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>be told the dlc doesnt fuck around
>be told the clowns will fuck me up
>see bitching about the clowns on steam forums
>the clowns are actually easy as fuck
Honestly the only hard missions are the story mission with just Bianca and Alisa and the absolute bullshit that is Crow's Ruin

Also do any anons have a good White Knight Alisa build? That class seems a lot weaker than barbarian warrior
>no Carter OP
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>Also do any anons have a good White Knight Alisa build? That class seems a lot weaker than barbarian warrior
White Knight is underpowered in general imo. Pretty much every time I try to make one it ends up either being turbo specialised or an absolute meme at best, and I've never found one in PVP that's suitably impressed me. Most people with powerful teams just use her as a tauntbot with frag grenades, which I consider too cheesy.
I think my best (but still inconsistent) White Knight was a Distorted Heart-based one I made in a fit of madness. Sturdy Headgear is mandatory for stun immunity and you could bring down the required training points by dropping probably Bladestorm and Sharpening (which breaks One Strike, One Head). If I recall correctly, Retaliation and Sen no Sen are in the build because it has extreme accuracy issues until the buffs start to stack up.
Looking at it again now I think I could tweak it to be better, but I don't have the time / patience to do it right now. I hate building White Knight so much when you can just throw on Cry of the Wrath + Lunatic Beast + Forgotten Pain + Anger Strike on a barbarian and outperform any White Knight.
>clowns are actually easy as fuck
Even when I started to counter them they just spammed so many clowns it didn't matter.
DLC2 is the real challenge.
Dandylion got soft and didn't even let you fight the Clown's big boss in DLC1's story mission.
I'd guess they probably intended to keep Ben for the sequel but put him in 54V in response to feedback. With Crimson Crow they made sure that the final story map is a big showdown with that DLC's antagonist to avoid similar complaints.
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this setup on albus meant he could basically solo every mission on his own. It didnt matter how many clowns spawned because he would always kill them, proc all the AT effects, and then immediately take another turn. That one mission where the clowns surround your guys while theyre all spread out I ended in around 3 turns or so because albus killed half the map on his first turn. Its just missing sword of heart because mine is max level
You can stick in one of those 0-point Defence masteries if you want some free ailment recovery chance
I just realised why swordsman enemies in Crimson Crow have sen no sen
>Also do any anons have a good White Knight Alisa build? That class seems a lot weaker than barbarian warrior
Build around counters and armor shred, it deals with destrons well. Against human targets I will always prefer her other class
Destrons really feel like the usual Asian dev response to needing a challenging enemy: overloading an enemies kit until there is no real right way to fight them.
Armorbreak or you are going to have a bad time
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I just started and have been playing mostly blind. Just gloss over most of the threads. Having a great time.
Sion and Heixing are fun to use. Can't wait for more characters. I also like sending Albus into crowds to send him to the turn delay shadowrealm with counterattack.
Make sure to max level each subclass as they unlock new strong masteries
Black Mage Sion deletes everything with massive damage, also ESP power masteries are your elemental ones.
Why would I max out battle mage if I don't want to use battle mages, max the basic classes because their masteries are used in both subclasses
Unlocks more abilities and those new masteries you unlock are needed to research other masteries later
The abilities yes, that is why you want to level up Irene in battle mage, you also don't need battle mage masteries to craft any black mage masteries or martial artist masteries or elemental masteries. If you aren't fielding a class you don't need to unlock its masteries
We are so back
Ive literally never bothered with taming so I dont know shit about it, what animals are actually worth grabbing?
Pretty much all of them. There are around +50 exclusive masteries that you get training pets.
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Yeah, I've been maxing out all three classes for everyone.
I get kinda side tracked doing side missions and other things when I know I should power through the story stuff to at least unlock more characters.
Fun game.
I really have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm having fun.
