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How many soldiers have died under your command?
Was it worth it?
Cutscenes in the first CoH feel odd to me because you got show soldiers on the personal level and then the mission starts and they turn into nameless company like everyone else. I know they're likely going for this dissonance but I don't think they quite pulled it off.
None because I won't play ww2 games with female marketing
That is not coh3 and the post does not restrict it to ww2 games but you are obviously too retarded to notice either
hope she sees this bro
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>How many soldiers have died under your command?
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Every single drop of blood spent in my name under my control is worth it.
None, for they live on in VALHALLA!
>hmmm I have 3 enemy tanks pounding this position, I'll put a single squad into this building
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Many have given their life, but it was all to keep the Federation safe from those damn, dirty bugs!
Is that Blitzkrieg or EaW?
>How many soldiers have died under your command?
All of them.
>Was it worth it?
No because I always lose. I am very bad at all RTS games.
None because video games aren't reality.
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t. imperial guard commander
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many but I do my best to keep them alive because I hate losing experienced soldiers, every death is not in vain but a sacrifice on the road to Final Victory.
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hill attacks especially are ugly business
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>that pool of blood

Probably either billions to trillions at this point given that I have played everything from ww2 games to space games. Yes, it was worth it.
Pay no heed to casualties Comrade Commander, for every Conscript that dies in this glorious crusade, there are a thousand more eager to replace him.
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At some point I stopped caring about the virtual little men and just focused on objectives.
Nah he just spilled his kool-aid
It's a tomato sauce, they're Spanish.
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I never send men to die needlessly
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I mourn for every PixelTruppen who falls under my command.
Sorry I couldn't get you home, lil buddy.
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>How many soldiers have died under your command?
>Was it worth it?
GoH would be so good if AI and its controls weren't so retarded. You have to literally babysit every single soldier or else they would run into the most retarded spot in the worst moment possible.
If i achieve my goals, it's always worth it. And on how many, as little as possible, preferably none.
Surely it's not that hard for them to fix
it has been a problem in every single mow game so apparently yes, it is hard to fix
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I am a complete moron leading different complete morons. None of us have any idea how many men we've lost or whether it was worth it.
Playing graviteam and losing 20 30 men in a push really puts things into perspective (or when their named squad lead dies) when looking over the map. I felt it especially in the american 1942 campaign in the desert war focused game, so many lost guys.
>How many soldiers have died under your command?
Nearly all of them.
>Was it worth it?
It was hilarious.
I'm starting to run out tho, probably gonna need to find another hobby soon.
It can't be THAT hard to fix. Maybe they tried once or twice and decided it's not worth the hassle.
>How many soldiers have died under your command?
how many bread have you eaten?
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I'm running out of africans to replace my reproductive age native men... Nothing hilarious about african motherland...
turd worlder esl post
retarded newfag
t. save scummer
It is if you are the inept GOH team. All the other games handle it fine, including MoW2
No, they don't.
Go back to your shill thread, faggot.
based conscriptmaxxer
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>and AS2's boards are much bigger than GoH's too.
Pure, unbridled cope.
>throwing away an AT squad to hold a VP for a few more seconds when you already have a triple cap and a huge VP lead
>AT squad doesn't even manage to accomplish anything in the process
Seems wasteful to be desu
So what you're saying is that both games have the same problems.
Draft hohols. Mobilize hohols. Conscript hohols. Grab hohols off the street. Kidnap hohols and send them to the front. Mobilize 16 year old hohols as cannon fodder. Grab 70 year old hohols and send them to boot camp. Launch hohol conscripts strapped to rockets. Use hohol conscripts in human wave attacks. Mobilize female hohols. Mobilize sick hohols. Mobilize disabled hohols. Mobilize retarded hohols. Send hohol conscripts on suicide charges. Weld hohol conscripts in tanks. Throw a hohol baby at the russians. Mobilize pregnant hohols. Draft hohols in schools. Draft hohols in hospitals. Draft hohols at funerals of dead drafted hohols. Drag hohols out of their own homes and send them to war. Use hohol conscripts as human shields. Draft 80 year old hohol babushkas. Arm hohol conscripts with rusty old AKs. Give hohol conscripts no body armor. Draft hohol cops. Draft hohol doctors. Draft hohol firefighters. Draft teachers. Draft students. Draft politicians. Draft single mothers. Mobilize an entire school. Send hohol conscripts to the trenches.
>How many soldiers have died under your command?
Not enough
>Was it worth it?
Easily, I would've liked top have killed more really
>Be invaded
>Somehow you are in the wrong for fighting back
I still don't get that logic
>keep telling my neighbour I will put NATO and US army bases and join EU, knowing damn well how much he hates it let alone that this will threaten the existence of his state
>keep bombing the buffer zone between us.
>"noooo why you invade me"
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>enemy suffers massive casualties
good. this pleases Khorne
>I suffer massive casualties
good. this pleases Khorne
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>keep killing innoconet Donbass children
>get killed back
>keep killing innoconet Donbass children
>Look how many died
>Double digits for the last five years, exclusively from unexploded munitions
I wish donbass children were actually being killed
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>killing children le good if in small amounts
you're in the wrong for doing it completely wrong
you were supposed to be in moscow by now, not tactically withdrawing from the region you spent years fortifying
kek ukraine is a local power at best
regional I mean, like they could only fight and win over byelorussia or some transnistrian semi-recognized state.
Ukraine and Russia both have a Paradox map gamer mindset. Ukraine was unironically offered peace negotiations by third parties that were biased in its favour and it still turned them down, continuing to demand an unconditional surrender from the country that is still activelty occupying parts of it. FULL SIEGE ME DOWN NIGGA mindset but in IRL.
>In Russia's vision, Ukraine was supposed to “recognize the independence” of the so-called Donetsk and Lugansk “republics” - and within the borders of Ukraine's administrative regions (as of February 24, 2022, Russia controlled only part of these regions; by the end of 2024, it still does not have full control over these territories).

