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Can't have negative feedback if there are no official channels to give negative feedback in. Devs just can't stop winning.

https://files.catbox.moe/uq883w.pdf - Brazil-Argentina war design doc.
https://files.catbox.moe/djf9rg.pdf - Latest Moskowien rework proposal. Years of work flushed down the toilet for less gameplay and no wars.
https://files.catbox.moe/zff5y4.pdf - Serov "facelift" document. The first leg in the now confirmed Komi rework.
https://files.catbox.moe/cdag1w.pdf - US rework proposal archive. Read all about this hot new TCT mod.
https://files.catbox.moe/9nqmlk.pdf - Iberian Wars rework document.
https://files.catbox.moe/ymgaur.pdf - Amur rework doc. Almost two years in dev hell, still no release date.
Honestly, paradox threads should get their own /gsg/ board and let actual strategy games stay here.
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Slow news week even by post-hijack TNO standards, folks.

>TNO shuts down #mod-feedback because they didn't like the feedback they were given and got tired of telling uppity fans to simply "read the events" whenever called out.
>Narrative collapse: TNO's Antarctica update to include an OFN invasion of German Antarctica with Germany doing nothing about it; German CW cut conveniently ceased to matter under a non-Reich lead.
>"Just change the loc a bit, don't cut all our content we worked on." - Antarctic Chaddist to seething Reich devs using the GCW cut to excuse dozens of removed wars and reduced gameplay (all other wars are still being cut with this excuse anyway sry).
>Cowardly TNO dev tries to convince /vst/ that Mexico will have a war in the future, is promptly shut down by a courageous anon leaker.
>Mexico-Guatemala war leak confirms: zero gameplay, Mexican auto-win with slight tonal variables at best. The absolute state of TNO. Releasing 2027.
>Anon sleuth (allegedly) outs the TNO #2 moderation lead Kateryna as being the resident devposter because of an identical writing style and opinions; salt is mined, true or not.
>Future TFO demo confirmed to have George Romney as its starter with only generic lib-con alternatives; full Vote Pig timeline, zero fun, no Russia or Germany gameplay in the Axis victory mod. Enjoy your realism, chud.
>Still no sign of the fabled Q2 Brazil release as the tag (still) only has a few pieces of loc left. Did Jag mean Q2 2024 or 2026?
>/tno/ has its slowest thread in months as /vst/chads now have mods with actual content to talk about.

Keeping this from the last bake while we wait for a Redux.

Red Dusk - Fun and proves that you can have a grounded cold war setting and still have wars and functional gameplay.
The Fire Rises - I literally cannot stop playing this.
Pride and Fall: The Last Days of Poland - Locally appreciated meme mod recommended by several anons, give it a try. Map: https://files.catbox.moe/ltq7qi.png
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Remember: If you're someone that lives in America and believes in voting please consider voting for anything that will make the TNO coup leader seethe. Thank you.
i think Kamala will win but if that dosent happen... the seething will commence
TNOmod and its consequences have been a disaster for the modding community.
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Please god let him win, for no better reason than people i hate will seethe.
Literally the only reason I care about the rigged election ngl.
Don't call it that, it'll make those cretins on /gsg/ who have turned the entire thread into a glorified discord server feel welcome
This whole thread is about discord celebs and politics, it's not any different.
If Britain somehow survived Sealion II, what should their paths be from that point on? I suppose they would turn into a dictatorship, but what would happen afterwards?
i think the military would just declare an eternal martial law while tryng their hardest to rebuild a broken country. from there you could choose an atlantist guy, someone who' tries to get along with America while still with some reservations and an absolute isolationist hardliner who simply wants to trade with neighboring nations but he'd never actually commit to any diplomatic stance. either of those would probably cause a lot of public upheaval because the antlantis 1) imagine being invaded for a second time and then tryng to cozy up with another major power, the population would NOT be happy and 2) because if you stay completely neutrual in what would look like a wreckage of a country everybody would use this instability to pay and arm insurrectionist groups inside you to get a favourable government. either way the military government would have to play a game of "catch em all" of insurrectionists, rioters etc. i'd argued before of a 1984 kind of country but since that'd be, i admit, too idiotic even for TNO this style would be more interesting imo
*i argue before for a 1984 kind of country
sorry i had a stronk
Why the fuck did they shut down their feedback channel? I don't understand
The general opinion on /vst/ (since they never gave an actual reason) is that they simply got assblasted and shut it down to filter negative feedback into the general chat where it can be deleted more easily or at the very least ignored. There's likely a more neutral explanation but since they refuse to give one (and since they're dirtbags) you can't blame people for defaulting to the least charitable explanation. Especially since they are known for very heavy handed moderation against any form of dissent including constructive criticism from genuine fans.
It's the final stage of completely isolating themselves from community feedback, from now on, the only interaction between the team and the discord is mods banning people for questioning their shitty content.
So here's what I don't get about megamods?
Why not fork the mod if you're going to make it worse?
A lot of people wish that the current leads had done that instead of taking it over only to redo everything in it from scratch and removing everything that people liked about the original content in the process. The atmosphere in the community wouldn't be anywhere near as negative if they'd done that.
>make it worse
They think they're making it better of course (because they shut down all dissent) but it's just the scale of all the reworking.
The problem is, at a certain point, you're better off just making something new.
Like, when you're in as deep as Kaiserreich is, reworking is basically just where you say, "project's done, on to the next one."
How evil can I be as RFK and Hart?
I think there's a case for updating stuff in mods like KR if done right. The France content turned one of the oldest and most underdeveloped tags into something much grander for instance. Facelifts and substantial quality improvements to existing stuff is nice. Re-inventing the wheel, not so much.
why do they all sound so gay when they speak
"final victory of the democratic zone of peace" nigga stfu
Notice how their writing on social media is often 1:1 with their in-game writing? Really makes you think.
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Oh boy, TNO. You know back in late 2020, and early-mid 2021. I used to play the shit out of this mod. Really sad to see the state of the Dev team and the mod is at.

I'm gonna post this screenshot, I'm gonna go play as Serov and have this be my last TNO campaign before I finally leave the mod for good. TFR is an good enough replacement for TNO anyways.

I'll be posting my after-game screenshot, maybe an third after I win the Second West Russian war against Germany.
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Fresh comvet leak. It's replacing a ton of unique subids: esonaz, ariocriollismo, slavo-aryanism, and deep econaz.
More slop coming with TT4. Grim.
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>Palingetic Nazism
Am I reading this right? Are they adding a new subid to merge tons of funny NS ideologies into in order to make it more generic, bland and homogenized?
>Move Slavo-Aryanism to NS so that it can be deleted by a bland replacement
I fucking hate devniggers so much. Also why are they constantly deleting subids? What benefit is there even to it? They do it all the time.
>Deleting hours of work and iconic content in order to make things worse and less unique
Peak nu-TNO.
Quote from Lamounier: "but yeah the whole point of it was to make something that represents IRL neo-nazis and their tendencies better than something that just goes "WOW aren't these guys just craaaazy??!?" <:lolhd:1108940574653956126>"
You may be asking: how did this describe Ariocriollismo at all? How is this remotely true for Vagner given that he's got a whole anarchist dimension to it that doesn't fit with the Palingetic description? No idea, why bother to think about things for more than 5 seconds? Devs clearly don't care, so why should we?
The dumbest man in the room will insist on big words.
Lamounier really is one of the stupidest motherfuckers on the planet. All he does is lazily skim Wikipedia and then try to make the content fit that mold better. It really is all fucking terrible. Wow cool Velimir will no longer have his unique subid but will instead be lumped in with generic Neo Nazis. Slavo Aryanism for instance wasn't just crazy for crazy's sake, none of those ideologies were. EsoNaz represented the occult SS LARPs, EcoNaz was just ecofascism on steroids (and it was for Marc Augier too), Slavo Aryanism is fucking Hyperborea. All of these are unique and say something about the leaders and their tags. Now it's just... More like the Neo Nazis of our world where Nazism has largely died in WW2, wow, awesome Lamounier.
will they at least include the plane designer? they're 3 major patches behind now
No, AKnight has been gone for years so no one's coding that and everyone that cared about tech design is also gone so it's literally never happening. You're welcome.
flowery, pretentious, regurgitated, formulaic - all these words can be used to describe TNO writers.
quoproquid will be spending the rest of his life writing TNO - how long that will be depends on what happens next