>Broken beyond belief
White Hat
Draki King (Dark Draki Prince)
Black Mask
>Extremely powerful
All Crabmits
All Negooris
All other Mungos
All Timas
Lightning Yasha
Earth Draki Prince
All other Drakis
>Memebuilds possible, but otherwise underwhelming
Dororis in general
Yashas in general (with the exception of the Lightning Yasha)
>Get these for useful masteries/achievements
Draki Queen (Wind Draki Prince)
Water crabmits (both variants)
Mutant Yasha
Any Tima
Snow if using Timas
Ash if using Timas
Darkness Crabmit
Ash Heap Crabmit
One of each elemental Draki (don't need both melee/ranged variants, can skip Lightning or Venom altogether if intending to play Crimson Crow, but they're both good units anyway)
Idk what side stuff there is in this game tbqh famalam. I was told there were quests but I cant find those anywhere
>I really have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm having fun.
That's the best way to play the game
"Fun" fact: Enhanced Schwarz Destron has like 20 more training points worth of masteries equipped than it's actually allowed to have, even after including the additional TP from its items/masteries. People counted it up and iirc it's got like 107/86 points.
They're in Shooter Street, the first one is to talk to Roberto, then a bunch more open up
I've never even SEEN hysteria.
Does garunteed forestallment crits bypass shit like lightning reflexes
Yes, but it doesn't bypass Final Resistance.
So if an enemy has sen no sen how do you even engage them without getting 1 shot?
You can get it from Scent of the Past by doing the Sion route and choosing to fight. Otherwise, Ben and Athaad have it.
Gotta range them. White Knight's Expected Risk mastery can block it too, but mostly the solution is to shoot them.
Let the bird rape anne and you get it
That gives Waiting instead
why is misty always doing the NTR smile?
She had a hard life and she's fugging Rion
well she should be fucking me instead
question: when is it worth to invest materials upgrading items?
I can see that equipment drops with different mods but which are worth investing into?
postgame imo. the materials are expensive and there is a lot of grinding.
Also, make sure the equipment is rank 5 as well.
I think it's worth it if you're using low level items with unique properties that are useful way after they fall off numerically, like Ralph's sword with block on it or the level 45 crafted battle gloves that inflict Armourbreak on hit. Otherwise it's just something to do in the extreme postgame when everyone's decked out in near-perfect items.
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>Also, make sure the equipment is rank 5 as well.
well shit I dont think Ive ever seen one of those. I do have a lot of 3 star legendary gear though
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Started yet another playthrough a while back, this time a NG+ with all my masteries so I can make some really imbalanced builds during the campaign. Just about to finish Chapter 1, may or may not blogpost further.
I think this'll be my Cruel + HRHR playthrough, though I haven't enabled it quite yet.
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Man, I don't think I could redo the whole game again. Some of the early-midgame missions are such slogs that I really don't want to touch them again.
That said, I did do all violent cases, 60S and various other DLC story missions on Cruel Challenge + HRHR with solo Alisa only
Out of all of them, surprisingly, I'd say the monkeys were especially fun
Alisa setup?
I've lost count of how many times I've gone through it, but never with HRHR the whole way aside from a run I aborted because I had it enabled way too early. Usually I play without carrying over masteries too, because I like how the slight randomness affects how my characters develop.
This time though, I'm going to be running silly builds that don't work very well later / unlock incredibly late. I'll be able to do things like put Punishing Shot on Giselle or Strike While The Iron Is Hot on Irene and just have a kek of a time.
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This with the berserker item set is the regular standard I've ran most of the time, with some adjustments depending on the mission. For example, if I'm doing monkeys, I swap out Standing Alone for Tough Spirit, if the mission has evadeniggers with Wild Cat - get Lone Wolf and Prior Planning, etc. I like to keep Breakthrough on most of the time because of the increased HRHR block chance, but quite a few smaller mook enemies die in one hit even while blocking, so it may not even be necessary.
60S is a special case and will require some heavy reworks - I'm pretty sure I had to put Machine Hunter on to start getting past Special Armor. Getting rid of Anger Strike was also something I did for that mission, instead swapping for Counterattack - AS only procs for melee attacks from tiles that are adjacent to you diagonally, so you can end up with a lot of situations where you're essentially stuck surrounded, taking hits without being able to respond. It also helped with retaining positioning, which is probably the most important factor when it comes to doing a challenge like this. Honestly, the only real reason I ever did massive changes for that mission is Meister. Fuck that guy in particular.
