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I was playing eu3 a bit recently and it's actually really fun with Divine Wind. Doing shit like forcing personal unions is simple but fun and intuitive, and the minmaxing with sliders, national ideas and advisors is just complex enough to be stimulating while not being convoluted.

But when I go on the Steam community page for the game out of curiosity (idk where else people would post recently about the game) it's just a bunch of BRICS denizens posting in Spanish or screenshots in cyrillic swamp runes. Are Westerners just unable to appreciate something "outdated" even when it's objectively good?
i played an almost full england campaing
>it's actually really fun with Divine Wind
I never play with that DLC when I come back to EU3, it added that really stupid world war alliances mechanic
Westerners can afford EU4 and have no reason to go back to a worse game
Is EU3 really a worse game though? It doesn't suffer from mana inflation and stupid gimmicky shit

Isn't that basically what 7 years' war or even 9 years' war (from Louis XIV trying to go ape on all of Europe) was though?
What happened to that anon that was making a mega mod?
EU3 was my first gsg. Since then I've played CK2/3 but never bothered with EU4 since it seemed to have a lot more bloat than 3.
>Is EU3 really a worse game though?
>stupid gimmicky shit
doesn't exist, you just saw some fag complaining on reddit and felt compelled to mindlessly agree
I think EU4 would be perfect if it had an economy like Vic2. I hope EUV has you getting your firearm industry up and running
I like it more than Eu4. More freedom, more sandbox. It easier to do for example Japan invasion on Europe or other crazy things.
I still play it with MEIOU occasionally to scratch the itch as I cannot stand EU4.
>Is EU3 really a worse game though? It doesn't suffer from mana inflation and stupid gimmicky shit
it suffers from lack of game mechanics, coring is a nightmare
EU3 was my first gsg and it sucked honestly. I don't mind the RNG. That's a better system than the player just being able to account and plan for everything like an extreme Autist. My problem is that it's basically a board game ported to the computer. I want more simulation, which is why I like Victoria 2 and never looked back after switching to it.
I played a lot of EU4, but never EU3. How are 3's antiblobbing mechanics compared to 4? I hate how easy it is to paint map in 4, makes conquest less meaningful.
Coring happens randomly with a MTTH of 50 years iirc. You are also constantly spamming merchants to maintain trade power, and magistrates are a consumable resource to make things happen. Eu4 definitely got bloated to the point of not being fun anymore, but even at launch is was better than eu3 was
>t. Started with eu2
Going to back to EU3 was kind of refreshing in terms of how stripped back and focused it was compared to EU4, but I think that probably says more about how bloated EU4 has become than it does about EU3.
The UI is significantly worse though.
>Coring happens randomly with a MTTH of 50 years iirc.
Sounds like you were playing MEIOU instead of vanilla lole
>You are also constantly spamming merchants to maintain trade power, and magistrates are a consumable resource to make things happen.
this is an issue

