>>1890819Can't believe Oceano Atlantico blobed so much
>>18908019/10 PreuBen, it needs bohemia
Britain: BTFO Apartheid: enacted Population: 70% white Future for the Boer race: secured
I still hate GFM so much it's unreal.
>>1890959ok chud
>>1890959Is that the one with the fugly map full of one-pixel lakes?
What could've been
Thats a lot of vic3 for a board who calls itself based
>>1890801This makes me hungary for corned beef.
>>1891734other way around friend
The Pope... ruler of the world....
>>1893442>game is still using the old Victoria 2 regions with barely any fixes to themI do NOT trust Wiz's master plan
>>1893442VGH so zased