I like to pick Regeneration as my potion of choice, but that comes with the added risk of pushing you out of FR, so you really have to think when you want to use it. It will let you tank some nasty hits throughout its duration, allowing you to play somewhat recklessly in those 2-3 turns.
I kind of want to do a new run with level limits myself, but I really don't want to see Kylie's gate repair or the fucking park ever again.
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The Liberated is actually a super fun set to run as well and it works very good in maps with tons of mooks in them. I did the crabs on CC/HRHR this way. It's actually extremely difficult to get into a situation where you'd get Trance and Encourage would be on cooldown that very turn, despite how bad it may seem on paper. Obviously, this can't be run in maps with various Damage Absorption robots and the like, but it might actually be possible to meme on monkeys this way as well.
In the end, when it comes to these runs in particular, the specifics of the build don't matter as much as target prioritization and positioning. Not being exposed while being hit and not letting enemies Still Stance is the difference between taking 0 damage or 300 damage into FR, so there is some thought you'll have to put into your runs during engame cases. You can throw all of this out of the window if you're not doing HRHR though, Alisa will carry the mission solo without you having to turn on a single braincell in the process
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Yeah, The Liberated + Overflowing Spirit is really fair and balanced. I used that combination on my Rampage Alisa. It makes her ludicrously tanky to the point where enemies pretty much need to be Witches or Black Mages to deal with it.
okay how the actual fuck are you supposed to use misty?
>Use the mastery set that doesn't remove stealth when you kill someone with a knife throw
>Kill the entire map without anyone learning you were there
smoke generator is a fun item for her early builds
i'm a fan of wet Misty but that needs water masteries from Mash and 60V
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I like building her as Rogue with physical attacks, Wild Cat and Darkness Hunter. There's a dagger from 58V that gives her guaranteed bleed on crit which makes Hemorrhage way more reliable, and you can make a pretty decent build using the water masteries from Mash.
I think more than any other character Misty's classes' effectiveness depends on playstyle. Ninja users are the majority but I've never managed to make one that made me not wish I was using Rogue, while a bunch of people think Rogue is underpowered and Ninja is the clear best class. I think that means her classes are perfectly balanced even though I hate it.
Oh yeah like this anon says >>1892004 you can craft her a Smoke Generator which has some really broken interactions with various mastery sets on both classes and gives her perma +40% dodge against shooting attacks. It's a really easy way to just make her better.
>red sand shooters are tankier than their frontliners
ah okay I see. The marauders should get 1 tapped by all my units but the shooters who are capable of 1 shotting MY units behind full cover+smoke half way across the maps should not only be headshot immune but also have impulse fields
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Welcome to responsive attack hell
I hate playing like a pussy by just hiding in a corner and spamming overwatch but it seems like that's the only option when the game decides to spawn 50 shooters all with response fire, close fire, fire support, and punishing shot.

Also I have no clue how lightning reflexes is calculated for enemies. Sometimes it triggers and other times it doesnt.
is there any way to give bianca silence immunity? She has such dogshit range on her spells that she keeps getting tickled by the shitty handgun guys that insta silence her
>Also I have no clue how lightning reflexes is calculated for enemies. Sometimes it triggers and other times it doesnt.
If it's a ranged attack it'll trigger, but Red Sand units have a bunch of masteries that ignore it
>So There You Are...
Makes Overwatch autocrit against Revealed targets
>I'm Ready
Makes Close Suppressive Fire automatically hit
I don't think so. There's a crafted set aimed at Irene that has silence immunity on it but I'm not sure if Bianca can wear enough pieces to activate that effect. A lot of people run Mutant on her and Anne specifically to get rid of Silence.
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>>1892031 (me)
>There's a crafted set aimed at Irene that has silence immunity
I was thinking of the wrong set, which is good for Bianca.