You mean Magna Mundi?
EU3 is just EU4 but with older graphics. In terms of mechanics, they function like the same game. Now the EU2 is a real blast from the past, that was the first one I played too.
I haven't played EU4 beyond the beta but in EU3 you're primarily limited by two things, infamy and manpower. Infamy is the blobbing hard cap, because if you go over the limit you will endlessly get spammed with events that destabilize your country and there is no counter play. World conquests and optimal play therefore revolve around expanding as much as possible while accruing as little infamy as possible most of the time this just means using the holy war CB because it only gives 1 infamy per province taken. The soft cap is manpower, if you're reckless while fighting wars or expand fast and have to suppress rebels for decades before revolt risk dies down then you run the risk of just running out of manpower, plain and simple.
I could give it a try then, although it sounds similar to EU4, except manpower is less of a problem there since you can just click buttons or spam buildings to get more or use mercenaries.
EU4 has a similar mechanic to infamy called aggressive expansion but that can be mitigated by expanding into different cultures and religions since for an example muslims don't care that much if you take christian provinces. So you just piss off some sunnis, then turn to catholics, then orthodox, by that time the sunnis have calmed down so you just rinse and repeat.
If you end up giving it a try download CanOmer's Mapmod first, it makes no changes to the gameplay but it makes the game look A LOT better. Patch 5.2 comes with some bugfixes (can't remember if any of them are significant) but also some pretty harsh manpower nerfs so it's up to you if you want to play 5.1 or 5.2, personally I enjoy 5.1 more because it feels boring to have so much downtime between wars. The nomad horde mechanic also sucks ass in Divine Wind, you can disable it pretty easily by changing the government type of the hordes or going into governments.txt and removing the "nomad = yes" flag from their government. It'll probably gimp them and make them pretty passive but honestly it's a lot better than seeing Bohemia or Poland snake its way over to China in every other game because they're perpetually stuck in total war with hordes.
>Magna Mundi
Thanks anon, I'll check it out
i tried eu3 again a few years ago and although i enjoy some of the mechanics the game is mostly not fun for me anymore
GSGs started with CK2
>Sounds like you were playing MEIOU instead of vanilla lol
Nope, base game. I haven’t played it for 15 years, maybe I misremembered the random element. I just looked it up out of curiosity and it looks like it took either 25 or 50 years depending on what expansions one had.
>t. zoomer
Does anyone have the files for CanOmer's Map 1.6?
I played it a few hours years ago, the only thing I remember is that it had a Years of rice and salt mod
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Kinda insane how lucrative trade can be. Administrative republic + full plutocracy and i've been raking +1000 ducats per month for more than a century now with zero colonies in the new world and only moderate expansion (Scandinavia + Baltic coastline)
per year*
3's antiblobbing mechanic is how long are you willing to play whack a mole with millions of rebel spawns
Name 3 gsg’s pre ck2, chud.
1344 is a low annual income for the 18th century though, you should have grabbed a trade port or two in Asia so you could monopolize their massive markets.
Eu3 is awesome but it’s a silly arcade game. I don’t min-max and I only have like 60 hours in the game, but even in the so called hardcore MEIOU mod, I conquered all of Germany as Brandenburg by 1444 from tje 1356 start date.

Still a fun game though, but eu4 is better as a gsg.
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Abusing vassals can get a bit out of hand
Eu2, hoi1, hoi2. Those were the first three I played.
>t. chud
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The map aesthetic is the best with Vicky 2 a close second
It's a shame they moved away from that aesthetic
the number of good things eu4 adds vastly outweighs the bad
eu3 isn't a bad game, but it is overall worse than eu4
>but it’s a silly arcade game>but it is overall worse than eu4
>but eu4 is better as a gsg.
IDK I'm really interested in trying it. I had Eu3 installed many years ago but I could never get into it IDK why. V2 was my first game and that blew me away. Eu4 took me a while to get into it, it's cool but very frustrating, felt like a stupid board game at times. You were playing whack a mole with AI armies dodging you. To an extent every paradox games AI works like that but Eu4 was the absolute worst. What interests me most is no stupid mana, institutions and you can't core every province in sight. Also different tech groups, no one is on the same level. I've always read that divine wind makes the game worse, how?
>I've always read that divine wind makes the game worse, how?
The most common complaints are:
>cascading wars
In EU3 the warleader can call in its allies to a war, but in DW the warleader in a war will change to the strongest member if more nations join in, leading to situations where you declare war on a small nation who then calls in their allies, one happens to be stronger and allied to a medium nation who gets called in who then calls in a bunch of medium nations and the warleader changes again and suddenly you're fighting one of the European big dogs in what was supposed to be a small war between HRE minors
Buildings only cost gold in HTTT and previous versions, but in DW they require one magistrate (a replenishing 'official' slot like diplomats, missionaries, traders and colonists) so you get punished for playing wide since you can't spam infrastructure everywhere even if you can afford it
>horde revamp
Before DW the hordes used to function mostly like other nations, they just had a unique government system. In DW they will automatically declare war on any non-nomad they border, they will automatically take provinces they've occupied for a while and settled nations can take their provinces without a peace deal by sending colonists to it. Because the EU3 AI only knows total fucking war this usually means that the Golden Horde will expend all its gold and manpower to murderskullfuck Poland, then they will end up bordering the Holy Roman Emperor (Bohemia or Austria) who will then invade and slowly start colonising the provinces once by one until they border a new horde and their realm stretches all the way over the China.
>chinese faction system
China got a unique government that's unfun to play. Your policy sliders and some other actions will influence different factions and depending on what faction you have in power you are severely limited in what you can do (some faction can't send missionaries, other can't colonize or declare war)
Worth mentioning that except the cascading alliances (hardcoded) those issues can be fixed/reverted with mods very easily, but HTTT enthusiasts DW just added too many bad mechanics along with a visually updated map (vanilla DW looks worse than HTTT but modded DW looks better IMO) and some other minor updates.
Every once in a blue moon that I give EU3 a shot, I always feel bogged down by not making enough income to support an empire. For example, I was playing through a Byzantine campaign taking Anatolia and the Balkans, but I could never muster enough income to actually catch up on tech and to scale properly. Is it usually worth sticking with mercantilism if I'm going to play wide, or always go with free trade no matter what? Is there something I'm missing about potential income sources?

