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>Humxnkind flopped so hard they've been forced to fix ES2 and hand out EL for free on Steam
>nobody noticed
What happened to those guys? They used to be hot shit.
>EL for free
only base game
>What happened to those guys?
They made Humankind.
They have the best art/UI design for games (only beat by ARA History Untold) but art doesn't make your game not a buggy broken mess. Also they never listened to their fans so fuck them

Honestly I think these guys should partner with the devs of Distant Worlds and take over for the UI and art.
>civ 7 copies the worst parts
they were ahead of their time I guess
Is Dungeon of the ENDLESS worth playing?
The combat was really cool everything else was meh. I hope they try again
Imo it's not a bad idea, but Civ 7 apparently made it much better
nothing I've seen of civ 7 looks better than humankind, if anything it looks like they took the worst parts and made them somehow more obnoxious
Evolving your civ into any other irrespective of its culture and ethnicity or even geography was dumb.
Dungeon of the Endless, yes
Endless Dungeon, no
got too big, got bought out.
they gambled everything on Humankind and fell to the classic "we can compete with Civ" brain worms
Most hilarious part is humankind actually could've been better than civ if they didn't go full retard.
First beta with the girl was actually a fun game. the culture switching wasn't great and balance was all over the place but if they added more sensible culture links so each culture had straight paths through history and balanced some of them, it would've been fine. Then they decided to cater hard to the tallfags and introduced tiny city limit and encouraged you to merge cities and then they included the terrible pollution mechanic and instead of adding any good cultures they just kept adding natives.
>They used to be hot shit.
Never were.
What really happened was the money for retards hyping their shit drying out and thus nobody cares anymore.
Except they are still independent small fry.
You forgot that they made a new Dungeons game that flopped. Hopefully all these failures will make them go back to something that will definitely make money and not just get shut down.
sega controls them bud
I dunno if I'd call a studio with 180 backed by a big publisher small fry. I'd say they are somewhere in the middle.
Their games were always shit built up on good art/music design
Endless Legend was their only good game, and they fucked that up by letting a bunch of nobodies make bad DLC for it.

>b-but Endless Space!
Looks great, sounds great, plays like crap.
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>What happened to those guys?
they don’t even have good art anymore, endless dungeon was hideous, they abandoned non euclidian robots, big titty lizards, and space elves for niggers
they have no idea how to make combat which is why endless space 2 is their only good game
Combat in Humankind was fine. Slap that into EL and it's a good game. I think that's what we are all hoping for in an EL 2
Never played that one, mostly just talking about the first Endless Space and Legend. If their art is shit too now though then they have nothing.
oh yeah... I was one of the backers for the first endless space. I loved the concept and art, it was fresh back then. I disliked everything they did after... They had gone too full retard with the endless lore. Do something new
If someone were to hypothetically pick up Endless Space 2, which DLCs are considered mandatory? Which should be skipped?
Honestly... This is a game that is made worse by the dlcs. But if you really want to know winch dlcs to avoid. People universally hates the last 3 dlcs with awakening being always off
Carried by the art direction, soundtracks and writers/lore of their games. Their gameplay leaves much to be desired.
Never played Humandkind past the base game or the new dungeon twinstick shooter.
Probably has something to do with SEGA and every strategy game dev that works under them. Just look at what happened to CA and Relic.
>What happened to those guys?
same old story, go woke go broke. Should've focused on making civ mechanics better instead of turning the game into a vision of leftist dystopian future where culture and ethnicity don't matter at all
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>I am Forgotten
Can't blame Sega entirely for this one. They were the ones that had to shut down that abomination FPS they were actually planning to release. It's clear CA has been pushing out good developers long before Sega got involved.
>Vaulter DLC
Only decent one, by no means mandatory.
>Hissho DLC
Avoid. Adds Behemoths, OP ships that throw any semblance of military balance out the window.
>Umbral Choir DLC
Avoid. Adds espionage ('hacking') which is annoying to defend againat, not worth it to do if you're not Umvral Choir, and if you are, AIs hve no ability to defens against you in any capacity.
>Kangz DLC
Avoid. Academy acts like Space Israel and optimal strategy is to never meet it. Apparently they "fixed" it in a recent patch, but nonody plays this game anymore to playtest them.
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Join the ACK
Yeah you're right, it was entirely CA's idea to make a shooter where the goal is to collect as much SEGA merchandise as possible. SEGA had nothing to do with that decision and we should be grateful to them for finally putting a stop to it half a year after it became obvious that it was going to be a huge flop.
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Yeah because the original idea that was pitched in 2017 didn't involve SEGA merch. It was originally going to be more closer to Guardian of the Galaxy levels of retro loot before they realized they could shove in more things from SEGA to make it more profitable in pitch to their publisher.
It was also pitched by CA studio head at the time when he was trying to get more things away from Total War to avoid pigeonholing the company. An example of which was the Total War Card Game
The Nakalim are fun though.
Completely and utterly broken too though.
Tried them, found a slumbering planet, shit out a bunch of colony ships, had something like 15 planets by turn 14. Just Nakalim things.
You can't turn off space israel giving out its super death fleet but you can put them in gay baby jail mode where they just sit there doing nothing the entire game besides asking for gibs.
Blows my mind that they never fixed long range kinetics in ES1, they completely destroyed the weapon balance. And I'm pretty sure it's because of a single value.