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DLC2 is giving me legitimate actual cancer
Im beating missions but I am having 0 fun. The destrons are somehow more fun to fight than the red sand faggots
You don't like snipers that ignore pretty much every attribute in the game and rangers that go from doing 200 damage on a block to 6800 on a headshot crit and attack three times per turn?
>gold destron
ah, I see; the ultimate form of bullshit
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smile status: PROTECTED
Ebin! There's still 60V to do, but otherwise that's the end. How long did it take you all up?
160 hours total for all content but maybe like 20 for the dlc
This game has consumed my life because I got it maybe a month ago. There's still tons of side stuff to do still because I never did a single quest, got any pets, made any robots, etc
She is really cute, all the girls in this game are cute and sexy.
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I decided to actually go ahead and do the CC/HRHR monkeys with The Liberated set no Rampage though, this is one of the missions where you really want to be able to pick your targets. And what do you know, it's even easier than it was before. Taking 0 damage from Mungo King is funny. Took me around 27 minutes in total.
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I love Misty so much, bros.
Beating the dlc made me a mistyfag
Although all the girls in this game are great so its hard to pick a best
>25 average damage taken
>probably skewed heavily from the first couple of hits before her HP drops low enough to be defensive
Kino. How do you deal with Colourful dispelling your buffs on that map?
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It's hard for me to pick between Misty and Bibi; the dlcs really elevated the character storytelling IMO.

Although speaking from a shipping perspective, it's gotta be Giselle.
I've memorized his spawn spots at this point - there are about 3 or 4 of them, so I start at the west entrance and prioritize rushing towards those immediately. If all goes well, he's dead by the 3rd or 4th turn. It's a landslide from there.
Giselle with her hair let down is sex incarnate. Would probably be my favoriteif i wasn't a hardcore alisafag
Also, I've just noticed the singualr massive tree in the background of that cg. Is that supposed to be yggdrasil district?
Giselle educated albus on how to fuck, probably with Jane's help too
>Also, I've just noticed the singualr massive tree in the background of that cg. Is that supposed to be yggdrasil district?
Depends on whether Giselle's in Wind Wall during that CG. Very early in the game it says Wind Wall District is 3 hours by train from Yggdrasil District, which is much further than that distance. But 3 hours by train is technically within commute distance, especially for a CEO like Giselle.
It is catered to the enthusiasts. You got this far and actually paid for more missions.
It sucks to be Rion, I can't believe Albus stole his wife
The CG took place during Albus' training, before they moved to Wind Wall District.
Then that's definitely a fuckhuge tree in Yggdrasil District
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all women in valhalla belong to albus
wtf was the eastern alliance up to during the War? Unless I missed a cutscene Ive only ever seen the Empire getting its ass handed to them by the Caras Union
Those two are the hottest hags i've ever seen, seriously.
don't worry anon, there are more destrons soon
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The intended clear seems to be using Misty's stealth to assassinate the sniper with her multi-hit.
Thief probably works better than Ninja in this map cause you can refresh stealth easier.

59S is a gloves-are-off mission. Overwatch hell is just brutal no-fun-allowed.
>attempt to tame creature
>make extra sure not to damage it
>it breaks tame and insta kills giselle
wtf did I do wrong?
If Giselle or the beast take damage it breaks the tame, including damage from debuffs. It also autobreaks if you try to use Kylie to bypass the time requirement.
Bicrons are East Alliance tech iirc. Yellow Dragon is one of the main enemy factions in the sequel so we'll probably learn a lot more then.
I just finished the first DLC last night bros. After 120 hours I'm getting a little burned out of the game. I didn't particularly enjoy a lot of the Drifter Clown missions. From what's been posted in this thread it seems like the second DLC missions are even worse, featuring your team just running into gunlines where a million reactive/supporting fire mechanics make every enemy turn take 5 minutes. Is the second DLC even worth playing at this point, or are there builds that would allow me to just unga-bunga my way through it?

Wow. 15 minutes to make a post? Really? I can't say I'll blame anyone for not replying. Jesus.
The responsive fire hell is only in 2 story missions and a violent case, and that violent case is in tight corridors where they're a bit of a joke. I'd say go for it. Barbarian Alisa can unga their bunga if she has to.
