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Has anyone tried this game out yet? What did you think of it?
It is the best 4X, unironically.

Just download the chud mod that doesn't allow women to have any masculine roles.
What makes it so good?
It's good but I can only play like 3-4 games of it before taking a break for months. Being locked to antiquity through early middle ages means it does unfortunately get stale. I suppose most 4x are like that though.
One of my favorite 4X games. Units having a lot of movement and attackers having advantage in combat actually makes the 1 unit/1 hex work.

Standard Old World games being relatively short (under 200 turns) does alleviate that somewhat to me.
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I like the game but at the same time there's so many currencies along with the family management makes me feel like im always doing the wrong thing.
Eh it's not that complex really, since you can sell goods for currency at any time, even during event pop-ups. So long as you try to grab your share of wonders before the AI takes them and you have a supply of stone for improvements and enough metal/wood/food for whatever military unit your nation is good at there's no real problems.
The chud mod that doesn't allow women to have any masculine roles.
It's Soren saying "I give up, here is the game for Civ V crowd".
The biggest joke is that people shat on it extensively when it came out for all its faults, and also because it was an Epic-exclusive, but once it hit Steam, it is memed like some sort of second coming of Christ
The actual game is the definition of average. It does nothing good. It does nothing bad. It exists and is functional. And after about 5 to 8 playthroughs, you've seen everything it has to offer, ever.
People only shit on it because it was on Epic. People overpraise it because the 4x market is total dogshit right now and old world does it best for the time period.
>People only shit on it because it was on Epic
No, they didn't. They shit on it, because it had terrible launch (not much was fixed about it) and it's just a lackluster game.
But vast majority of /vst/ zoomoids was unable to pirate the game and had to wait out until it's on steam to both buy and stay brand loyal, and now they are filling the catalog with the bi-monthly buyer's remorse theads how this game is super-duper-great.
And it isn't. And everyone knew that for a year, but then it was "properly" re-released and here we are, few years into the shit.
For me it thinking i over invested in my military then i find that everyone and there mother is stronger than me
played it, didn't liked it much, was good enough for few plays
The orders system removes late game tedium, because your turns always take roughly the same time to make.
I think it's the best 4X on the market and its leaders and orders systems should be the basis for all future 4X games.
reminds me of civ5 too much and that game was ASS
Based AF.
It's actually pretty ludo, women's stats still matter for consort or courtier bonuses but they're comparatively minor. You'll mainly be thinking about them as marriage material for alliances, as it should be.
More than anything you just want to avoid having annoying bitches that might pop negative events. Other than that the only time you'll really care about a woman is if they're another ruler or your heir because of no viable male heirs.
CK lite meets Civ 5, pretty good game, you can roleplay your dynasty, even setting inheritance laws like cognatic, agnatic etc ... and its all during the classical . If you like the setting or just want to experience a Civ game all set during an age give it a tryhh2ppd
its interesting.
worth giving a try, i played a few games and enjoyed it but it wont dethrone civ5 for me.
i was pleasantly surprised that they have a "double victory" win condition, where you win if you have double the 2nd players score. i love it because it doesnt drag on like civ where youre so far ahead that no one has a chance to catch up to you, but you still havent built the space ship so youre fucking around for 100 turns extra
That just means you're a chieftain playing faggot. Play at a real difficulty level.
id pick it up in an instant if you could play gaul
This game is too Old for this World.
it solves a lot of problems with other 4X games especially in the mid to late game. There's always an interesting decision to make and it doesn't get bogged down.

I actually thought Civ 7 was going to copy the family system from this and not the era shit from Humankind.
The game's AI filters me hard, I don't know if it's cheats or genuinely more intelligent than other 4X games but they always kick my ass.
this game is extremely good and the best 4x on the market

just wish they added ore civs or there were more mods

strongly recommended fr
It's very good and I would definitely recommend it but it's a rather small game. Of course you would much rather have a good small game like Old World than a bad large game like every other recent 4X release, I just wish there was more of it.

My main issue with the game is that the city building is basically a static puzzle. It's very fun to figure it out and there are some elements of randomness that make it slightly different, but after a while you have basically solved it to a certain extent and you're not going to make any new decisions if you play another round.

I think the biggest mistake of Old World is that it heavily relies on the event system to add more dynamic elements to the game because it just doesn't achieve that goal at all. If the city has civic resources then you're going to focus it on civic production, if the city has military resources then you're going to focus it on military production. No random event or CK2-style family intrigue is going to change that. The game could really use more ways of building those cities, like how poets (?) turn unemployed citizens into flat civics.
The AI is relatively good at pushing for cities, making a 'standard-high' amount of military and keeping science up. Main reason AIs do poorly is if they get boxed into a corner and only have 2-3 cities. I don't think there's any crazy coding, the devs just told them to do reasonable things to remain competitive.
I really wish they would make an asian version, with just minor tweaks to some techs and obvious 6+ asian civs and asian wonders and religion. I think the basic game concept works well.
Also helps that the AI can do a passable job at the 1UPT combat, at least compared to Civ V and VI's utter dogshit combat AI
I always felt the AI in Old world was very fair and challenging. But nothing crazy where I wanted to rage quit. So of the War I had going on felt intense compared other 4X games.
>My main issue with the game is that the city building is basically a static puzzle.
yeah, i don't like it too
desu there is too much shit and i hate building spam
AI uses forced march a lot, you should too whenever you got Training to burn.
I hate how short and fast it is.
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New update just dropped.
>More kids: Increased chances for leaders to have children
>Permanent improvements: Shrines, Slums, and Estates are now permanent improvements
>AI improvements


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