also fuck cascading alliances, dumbest feature in any paradox game
Mercantilism is good if you own a bunch of CoTs, but if your infamy is low enough to trade with others then free trade should pretty much always be better IIRC. The Balkans isn't a particularly rich area compared to Italy/France/Germany/Netherlands but if you've reconquered all your cores as Byzantium then you should be in a pretty decent financial situation. The TL;DR of managing your economy in EU3 more or less just boils down to "reduce military spending when not at war" and "don't be afraid to mint when you need to." If the price of winning a huge war is 2% inflation then so be it. If you need to accrue 1.5% inflation to carpet your whole kingdom in workshops to boost your income then go for it. I think most newer EU3 players just get a master of the mint advisor and/or the national bank NI then mint as much as they can without adding any inflation then get disappointed when that doesn't give a ton of cash.
Alright thanks, I've booted up EU3 just now just to see what my current situation is like as the Byzantines... and I'm 2-3 techs behind the major European powers. Hell even the Mamluks are 2 techs ahead of me across the board. Granted, it's currently 1470 and I'm not too sure if income really scales that well, but I feel like I'm doing something wrong here. I know that the Eastern tech group is inherently going to cripple me a little, but goddamn.

>mint as much as they can without adding any inflation then get disappointed when that doesn't give a ton of cash
Yeah, going through older forums and tutorials people tend to recommend MotM and to avoid inflation as much as possible. If I remember correctly, I had to mint the shit outta my treasury like I was the fed just to beat the Ottomans.

Also, is there any way I can get some more missionaries without relying on narrowmindedness to give me more of them? There's a decision I can take that gives me 0.40 more per year, but that's gov tech 15 and it's way beyond my capabilities at the moment.
Being in an inferior tech group just sucks, that's why westernizing and modernizing your military ASAP if usually the strategy for every single non-western nation. Tech cost also scales with your provinces so if you have a bad tech group and take a lot of poor provinces then your tech progress is going to be absolute ass.
>Also, is there any way I can get some more missionaries without relying on narrowmindedness to give me more of them? There's a decision I can take that gives me 0.40 more per year, but that's gov tech 15 and it's way beyond my capabilities at the moment.
Not that I know of, the only sources of missionaries (other than events and shit but that's no a consistent way of getting them) is to go for narrowminded, the national idea that gives missionaries and some religions also have religious decisions that give some.
Damn, and the fact that I need innovativeness to actually westernize is also a double-whammy. At least centralizing is just a straight upgrade compared to decentralization. I guess I'll tear the Mamluks a new one and give them hell until I can properly westernize.
Levant and Egypt are full of grain provinces so you'd better stay innovative for dem tax/manpower boost events.
After you westernize there's another decision you need to take to modernize your military. I find the whole process really tedious so I usually just avoid playing non-western nations altogether, I've probably played Holland, Brandenburg and Aachen more times individually then I've ever played non-western nations.
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>AI austria revoked the privileges
Just beeline into the capital.
>>cascading wars
Did this happen IRL. It happened to some extent in EU4
Good to know. Hopefully I can find a copy without divine wind. Sounds ass
>Did this happen IRL. It happened to some extent in EU4
Yes, but not to the same extent in happens in EU3. Regardless of if it happened IRL it is a terrible gameplay mechanic and should not be in the game. The AI treats every war like a total war and parties that should be too distant or disinterested to even partake in the war suddenly launch D-day tier naval invasions on the other side of Europe at great expense of their own political goals, and since there are no limited wargoals like in V2 and because everyone can peace out the warleader independently that leads to increased bordergore, like Spain taking random provinces up in Finland because they got pulled into a war with Sweden or France getting completely butchered because they lost the war, had to sign a shitty peace deal at 100% warscore to a minor participant, then the others still active in the war re-siege the defenseless France and peace out again, repeat until the actual warleader ends the war.
byzanon here, sorry anons but I dunno if I can keep playing another minute of this