>Wow. 15 minutes to make a post? Really?
Only the first time from each IP
The 2nd to last story DLC2 mission on hard difficulty burned me out for like a month break. Even before that, there's just a lot of bullshit like the new beast type's dodge masteries.
Story-wise, DLC2 is pretty much a filler that focuses on the new party member. There's not a lot of plot stuff for the rest of the main cast.
Or just put it on easy and bulldoze through.
honestly the only bad DLC1 missions was that one where you get the shittiest spawns imaginable in crown's ruin. DLC2 though has some absolutely miserable missions and a lot of the maps kinda just force a loss until you figure out where enemies come from.
bianca fucking sucks idk how the fuck youre supposed to use a character with the durability of glass and with 0 range. I had the perfect setup for a 10+ kill twister only for her to be TOO HIGH UP to even cast it on the million mungos beneath her. Which caused her to be pelted by a million grenades and then die
She can one shot pretty much every enemy in the game, besides destrons I suppose.
i tried making a tankier bianca a couple threads ago, 120% block and black mage damage reduction and she could mix it up in the front lines
lost a lot of damage but had fun yeeting people around with her whip and that otherwise suicidal overcharge
>thought the hate towards the monkies was overblown
>play V59
>literally any small mistake or just getting unlucky is instant death
gotta say, not a fan
skill issue
Well I gave it a shot and got filtered by the first Misty mission. I think we're done lads. Still a great game though, despite the janky translation. I really hope they figure out some way to make the Mastery and crafting systems a little easier to use in the next game. It's not so much the depth that's an issue, but that everything feels like it takes a million clicks to do. If they can find some way to streamline that, I think Troubleshooters 2 will be pretty good.
>but that everything feels like it takes a million clicks to do.
for me its CANNOT FIND A COMBINATION OF MASTERIES when you want to make a 1 cost mastery because everything only drops 2-3 TP masteries later on
The first mission is bullshit. Play it on the easiest difficulty and just ignore it until you can get her masteries that make that mission actually enjoyable.
see >>1893222
setting the difficult to story mode for those niche missions is perfectly fine. I did the same thing for the tri-serpent mission where you only have misty too
It's dumb that it's necessary, but you can get a ton of 1-point masteries by running the Draki Lair map with the company mastery that boosts mastery drop chance. There's like 160 drakis on Hard+ once the eggs hatch and most of their masteries are 1-pointers. With the boosted mastery drop rate you can end up with like 120 masteries, or even more if you do it during 100% safety.
how tf did you even manage to run out of 1-pointers
never had that problem in 4 playthroughs
I dont understand why I would ever play magic knight when I can take infinite turns with albus triggering bladestorm and 2 shotting every enemy
It happens when you make a lot of alternate boards. All the Human and SP masteries suck up insane amounts of 1-point support/attack masteries.
Later there are enemies where that's suicidal. MK also potentially gets a lot more accuracy which is nice if you're online and thinking about PVP.
>kill enemy
>immediately back to full health
>get a stat boost through Curse of the Sword
Rinse and repeat. GS can't compete.
If you're doing a first clear, it's just a puzzle mission. I got by with 0 combat.
>Later there are enemies where that's suicidal
how later? Because I beat the entire game + DLC with only GS albus and he hard carried me through the dlc
DLC 2 from the third map onwards
>play 1(1) map yesterday (the low level blue mission in the construction yard, on Cruel HRHR)
>dream about two separate maps overnight
This fucking game
>one of the maps was an open grassy field with hills, only party members were Heixing, Leton and Ray, and even though in my dream it was the first map of the "game" the enemies were Drifter Clowns levelled 30 for white clowns, 36 for black clowns and 42 for the boss
>the other was a dark sewer filled with Forestallment Negooris and Timas, though the map's palette was blues and greens instead of Troubleshooter's ruddy sewer maps, and they had long-range ESP users on the same team
Makes me want to hear more info from Dandy about the sequel.