[red text] Is it the light's early dawn, or the final sunset of a shattered dream? [/red text]
spot on
90% of the time the character descriptions have the same exact structure, like they're following a script some lead dev gave the writers
it's almost embarrassing
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aw man i keep posting these comvet exclusive leaks by accident whoopsie
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behold the sum total of progress on the "every senator will have a full unique voting ai" pipe dream Mango sold in the vote pig document.

>captcha had "NPP" in it
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And here's Europe and its environs in the map rework. Everything else is either old as fuck or way too insignificant to even post here, like single icons from the Italy rework.
And Mango has been working on this for as long as tfr was in development lmao.
>Double Ostland in size
>Remove the CW and all content that'd benefit from it
Lamounier is such a dumb cunt.
Holy shit, grim. Tanks and ships but no planes, sloppy work devs.
What's comvet?
Community veteran is basically the dev dicksucker role with a private channel on the community server, fags must be pissed at the devs if even one of them is leaking shit now
AKnight coded those other two and tech was more robust back then. But like that anon said everyone that worked on that content is gone and nu-devs don't give a shit about gameplay.

Hilarious. Hope the devs are seething.
Is Mango seething about the election on Xitter?
I don't think he would be yet, all the states that have been called so far were kind of expected
Yeah but he's a dumb fag that exclusively reads radlib media.
Be sure to remind Mango that he was a massive shill for Kamala and advocated that she should run instead of Biden. Dig up all the Tweets where he said that and rub it in his stupid fucking face.
No way it's the Kaiserreich guy.
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>the Rework Reichsleiter strikes again
Does Lamounier seriously not understand that IRL Neo Nazis wouldn't be the same in a world where you'd have people in Germania that'd influence the development of National Socialism the same way Moscow influenced the development of Communist movements IRL? Also how is this ramble about endless revolutionary struggles for aryanism any less LARP-y than the shit he's removing? At this point it really is just deleting content because he doesn't like it just like he deleted Burgundy.

A funny thing about this is that we had leaks earlier from other branches which showed that Burgundy was goone along with many other cuts lel. Still being careful not to openly admit to too many unpopular changes I see.
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What's the point of this change, even? What?
>TNO dev try not to remove content challenge (Impossible)
Because Lamounier hates that content and wants it replaced with his own shit. But he's a midwit so he's replacing actual in universe ideologies with a lazy man's skimming of the Wiki article on neo nazism filtered through some pseudo intellectual writer. Remember: this is the guy that killed Burgundy and had it annexed into plot armor Germany.
How this guy even got in charge of the mod in the first place?
Like with Mango and the rest of what the tread calls the Realism Clique: Got into power by voting for themselves, harassing people who disagreed with him until they quit (and then reworked their content) and exclusively promoting their friends who by and large do nothing but sit around in the same echo chamber all day. Lamounier was also a big beneficiary of Panzer's collapse. According to an anon in an earlier thread he's also been involved in a lot of backroom backstabbing and treats his autistic mod project like dead serious politics. What does he have to show four it? Half a year of his life down the drain, his reworks still aren't out, and he's only removed or scheduled the removal of content made by people who were better and more creative than him. I don't think I need to qualify the last part for the person that's deleting BurgSys and Slavo Aryanism and replacing them with generic Neo Nazism because it was the closest fit to Wikipedia.
Man, TNO is just depressing modernly. And not in the way the developers wanted you to be.

It's fucking depressing that the mod has turned beyond pure slop, constantly repeating the same mantras, the same shitty half-baked memes, and removing anything even bordering on cool, fun, or interesting.

When the "Don't Surf" demo first came out, many people loved it. They loved the ideas behind it, the writing of it, the atmosphere/aesthetics, etc. I was one of those people who as well loved it.

But now, 4+ years down the line, they've been slowly removing more and more in the name of making it more modern, progressive, or realistic, such as removing Alantropa, changing the esoteric nazism from purple to brown, and taking away lots of fun features. I still miss you, Glenn.

I just hope to god one day there is a TNO-Redux, like how modders did with KaiserRedux after seeing how Kaiserreich was going down the shitter.