Horde keeps knocking on my doorstep every 5 fucking years, they managed to take one of my provinces because I was too busy trying to fight their armies. Also, in addition, how do I even attack properly without being bogged down by terrain modifiers and attrition screwing me over? It doesn't help that Anatolia has a shitton of hills and mountains, where it gives me -3 and -5 rolls respectively. Now, even when the battle is over, the army just fucks right off to the next province and recovers morale like it's nothing, while I gotta recover from taking more casualties than them.

Manpower is basically non-existent, I'm relying on these shitty mercs to help fight these fuckers. The war against the Mamluks proved heavily unsuccessful, with my woes in the previous horde wars (8th war btw) fucking me over. Superior Muslim armies are also fucking me up. ...Meanwhile, while I finally get my second national idea, the western barbarians will already have their THIRD national idea. (also I can't annex my goddamn vassal because it's another religious group? I can't even convert them!) It also doesn't help that moving these sliders takes 11 years to do.

Maybe I'll just start another vicky 2 run.

inb4 git gud faggot
Horde mechanics are aids, which is why its one of the biggest complaints in Divine Wind. Like in any Paradox game you generally don't want to attack into hills or mountains, you position a weaker army there to bait them into attacking you and then reinforce. To prevent them from just dipping back home and regaining all morale you can try to sneak 1 regiment around them while the battle is going on, since they will prioritize retreating to a province that doesn't have any enemy army stationed there so you can manipulate where they retreat. That being said, if you're with shitty units and shitty tech (not much damage being inflicted so it becomes an issue of who loses morale first) and in a shitty area with long travel times so armies have time to regain morale before they even arrive in another province and can be engaged again then you will end up just bleeding manpower in frustrating fights that never result in a stackwipe.
>Manpower is basically non-existent, I'm relying on these shitty mercs to help fight these fuckers
Mercs suck ass in EU3 because they don't benefit from tech. Manpower and manpower recovery rate was nerfed massively in 5.2 (thanks multiplayer fags!) If you go into the common folder and open defines.txt you can change the value of "mdef_max_manpower" from 10 back down to 2, which is what I think it was before the recovery nerf. You're playing a pretty difficult nation for a new player, to be honest. Byzantium can be really powerful in the right hands but if you're unlucky (hordes are a cointoss if they collapse quickly or conquer like fucking madmen so you never know if you're gonna border one when you play in eastern Europe) you have to deal with some rough shit. You'd probably be better off playing some more newb friendly nations to learn the ropes.
I've played a handful of nations here and there, like Holland, Prussia, and Castile so I wanted to give Byzantium a shot because I thought it was a good chance to learn the westernization mechanics (and also romelarp). Are England or the Papal States any fun? Might give them a shot for a nice GB/Italy run. Also thanks, I'll probably change the manpower settings later.
England is nice, you can try to reconquer France or just ignore mainland Europe and play your standard colonization game. When fighting the Scots you should be wary that they have an event that spawns a fuckload of troops in the Highlands so be ready to deal with a 12-15k stack popping up out of nowhere when you thought you were done fighting them. Papal States start can be pretty slow, I can't say I've played them much but once you get a decent amount of provinces and more cardinals you should be able to secure being the papal controller at all times and then you're free to excommunicate whoever you like, which is nice.
>you can try to reconquer France
Would not recommend, when I tried doing that I ended up becoming so strong that the game stopped being fun 50 years in.
Sounds more fun than colonizing at least, literally just a waiting game where you send colonists and watch your trade income go up while fighting primitives.
Establishing the kingdom of god also freezes any existing cardinals you have as permanent.
Does that mean the decision is a trap preventing you from getting more or do you keep the ones you have permanently while being able to get more? I have control of most of Italy now as the Papal States so right now it's either expand elsewhere or just leave the HRE and diploannex+wait for cores for my north Italian vassals
It removes the college so any you have you get to keep.
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Crusades and excommunications go away in 1650 IIRC, but you still get to keep the cardinal system for infamy reduction right? I don't think I'll be playing that long though.
