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Just bought this.

Any beginner tips you got /vst/?
Randy all the way
How soon does he start messing things up?
Is there any breathing room before shit gets crazy?
Actually manage areas and schedules to keep your colonists efficient. Beds near workplaces, dedicated haulers/cleaners, central food distribution locations, etc.
Stockpile priority lets you manually configure what goes where. Don't just leave that on auto. Control it.
Yayo takes a long time to become a problem, as does wake-up, so if you assign the researcher some yayo to stay awake with, he'll pump out techs stupidly fast.
Because there's so much potential for wastage, work speed modifiers are extremely important, and they can often just be small things like lighting, outdoor workbenches (incl. roofless areas), minor skill differences, or something like that. Pay close attention to these. Electricity is a priority.
Finally, there's the matter of "luck". Rimworld will make bad things happen to you, both regularly and irregularly. The "regular" bad events are mutually-exclusive, and they can block each other out. This means you can limit the effectiveness of one threat (like potential raids) by being affected by another at the same time (depending on difficulty and storyteller). The "irregular" bad stuff can be controlled by keeping your kitchens clean, using penoxycline, not letting pets/pen animals run around in the open, keeping colonist moods high, etc.
Last bit of advice: You can control both the movements of wild animals and the spread of wildfires by walling off your base.
research takes a long time, get used to waiting on tech
Any research I should prioritize outside of power?
Stonecutting and smithing. Maybe alcohol production.
Gunsmithing and flak armour, second one is probably more important. Microelectronics add a lot of stuff, most notably the comms console and orbital beacon that allow regular trade with spaceships. Batteries can be useful, but if you have good power source, such as chemfuel generator and refinery, they aren't really necessary early on.
Not research related, but traps are good defensive measure, especially early. Building a handful of wooden traps is enough to deal with 90% of early threats
Incendiary IEDs in chokepoints. There are few things more beautiful.
go-juice production. give everyone a dose when there's a fight.
shields for shield belts. don't just shoot things lie some kind of primitive.
guns aren't a priority, you can usually loot or buy what you need before you can build it
>How soon does he start messing things up?
what part of "random" was unclear?
It's trash. It's not a game, it's a story generator and you're just the dickhead at the helm of a ship you have limited control over so it's intentionally frustrating to play.
Turrets. before turrets you need to reset traps constantly. Once you get turrets they pick up so much slack.
sperg control freak detected, go check the door again i think you forgot to lock it
Install Rimjobworld
installed to coom, never coomed because it's way to part of the gameplay, I simply never had any time to goon. I mean, at speed fiove I don't even notice any atrocities
Cannibalism and Pain is Virute are busted, true easy mode for everything that's not combat, for that you'll want either all your combat pawns to be either Neanderthals and a few Sangs or Yiffkin and a few Sangs, depending if you're in a normal biome or a cold shithole (20/40 growth days or lower). Also get mods that fix TPS killers, such as rodents, birds and eggs, various world pawns that the game doesn't clean up, and general performance fixes. Also get the series of mods that retextures all the base Xeno's into various fantasy shit, like Mofumofu Yiffkin, Bunnygirl Neanderthals, Catgirl Highmates and Doggirl Hussars, it's worth the bloat
l2p sea ice. youll be a better player forever
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Buy the book. DLC will enrich your game but the book will enrich your life.
Randy is actually easier because there's a chance of things not happening and getting extra breathing room, instead of hammering you on schedule.
Cassandra and phoebe suck balls
Return it
>its a story generator
combat extended fixes this and everyone should install it
>Main game
pretty decent, but without mods or dlc it can be quite boring
congratulations, your base has turned into Xavier school for the gifted, but the school is run by Jews
it's the tool that brings /pol/ and /mlp/ together
SCP but you're completely responsible for your actions
Home sweet home
>it's a story generator
Where's the fucking story in Rimworld kek
It's not a game, but it's not a story generator either
Get a combat mod immediately
If you're autistic get CE, if you hate gun nuts get Yayo
I've played since B18 and just thinking about vanilla combat is making me mad

> 5 naked tribals with clubs will beat a trained soldier with power armor and charge weaponry 90% of the time
Build shelfs, put everything in the freezer room it's not worth building separate rooms, get a slave for cleaning up and make sure your doctor never gets wounded
>put everything in the freezer room it's not worth building separate rooms
Just get yayo. CE has lots of compatibility problems with other mods. Its a lot of fluff anyway, you don't need 5 kinds of assault rifle, it's just more shit to sort when raiders dump their garbage.
>messing things up
he doesn't, cassandra does
you make the story, what's so hard to understand in "story generator" fucking third worlder
>beginner tips
So Sudoku is a story generator if I make up shit that isn't in the game, cool.
it is in the game, you spastic
>CE has lots of compatibility problems
That's an old myth. Ever since the devs of the fast track fork got merged into the main dev team, compatibility patches have been created for almost anything. They also added some baseline compatibility for any mods which doesn't have a CE patch.
It's not a myth. You said yourself it needs compatibility patches for almost anything, because it's inherently incompatible with everything. Use CE and you're relying on all the compatibility patches to also be up to date and bug free.

