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Are you a UEF, Aeon, or Cybran guy?
Cybran cos they looked the coolest. Red construction lasers and spiders and sharp angles and shit. Aeon looks pretty lame, UEF is ok.
If I feel like playing something like this, I fire up BAR though. Too bad the units in it don't look very interesting.
Cybran > UEF >>> Aeon
The Seraphim
I as well go with Cybran. Speaking of SC has to be the only rts that comes to my mind where red guys are the good guys and the blue guys are the bad guys. Cybrans just wanted rights and freedom but UEF fucked shit up by attempting to enslave them with mass mind control.
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UEF, I love that kind of uniform faction and they have the fatboy, which is the best kind of impractical autism.
based on these descriptions aeon easily. bought the gold edition a few hours ago
>globohomo self-resurrection #637 "we will rule eternally this time!"
>holier-than-thou hippies willing to slaughter every dissenting opinion for the greater good
>butthurt edgy cyborgs
The first one is stagnation.
Second one is regression.
Mankind only has some form of actual future with the third one.
The choice was easy.
cybran, love those t2 laser towers and spider boats. all i need
one of my favorite things to do in FAF is build a couple engineer SACUs and have them build shields and SAMs to cover your fatboy creep
Used to be Cybran but now it's Aeon I like having a long range commander and a bunch of little thing like their T2 arty leaves behind toxic gas that can stack up on experimentals. Speaking of experimentals the colossus tractor beaming units and suicide crashing donuts is peak
Aeon as presented in the OP pic are completely different from Burke's branch of the Illuminate in the actual game. It describes Marxon's branch if anything, although the fanatics are even slightly worse right from the beginning.
>Are you a nazi, jihadist, or commie guy?
>nazis lost Worl War 2
>commies lost the Cold War
>jihadis won the War on Terror
I guess I'm an Aeon kind of guy.
I'm somewhat of a boyscout when it comes to these things and always gravitate towards playing as the good guys, I've rarely bothered touching (g)Aeon and Cybran because of this.
UEF because I enjoy (some) real life designs in that faction, like having F16s dogfight with ayylien edgy croissants is peak video game fun
I do like the cybran crab ships
Aeon are just overall pretty gay, I always gravitate away from bulbous unit design factions (which is why I will never play stormgate either)
>good guys
Objective fact, further strengthened by your inability to post a single argument.
Was Supreme Commander the game I’ve been trying to remember for years, anons? I remember a mechanic where you could fuse two units together to make a new, stronger unit with different combinations. Have no idea if it was SC or not but the art style seems very familiar.
nope, that's definitely not supcom
That's starcraft.
Can’t be what I’m thinking of because I never played Starcraft. Starting to think it was some jank knockoff game like those Total War-alikes you used to get like Imperial Commander and stuff
Might be Ground control 2 it has an alien faction that does that.
Oh almost forgot also perimeter...
Grey Goo, lol? I don't know anything about that game, but seems like goo should be able to merge.
In Supcom 2 the upgrade system did stupid stuff like put AA guns on your tanks.
>likes good guys
>doesn't pick the Cybran
I don't get it.
Uh they are red and have all sorts of ugly cyborg implants, they are clearly bad!
True. We should double the defense department's budget to wipe them out.
all rook same
Reminds me of this old 90s RTS I used to own as a kid, Conquest Earth. It had two factions, humans and martians. The humans were pretty generic IIRC but the martians could transform and merge units to create better ones. The only things I really remember about it are that you had this terraforming mechanic where the martians couldn't breathe air so you had to spread this poison smog stuff in order to expand, and that the controls were absolutely godawful.
Was it Earth 2160?
>TRIANGLES>>>>>> every other shape
>Cubes not allowed
>Circles can suck dick
>ASSymetry faggots be damned
It doesn't work like that there either. Some alien units can split in two (clone) if they have absorbed enough resources instead.
I'm a UEF chud
>Sympathizing with C*bran terrorist
sorry babe, time for your government mandated brain OS update :)
I like cybran because of the weird tech and scattershot artillery bombardment. Also they're esthetically more pleasing. UEF is blue squares, Aeon is green circles, and Cybran is red triangles.