I swear OWB is the only thing keeping me still playing HOI4 Modernly.
A correction: EsoNaz wasn't turned from purple to brown. They simply removed it as a category because people liked it too much ("muh wacky") and merged it with NatSoc ("people might think it's good Nazis VS evil Nazis"). And as you can see now they're just cutting all subideologies associated with it.
Correction again: sub ideologies can't have their own color on the pie chart as a sub ideology has to exist within a block on the pie chart. But at the same time as they removed the purple ideology they also added four shates of brown to NatSoc so they absolutely could've kept the purple one. So they absolutely rubbed salt into the wound it's just even more elaborate than you put it since they went through the effort of adding tons of new ideologies but refused to keep the most iconic one out of spite.
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Hi guys, here's a rushed crop of all the mini malding the big three of TNO have posted on Twitter. Enjoy. Hopefully the resolution isn't fucked.
Why are they back to blaming Biden when he at least won a primary. Genuinely what were they thinking putting a woman who dropped out before the primaries even started in charge of a national campaign.
>In the year of our lord 2024
Ugli's third post about another anthem than America's playing. Gee, I wonder what anthem than the radlib TNO dev that watches MSNBC 24/7 is hinting at, don't you?
I thought it was referring to me, sorry.
Hopefully you aren't Ugli so you're good.
Also post more.
Hey remember a few threads ago when we said that it made no fucking sense to move him over to NatSoc? Now we know why they literally only did it so that they could delete his ideology. I fucking hate devniggers so much it's unreal.
You should add Twilight of the Anthropocene.
>Write about how you're wrong and how KX and TFR have unique colours for subideologies
>Get banned and my message deleted
What did jannies meant by this?
If it makes you feel better I'll just take that L as it is. idk wtf jannies would ban you over it.
If you want it included you should talk about it and try to get some thread hype going for it! The Polish thing isn't there because someone asked, it's there because it was memorable when everyone in the thread (except that one seething TNO dev) became a Polish patriot over how funny it was.
>the TNO thread is talking about content cuts to TNO and mods to play while waiting for the Redux
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>Multiple times
Beyond parody.
The head of the US rework, btw.
TotA has no hype. The head dev is a furfag and the entire setting is just an excuse to have even more trannies in the current year.
So what you're saying is that it's doing better than DV at least?
Is there any submod that isnt chinese or 2wrw thats actually alive any more? Feels like all of them have fallen apart.
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God bless leftiebonics
That speererite88 was actually funny
Part of me wishes to see playable Balkan countries in TNO but another part is convinced they'll make the BALKANS of all places a boring slop. Hell, some places rn are handled poorly
Spend less time quipping on twitter
There would be nothing enjoyable to "play" there aside from Italy or Germany influencing the region, the card game was unironically more interesting than half of what TNO has added in its wake.
I mean, its gonna look like how the Balkans have always been in history with 3 major powers (Turkey, Germany and Italy in this case) trying to expand their sphere of influence across the region, which Ig can lead to some interesting or meme paths should the TNO devs decide to do it (they won't because fun isn't in their vocabulary)
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>So you see there Jack, we need uhh to wait the return of Alex, yeah that guy.
I haven't followed the mod but from this and previous thread it strikes me that the problem is that the people with no ounce of edginess in their blood have taken on the project that definitely should have some edge to it.
Pretty much. The people that hijacked it have spent the past few years deleting everything that made the mod special in the first place and turned it into a worse and more railroaded CWIC.
>Give Thrace to Bulgaria
So Italy, Turkey and Grece get less content in their main war? splendid, another banger from the TNO team.
quoproquid is such an insufferable faggot. nobody cares about his bitching about biden. just shut the fuck up and stop acting like an intellectual
Funnily enough Greece is coded to take it back later. I have no clue why they did it its so stupid lmao. Greece will only fight over some tiny islands and Cyprus now its mechanic of war preparation is basically pointless now. Did they just want to remove a war? ong
>Did they just want to remove a war?
Literally many such cases. The nu-devs have chased out people and removed several tags just to keep gameplay and even uninteractive map painting to a minimum. Mosk's endless reworks are a prime example of that. Enjoy your current standards. You'll have no gameplay and you'll be happy.
Will ANYTHING nu-devs shit out ever top the cultural impact of Taboritsky? I even see him outside of hoi4 circles
No and that's why he's being reworked.
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Apparently Heldenvolk is adding actual naval combat to the South African War, but they did not give out any details yet.
Bruh there have been so many attempts to add actual naval combat to the mod and every time it's been shut down by "muh cold war muh nukes". Good on the submodders for saving the day again.
>no naval combat occurred between 1945-1991 anywhere on earth
so when will they do things about the fucking dutch instead of jerking off around the SAF?
More or less how it was argued a lot of the time when I was on this madhouse of a team. We can't have wars and by extension no naval battles between majors because of nukes and all the conflicts which would include naval gameplay between near-peer belligerents were scrapped as devs were either purged for wanting too much gameplay or willingly agreed to make their tags into static screensavers. I exaggerate a bit bit that's practically how it worked out. If it wasn't self-imposed restrictions it was internal drama. The only possible trend breaker is the South Atlantic War which means that it took them five years to get a single naval conflict added and I wouldn't be surprised if that gave that the SAW treatment and just added a spirit that railroaded the naval warfare. Or worse, turn it into a broken GUI mini game.
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Considering they are only posting South African stuff I assume the Dutch are either dead or lowest pirority while they focus on South Africa. Weird choice considering its supposed to be a Surinam mod.
I'm assuming the Reich team or the South America team meddled with the Free Dutch content so much they just gave up and moved on to Africa, which nobody else wants to touch lmao
99% sure it's this. The lead of HV respects (or at least respected) the TNO team a lot and wanted his and his team's hard work to be featured in the main mod. Reich team is the more likely culprit since they're by far the most meddlesome gameplay haters out there. South America gang are usually fine but tend to be subject to a Mangoite Monroe Doctrine where they pick fights over anything that might break OTL-ism. Especially if they planned on any kind of pro-German content that's what did them in. So moving to Africa dev makes sense since it's frozen for several years into the future so it doesn't even matter that the SAW is likely on the chopping block along with everything else that's "unrealistic" over there.
>under 10 posts per day
>most posts are about other mods, submods, and how TNO is destroying all promising submods
Yep he's dead alright. The lead devs completely killed it and strangled their own community. We need a fucking Redux already.

Hey you know what's be awesome? If one of the submod teams created a Redux, absorbed the Dutch mod and let them create whatever Free Dutch content they wanted without the TNO devs meddling.
Monkey's paw: You get a TNO redux but it's a Italy wank instead of a Germany wank
At least that'd be funny especially if you had the promised dynamism of Red, Fash and Dem Italy since then every game would have different players on the world stage reacting to giga Italy differently. Genuine improvement. No wonder Reich team keeps fucking over Italy's reworks, they can't handle Pikeman's full Italian power level.
Dead mod
>TNO written by Pikeman
That would be better than the current status quo.
Can someone explain to me why so much effort is spent on irrelevant shitholes in South America or Asia instead of fabled German rework? Who even plays them in a mod about the alternative Cold War?
Unironically a huge improvement.

Because a lot of the devs of those places (like the original Brazil lead) live in that region and have a great interest in its history and politics, so they wanted to share that with the community. There's nothing wrong with that especially since they made efforts to bake their lore into TNO's. Brazil is a major part of the SAW, Colombia has a big civil war, etc. Germany rework isn't happening because it's being headed by Lamounier, dubbed the "Rework Reichsleiter" by the thread. He's reworked all tags in the region several times over. So you're possibly getting a Brazil update this year because it's made by a small team of regional enthusiasts and you're probably never getting Germany content because the lead's a jackass that destroyed the entire mod over muh narrative. Hope that helps.
>Just make everyone crunch on Germany!
You'd think that was an option since they made everyone crunch on Antarctica but no.
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For me, someone who lived his whole life in Eastern Europe, the history and politics of South America are as alien and incomprehensible as the mating rituals of sentient mold from
Proxima Centauri b. And, judging by Russian warlords content in TNO, such attitudes are mutual. But I get it. People write (or create mods) about what they know. I guess I will play Brazil when it gets full content, for educational purposes.
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Everytime i see something about the REWOOORK i get drawn to these tweets: Uglidoll is a Russia dev. I know that he knows that NOTHING they'll will do will have the staying power of the funni clockman/wholesome sablin/hyperborea/tetris tsar, no matter how many years after the rework is done.
That Tweet really summarizes all of nu-dev TNO.
>Work your ass off on something literally no one wants
>surprisedpikachu.gif when no one cares
Ugli is the one that really kicked off all the Russia reworking by doing the Amur one that's still in dev hell so I bet it hits extra hard for him. Corn is worse but Ugli set the tone for nu-dev by ordering the reworking of a fully functional tag from scratch for no reason. Knowing him he actively fought against adding new warlords too. You know, the thing they promised for years after the first release that everyone said that they wanted only for the him and the realism clique to completely 180 on in favor of endless reworks of beloved content.
Would be fucking hilarious, let me go fast and Muti and sit in an armchair as Bordiga
>fast and Muti
*fast as Muti
Can anyone post pics of Mexico's Wikipedia events if someone can be bothered to boot it up again? I tried finding them via archive but no cigar.
>Moscowien in its 9th/10th rework, civil war completely removed, weird Destiny stuff gone, no gameplay allowed, six varying paths gutted for three boring nazi paths and a german army path
>Hereema reportedly cut, Ukraine dev dead has nothing going for itself
>Red Italy deader than your average palestinian child
>Democratic Italy beyond dead, completely gone from public memory like it never existed
>Fascist italy continues in what appears to be a year-long code review, only one Duce currently in the "finishing stage"
>No news of Brazil despite it being "confirmed" to release early in the year
>mid Mexico demo whose full content will basically never release
>Canada dev dead, only news are content cuts
>Zero Germany dev news in over half a year
>Most Middle East wars cut, no replacement as of now
>Next update isn't going to be Brazil, it will be India skeleton and map rework, Brazil likely delayed to December / q1 2025
>Russian warlords continue to be cut and reworked, "small Amur expansion" has been in dev for over a year and zero news apart from 1 leak
>No news of Argentina dev beyond devs answering questions
>Africa dev got sacrificed to the elder gods
>Japan is deader than irl
>Manchuria seems to be at least progressing but won't come out anytime soon
>France dev gone from the face of the earth
>UK continues in its pause to "research", main dev spends all day on doki
>Turkey lead admits he doesn't think current dev is getting anywhere
>Iberian Wars? anyone?
>Finland skeleton getting reworked, no more civil war, Russian victory is basically no longer possible