Do guarantees create the same situation for spiraling cascading wars? Every country bordering me is either in the HRE or is guaranteed by multiple OPMs. I have no clue how I'm supposed to get out of this rut without trying to spam alliance offers to some other regional power.
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One of the best feelings in EU3
Any war which includes a shifting warleader (allied to a stronger nation) has the potential to lead to a cascading alliance, the reason for entering a war doesn't matter. Who are you playing as and where are you trying to expand?
Well I wanted to try it out as I'm not a fan of Eu4's mana but I can't seem to find a copy with just Heir to the Throne.
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The triggered modifiers for Orthodox can give you 2.0/year. Conquest of Rome/Jerusalem/Mecca give .50/year each. The pentarchy Gives you another .50/year. With national ideas you can get even more and you can get back to narrowminded very quickly with the right ones after you westernise for very little cost because of your size and future economy. You need to westernise ASAP. It should be relatively easy for you at that size and economy. You're just nerfed Ottomans right now so you're stronger than most nations at this point. Keep wars to a minimum until this is over. Snag up babby OPMs should the chance arise otherwise be friendly. Keep you inflation in check. Once you westernise and get you inflation down you're a god and no nation can stop you, even on max difficulty. I have 3K hours and have read every article in the wiki at least twice so I'm happy to help. EU3 is GOAT, EU4 is cringe.
This only matters if you play tall, otherwise waste of slider.
Start dumping their economy with counterfeiting the moment you can. Works so well every time its silly.
Burgundy is the most fun western nation fuck all the other hoes.
I haven't been able to find the DLCs in you know where. All links are down. Also, don't know which mods are the best. Magna Mundi?
How do you even get holy war CB after 1650?
You don't, that's why the most common WC strategy is to get rid of the colonizing powers (or at least their coastline) so they don't acquire a lot of colonies you have to spend infamy on later then just ignore Europe and conquer as much of Asia as possible before 1650.
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I miss these lil' niggas like you wouldn't believe. Sick French border gore by the way.
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Did you guys ever mod the game?
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Right now, I'm trying to port the Vic2 Map and I got everything figured out except for the positions which I do by manually copy-pasting the naval_base etries into the Clausewitz Positions Editor.
I plan on filling out the map on the eu5 startdate, and adding content until 1937.
I wonder: has anyone ever gotten Vic2/Hoi3 unit models working? The vic2 cold war mod has hoi3 planes, but i haven't found anything for eu3.
That looks cool, how many hours have to spent on it so far? Map modding was so tedious in EU3, especially all the position bullshit. Doesn't CanOmer's map already use the Vic2 map, or at least the same projection?
Half a day basically and I'm about 1/4th done with positions.
CanOmer uses the Victoria projection and I tried using his map until I realized that he didn't unfuck the Caucasus because it really lacked provinces.
But detailing one region upsets the balance, so you have to do all of them and at that point modifying the base vic2 map is easier.
Steppe wolf/Phoenix/Inner Powers also uses the vic2 map, but they added navigable rivers which isn't really something I would want do deal with.
So what it is that you're doing exactly, maintaining the same number of provinces as base EU3 but reshaping all of them to fit their V2 counterpart?
No, I'm using Vic2 provinces (with some reasonable adjustments) because they have reasonable densities (besides stuff like 4 province Montenegro.)
CanOmer already did an amazing job at correcting the vanilla map, far better than I ever could.
I usually don't care much about what happens outside of Europe so increasing European (and maybe the near east, like the base CK2 map) province density would be a dream of mine if it can be done without a decrease in performance. Hardware has gotten a lot better but IIRC it's just an issue with the engine once you start including too many tags and provinces, especially later in the game when you have discovered most of them and allies relentlessly coastal provinces cycling the fog of war. It's been a while since I modded so I might give my hand at creating a 1356 Golden Bull start date, or at the very least do something along the lines of what you're doing. Sticking with V2 province density is probably easier than doing some formula for how many provinces a region can be allotted.

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