and 2 mediums and I have 3 retards. If one had sensor lock like we were talking about earlier I could probably cakewalk it.
Oh right. Well be brave I guess. With any luck they will be old junkers and you'll be able to drop them for easy heavy parts.
See you say "be brave" but the tonnage a dragon can carry isn't that much more than the shadowhawk and the max armor is 20 points different. If the dragon was a real heavy I'd be with you. No reason to have lower initiative when I can't actually make USE of the dragon in any better capacity.
>enemy one shots the urbanmech with a ppc
Yeah but the Dragon has spirit.
All 3 have died, I have killed 2 of 4 of theirs kek
They legit 1 and 2 shotted the poor dudes behind cover behind a fucking hill. I felt bad.
Fuckin kintaro clipped me. RIP
I want to state I basically solo'd the two large mechs and the kintaro was almost dead. I should've focused down the trebuchet with its ppc that cost me.
Yeah this is definitely how I remember rookie training missions going.
All of them before were fine, this one all the sudden is throwing 2 heavies a medium and a small which is just untenable at my status. The skulls lie as we learned above kek
I liked those missions before because I used them as distractions and it was good "training" for myself as well when caught offguard and undergunned.
Yep, the way the game handles difficulty increases is weird. I can't remember the details of it, but the differences can be very sudden, but then a higher skull might be easier because the game doesn't really know what makes it hard or easy.
Yeah lance v lance fights are no problem, anything else is a fucking crapshoot. All the rookie stuff before was a fun distraction where I generally didn't have to worry as much. Just like when I tried an "old mech" mission before this and got surprised. I guess I'm supposed to have heavies. I'm going to go do some pirate missions and grind up rep at this point because yeesh.
What is a good planet to go to for pirate missions of lower difficulty anyhow? I know to look for local government and pirate on the description but is there a specific planet people like?
Is there a more fucking frustrating niggershit dogshit fucking abominable thing than the Roguetech / BTA Launchers? They work like shit, can't you just give me the fucking mod files you piece of shit trannies?
Hooooly shit they take ages to download, have a million fucking issues this is UNBEARABLE I've never seen anything this bad in modding anywhere else. Can't I JUST DO MY OWN INSTALLATION
Some consider this cheating, but if you get a bad selection of missions, just reload to before you left the previous star system. You'll get a new random batch of missions, mercenaries, and store items.
I've noticed you can use this to change what mechs show up too. Did it by accident not meaning to.
I'm using the new bex, what's the best use for a Jagermech? Seems completely useless, and I've run lightly armored meme mechanics before, like 3ppc Warhammer. Any recommendations?
jagermechs simply have too little armor on the CT to be useful. Max range sniper isn't a good descriptor to have in this game.
That's what I was concerned about, even with 3 ac5s it can't do the damage to make it worth it. There needs to be a plains map or something to make these useful occasionally
This sure doesn't inspire confidence to stick with battletech after the story...
Just don't play RT. It's too bloated of a mod for me. It definitely has its audience, but I prefer BEX which is just more content on the base game's framework.
>but I prefer BEX
Name sounds gay. Launcher sounds miserable.
Battletech Extended. There is no launcher. You download the mod. You download CAB for the content. You make a Mods folder in the steam Battletech folder, you extract BEX in there, you run CAB in legacy mode, you run the modtek file in the Mods folder.

Done, then you just boot up the game and play it normally from then on. As far as mod installations go, it's only one step under just hitting subscribe on workshop which I wish all fucking games did anyway.
>you you you
maybe YOU do. Don't put that on me.
also for a lot of games steam workshop is fucking miserable when it comes to autoupdates so while I agree in theory it depends on the game and the mods we're talking. A lot of mod authors think they are indie game devs and try to overdo pointless updates as well. This is a very big problem with games like rimworld, kenshi, starsector, etc.
You aren't even real.
Maybe YOU aren't real. Don't put that on me.
Pinched my nipples. Felt good, so I must be real.
Anon that just makes you gay. Gay people aren't a real thing.
It's not gay if I have feminine nipples.
I'll be the judge. Show nipples.
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Just for you bb.
Alright fair enough thats pretty straight.
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It's 3048, ignore the funds. This is the only mech I have that can fit the gauss, if I buy it.
Too much of a meme?
You don't need full back armour. If you're planning on running a sniper Jager, when is it ever going to be shot in the back?
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>ammo in CT
oooooo that mech is gonna blow up REAL good
Yes, I can put the ammo in the legs or w/e, but is it worth it at all is the question. The SLDF Gauss is fucking expensive, to say nothing of the uac/5 as well.