At least we got Iceland skeleton. What did we do to deserve this? Can something ever happen? Can we have fun?
The worst ones were as I recall:
>The student massacre being a 1:1 replica of the Wiki article despite the left-wing context becoming complete gibberish due to the collapse of the USSR
>The Hawaiian Missile Crisis replacement's negotiations is basically just a 1:1 expy of the real life Cuban Missile Crisis negotiations
>As an added bonus the only reason the Japanese missiles are near Alaska is because Japan's attack on the Aleutian Islands (can't have an Axis member make ahistorical gains in an Axis victory mod)
There's a lot more but most of it's just people's policies, bios and other boring stuff being lifted, it's something most people wouldn't know if they didn't live there or had an interest in day-to-day politics of the era.

You forgot that Mango's reworking America from scratch to be closer to real life and that it hasn't gone anywhere in two-three years other than slowly removing all territorial changes. Another loss from all these reworks is that they've also started to actively obstruct all submods by being so far-reaching that they're making it impossible to work with. How do you think all Russia submodders feel about them wrecking the entire map and all wars? Or Amur's superregional breaking the entire continent by happening a year sooner? If they actually had an active Asia dev you'd see a lot more issues with Chinese mods like LaAR and the one that recently released.

So to answer your question:
>Can we have fun?
No fun allowed and the devs are actively going scorched earth not even on their own mod but the entire community just to make sure that you'll never experience a single moment of joy ever again.
Are there any screenshots of the scrapejob? IIRC some bios are literally copypasted.
>No fun allowed and the devs are actively going scorched earth not even on their own mod but the entire community just to make sure that you'll never experience a single moment of joy ever again.
It would be better if they believed they were doing this on purpose but they actually think what they're making is better and more fun. High arte.
That makes their ban on all feedback even funnier.
The negative feedback is a chud conspiracy, rightfully shut down.
>tfw anon's jokes are less stupid than the social experiment lingo they actually used
Rapop is currently in the process of being removed. If he doesn't release Brazil until 2025 he's done for.
Will the next DLC bring anything interesting to TNO or are they just ignoring it?
They already said they're going to ignore it. Nothing fun allowed. Please tell any devnigger you know to kill themselves.

Deets please or hoax. Why would the other leads give a shit about him producing 0 in years when that applies to them too? If anything they'd reward him for swindling the userbase.
>They already said they're going to ignore it. Nothing fun allowed.
Fucking hell how are they so lazy? Every other mod team I know is integrating it.
I guess we gotta spend that effort on more copypasted wikipedia articles
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tbf they said it literally on day one so it might have changed. But yes one of the leads said that the expansion wouldn't pose any issues or lead to a long time of unplayability so the thread consensus was that nothing ever happens.
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>know multiple former TNO devs, some from the panzer era, some from pacifica era, some from fairly recently
>they all had bad experiences of one type or another
>tell them about how it's currently going
>they all think it's far worse than anything they ever experienced on the team
Devs literally cannot stop losing. To the devs I know read this thread, always remember: rock bottom has a basement, and that's where you're heading. I sincerely--not as a shitpost, this is my honest advice--urge you to jump ship before you waste months or years on something that gets reworked against your will or cut entirely.

All my friends are much happier on other teams. What you are experiencing is not normal for hoi4 teams. It doesn't have to be this way.
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Oof, looks a bit unrealistic chuddie... Ain't seein' anything on Wikipedia about that happening... Sure am glad that Corn and Kateryna are reworking all of Russia as a team so that the children of tomorrow aren't taught anything unrealistic in their alt history Barbarossa sims!
I wonder how TNO devs explain the Taiping Rebellion
They'll call you an orientalist chud racist for bringing it up and ban you.
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Plans to scrap Finland have been scrapped. Has the lord answer our prayers? Now if they would fix the current Pacifica content that would be cool. However considering they announced a complete rework of the Karelia war, does this mean they have abandoned that, or that its just been infinitely delayed?
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With this (and a variety of other messages in gendisc), Frost advocates for the removal of entire Russian warlords to make them more realistic, or their outright deletion. He explicitly pointed out Komi shouldn't exist in another message because Pacifica based off the arcs of some characters from characters of books.
>Burgundian System
>muh slop
What the fuck? Why is he like this?
>Timestamp predates a lot of the actual rework leaks
>General discussion posts contradicted by closed Russia dev chat leaks
This is almost certainly just obfuscation. You said it yourself. They're reworking the Karelian war, the Murmansk uprising is being reworked as well because Kateryna imagined that it was a Ukraine war reference. What they say in the comm server and public dev chats is often wildly different from what they're doing. Don't trust these people. The rule of thumb should be that the most pro-rework statement should always be considered true unless they explicitly deny it in a lead dev chat among themselves.
>Fix Pacifica's content
Bruh it's Corn and Kateryna calling the shots on these reworks and they've already made it their top priority to shut down a full Russian victory in the Karelian War because it's "unrealistic". They're going to make it worse just like they do with everything else.

This is consistent with the leaks about Serov being moved to Zlatoust and completely reworked which then became a full Komi rework. Timestamp also predates the confirmations that they were cutting events from Tabby. Frost isn't just advocating for these changes he's outright explaining why they're doing these reworks which have already been confirmed.
are we still on the nothing ever happens ark or are they actually doing something?
we're waiting for the update that's supposed to come out... soon enough
This post is a good summary of where we're at:
You wish we were still in the nothing ever happens arc of us just joking about Brazil not releasing in the summer. Now they're actively reworking most tags and getting rid of a large amount of all remaining wars to make sure even less can happen. Dare I say it, they're getting aggressively anti-happening. In fact our only major recent news have been them shutting down the feedback channels so that people can't tell them that they hate nothing ever happening. It's beyond parody how nothing happening TNO is getting.
lmao it's just Kateryna being mad about the Karelian War plans leaking.