Honorable mention to Seraphim who rocked the asymmetrical curve design and the color yellow.
Supcom2 is an example of why you should never listen to fans and build your sequel around addressing their complaints. Everything "wrong" with supcom2 was an attempt to address a fan complaint.
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All of those factions are great design wise
Then there's the fucking ugly chromed blobs with no distinct silhouette
Why the fuck did GPG think this could compete with the OGs, let alone be playable, is a mystery to me
everything wrong with supcom2 are mandates from a shitty publisher insisting on making an RTS for the Xbox 360.
Actually, Supcom 2 was screwed over by the financial crisis and had a fraction of the budget the first game had. Chris Taylor said it in some interview IIRC.
Supreme Commander 2?
More like, Supreme buttfucking.
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UEF overall, but a generic I love them all. Probably UEF > Seraphim > Aeon > Cybran for me.

I really love those seraphim walkers. Dat Seraphim ACU and Ythotha especially.

Incidentally, it does amuse me how I've come across factions coined the UEF in anime and other fiction enough times. Usually it's as the United Earth Forces, but sometimes you just get the United Earth Federation as per this Nadesico shot.

But man, a Supcom 3 could have been nice. Just punt the timeline into the future to gloss over Supcom 2 and give them a major reason to rearm and re-establish the gate network again. Add in a QAI faction and I'd love to see a Tyranid xeno-like alien swarm faction as I never felt the giant bug/xenomorph swarm was done justice in an RTS and Supcom would be perfect for it IMO. Especially with reclaim. One can dream. Of course it'll never happen as Square Enix owns the rights and the IP is vaulted.

And while the Supcom factions aren't the most unique things around, there is something neat to how they were done in the first one. The story was dryly told, but the lore-base had some cool ideas with room for expansion.

It's been a while and Supcom 2's campaign & lore were really dumb, but I do remember the governments receding drastically and basically leaving a lot of planets out on their own. Add in ACU's and it'd be pretty easy to justify lots of micro-empires popping up again. New warlords carving out empires and such.
>QAI faction
that might work as a replacement for the Seraphim since they've been shoa'd
>Tyranid xeno-like alien swarm faction
no thank you, that's retarded.
>Supcom 3 could have been nice. Just punt the timeline into the future to gloss over Supcom 2
How about they just Disney Wars Supcom 2, say it's noncannon faggotry, and make a new Supcom 2 that isn't shitty.
>UEF: want to subjugate the cybran and eliminate the aeon. Also started the infinite war on both fronts unjustifiably. The end of their campaign has them destroying the aeon and cybran core worlds to end the war
>Aeon: want to subjugate the UEF and eliminate the cybran. The end of their campaign has them brainwash all humans in the galaxy to becoming part of the aeon to end the war. Presumably results in total cybran death.
>Cybran: Want to free their brethren enslaved by the UEF and be left alone. Their ending has them broadcast the signal that frees their enslaved brethren across the galaxy and shut down the quantum gate network, ending the war peacefully by preventing everyone from being able to send forces to other planets.
UEF are literally the bad guys and Cybran are unmistakably the good guys.
Cybran- transhumanist nutjobs
Aeon- anti-human nutjobs
UEF- a bunch of bullies, but they're our bunch of bullies.
Aeon are pro-human, that's why they hate symbionts specifically.
>>Aeon: want to subjugate the UEF
Defeat, because they were attacked.
>>and eliminate the cybran.
>>The end of their campaign has them brainwash all humans in the galaxy to becoming part of the aeon to end the war.
No, everyone can see whatever the Way is and decide whether it's good for them. Note how Marxon's guys weren't in any way brainwashed by Burke, quite the opposite.
>>Presumably results in total cybran death.

Evolutionary dead-end. QAI is their replacement, and it already exists in the game. Brackman is pretty much the same too, just give the thing that was created using his brain as a starting point to change enough over sufficiently many years.