At short and medium range, they deal only 1 damage per shot, but at longe range each shot deals 3. There's no reason for this and that alone makes them outperform every weapon in the game. All they had to do was restore that value back to 1 but they never did. Thus the game remains broken to this day.
i remember when the best tactics was to make a ship full of missiles. You would win 9 out of 10 battles easier because even if ai build pd it wasn't enough to take care of the salvos. Then they nerfed it to the ground.
This setting cannot recover from a literal we wuz wakanda faction turning out to be some progenitor human race. I could forget that half of EL shadow guys heroes are trannies, but not entire wakanda faction.
Vaulter dlc is pretty much the only acceptable one. I tried the hissho one and it just sucks so hard. I gave up buying dlc's for it after that.

They're going indie again, good for them.
> we're returning to our roots
> only announcement is a humankind update
>forced to fix ES2
In what measure? They fucked up something else?
Their entire gimmick is good production values and shit gameplay. Going indie will just make their games have shit production value as well.
Their best games were made when they were indie
They also have 2 games in the works, one to be revealed in January. Very hopeful for EL2 but I'll take ES3
Could Womankind be salvaged?
Total War cardgame was running off of that Gwent/Heartstone fad, thoever.
It was, but it was a showing that CA really wanted to branch out and do things that aren't actually Total War.
>While we are going our separate ways now, we part on good terms and wish our friends at SEGA the best for all their future projects.
"We jumped before we were pushed"
frogs literally just need to stop worshipping niggers and ugliness
This can be extended to the entire west althougbeitever'stve
Endless games sadly have incredibly boring combat. Cool setting and designs, awful awful combat, which like it or not is the meat and potatoes of games.
If anyone gives a flying fugg about es2' last patch
>nakalim got reworked
>relics give science
>assign relics to system, heroes, or the empire and recieve bonuses
>no longer blockades your systems or attempts to siege it
>slay pirates to gain favor with the academy
>use favor to either take one of their systems, get a fleet, get a bonus dependent on your faction
>roles got updated
>military role gives you a powerful fleet
>librarian lets you choose a political party's laws
>legate lets you declare a jihad on anyone
>last role is still lore related.
>all roles have access to a super ship you can buy from the academy
I think the combat is the only interesting part of the games.
Which series? Space 2 is my favorite of the bunch due to customizing the fleet for battle.
im happy the studio bombed desu. eurotrash homo shit
>What happened
All the DLC does is introduce bad mechanics and bugs
ES2 and EL, although I did also find it fun to be able to build cities in whatever shape I wanted in EL. I really like the idea behind ES2's battles though they need to refine the battle stance card system a little. I like the manpower idea a lot too.
They made their niche on their strategy variant actually having proper flavor to it and suddenly pivoted to negative flavor. Of course it fucking failed.
Hopefully it means they go back to doing what they had been doing before then.
Does this mean we're getting more Endless material?
If it's the Nakalim they're obviously space egyptians not bantus.

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