He's just like Uglidoll in that tweet. Salty that people like the schizophrenic Jewish Nazi-Tsarist more than his "meticulously researched" garbage.
Compatibility patch for the new dlc coming within a week. No new content, all dlc mechs will not be present in any way. Just out to not break the mod won't have anything new so don't get your hopes up. I recommend not downloading it if you are playing atm, 50% chance it breaks the game and your save considering how often that happens with TNO releases.
They they state all of this officially? Jesus Christ that's just awful.
Bad scenario: They update it after a week and you get fucking nothing.
Worse scenario: They pull an Ugly American and actually release an update that only breaks/removes otherwise functional content.
>KR updates literally hours after the DLC drops
Are you telling me TNO can't do the same? Why?
>Released the same day
>Zero new content
>Just a bunch of bug fixes
I guess you're technically right but it's not like I was going to play this awful snorefest while I have TFR. Wake me up when they put out actual content.
>eternal slumber
They really won't stop until they successfully dismantle every bit of legacy content will they?
What even is left at this point that hasn't been deleted or is at least slated to be? Atlantropa, Burgundy, all Russian tags of note, all of America and Germany, every trade of old Finland, everything's gone. There's nothing left except Italy and the parts of Africa they're too lazy to delete.
You, anon. You will be deleted next
Antartica lead confirmed the next patch is ODF. Brazil pushed to 2025? Anyone wanna bet on it? Antartica seems geared for december of anything else
>Brazil wiki scrape and non-canon war in 2025
"Just two more weeks of Brazil loc left." - devniggers back in the spring

At least they're adding something that's been on the workshop for several years. That's nice. Sure was a good idea to purge anyone that gave a shit about gameplay while reworking every single tag from scratch, seems to be doing wonders for their output.
>Antarctica seems geared for december
lol, lmao and even a rofl
12 months to integrate an already working submod
it would take a miracle for it to actually be released
>12 months
Bruh it's been several years and it keeps getting pushed back because everything is being reworked over and over. At least 24 months.
the official announcement was december last year so I was being as charitable as possible
Assume the worst with the nu-TNO devs. It's always worse than what the official announcement is and usually because various leads meddle in it or have their own reworks throw a spanner in the works.
So any seething?
Any news on Japan?
Anon posted a fair bit of it in a collage. Russiagating, child-like namecalling and other forms of coping and seething were had. Their Twitters are probably still public so you should be able to do your own salt mining if you're interested. Share it with the class!

Deader than Italy.
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>Dared to call out the devnigger baiting in the last thread
>Accurately call out one of the lead moderators Kateryna because he writes the same way
>Never denied, only deflected
>He kept getting aggressively called out by anons when trying to defend the jannies again
>Gets spooked and doesn't post (or at least changed his writing style) for weeks after being caught red-handed by /vstno/

TNO jannies can't stop taking Ls this month.
Even the captcha gets it.
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lmao dev thinks Aelutian crisis is bigger than the cuban missile crisis. lmao? doesnt feel that way thats for sure. three railroaded events and shit no one cares about alongside cutting out japanese wins from ww2
>bigger than the cuban missile crisis
>still can't escalate into WW3 with 60s tech, so no MAD, because fuck you
I find it hilarious the Japs don't take Hawaii anymore. If they crushed the USN and were able to land troops on American possessions, they would absolutely try to invade Hawaii for its strategic position alone, not even involving the fact it had a large Japanese population that would be bolstered by years of colonisation, like how Vladivostok is now some Japanese-Manchurian clusterfuck
How the hell is it bigger than debatably the most important event of the entire Cold War? It's a railroaded 1:1 expy except Japan can't reach DC from there so basic geography alone makes that statement ludicrous.

That's one of the worst parts about Vote Pig. It has America effectively win the war. No land gains and the country's more progressive than before. Nothing ever happens.
What the fuck? Why did they just disable everything?
I mean, god damn, what's the point of early access if you're going to ignore all the cool new toys?
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>TNO refuses to bring anything interesting
>EAW not only has full integration of all 1.15 and DLC features, but extends special projects according to their longer timeline, adding hovercraft, race magical techs, air-launched cruise missiles, and fucking salted bombs
Everyone except TNO itself is doing it. Even submods like 2WRW said that they'd look into adding projects which would presumably be for the Russian unifiers if they get around to it. That alone is leaps and bounds better than TNO flatly rejecting even risking anything happening. And as always - total pony victory, the uncontested champions of HOI4 modding.
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Thoughts on the Victoria 2 TNO mod?
>Antlantropa? Slop. GCW? Slop. Burgundy? Slop. Russian warlords? Slop. War? Slop.
>Deader than Italy
at least they got facelifted and more playable than Italy
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Does he know? Poor fool...
"Slop" really has become a code word for anything that isn't a LGBTQ+ wall text event chain with a certain crowd at this point.

>Comparing two flattened raccoons on a highway and discussing which is the deadest of the two
Holy shit it must be so painful to be an actual nu-TNO fan. Imagine constantly having your hopes dashed.
Oh, TNO will get special projects. Only it will be something like
>Wholesome chungus Great Society
>research Space Gun, unlock words words words
>build what is a seemingly useful superweapon but if used it is instant game over because ummm war bad
I think they have developed full on Stockholm syndrome at this point. He'll just rationalize it as muh narrative and fap to it. Actually, turns out, getting no content was better than actually getting content!

>Universal rights to transition for toddlers as a basic human right, maxes out all your socdevs and gives you 50 event chains about gender affirming care for children defeating Hitler
Fucking shoot me now.
Nuh huh you're gonna get this retreading of a Wiki article on Mango's favorite liberals and you're gonna like it.
How is team morale these days? Still excited 24/7 over removing as much content as possible? Even the leads in the Reworkerbunker have to be a bit bleak at this point, or is everything still all rosy now that people aren't allowed to say otherwise?
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Huhhh, so how's Brazil?
They just posted on their Reddit that Antarctica is releasing before Brazil. It's fucking dead, you're never getting it and the devs that told you it was releasing back in the summer are laughing their asses off at anyone that believed it.
no i do believe we're getting it honestly, unless they announce a rework for some God forsaken reasons they should be pushing it. it just got delayed after january which is a fucking disappointement
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We're not getting it this year that's for sure.
how does one fuck it up so much? half of the work was already done, we already have the GUIs in place, i imagine most of the lore was also made by the previous administration, i feel like TNO has become absurdly inefficient even when they dont rework their shit
>The Brazil Update™ is just like any big Brazilian project, led by a corrupt leadership and riddled with delays
Knowing TNO it's a mix of all the leads being retarded and shit constantly being meddled with and getting soft reworks.

A Redditor summarized all content for the ODF integration patch, likely their only update this year and even that's generous. What does /tno/ think about it? As always, no fun allowed.
Pointless. Even if exploited commercially, it'd just be one giant coal mine. Most of the "science" that goes on there has zero applications as far as a HOI4 mod is concerned.
>minor border changes
Who asked, who cares?
>India crisis
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>No wars on the Indian subcontinent, just the off-chance that the skelly may randomly reunite
>3 years of Antarctic content tops for the few tags involve, short-term across the board, they spent years on a glorified demo
>Map and ideology changes to prep for some of their leaked, awful reworks
>A few new island nations that can do nothing courtesy of the people that tout "performance" when deleting civil war tags that actually do something
>Brazil fucking never, no more updates all year

That's all you're getting across a whole year of rework toozers from dear leader Mango everyone. If you're a TNO fan you might as well just shoot yourself at this point and spare yourself the suffering and humiliation.
Devs announced they are cutting one of the afghan skeleton paths, the one that was pro-India. Not that I care about, but thing is, they are replacing with a kemalist path friendly to turkey? what the fuck? can any arab history bro clarify if this makes sense? Also, pakistan also gets a wang jingwei thought path which is basically KMT or smth. doesnt this feel a bit weird to some of you? I could totally be wrong tbf but I would like to see the realism justification for this considering how they used realism to ax stuff relatively less out there than kemalist afghanistan
The Wang Jingwei Thought ideology as a whole was panned in this thread when it was first revealed, another Muslim state adopting it despite having even less to do with the KMT sounds stupid sing he's still a universally despised collaborator that sold his nation to genocide and slavery and literally not a single poster here believed the devnigger narrative that they "created a cult of personality around him" when literally everyone with an ounce of in-universe knowledge would see him as a Vlasov figure.