>Aeon- anti-human nutjobs
Aeon have two factions. One is bloodthirsty zealots who want to purge everyone not like them, which very quickly ends in a civil war. Another is modern Christianity on steroids and without turning the other cheek autism IF attacked.
>Defeat, because they were attacked.
Indoctrinate would have actually been the more appropriate wording.
Yes. Aeon are very vocal about their hatred for symbionts and cleansing symbiont civilian centers is a thing you literally do in the Aeon campaign.
>No, everyone can see whatever the Way is and decide whether it's good for them. Note how Marxon's guys weren't in any way brainwashed by Burke, quite the opposite.
Burke didn't use the Black Sun on Marxon. That would also not at all end the war if true because presumably lots of people would say "no, I'm not doing that."
It would also make Aeon the WORST ending because it would mean someone like Marxon or Kael could still exist and gain power with their crazy zealous ways.
Aeon hate symbionts and view them as profane. Burke and Toth are against killing them outright, but they seem to be pretty much the only ones. It's really not unreasonable to think total Aeon victory means symbionts are either getting put to the sword or at the very least put in camps.
Note that this goes ESPECIALLY if your belief of how the Aeon ending works is true because if someone like Marxon or Kael gets in charge, and they absolutely could if they're not being brainwashed to follow Burke's exact teachings, they're absolutely putting all symbionts to death.
>Evolutionary dead-end. QAI is their replacement, and it already exists in the game. Brackman is pretty much the same too, just give the thing that was created using his brain as a starting point to change enough over sufficiently many years.
This doesn't even make any sense. Symbionts are just augmented humans. QAI and Brackman are not symbionts.
>Indoctrinate would have actually been the more appropriate wording.
>Yes. Aeon are very vocal about their hatred for symbionts and cleansing symbiont civilian centers is a thing you literally do in the Aeon campaign.
No, Marxon does.
>Burke didn't use the Black Sun on Marxon.
Because he was dead. Also what would that achieve?
>That would also not at all end the war if true because presumably lots of people would say "no, I'm not doing that."
They would see no need to fight the Illuminate because they'd understand them.
>It would also make Aeon the WORST ending because it would mean someone like Marxon or Kael could still exist and gain power with their crazy zealous ways.
So having free will is now a bad thing? LOL
>no source
Yeah, as expected.
>This doesn't even make any sense. Symbionts are just augmented humans. QAI and Brackman are not symbionts.
Cyborgs continue until they end up as Brackman/QAI. This is their "evolutionary" path.
Yes. Aeon indoctrinating a UEF commander is also literally a thing that happens in-game.
>No, Marxon does.
Have you actually played either game?
>Because he was dead. Also what would that achieve?
As in before he was dead, genius.
>They would see no need to fight the Illuminate because they'd understand them.
That's some incredibly flimsy logic. Keep in mind also that the Aeon are the ones attacking the Cybran. Ending the war on that front is not a matter of the Cybran "understanding" the Aeon.
>So having free will is now a bad thing? LOL
When it leads to someone like Marxon or Kael? Yeah. One of those guys becoming the leader of the dominant faction is a bad end for everyone.
>Yeah, as expected.
Yeah, it is as expected that you completely ignore everything I wrote because you literally can't come up with an actual defense.
>Cyborgs continue until they end up as Brackman/QAI. This is their "evolutionary" path.
Except that's not how it goes. You're literally just making shit up. It's completely baseless conjecture. Once again, Brackman and QAI are not symbionts and never were.
>Yes. Aeon indoctrinating a UEF commander is also literally a thing that happens in-game.
Still no. Burke shows him the Way and he turns because UEF as they are at the time are cancer. Normal humanity is fine, but they are ran by retards and tyrants at the time.
>Have you actually played either game?
Have you? Marxon orders is and this becomes what turns the future Champion away from that subfaction. Along with Riza, another prominent commander. And Burke intervenes too.
>before he was dead
So, what would that achieve?
>When it leads to someone like Marxon or Kael?
Burke fixes the split by showing those who have strayed that they have lost their way. Only irredeemable fanatics need to be killed. This means that no one can actually oppose the Illuminate because before the split they were already winning. And yet she sacrifices her life to live as who knows what and forever prevent retards from turning the Way into another Marxon-style chimpout. So, have you actually played the game?
>impotent crying
You have not provided any evidence. "It's really not unreasonable to think" is not evidence. I will not address any further attempts at sophistry and misdirection further.
>Except that's not how it goes. You're literally just making shit up. It's completely baseless conjecture.
He is their highest authority and role model. Their whole deal is cybernetic augmentation. That's the only thing that sets them apart from normal humans under UEF yoke.