>legs or w/e
its not whatever, it literally kills you once CT armor is down
ammo in legs is gay IMO. It should be max 1 area from the weapon.
live a little
i like to store it in the cockpit, just under pilot seat
I got BTA to install but god damn it took the whole afternoon because it just downloads extremely fucking slowly.
I have 500mb up and down internet, it's on their fucking end.
Where is it even downloading it from? I don't get why they wouldn't just host the shit on nexus?
They had some manner of manic mass troonout at Nexusmods and none of them will use it anymore since like 3 years ago.
must just be the battletech troons because I just downloaded a massive fuckoff modpack for skyrim and those mods are sure all up. 1500 of em kek
>Its pretty cool how AI doesn't have to actually see you to shoot you.
not true in the slightest
they're using the same sensor capabilities as you
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Yeah I meant that it was them who decided to stop using nexusmods over some troonie bullshit nobody cares about.
No, they aren't. They don't have to sensor lock you to indirect fire you. Turrets and the like have done it to me many a time in the story.
Yeah I had to get the save editor from there to fix my main pilot kek
I think I have only heard of that site from battletech and "racist" mods which is kind of amusing.
What was the Nexus change that made them do that? Didn't really impact anything for me. I still look up mods by using google, so it took me to exactly what I needed.
kek especially since their team is so fucking troony
>What was the Nexus change that made them do that?
I think I was them changing their terms so they can archive mods even without the modder's permission, due to the frequent episodes in which a modder will take down their mods because trooning or some similar mental illness
Lights and mediums never become obsolete, with good play you can tear through any weight enemy using them. Especially the Royal mediums, those things are monsters. >>1886766
It's not exactly the meta, but I always found the AC20 to be quite good early on because it'll kill or strip all the armor off any limb it hits. I wouldn't go max armor, you can skimp a bit on the back armor. And if you need a spare ton or two to fit all the guns you want, it's fine to take some off.
So I got a fancy royal marauder after just trying to find the last 1 of 3 for a regular for months of gametime, where do I find ER M lasers and UAC/2s on the black market is it just random? I've seen ERs but not any uacs yet anywhere.
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I'll just leave this here, AI slop portraits for BT. I can't be arsed to connect my phone to my PC so that I can backup these so I'll just download them from here. Feel free to use if you feel like it.
bad anon
(red has some nice tits)
4th on top is some nickelback.
Did the tranny open rougetech back up to the general public or is he still banning everyone if they don't show a picture of how they voted?
Fucking noob. In vanilla, lights are OP late game because they are literally invincible when you stack evasion. You just don't understand the game. Play your shooter version, that's more suited to your IQ range.
You probably felt pretty cool typing this.
I modded out headshots. The headshot mechanic is retarded.
I've had fun with uac2 urbies.
Complaining about shit you don't understand is retarded. I'm nice to noobs when they aren't being retarded.
I don't mind the mechanic existing it just seems to be way too common early on. If I'm getting beat up and don't eject thats on me. I think its funny how your main character can't die and just ends up with 3 months paid vacation though.
I think it's a retarded thing that doesn't belong in the game. Called shots in general are kind of dumb and mess with the balance. Headshots are especially retarded tho.
Are you the anon who posted >>1892287
Just curious.
Given the insanity I've seen I don't know if this is real or not.
It's real. It went from "we're shutting it down because cheating" to "we're shutting it down because toxicity" and the application to participate in the persistent campaign is insane now.
Yeah that makes sense.
I thought roguetech was a modpack why the fuck would any of that matter?
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>why would the main draw of a modpack matter
Beats me.
>Mission to kill a lance with a lance
Ok sure
>Its 2 lances you have to defend
>Now its 2 enemy lances
>They immediately rush forward and try to suicide
...I should've known better than to trust the AI
As far as I've seen or been told in these threads its just a modpack that improves the game. Sorry I don't keep up with your discord buddies there tran tran.
>They ran away to the LZ with half the objectives completed because the main one was done
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa holy shit you fuckers live by my missiles good lord
Ah, sorry to shit on your tranny friend but he's a tranny and you're a suck up faggot. Enjoy your moderator status in the shitcord, I guess, but you're still an egg they're trying to hatch. Queer ass loser.
This guy posts on discord A LOT apparently.
This pathetic excuse of a game is the best thing battletechfags got in 20 years, beggars can't be choosers
Yeah its this. Mech Commander and this are pretty much it if you want to actually use strategy and pretend to run a company.