The Kemalist thing is something I can't really speak to but I can see a stronger case for it since Mustafa Kemal would be a reasonable role model for a lot of secular Muslim reformists. It depends on how it's depicted, sure, but if they were to just have Afghanistan try to become a more progressive and secular republic then having a Kemalist sub id would make sense. Even without a strong Turkish connection between the two (which I have no idea if it exists or not) you can at least make a case for it. Assuming that the context isn't completely stupid which tbf the Wang Jingwei stuff was but it sounds harder to fuck up.
Haven't lurked in a while, can anyone give me a qrd on the Vote Pig stuff? I've seen it mentioned some times.
Full document is in the OP and is permanently sticky'd because of how butthurt the leak makes the dev. tl;dr: USA reworked to be more OTL-ist, R-D and NPP removed, all edgy stuff sandpapered away, half a dozen liberal routes, all America's WW2 losses removed and the only fun path is a super moralizing anti-Nixon meme. You can read it for yourself but it's so awful and the devs know it's awful to the point where the last page is devoted to pre-planning damage control, I shit you not. Mango and QPQ are just turning TNO into a shitty The Campaign Trail mod.
me when i'm lying
Someone please post this shit right back at the faces of these stupid niggers:
Brazil was meant to release before Mexico but devniggers just can't do fucking anything right. And guess what? IF it even releases it'll be awful because of all the meddling from Mango and his boys.
>it's there because it was memorable when everyone in the thread (except that one seething TNO dev) became a Polish patriot over how funny it was.
can i get QRD?
Two threads ago, an anon randomly derailed the thread by posting about the Polish mod mentioned in the sticky, giving players a break from the endless whining about how dead the mod is.
Most thread regulars thought it was fun and people started to post their playthroughs.
A TNO devnigger - probably Kateryna or some other janny on thread watch duty - started seeting but got laughed at.
The Poland mod was thus cemented as a "pretty cool mod" as far as /tno/ is concerned.

Nothing more to it. People thought the mod was fun and it became a local meme. The baker then started to promote it in the last thread because someone asked them to, making it a fixture of the news post (since there are no TNO news because the mod is fucking dead). The rest is history.
oh, ok. i thought it was some /pol/, /int/ or /bant/ tier shitfest about how Poland bad
thank you
Nah it's just a wholesome episode of people finding a mod and thinking it was fun. It's an unusually upbeat episode in the thread's lore (before we descended into despairing about how shit TNO is).
Remember all those islands in the pacific Japan took over after the war? Fiji, Samoa, Polynesia? Well, say goodbye to yet another Japanese conquest. Much like the pacific ports (which was fine to remove tbf), Hawaii, and countless other areas already prepared to be reversed to OTL status, the island of Fiji will be an OFN-aligned republic with a socialist government and under effective american-australian-NZlander control. There is also plans to do the same thing for Samoa and Tonga according to devs. Weren't they complaining about lag? Also, Fiji will get full skeleton content "as soon as Antartica is finished". Can they seriously stop giving work to shit islands and microstates? Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Fiji, the list goes on. When will this rape of Japan stop? They have lost most of their direct territorial gains in WW2.
Lol the lag thing reminds me of way back in the pre-release days when Panzer was bragging about TNO running faster than Vanilla. There was something very charming about that statement, like Panzer was such a simpleton that he couldn't connect TNO's lack of content for 90% of the world with the lack of lag. He somehow thought that his trannies were coding geniuses, possessing skills well beyond the ken of any other hoi4 mod team before or since TNO's inception. The best part is he wasn't even right about it being less laggy. Oh to be in 2018 again.
Its meh, way too focused on multiplayer, and pretty empty in terms of content. It does make me fantasize about an alternate universe in which Panzer learned to modify Vic 2's map, instead of just throwing in the towel and going to GOY4. I think the world, or at least the gsg community, would be in a way better place if TNO had stayed a Vic 2 mod.

Its also hilarious that the whole reason TNO went from Vic 2 to Hoi4 was because Panzer couldn't figure out how to put Alantropa into Vic 2, then the post-Panzer team ended up removing Alantropa anyway, and some random fags were able to implement Alantropa into Vic 2. Just an absurd turn of events altogether.
>Can they seriously stop giving work to shit islands and microstates?
To be fair it's probably the only places people can work on without insane lead meddling.
>Muh lag
Surprisingly enough, that's only an issue when wars need to be deleted. Funny how that works out.
Screenshots of this? This is way too retarded to be true. I mean one of Japan's biggest obsessions after WW1 was colonizing all those little islands they took from germany. There is no way they wouldnt have taken as many more as they could.
I think it's something that can be taken at face value. Mango's mandated that all traces of America losing the war are to be removed for whatever reason so that he, QPQ and all the other retards can just stick to writing OTLisms about the civil rights struggle. Japan logically doing all these things don't matter. Nothing ever happening and turning TNO into a completely uneventful VN is the end goal here.
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Here you go anon. There are others but this is about it. Fiji is independent and effectively OFN occupied, similar situations for Samoa and Tonga, Polynesia unknown atm likely not Japanese.
All this effort for a change no one wants, that improves nothing and actively makes the world less fun.
Btw gotta gut all CWs for performance.
>Brazil had to be delayed again so that they could add a wholsum socdem microstate island in order to cope about Drumpfler winning
"getting permission to talk about this"
>M-mango sir they want to know about the pacific islands for some reason.
>Drop the leak. Withhold information on the Solomon island and Tuvalu reworks. Fiji is ok. I want you working on that skeleton though and get a teaser in the subreddit NOW
>C-could I talk about the New Caledonia free french independence referendum GUI?
>No, Still havent decided if we are removing Free France so that might be scrapped.
>B-but I worked on it for months... its a 3 way proxy!!!
Here's your Russia dev bro
Oh my Fauci... this is NOT wholes--realistic!
So now japan doesn't even capture areas they captured IRL? Are they going to remove Japan defeating China too? Remove the japanese occupation of SEA? Will they eventually just decide that actually japan lost the war and just turn it into otl japan's wikipedia article?
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Oh my God this is so fucking dumb.
>Firstly, realism is not the reason why these changes were made (okay, not the only reason)
Just gonna post the picture, don't mind me.

>TNO has changed from a story of Nazism crumbling to a story of a world where Nazism is, in many respects, a fact of life.
And because of that, you can never change it, and they will have eternal plot armor. Bravo.

>I do not know if OP has seen the Germany teasers, but I highly recommend they check them out.
I hate this line. "Bro, you didn't even LOOK at my toozers. If you did, you'd get it."

>Russia conquering all of Eastern Europe in one fell swoop against a nuclear superpower that is stronger than it is not necessary for the setting to be possible.
Their story is so brilliant, you just CAN'T have gameplay that leads to meaningful change, guys.

>Germany, however, has the superior land army - unless Russia is receiving divine intervention or Germany decides that a military is a waste of time, this will be true.
>As an aside, Germany did not spend 33 years before World War 2 fighting an on and off civil war while being bombed by one of their enemies.
"They have the better army on paper and a better situation overall, so we had to railroad the outcome of the war. Fuck you, player."

>NO has decided that Nazism will not bring itself down, it must be brought down intentionally by people who oppose it.
People who oppose it? Like my Russian army that's barreling down towards Germania? No? It doesn't count? I can only take Moskowien? And then everything is railroaded? OK genius.