>an open grassy field with hills
>a dark sewer filled with Forestallment Negooris
Nice, I'd like more map variety as well. Kalter Mountains seem like they have us covered on that front, though.
Yeah it should be pretty good as long as the workload doesn't kill them. They were doing a map a month or so when Crimson Crow was being developed, even with all the prefabs and stuff they'd already developed.
auto counter-attack + special armor go brrr
I don't expect a release within the next two years, that's for sure.
The more time they take, the better the final product will be in the end. I just hope they don't feel pressured to rush again.
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Been having a good time with Ray. I didn't expect her to be useful actually. She's constantly getting turns and gets to run all over the map.
I still need to switch her over to the other job to level it, but I'm having too much fun with grenadier. Can't wait for one more level to stick Shockwave in there.
Amazing that this game ticks pretty much every box I have for video game enjoyment.
You could ditch Distortion Field and stick Shockwave in right now. It won't make you noticeably more squishy.
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really confused why melee units are able to hit my characters from 3 stories down
Ben's got at least one AOE that has a long enough cone to hit from the ground floor. Alisa can do the same thing with Perfect Shaving and a couple of her other skills.
haha, literally just noticed that after I posted the picture
Does 5 star legendary equipment only drop from challenging missions?
Not exclusively. Any enemy that uses legendary items can potentially drop 5-star legendaries. Star rating just depends on how well it rolled when identified.
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>its rng
well fuck
Guess Im sending misty in to 1 shot bosses to get the legendary gear I want and then retreating lol
If you turn on High Risk High Reward in the difficulty options it'll drop 2 items per kill as well. A lot of enemies appear in the Joint Training vs AI thing in town as well and they will drop items there too, potentially 4 per match with HRHR enabled.
Otherwise, good luck. 5-stars are rare as hell.
>potentially 4 per match with HRHR enabled.
4 per match per enemy*. You can potentially end up with a whole lot of legendary items if you play against a team like Vendetta and the Nine Dragons or get a really good random roster.
alchemist is so bad Ive literally never used it so you arent missing much
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Alchemist Ray has insane damage output, but being one of the only classes that actively endangers herself and her team members makes it useless for casuals.
I imagine that most players tried it out once, got Ray and the surrounding units caught up in an explosion, and switched back to Grenadier.
Grenadier can remove buffs, I take that over more damage.
Also, two equipment slots.
>Grenadier can remove buffs, I take that over more damage.
That's not a Grenadier specific thing, that's Ray's personal mastery
>Alchemist Ray has insane damage output
She can also do a lot of broken things with the mastery set that makes potions automatically trigger their side effect. There are 1AP, 0-cast-delay potions for Overcharge or Turning Over A New Leaf that you can just give to people with her, or even both if you use the mastery that gives her a second potion slot.
>alchemist ray can friendly fire
Ohhhh so thats how you trigger twilight of pain on misty for infinite hide
Some people use Second Heart + Death Potions for that.
Oh yeah I guess that works too
dumb irene... giving me ESP fetish...
People play irene as anything other than a martial artist tank?
When i dont want to steamroll with sion yeah i play her full magic. I just love her i want to see every possibility with her.
I tried this game. The beginning is ass and has some of the worst writing I have ever seen. When does it get good?
Gets good when they reveal the notRothschilds did super 9/11
I think that's when you get anne (the little girl)

Also the translation is pretty bad so idk how much that is fucking up the story.
When you start fighting the white tigers was where I got hooked. Mainly because theyre an actual challenge for a new player. Starlight junction turns boys into men
In the prologue.
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Fire Irene is Mungo King certified
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On the subject of maps, I've been looking into how they're constructed and it's driving me crazy that some of the coordinates for tiles are off by one and I can't figure out if there's any pattern to it.
Based on how sloppy they are with walkable/unwalkable tiles, I'd guess they were probably placed by hand and those are human error.
>>1895428 (me)
There are also a handful of cases of tiles being under the terrain, so if the grid goes from like, (19,2) to (19,4) maybe they're sunken and inaccessible. There were some glitched tiles in a level 26ish Blue Fog map that were inside a building and you could stand on the entire floor above it. I know of another couple in the Kylie rescue mission with the electric fences that I haven't bothered to report because those ones don't trap you.