I tire of this. You are very obviously fishing for replies and I've had my fill of addressing bad faith arguments.
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>Still no.
Except he turns into a rabid fanatic and tells you he's going to cleanse all the people of Earth. He was clearly brainwashed. Pic related.
>Have you?
Yeah, Marxon gave the order but you're the one that carries it out, which is what I originally said.
The idea that this "turns the Champion away from that subfaction" is also entirely made up on your part. You continue to follow Marxon unquestioningly up until the princess personally removes you from his command.
>So, what would that achieve?
My point is that Marxon is not someone who was affected by the Black Sun device, so he is not a baseline for how someone who was affected by the Black Sun device would act.
>Burke fixes the split by showing those who have strayed that they have lost their way. Only irredeemable fanatics need to be killed.
This is PURE headcanon on your part. The ending says nothing of the sort, save for the part where she does indeed sacrifice herself.
>You have not provided any evidence. "It's really not unreasonable to think" is not evidence.
This is ironic coming from you. I accept that I'm speculating and making conjecture about what the vague Aeon ending actually entails, but I've been honest about this the entire time, which is why I'm using phrases like "presumably" and "it's not unreasonable to think". It's a fact that the Aeon hate symbionts to the point of being completely willing to kill civilians wholesale, and based on that I'm extrapolating that a total Aeon victory will result in dead symbionts. Yes, this is conjecture, but it's conjecture based on events we see in-game and not my personal headcanon.
Meanwhile you're literally just making shit up and treating it like it's 100% fact.
>He is their highest authority and role model.
He is also, once again, not a symbiont. His situation is entirely different from the average Cybran citizen.
>I've had my fill of addressing bad faith arguments.
You spelled "making" wrong, "addressing" isn't even close.
UEF did not want to subjugate the Cybr*ns, they are terrorists waging an illegitimate rebellion.
The gAeon are mentally ill and had harbored illegal aliens, their reaction to wage interplanetary jihad in the name of Jim Jones is proof that they needed to be put down.
UEF install loyalty programs in Cybrans. That's as close to enslavement as you can get.
1. nobody is forced to become a chiphead, that's voluntary
2. property =/= people
3. you're wrong
Cybran just asked for independence. UEF responded with nukes.
maybe they won't ask dumb questions next time.
>People liked experimentals but complained they were too hard to get to
So supcom2 made them cheaper and faster to produce

>People complained they weren't invested in the characters or the story
So in supcom2 we got three characters with family issues

>People complained that stealth, radar, cloaking, shields, etc were hard to understand
So they almost completely scrapped them

>People complained the sides were too similar
So in supcom2 they took away the aeons navy and artillery structures to make them 'different'

>People complained the graphics were too blocky and low res
So in supcom2 everything was overly colorful, cartoony and smooth.

>People complained the economy and teaching was too hard to understand
So we got the overly simplified economy that they had to eventually patch out because it was so awful

Literally every problem that supcom2 has is because of complaints being addressed.
Shows you should never trust the people
Unironically yes. People who design a good game the first time do in fact know more than the grubby public. That's why supcom1 is considered a timeless classic that is arguably the best rts ever made and supcom2 is regarded as a tragic mockery of a once great game.

I even like and play supcom2 on occasion but god damn if it doesn't feel like wasted potential every time
The doctor for supcom2 and mods kind of help but it all feels like it should have been included in the base game and not tacked on after the fact.
*The dlc
What percentage of the players? How much have those complaining actually played? 15 minutes? 30? An entire hour? It's always a very small but very vocal dumb fuck minority. Sometimes even those who are not and never were meant to be RTS players.
>Literally every problem that supcom2 has is because of complaints being addressed.
Who's complaints? Square Enix's retarded xbox playtesters who don't know what the fuck a strategy game is?
maybe dont become a computer if you dont want software to influence your computer brain next time.
You are literally missing the elephant in the room: research.
probably one of the least concerns with the changes in direction with SC2.
I main Aeon, generally, but I'll do UEF sometimes, especially for navy. Cybran/Seraphim I don't play that often; Cybran's game ender is really weak and shitty, and Seraphim just feels like it's in a weird place - most of their units are a bit sub-par or finnicky, and then there's a minority that are kind of broken (early Ahwassa, Yathsou spam).

