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Anyone tried the demo? Full game comes out Nov 5th.

Heard some people either really liking or disliking it. Seems the latter doesn't realize you have to be more active than turtle in this game to be at an advantage.
this game has been in dev for so long without a word that i wasnt even aware there was a demo now let alone its out tomorrow
yeah, it's pretty good although I feel like the rougelike elements hold it back, hope it does well and we can get a Tactics 2
I'm a bit disappointed by the amount of deployable units and I tried coping by believing they'd let you get at least an extra one, but I don't think that'll be the case.
>Heard some people either really liking or disliking it.
I was expecting some FFT style game, but with a cool Metal Slug aesthetic and fun.
But the game is 99% "setup combined attacks chain, nothing else is worth it". Apparently that the intended design and not just terrible balance.
In anyway yeah, I was going in full of enthusiasm and after a few mission realized I wasn't the target audience.
>it's out
Lost my first run to the mummies. Feels like they did some changes to the way SYNC works compared to how it worked during the demo. I'm liking the game well enough so far.
I hate it when games get "tactics" added to them when there are no tactics involved.
The idea of a turn based metal slug tank game sounds awesome of course they would fuck that up.
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I am enjoying it a lot.
tactics is an umbrella term for shitty uninspired turn based trash games
I'd understand if you complained about strategy games not being properly strategic, but 'tactics' is something you have to employ in pretty much any game genre that has you solve difficult problems.
The game isn't a strategy game though, its another "puzzle" game pretending to be strategy like that mech one that came out awhile back. Its about setting up chains and shit not using actual tactics.
Thats fine but I wish they would label them better.
People have been calling various strategy games puzzle games since the 90s at least.
puzzle games are a subgenre of strategy games
turnbased strategy games are not the same thing as this or into the breach.
What an ugly, fake 80's artstyle.
The game makes a lot more sense once you realise that it is not Metal Slug TACTICS but rather METAL SLUG Tactics. It's not just the setting, the game actually attempts to transplant 90s run and gun arcade game into a completely different genre. In my opinion it succeeds.
you probably meant to say 90s, right zoomoid?
Does that look like a 90's style to you? It's obvious fake 80's slop, see also the recent Aliens fan-made cartoon.
>but Metal Slug is from the 90's
Exactly, and the 90's concept art looks nothing like that.
It’s a great game, just need to temper your expectations. It’s not final fantasy tactics with a metal slug skin. It’s not Xcom or jagged alliance, etc.

It’s its own thing. Very deterministic in the actual combat phase, the only random elements being enemy reinforcement drops (type and location - you know they’re coming). The combat is all about setting up those sync attacks + heavy focus on movement.

There is a lot to chew on - not a ton of characters, but the ones that are there go deep in terms of their active and passive abilities, with different specifications and weapons available when choosing a team.

It’s surprisingly “deep” but still accessible. I’m enjoying the hell out of it.

Also the art style is awesome - they just took the arcade graphics and put them in a tactics game. Perfect.
How is the end game stuff?
Because the demo was pretty good, but it was only the very early game.
I made it to the final battle on the lowest of the three difficulties and was defeated. It was the 16th or so battle, but you can get there faster if you want.

The game is more like into the breach or FTL or Darkesr dungeon 2 where you play shorter campaigns with permanent unlocks vs a long drawn out campaign like final fantasy tactics or Xcom.

The amount of customization you get during a run is solid - unlock new active and passive abilities, modules for your weapons, one time use assets, all in the face of an increasingly difficult foe. There are 4 areas, each one has unique enemies and missions, as well as a boss.

Long story short - it’s engaging. End game is good and you’ll wipe if you have a shit team. Tactical problems are complex but solvable.

Once I wrapped my head around the core concepts (sync, dodge, and adrenaline), it really clicked and the pace through the game is a steady ramp of complexity and challenge.
Getting a knife mod with a T-shaped 3 tile range attack area was hilarious. My boy Tarma kept shanking his friends during sync attacks by accident.
What good skills + combos have you guys found?

I don’t know what it’s called but the Eri skill where she jumps, causing damage around where she jumps from and where she lands absolutely fucks. Explosive Jump I think it’s called.

It was doing 8 damage in the run I just completed, effectively deleting at least 2 enemies per turn. Eri rocks.
Is the game buggy for me or is destroying cranes with Eri's grenades supposed to not have the AoE crate drop attack take place?
Or is it some weird interaction with Fio's drone moving enemies to be under the crate's AOE?
The game is currently full of bugs. I recommend to wait until the first patch before diving seriously into the game.
>new patch
>this bug still exists
My game experience became even buggier with the patch. I enjoy the game, but c'mon, devs.
I want a DLC with a zombie area from MS3. More time spent bug squashing, less time spent working on new content.
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I've played the game for an unknown # of hours, at least 50. Have done runs on Lieutenant, Captain, and General. Posting my review.

I instantly clicked with MST coming from a Fire Emblem/Into the Breach background, where the focus is positioning on a grid; but of course, didn't fully grasp its incentives until later. There's some real complexity here that surprised me.

The big thing that isn't obvious is that the game has "infinites." It's highly unusual in a tactics game, but MST is designed around this mechanic of "bonus actions" and "bonus movements," with no theoretical limit per turn. The unstated goal - the obvious winning strategy in any run - is to engineer one of these infinite scaling strategies around the end of the 3rd zone (in a full-region clear run).

This totally breaks the game even at the top difficulty, but you aren't guaranteed an infinite and have to make good choices to bring one about. It feels somewhat necessary on General difficulty due to the sheer volume of enemies and the bloated HP stats, boss and non-boss alike. It's a game begging to be broken, but there's a certain strategy in that too.

An example of an infinite scaling strategy in my current run:
>team: Nadia, Clark, Ralf
>skills: Hypertension, Tesla Ammo, Magnetic Rift, Team Player, Team Leader (Clark), Killing Spree (Clark, Ralf)
>weapon: Pulsar shotgun that hits 2x6 (12) damage after mods, IF Nadia shoots from one of her electric mines

It's hard to explain if you haven't played the game, but the gist is that with correct positioning and sequencing, Nadia and her boy toys can infinitely pull enemies to her mine and then refund the adrenaline (energy) cost of this action, while also scaling damage (Killing Spree) for a boss kill. Tesla Ammo grants infinite ammo if fired near a mine.

What I'm saying is, the game can get quite autistic, if you're into that. I am, personally. You'll enjoy MST in proportion with your proclivity for setting up gamebreaking combos in strategy games.
The game's fun and I managed to play 20 hours without encountering a game ruining bug but I'm hesitant to play more knowing how bad they could get. The worst I got was the weakened status effect carrying over between boss phases, permanently.

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