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new, medieval radio commanderesque kino just dropped. and I daresay it's alright??

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>send button is not a wax seal you stamp
Why does everything have to look boring.
This orange tint makes it look like the game is in Hell
I guess Poland is close enough
so based on gameplay theres there’s a real population to recruit soldiers from, and you can boost your economy by building up your infrastructure
It's good but I'm rekting France as Brittany. Seems alittle too easy
Yes. It works like Rome Total War where there is a population number.
can you romance waifus in this game?
sure, why not
any good reviews that can give a rundown of the game?
Oh, it's finally out?
I've been waiting a year for this.
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alright, i got it for the weekend
what campaign should i take for a spin to learn the game?
i'm between Salerno in Italy and the Burgundians in HYW
Salerno is difficult because you start at war with some Byzantine vassal who has more troops than you.
Capua, then
Naples has always been a worse place to be
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turns out that those three little circles limits who you can choose
i went with Salerno and lost because the Greeks have 3k armored infantry, so now I sat around as Sicily and prospered because the AI doesn't build economy buildings
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Alright, I just won the Sicily campaign so here's what I have to say
>income through city halls and mines is most important
>trade gives pennies and nobody wanted to trade with me when i asked for it
>the AI can be surprisingly nonagressive at times; the Greeks took out Salerno and then the rest of the map was pretty stagnant until I took over Capua and Rome. They are quick to take over rebel territories
>because everything depends on when you get updates, it's highly necessary to turn on monthly reports so you get confirmations: this means your log is full of bloat but at least the map is updated accordingly
>i'm not sure how combat works: i assaulted an enemy and outnumbered them by a fair margin and only came away with just some infantrymen
>spamming heavy infantry and heavy cavalry is the endgame
>also, soldiers are ridiculously cheap to provide for: heavy cav only has 65 copper upkeep and that's peanuts to what a mine can provide
>i forgot about hiring new generals but they have very good skills to improve income and other things
>allocating automation of things can be a bit intensive, but they occasionally help out when your treasury is overflowing
>a lot of tedious micromanagement and clicking, especially for buildings: make order->select capital->order to build->military or economic->building->build,upgrade,repair
>military movements feel good, but you have to make sure to order them to send regular updates else you don't know what's happening and if a battle has been fought
>spycraft has some complexity, but all of my spies kept on dying, so i left them on infiltrate and stopped caring (i lost out on the 3 intrigue challenges) - even hiring the best spies still resulted in 50% failure rate
overall, i enjoyed the experience, but it kinda goes to show why so many things in-games are streamlined. If I could understand the military aspects better, I could enjoy it more, as I spent most of my time at peace, turtling while the AI didn't build anything
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I feel like the yellow map is going to give me eye-cancer
are armies standing like like in EU4 or get dispanded when not used?
They're either standing in the field or in-garrison, gaining huge defender bonuses if fighting a storm
>no responses or posts in a week
So just another flash in the pan, then?

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