How do you even get there?
Gameplay-wise. it's a slow burn until you get the 4th/5th party member when enemies start to use gotcha passives
Story-wise, I like the overarching narrative but the writing can sometimes be dogshit, probably cause they farmed out to multiple writers and one of them just sucks. It's K-Drama style of infinite flashbacks/twists, which is not for everybody.
every time Bianca misses a 85% hit chance attack I fuck her in the ass. Which is basically a dozen times a day because this bitch cant hit the broadside of a barn
early game Bianca?
no late game
for whatever reason she has awful hit % in general
weird. mine almost never miss and she usually kill everything but destrons in one hit.
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r8 my MK build
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I just checked mine. She does have an awful hit rate indeed.
But seriously, she almost never miss her attacks.
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and her masteries
wtf where do you get those golden items?
Enjoy your next 100 hours hunting for materials.
It's patched now, but you used to be able to click it from the side of the building and your unit would phase down through the roof
If you're using Witch, she gets screwed pretty badly by its class mastery. Witch's inherent mastery lowers your accuracy and increases your crit chance based on your current vigor, getting more accurate the lower it gets. If you have a high vigor build it's possible to reduce it by a silly amount.
The quick solution is to craft her a Master Gemcutting Machine or whatever it's called. It's a craftable set gear item that grants +30% ESP hit.
Suppression is an interesting choice. Looks like a pretty decent physical Magic Knight build. I'd imagine it probably stacks up Curse of Sword like crazy.
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She misses on purpose, you know.
nonsense she tells me she hates it and moans in pain too
Sex with wind ESP girls that have Second Wind + Enough Rest
so why exactly does MK have ESP scaling? Most of albus' abilities dont even care about ESP
Nope sex with second heart and berserk girls.
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All of his attacks except Wind Slash have ESP scaling, and Magic Knight's class mastery boosts his physical accuracy based on his ESP stat. You can also convert every skill into Wind by using Call of Wind from levelling a wind draki
both of these anons were later found mummified and nude
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Good, a fitting reward for a graceful ojou-sama such as herself.
Bibi leBi
>graceful ojou-sama
she is a goth girl with daddy issues (redundant I know)
And a huge Yurifag (literally)
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I would do anything and litterally anything to fuck irene. i can litterally die post coitus (inside her).
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Lady LeBlanc is as dashing and graceful as can be, she's just going through a tomboyish phase right now.
Same but Bianca.
No that would be alisa
The pun is that her personal quest is to try to find her uncle Yuri
Wasnt alisa's adoptive dad also named yuri?
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>Alisa gets to plap this free of charge
It's not fair bros...
I am honestly stunned this game with really 0 fanservice in and outside the game has the most beautiful girls i've ever seen in a game. All the girls are simply perfect and marvelous and you have an istinct desire to plap every single one of them.
>10/10 girls
>no porn
What is wrong with koreans?
That's Ilya
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You can always commission art or use AI to make it yourself.
I am poor and i hate AI slop. Life is a struggle.
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They hit the nail square on the fucking head and they know it. The game's got a very appealing artstyle.
The writing is all over the place most of the time. It does get more interesting near the end, but if you don't like it now, you probably still won't by the end. In terms of gameplay the game really picks up after 20 or so hours. You'll definitely know when that happens. If it doesn't click by that point, then it's safe to drop the game, I'd say.
Same but Alisa
>Witch's inherent mastery lowers your accuracy and increases your crit chance based on your current vigor
Fml I had like 200 vigor on her so that's why
the mark of the inhuman
Is a misty build going all in on poison and smokescreen masteries a meme?
I've done it before and it works decently well. It even works against machines because Acidic Poison works on them.
Poison is kind of the worst element. You can make it work but don't expect anything super strong.
Why is only lightning yasha good?
Envenom is super useful though.
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Most of them, you just have to work on their speed.
Golden Draki is a must-have for style and grace points.