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I'm convinced that the game is coded to throw bunch of really cool mechs at you if you pick full money reward and go out of it's way to fill the opfor with fuckloads of lights and generally shitty mechs and vehicles if you pick full salvage. Every fucking time.
kek I go for full salvage purely to sell mechs. But I realized recently I wasn't selling the weapons and went through and sold like 200 lasers, etc (still leaving 20+ of most things) and made some extra millions.
The Battletech setting is a weird one. All of the factions are noble democracies who love peace and champion human rights and personal liberties.
It's like they were afraid that if they had a nazi faction then people might misunderstand it and like it.
sadly true
Even if you pick salvage, if good shit drops they ALWAYS trigger the contested salvage event. Fuck youuuuuuuu. Ship needs a law office I can upgrade.
Sure, and the democratic peoples' republic of north korea is democratic.
Uhhhh you don't have much experience with the setting I take it?
>who love peace and champion human rights and personal liberties
Are you actually retarded?
Are you confusing this with Lancers protagonist factions?
>can someone explain to me why this pathethic excuse of a game has such a devoted following?
Because of the popular setting and mechs.
There is a thing called MegaMek which is a java video game adaptation of tabletop Battletech and that is what this game was supposed to be, but with proper graphics.
>It's like they were afraid that if they had a nazi faction then people might misunderstand it and like it.
That's what happened with the clans. The clans were the militaristic evil guys originally, but they were too cool and people started to like them more than the successor states
Does gauss ammo detonate in this game? It doesn't in tabletop.
I'm pretty sure all ammo does, but the rifle sure does and will take the whole arm with it. So if you run a gauss don't put doubles on the same arm.
Childhood is idolizing the successor states.
Teenagers idolize the clans.
Adults idolize the periphery.
That sort of resembles my growth. As a teen the whole setting to me was basically just the Mad Cat and whoever was piloting it. Then as I got into it as a young adult it was the successor states and then watching more stuff about the lore it was realising that the Taurans have had it right since the time of the Star League.
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absolutely my dude, their only mistake was thinking they had gone far enough out to be out of reach of those IS nutters.
>As a teen the whole setting to me was basically just the Mad Cat and whoever was piloting it.
Awesome games like that genesis game where you used a mad cat/timber wolf didn't help for me.
I always hate the governments in these things though instinctively. Probably because I hate real world governments.
Their only mistake was not having enough warships to nuke half of Davion off the galactic map. Fuck the Feds
So I was informed for the next story mission I would need 2 lances. Is this the final story mission or is there much more after that one? I still have yet to even see a single UAC of any kind so it seems a bit early. My usual squad is 2 assaults, a heavy, and a medium so I'm not without firepower though.
kek I was all worried about this and I skullfucked the final mission. I didn't even lose anyone. I'm glad I didn't look up anything but holy shit I shredded it. The lance battle was almost like a "go fuck yourself bitch" to the game after all the nonsense convoy missions and the like leading up to it. Those two missions were easier than 90% of the missions I've been doing randomly.
Not a bad story but kinda goofy.
Should I bother with any mods? Should I just go play matchless kungfu or something?
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Install Battletech Extended (BEX) or Battletech Advanced (BTA, I prefer the lite version) for a lot more content. Full galaxy map and much more mechs. I also enjoy Mech Engineer whicj comes with BTA that allows for more varied mech customization. You are supposed to play career mode with those overhaul mods.
does it come with more portraits?
the og are fucking terrible
>supposed to
Says who? Battletech cops?

I'm still just surprised how "easy" the last two missions are. I had held off for awhile after hearing the story missions get HARD but the last few missions were pretty straightforward and just required fucking some shit up which is the one thing I excelled at in the story.
Yes, actually. One part of the modpack is Commander Portrait Loader but most of the portraits are also shit. You can use all of the kickstarter pilot portraits for your pilot but the best part is you can add your own.
Says the fucking main screen which doesn't even have the option to play the campaign. These ate overhaul mods, they alter the gameplay to an extent. The story missions appear as flashpoint missions in the career mode.
>Says the fucking main screen which doesn't even have the option to play the campaign.
What does that have to do with the game? The game doesn't say to play with those overhaul mods.
Rifleman 2x AC5 2x AC2 rape rape rape (In mechwarrior online, I don't even have one yet in my BTA save)
I still don't get why I didn't see a single UAC my entire story run. Not on the black market, not as a drop from fancy mechs.
Rotary AC in based as fuck. You can get some serious firepower with those.
You could always replace the kikesharter portraits with your own, it was drag and drop. I swear they just ran the pictures the trannies sent in through a few filters, they all look like dogshit.

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