I like the Aeon's aesthetics, they remind me of early 2000s sci-fi 3D renders you'd find on the Internet. Orion's Arm and shit like that.
>people who didn't like SupCom complained about everything good in the game, so dumbass nips took everything good about the game out of the game, and this was "complaints being addressed"
UEF is the best
>Cybran's game ender is really weak and shitty
The Scathis got a pretty big buff a while back in FAF (I don't know if it got nerfed or anything though I haven't been keeping up as of late). It now fires very rapidly in salvos, something like 20 shells in 5 seconds with a short reload time between salvos. It's pretty much guaranteed to level any base if you can't deal with it fast enough, and can cause quite a bit of damage with just the first salvo.
i like cybran's aesthetics but aeon is much better
I feel the exact opposite. I really like Aeon's aesthetics, but I hate their actual units. I hate their crappy TMD especially.
only thing good about cybr*ns is the Salem.
Cybran has the most aesthetic ACU.
That's Metal Fatigue.
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it's literally just the UEF ACU that underwent Aku surgery.
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UEF ACU has a completely different shape from the Cybran ACU. UEF ACU is fat and bow legged and looks retarded.
It's always funny to me that the UEF has this generic good guy design while their plan is basically intergalactic holocaust
hence the "underwent Aku surgery", everything is the same, two cannons, two legs, Aku was talling over others too
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*ruins your game*
heh, nothing personnel
>uh they're both vaguely humanoid, this makes them literally the same
that's correct, both are vaguely humanoid but one is tall, dark, and has a bunch of edges. These are the only differences. Functionally they are the same (albeit with different upgrades)
plumbing new depths of autistic faceblindness
How the fuck do I get good at supcom2
Me and my friend always get stomped by the cheating ai, and even the hard ai. He always plays UEF and I always played cybran but now I'm really enjoying Aeon.
As a side question, how are the other supcom games? Are they anywhere as advanced as 2 or do they have enough units and content to try them over 2?
>How the fuck do I get good at supcom2
Double click uninstall.exe
The scale in supcom 1 is much larger and you need way more unit variety (units don't aa upgrades for example) experimentals feel much stronger, and reclaim is more important. Game enders actually end the game
>*ruins your game*
How so?
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Why is that funny?
intergalactic salvation*
blacksun is a tool of unity.
SupCom 1 and the expansion are both substantially better and more indepth than SupCom 2.
>get good at supcom2
1.play UEF
2.Turtle HARD
3.build a ton of research
4.rush the tech that gives you point defense and aa on all your buildings
5.build lots of anti nukes and nukes
6.win though overwhelming their anti nukes defenses by launching multiple nukes at single targets
Tips for turtling: you can never have enough shields, if you have spare energy, build shields, if you don't have spare energy build more reactors, the best point defense is the small fortified artillery with the direct fire upgrade, build them right behind your shield wall and they will shred incoming armies, build lots of them, heavy artillery can reach 90% of the map on most maps even from your starting corner, if you build several of them you can effectively block off your opponent from ever having forward bases, remember to manually target them.
>2.Turtle HARD
shit advice, rushing will always buttfuck the retarded supcom 2 AI if you commit.
I find that cheating AI can usually get it's stuff up and running before you can rush them down, but I almost always play larger maps, so you might be right on the smaller maps.
Not a single unit there does what he is describing. Combots can [re-]attach arms in the field to empty sockets, that's it.
They have stealth and 5 of them kill your commander
If your ACU is unshielded, not in deep water, and you neglected to use omni + air patrols, sure. I've found they're generally only useful for sniping inattentive players, and to be honest, I've nailed more people with unexpected Solaces than Revenants.
I play on Steam, I don't really care what happens on FAF.
If you can get sniped by stratbombers you've already lost, regardless of what faction you're fighting against.
Even if they can't get your commander, they most certainly can get your SMD and nuke you
There's two solutions here.
One, have more than one SMD.
Two, defend your SMDs a little better than not at all.
>hey most certainly can get your SMD
Again, omni + air patrols + shields. You should have more than one SMD in any case. The amount of base that one protects is actually quite small, and if your opponent drops one just outside its defensive radius he'll still be able to kill a lot of your base.
then you failed to setup a sufficient early-warning network for air attacks.
Interesting how discussions about most other popular RTS games feature abilities, unit counters, pathfinding and so on much more, while here it is strategic defence this and network of early-warning that. Like reading a transcript of some stratcom meeting.
other RTS games have small scale battles, there's no point in networks of early warning if you can drive your tanks to the other side of the map in under a minute
Interesting how discussion about other popular RTS games boil down to glorified rock-paper-scissors discussions and cookie-cutter "strategies" in a can, whist here is about actual strategic thinking, planning, and response.
Honestly this entire conversation is pure wankery.
Your "early warning system" amounts to "actually scout" and "pay attention" just like in every other RTS game. Strat bombers also have a very clear unit counter in both ASFs and SAMs + shields.
>"pay attention"
no shit
>"actually scout"
not even, you can just build random structures or park obsolescent t1 units to have a patchwork of vision far beyond the boundaries of your base(s.)
>not even, you can just build random structures or park obsolescent t1 units to have a patchwork of vision far beyond the boundaries of your base(s.)
That seems like a huge waste of time and build power compared to using radar and scouting.
>"actually scout" and "pay attention"
the game doesn't even have a handy minimap to pay attention at all times like in starcraft, anon. Do you play zoomed out all the time? How? Do you even play the game you're talking about? Don't tell me you waste half your resources for spy planes...
The game DOES have a minimap. You can even resize it and zoom in on specific areas.
It's not enabled by default, you need to enable it in the map options from the globe icon at the top left of the screen.
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I... I've been playing this game for the past 15 years without turning on the minimap even once...
SupCom has a minimap AND you can play it on two monitors if you want (with separate views and camera positions) AND you spend half the time zoomed out with a full view of the map anyways because it's a real time STRATEGY game and you're meant to focus on the big picture.
Your fault for not playing the original without the expansion. And especially without many of the later patches that made it more boring.
The FA interface is doubly worse for removing the unit and structure descriptions. Everything feels dry and devoid of flavor now.
The original game's interface is fucking terrible.
UEF 4 lyfe