> The authors of the Russian document believed that it was Ukraine that should bear the costs of rebuilding the Donbass infrastructure destroyed during the war launched by Russia in 2014.

> Russia also demanded the lifting of all sanctions - both Ukrainian and international - and the withdrawal of all international lawsuits filed since 2014. In addition, Russia insisted that Russian be granted state language status and that all property rights of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate be restored.

> The authors of the agreement demanded to “cancel and no longer introduce any bans on symbols associated in the states with the victory over Nazism”, i.e. to legalize Soviet and communist symbols in Ukraine again.

> To the document they attached a list of Ukrainian laws, which they called examples of “Nazification and glorification of Nazism”. The laws “On Commemorating Victory over Nazism” and “On Rehabilitation of Victims of Repression of the Communist Totalitarian Regime” fell under this category.

Istanbul peace demands.
Acceptance? -1000.
>okay why don't you just let those regions go if they're such shitholes
I don't care about the costs as long as the juice gets glassed thoroughly.
Thank God this war is going to end in a few months and the media will most likely memoryhole it.
dude there's 3 trillion dollars oil reserve in Donbass basin.
>make up some vague lies about ukies killing some non-descript never documented children
>this means we can rocket artillery carpet strike hospitals, schools, kindergartens and blocks of flats, murdering tens of thousands of children
vatnigger logic at its finest, cant argue with that
They are documented. Most died in 2014, however.
It is true that deaths weren't numerous, but it doesn't mean that deaths had never happened.
We call it genocide, you call it collateral damage. We are not the same.
>weak and pathetic ukraine can't be defeated by second best army in the world for over 2 years now
yep perfectly logical
wtf do you suppose we can do against all your satellites and combined intelligence of NATO instructors

WE put up a good fight, all things considered
>Ukraine was unironically offered peace negotiations by third parties that were biased in its favour and it still turned them down, continuing to demand an unconditional surrender from the country that is still activelty occupying parts of it
ukraine was ready to surrender day 1, they were ready to give up crimea, donbass and lugansk, they were ready to have enforced russian language in all public administration, they were ready to accept forced new elections, they were ready to accept a wide and deep demilitarized zone, as well as being forbidden from joining NATO or the EU.
Ukraine said "OK to all of this, but once we accept, you sign a pact mandated by US, China and Russia that guarantees our future territorial integrity."
Russia refused.
It was never about donbass or some kids or anything else. It was simple vatnigger unga clubbing.
>wtf do you suppose we can do against all your satellites and combined intelligence of NATO instructors
i dont know, be the second best army in the world? Satellites are enough to defeat le mighty russia? you're such a clown lmao
>combined intelligence of NATO instructors
the west literally laughed at ukraine requesting help and munitions, they said ukies have maybe 2 hours left. I see 2022 got memoryholed hard in vatniggerstan
What bad news?

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