>As for another point, why would Nazi Germany ever allow for its main source of food and oil, along with every one of its Eastern colonies, to fall to its greatest enemy?
Tough shit, I won the war.
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>Germany does not have to say yes, it has thousands upon thousands of nuclear warheads. Whatever arsenal Russia has is simply not going to compare.
>To assert that the Nazis would willingly negotiate away their most essential colonial possessions - Ukraine and Caucasia - , that which not only play a central role in their ideology but also in the economy of their empire, is simply untrue.
Germany is happy to give up all of Africa and its resources and that has no impact because realism. It doesn't need all that oil within its vast colonies there. Think winning the war will save it? Get a grip, chud. We'll railroad them losing it anyway and they won't even try to take it all back except for a few mines in Congo.
Germany will nuke the entire world if it can't have the oil of Caucasus after being militarily defeated there fair and square. Get a grip, chud.

>More than that, it's unsatisfying: what is Russia to do for the remaining four or so years of TNO2? Sit around? It would lack a clear foreign policy objective. By giving Russia time after the war to continue to work on prying Eastern Europe away from Germany, we plan to create more gameplay and content for Russia and Germany. The war over Muscovy is the start of Russia's rise, not the end.
TNO3 is totally coming guys and then you'll be able to have Russia expand.
Have Russia be a player on the world stage after winning and making content around that? What? Crazy talk! That's for countries I don't viscerally hate!

Corn really is a moron. But what else can we expect from the guy that said that Amur's content should break all of Russia on purpose because he can't be bothered making them have the full content everyone else has in the rework he's been working on for two years?

Sorry for the long post but holy shit this smug brainlet pisses me off.
Also like
>Germany, however, has the superior land army - unless Russia is receiving divine intervention or Germany decides that a military is a waste of time, this will be true.
>As an aside, Germany did not spend 33 years before World War 2 fighting an on and off civil war while being bombed by one of their enemies.
"They have the better army on paper and a better situation overall, so we had to railroad the outcome of the war. Fuck you, player."
Germany has a garbage and overbloated army, this is canon. Meanwhile as Omsk or Tukh I get to Spartan Discipline and my units shred theirs. Cope, Corn.
Exactly. Lots of people have said it but this reads like something a bad game master in a tabletop would do.
>Oh you won
>Didn't plan for that
>So let me make up a reason for how you lost anyway, actually
Corn cares so little about gameplay and player experience hes destroying the entire way the Russian reunification works because hes deleting so many pieces of Amur content he has no clue how to replace them all.

I assume this is my screenshot due to the dating, my point with this is, *why* break Russia if Amur wins reg and their superreg? Why not just add another year of content or delete less of the existing content? The answer is that Corn doesnt care. He had this idea and he does not want to change it, even if it fucks up how the entire fucking game works. What if you are idk the anarchists chilling around just starting the second half of your political focus tree and Amur invades you out of nowhere and kills you because they already completed their entire military tree and have all they need to rape you? Also, what happens if Amur loses and SBA, Tomsk, Novo etc reunify before completing their trees? Will they have to wait a year completing a tree that assumes they are still in regional but not in superregional? Deranged.

REMINDER if the amur update ever comes out and you are playing ANY country except Amur, go to country paths and make sure Magadan or Chita wins the warlord regional stage. Else your game could break or be ruined ESPECIALLY if you are another warlord, or, for example, a communist country hoping Sablin or left Komi wins, etcetera. Corn is forcing us to go out of our way to remove his content lmao
Assuming you're the original poster then yes it's yours. I saved them because they're handy for when these awful arguments come up. The worst part of this is I bet you it's just the top of the ice berg. Mango and Corn sperg in public, but can you imagine how awful him, Mango, Lamounier, Frost, Kateryna, QPQ and the other usual suspects are in their lead chats? These are the things they're comfortable saying in private but we know from the Vote Pig leak in particular that they understand that their ideas are so awful that they have to lie to the players to push them through. I bet you that once the full plans for Russia are leaked we'll barely even remember the "Russia isn't allowed to win" arguments because of how awful everything else is.
>People who oppose it? Like my Russian army that's barreling down towards Germania? No? It doesn't count?
No. Only America counts. Specifically a liberal America that has 2020s era liberalism in the 70s.
They're going to end up turning The New Order into Thousand Week Reich.
Was TWR that bad? I recall it being just a tad bland, but it had some zanny paths like Heydrich "resorts"
Nayrt but in TWR Japan loses hard to America while Germany wins that's probably what they're referring to. Hey, TNO stole their Goering...
The irony of Corn using this argument when he and Kateryna reworked Finland to be unable to fully lose to Russia makes it even funnier. Nigga you're giving muh big numbers always win plot armor to the country of 4 million that defeated the USSR in your own lore lel.
If "bigger powers" always win in the TNO world then why the fuck do the USA exists? Don't you know that Britain had a better army and bigger industry and thus should have automatically won??
Indeed, anon. Besides, Britain would never have agreed to simply hand away some of its most prized and profitable possessions in the new world to a bunch of upstart rebels. It'd simply have hurt their standing in the world too much and led to their collapse. That's why Russia can't beat Finland and Ukraine can't beat Germany even when they do because they... They just can't, OK?!
>Britain would never have agreed to simply hand away some of its most prized and profitable possessions in the new world to a bunch of upstart rebels. It'd simply have hurt their standing in the world too much and led to their collapse
Meanwhile in Katerkrieg, Germany is railroaded to just lose Mittelafrika, it's treated as this inevitability that must happen, an "it can't be helped" everyone in Germany (including the far-right) knows that it will happen and nobody will raise a finger to protest MAF going under because it must end muh bloated administration muh wwii devastation muh entanglement it's too big.
It's interesting that "nu huh the world superpower can't just fight back because they are too tired and wrecked after the world wars" and "nuh huh that nation is too powerful for the lesser nation to try and fight back" are both equally valid for nurealism devs
Its funny because the first indochina war began almost immediately after the war and France OTL was far more devastated and disorganized than Germany ever was in Kalterkrieg
Part of me thinks that, Kalter is just shit because the devs couldn't figure what to do with their mod and they NEEDED to release, otherwise they would be burried deep. The mod is hella unfinished and incomplete, maki ng TFR looks like a finished product by comparidon
Are the devs really left wing? If i was a Marxist, the scenario of
>"eldery, out of touch aristocrats who thinks they are still fighting tribals with spears send poorly trained eastern european conscripts to mantain an opressive, wasteful colonial project that only exists for muh prestige, which then leads to social change in Germany and abroad" would be an amazing point to be had about the nature of the self-serving Imperialism. It would be thrilling, exciting, something original you could have as "distinctively kalterkrieg's" and not too outside the realm of realism.
I guess they like being the Nothing Ever Happens mod.
I think the most interesting thibg about it is the shift away from realism justification and into the narrative one
Kinda makes sense, since lots of their "realism" changes are absolutely retarded. Now they will just go "tno was never realistic" and "this is my artistic vision, you simpletons are just too dumb to see it"
Last part is especially moronic
>Russia can't get those areas, even moscow is pushing it
>And if they do Germany is ready to burn the qorld before giving it up
>But fiercely independent Baltic states will easily hold the Germans off
>Yeah, Germany nukes Kiev but this time they'll simply respect their independence
>And afterwards neither Russia nor Germany would just roll through them
>Don't ask why, they just won't, OK?
>Muh realism
I think they're only changing the narrative because of how much shit they're getting over it. Like the above posts of the new mantra being "actually we're not about realism" - when explicitly citing realism as an excuse for the same changes for YEARS. This is why you can't let them use their shitty buzzwords, people.
>Muh revolters
I remember that getting so much shit when Corn and Lamounier first revealed it.
>Plucky rebels can get rid of the Germans, no problem
>The entire Russian army? Nope sorry too weak.
It's genuinely frustrating.
Remember when I leaked they were removing Russia taking Ukr, Baltics, Caucasus etc nearly half a year ago? Remember that when they talk about realism they are talking about having random ethnic insurgents crush the germans, liberate their lands, and be *conditionally friendly* to Russia in *some cases* in exchange for a ton of aid, volunteers etc.
Is that realistic to you? No, they just want a narrative and go through with it. If Germany will nuke Ukraine for defending itself following its civil war, why the fuck won't it nuke Russia or the ukrainian or chechenyan or whoever ethnic rebels conditionally aligned to Russia (for the time being...) when so much more is at stake? Why can Germany stop Russia from breaching the the Volga river on the south or pskov in the north with Russia's army in the high millions but they cannot stop some ragtag nationalist militias from taking over Lviv or Riga? They have effectively written themselves into a corner with the realism argument which is why I assume they are pivoting.
>independent ukrainian state with time to raise and army and protect itself? impossible to win, nuke (but no one cares enough to react)
>independent russian state with more than enough time to raise a massive army and assault a collapsed Caucasia with droves of partisans on their side? impossible to win, nuclear holocaust
>couple latvian partisans without a state or proper structure to back them up, armed with russian scraps while refusing to commit to an actual alliance with russia to get real aid? victory, the only way to free Europe, also Russia cant invade them after lmao
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>If Germany will nuke Ukraine for defending itself following its civil war, why the fuck won't it nuke Russia or the ukrainian or chechenyan or whoever ethnic rebels conditionally aligned to Russia (for the time being...) when so much more is at stake?
Because as the local devnigger said: those are non-canon nukes, like the ones exchanged between Brazil and Argentina. Therefore, Germany nuking their food supply doesn't matter and they can still use Ukraine as their breadbasket. Nuking Russia, however, is a canonical nuke, so it'd end the entire world if they did that.