That aside, I find it just adds a lot of bloat and extra micro management of stockpiles and production and equipment. On top of that, it eats run time calculating stuff like individual bullet trajectories, which makes fuck all difference besides friendly firing idiot pawns, the bullets have a probability of hitting either way.
>That's an old myth
>proceeds to detail how it used to be entirely true
Do not, and I repeat this, do not overbuild early. If you aren't on Randy, then the raider attacks and events are directly tied with your wealth. New recruit on 4th day? Sharp increase of wealth. 30 beds, even if you are using 6 and all of them excellent or higher? Still increase of wealth.
Generally speaking, you want to first secure the basics, then start splashing your wealth. I know it sounds obvious, bu the most common rookie mistake is overbuilding and overbuying and overproducing, which draws raiders and other nasty shit to counter-balance, which will fuck you sideways if you're new and clueless.
Also, the best way to keep your wealth at bay is selling whatever you can and don't need and bartering for the instant increase of X skill items.

Everything else you can learn organically as you plan and fuck around, but let me repeat it once more: do not overbuild early on.
>Just mod your game right off the box!
Fags like you are the worst
Install the mod that increases shelf stockpile limits
Search 'rimworld kill boxes'
Randy sucks, don’t fall for the memes. Getting three late game raids in a row is not only devastating, but unpredictable. Cassandra gives you time to go on caravans and do quests in between raids.
He's random so it really depends on your luck, I find him the easiest because there is a certain level of fairness in it compared to cassandra who will decide to fuck you up if you're doing too well
nta but the "compatibility patches" are included in CE itself so he isn't even correct, I have seen very little that it doesn't work with lately
The moment you fall for the stupid meme and pick him up. Randy is "fun" the same way how playing as inbred midget in CK2 was "fun".
>It's not a game
So what is it then?
I stopped using it not due to compatibility, but because the bloat. What little it adds mechanics wise was far outweighed by the hassle of bloated equipment lists and constantly having to re-manage stockpiles every time raiders drop a new bespoke piece of equipment.