Enslave the Cybran scum.
Exterminate the Aeon filth.
Send the Seraphim vermin back to where they came from.
if you still have a blob of t1 ground units by the time your opponent is cranking out t3 from multiple factories any battle using them is effectively donating free mass, using them as impromptu eyes and ears is a better use, just have them patrol in a circle and hope the conga-line catches stealth units a radar would miss.
you can also do split screen on command, even use a second monitor for two different views at once.
>radar would miss.
>Imagine not having t3 radar.
The issue here is cybran strat bombers, which have stealth and thus radar immunity. Omni will spot them, but it's far too late to react to a wave of strat bombers if them entering your relatively short Omni coverage is the first you see them.
The real solution is to actively scout your opponent's base to see that they're massing strat bombers, which are expensive and take a while to build, and prepare appropriate defenses. Spy planes cost pennies and you only need a few to get vision over an area.
You should also just be building static defenses so that you're not in danger of being sniped by a surprise attack of a pitiful 5 strat bombers like this guy >>1903548
is multiplayer on supreme commander 1 & 2 alive?
i plan to buy it on this autumn sales
its has a couple hundred players (maybe) on FAF
Oh, I know, I was just memeing.
T3 spy planes are goated, especially on maps that are too large for your base's radar to reach their base.
Although my favorite form of scouting is aggressive forward outpost placement.
The real issue is that you should have a bunch of T3 ASFs on patrol, and they'll catch the strats early. If you don't have a bunch of T3 ASFs, then you won't be able to intercept the snipe, and typically air defenses won't be able to kill them all (flak don't deal enough damage and SAMs will tend to overkill), but a large quantity of ASFs will both be able to kill strats quickly and (if patrolling) detect the strats early.
There are no T2 or T1 ASFs and have never been so that's redundant. Air superiority is just that. Lower tiers have regular fighters and interceptors.
Hello! New player here and I am on mission 4 of the UED campaign.
Some little thoughts:
Air force seems really fast and destructive but is hard-countered by anti-air units and turrets.
Artillery and missile launcher land units seem really good.
Tier 2 turrets are very efficient.
Naval cruisers seem absolutely amazing.
The upgrades for the Command Mech seem quite expensive.

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