Makes perfect sense to me.
Holy shit, I remember when the Amur rework was discussed about two years ago on the dev server. How the fuck has it still not released?
ScareSith hasn't posted in over 3 months, what happened to xer?
UgliDoll and Corn are retarded, refused to listen to anyone rational and ventured on to turn the "late game facelift" into a full rework not just of the tag, but with an overhaul of all Russian mechanics which includes multiple new GUIs and scrapping the regional dev decision category for a mission based system. That's all the 2022-2023 "progress" out of the way. By the start of 2024 Corn started to rework Sverdlovsk and after Mango took over he started to rework every single tag. And no, it doesn't stop there. He's recently teamed up with Kateryna (a nu-dev lead) to rework Finland and the Karelian War (disabling a Russian victory and removing the Finnish Civil War) as well as reworking even more tags from scratch. Recent head scratchers include Komi being reworked, Serov being moved to Zlatoust and reworked from scratch, Tyumen being reworked from scratch with a new leader, and God knows what else.

tl;dr: it's not done because they decided to rework every tag in Russia and every tag associated with Russia from scratch all at once.
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Corn in 2024:
>lord protector and supreme autocrat of all russia content
>lead of Amur content
>lead of the Komi and Tyumen reworks
>team lead of dem italy after it died, ensured its destruction
>community lead of TNO
>14 roles in discord
>lead of all ukraine content
>"team coordinator" sitting at the top with Mango
>US developer (?)
>department lead of development
>shared lead of Finland with Kateryna
>self-described senior coder

hasn't released a single piece of content except meh Ukraine demo with barely any content and a mid GUI lmao
It’s not out of the question to say xe’s joined the 70%
The same can be said about a lot of the leads.

>Lamounier is the Reichsleiter of TNO, Fuehrer of Reich dev
>Has dozens of reworks in Reich under his belt and has scrapped and re-scrapped more plans than anyone else, never accomplished anything

>Mango is the President of American content, head reformer of the New American Century
>No liked content to his name, shat out Reddit wank and the broken Ugly American dumpster fire

It's all talentless hacks and their equally talentless friends they handed lead positions to simply because they're friends. Anyone with any talent or even passion for the project is long since gone, either purged or jumped off the sinking ship.
The "muh narrative" meme also helps them evade a lot of shit they obviously hate doing.
>It's a narrative mod, who needs wars?
>It's a narrative mod, who needs gameplay?
>It's a narrative mod, who cares about bugs?
Etc etc etc. Not that anyone buys it but whatever let's them sleep at night I guess.

How will TNO recover after losing its last non-team member that defended them?
Kalterkrieg could be so much better if it had a third side to it. I dunno, like the totalist Left-KMT! There need to be more rogue states, more nations dedicated to revenge or war. Why not let the Ottomans be guided by the Kadroists so that they can get revenge on the Cairo pact?
I'm sure this was suggested in meetings only for the local devnigger fauna going:
>That's interesting but what if nothing ever happened?
I'm afraid Kalterkrieg desperately needs a submod which actually makes something happen.
Saving this because it's monumentally bad and shouldn't simply be lost to time. Predictably after the last rounds of mass deletions and bans to their last posts about future Russian content the only comments left are two ball fanners.
>"TNO has decided that Nazism won't 41% itself." - Corn
>"It's good that a dev has come out and said this." - elderron_spice, a man so retarded that he doesn't understand that the opposite form of railroading also sucks

>"The war over Muscovy is the start of Russia's rise, not the end." - Corn, pretending that TNO2 will happen and that planning for 3WRW is better than piggybacking off of all other conflicts in TNO2 (never releasing)
>"The best explanation of Russia in the TNO future." - Ddosto, the last man that thinks TNO2 will release

Can't believe I'm saying this but TNO Reddit used to be better but after they banned everyone it's just like the Devcord. Which makes sense, anything less insulated from criticism is far beyond their comfort level.
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The leak we had a month or two ago about Mexico and Guatemala just got confirmed. Mexico always wins, then its occupation can get fucked or succeed. Some of you are gonna say "nothing ever happens content" but I actually find it fine. The problem is it actually releasing lmao. It doesn't look particularly interesting but I assume Mexico will have other forpol stuff to deal with. (I cut some of the images in the screenshot due to size issues)
ICBM escalation is gonna fulfill my great trial needs
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TNO teasers back in the day:
>In this Axis victory mod we'll explore the exciting possibilities and consequences born out of Germany's victory in the war!
>New countries you've never heard of led by some of the worst people in history!
>Our passionate devs took the time to create new, exciting stories inspired by historical figures in a grimdark future of a hyper-industrial slave state dystopia unlike anything you've seen!
>Sure makes you excited to eventually either liberate these lands or cement your tyrannical rule, doesn't it anon?

TNO toozers today:
>In this Axis victory mod we'll explore OTL-ism in third world countries that won't look out of place in any Cold War mod!
>A fake, completely railroaded "war" leading to yet another PP dump mini game with a bloated GUI no one asked for, none of which will impact any countries you give a shit about!
>Zero relevance to Germany or Japan, lel, enjoy nothing ever happening!
>Never releasing because Mexico dev is thankfully dead!
>By the way all the content we teased all those years ago yeah we're deleting it and in ten years we'll replace it with nothing ever happening featuring a generic collaborator!

Sincerely, to all my fellow team members reading this: there's never at any point in history been a development team as out of touch with the player base as this one. I'd leak the rest of the flowchart for this it's literally just a mish-mash of uninteresting el genericos that either get elected or get placed in charge after the fake war. The only interesting person in all of the Guatemala content is Fuentes and he's railroaded into always dying. All events are for Mexico and the Mangoite post-rework USA except a total of three flavor events that impact nothing for EP and CPS.

>y u no quit anon
I swear my content will release any day now and will have gameplay honest please don't make me rework it again I beg y-

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