If you do encounter any bugs, you're shit out of luck, don't seeking support from any of the mod makers, you're issue will be with whoever authored the CE compatibility patch. If a major mod updates and whoever is responsible for the patch hasn't gotten around to it, that's your problem.
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Do any of the DLC's fix the retardation of the settlers?
I only have vanilla and the most annoying part of this game is constantly having to tell the tardis to fuel the generator so they dont freeze to death.
There's a mod that expands the work tab. Normally, this would fall under "Hauling".
If you aren't running every performance mod on the workshop and beyond then you aren't playing the game right, also at this point Biotech is considered a crucial part of the base game and Ideology isn't that far behind, the only two optional DLC are Royalty and Anomaly, and while Psycasts are nice and all the lack of them isn't that detrimental to you Also RWoM is far better, and far more busted than base game and VPE, unless you're running Lost Psycasts which are megabusted, unfortunately all the busted shit is balanced by the enemy factions also getting the fun stuff and elemental and demon assaults are pure rape unless you're running Cataphract on everyone, also it chugs like crazy, and Anomaly is more of a story DLC and nothing besides busted rituals is that interesting.
Also, nice trips.
there's several mods that change their behavior to that effect
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Not sure what bloat you are talking about,the ammunition system can be disabled,and the base CE mod by itself only adds very few items.
It had compatibility problems before,but now it's compatible with nearly every mod.And again,CE adds very few items,all those assault rifles you are talking about come from other mods you have installed,don't blame CE.
Vanilla rimworld is a quite shitty game,it gets boring extremely quickly without mods.
>Any beginner tips you got /vst/?
Refund it and pirate it.Here's a link:
Now that i think about,installing mods gets somewhat more tedious if you don't have the game on steam.I use this
or this
Do what you want i guess but in my opinion it's better to spend a bit more time installing mods than to pay for something that you can get for free,this game isn't good enough to deserve being purchased anyway.
mod list simulator
The Work tab is vanilla.
if you build under a mountain you should make multiple exits so your pawns don't get cooked to death because a fire started in the only exit
Vanilla is unironically dogshit with almost no redeeming qualities and only somewhat interesting for 1-2 playthroughs
If not for the extensive mod support Rimworld would be dead and burried, just like many other games that aped Dwarf Fortress and failed
If you have anything that can burn and spread fire inside a mountain base, you have only yourself to blame
>Vanilla rimworld is a quite shitty game,it gets boring extremely quickly without mods.
Translatiion: I have attention span deficit
The only mod I can think you would ever need is the beta-era mod that allowed to adjust the size of stack of things and how shelves work. Which got intergrated into the game long before the full release
Set up Camp was all but mandatory if you weren't playing a nomadic game. Resources run out, then you're just stuck or dependent on traders.
Build things out of wood at first
Rimjob or Rimworld
refund your money, pirate the game from gog-games, and then uninstall after an hour after you realize how trash it is
>Game having consequences? Resources running out, adding problems? Better mod that out
Rimworld supports you having multiple colonies at once to send resources around. It just wasn't optimized for it, so there's some amount of chugging.
Don't do this, it makes mustard gas.
Get Rimjobworld mods. Thank me later.
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mandatory repost from the (g)olden days
it's pretty funny that most people just use mods to remove the challenges of the game. embrasures, etc
I started playing Rimworld again after a while and was hit in the face by the sheer amount of features that were not present in the base game and had to be modded in.
>not wasting medicine on bruises
>cleaning before cooking
>tending on the spot
>replacing material
>different designator shapes
the list goes on...
I'm aware Tynan started implementing some mods into the base game already, like wall lights, hopefully more QoL mods will get integrated and I won't have to stop playing every half an hour just stop my pawns from getting food poisoning because the cook puked into the pot and continued as if nothing happened.
Any reason for not not using RimPy or RimSort? You basically have the same if not better experience than people who bought the game on steam.
Rimpy doesn't work for me for some reason.But yeah i should have mentioned it,maybe it works for others.
That's what happens when you have a poorly balanced game. It's more fun to mod the challenge away and make up your own goals and limitations
>Rimpy doesn't work for me for some reason
Dodged a bullet considering there's confirmed malware in it, but if you still ran the .exe I'd run a virus check just in case.
what do you feel is "poorly balanced"? i can grant psycats are way too good, but nothing that justifies making the game easier like most mods to
not him, and just coming back to the game with dlc being fresh to me:
fluid ideologies
enemy target acquisition
sun blockers
base game is extremely easy though
I coomed my brains out with RJW mods and the loli mods.
I've tried playing serious games but it's really not meant for it. The game needs a lot more RP because it truly is just a villager sim and little else.
there's absolutely nothing erotic about rjw, i don't understand how people get off to that shit. it's just tedium. just play an actual eroge.
which loli mods? is the creampot mod working
Phoebe + Losing is fun is a good combo. Randy gives you constant bullshit, but it's easy to get resources from raids. Phoebe actually makes it feel like you are on a sparsely populated planet in the outer rim. Using randy, the constant raids and events just turn into a way to farm value. Phoebe gives you far fewer raids and you get less resources that way.
I love to strategically clean off the strategically placed cumstains in my bedrooms.
>there's confirmed malware in it,
Correct. The best way to play it is as a colony builder, not a castle under eternal siege.
Mods and change the difficulty regularly with your mood.
It's highly customizable fetishes
>every variety of furry and alien
>sex slavery
And you combine all of it however you want. If you get off to naked women being cooked and eaten, this is one of the if not the only game where you can do that and simulate your own story for it.
>my character grug rapes and kills 14 y.o. invader
>grug hungry, he eat the corpse
>invader's biological sister is kept as sex slave for grug's harem
then the anon cums buckets to the scenario he just made because it has animations and visuals that represent all that happening
check the rimworld general on /vg/,there's a pastebin there
why would you recommend him going to that general
not him but as shitty as rwg is it has useful resources, and he said to use the pastebin
nvm i just realized this is about loli mods and other garbage
my bad
My personal beginner tip is to go into the storyteller settings and reduce the chances of bzzt, muscle parasites, and diseases by at least half.
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What are the most interesting mods (not QoL).
I can't play without dubz bad hygiene (adds toilets & water systems).
Are there any mod that go into a total/partial overhaul? I sense this game has potential for that but I don't know any.
There's medieval, lord of the rings, zombieland, lovecraftian...Plenty of overhauls.
Sounds great, I'll start checking them out.
I don't get off to it. I just finds it immersive mod if you running a slave-based colony or roleplaying as bad guys
any news on the next DLC?
anomaly was kinda mid
Ask again in a year. That's just how the rimworld development cycle works.
This game is just a stepping stone to dwarf fortress.
>brings /pol/ and /mlp/ together
Why /mlp/ ?
It depends on your autism level. RimWorld is entry-level shit for normies and for them it's all they need.

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