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They have a really overpowered lightning attack that Hunter Giselle can help them spam. The 50% ESP scaling looks low but with support from Lightning masteries it can hit 5-digit damage.
Am I supposed to be trying to farm legendary gear or go after high end craftable items via quests?
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Item power scaling goes like
>blue items: standard equipment
>set items: often worse than blue items on their own, but have build-enabling properties
>purple items: blue items, but better
>legendary items: purple items with different stat distributions / unique properties
Mostly you won't want to be farming specific legendary items unless your build wants them, though some legendary items are really popular. Even the whackjobs on the Asia server use loads of purple items in their teams.
Crafting is good, more elaboration is high effort. A big post about crafting could easily hit the character limit. There are some items you can only get by crafting and it saves you having to target-farm specific item types if you really want say, Assassin's Sneakers with a good roll.
Forgot to mention. Legendary gear slot items are godly. A bunch of those ones are worth farming.
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I keep running misty into packs of enemies so I can stare at her ass during the death animation :(
>snow and ash arent good timas options
man that sucks they look the coolest
They're Timas, so they're in the "extremely powerful" tier. That last category isn't sorted on power.
White panties, nice.
thats probably just her booty shorts clipping through the model
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If Misty had panties, you'd know.
>gives anne panties
>but not misty
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I cant tell if Ive stumbled across an actually good rogue build or if this is a complete meme I keep getting lucky with. Nothing seems to be able to hit her and she obliterates anything around her. Just drop her into a group of enemies and watch them all die throwing themselves against her. That rupture damage is no joke either
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>an actually good rogue build
I don't get all the complaining about her, Misty has been one of my best party members since her introduction.
Not only do stealth abilities basically guarantee a kill on hit, she has decent melee skills and defense as well.
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And here her stats:
>118% crit. chance
>454% crit. damage
>guaranteed crit. damage if in hide state
>99% dodge chance in case hide is cleared
If she ever dies in a mission, that's entirely on you.
Only way to test this theory is to change her skin.
That's pretty similar to my Wet-based Misty >>1892006
Rogue is a good class, don't listen to people who say it's underpowered.
misty is kind of like ray where she was largely useless for me until the postgame
its amazing that I can go for a run, do my groceries, cook dinner, and then sit down at my PC to see it's still not my turn on 58V
>all crabmits
Not all crabmits have the Grading overcharge, which is the OP part
Like Ash Heap crab is kinda underwhelming
I'd put Golden dorori into powerful
You can use the echolocation sets to clear out red sand overwatch hell maps.
I think that gear has +10% ESP hit, and considering all her attacks are ESP that helps a lot.
>Start chain killing with Bianca
>Miss a 90% shot
>Immediately gets gangraped by a dozen enemies.
A better punishment would be fucking Alisa in front of her.
Bleed is better especially with the knife that gives you guaranteed bleeds
The problem is it takes her a long time to get stealth back, also useless vs destrons
Fade Into The Mist + Smoke Generator handles that as soon as she's outside enemy line of sight
>also useless vs destrons
They can't see invisible units
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just started the game a few days ago, a few questions.
1- how do you make money? i was having no issues with it but i started to identify all my items and now money is almost gone

2- is it ok to do 1 time every mission? i was playing on hard but now i changed to cruel, do i go back and replay all missions? im on chapter 3

3- pic related, i dont understand jurisdictions, i applied for one but dont know what changed.

the game is pretty fun, the characters reminds me a lot of trails games lmao, even mcburn is here.
>1- how do you make money? i was having no issues with it but i started to identify all my items and now money is almost gone
In the early game it's mostly from selling items, later you get bounties when killing certain notable enemies
>2- is it ok to do 1 time every mission? i was playing on hard but now i changed to cruel, do i go back and replay all missions? im on chapter 3
Generally yes but some missions have different rewards depending on dialogue choices. Also some bosses that only appear in one or two missions have unique masteries.
>3- pic related, i dont understand jurisdictions, i applied for one but dont know what changed.
They give bonuses when you run missions in those locations, and a separate bonus when the activity report comes in. It's mostly stuff like seeing bosses early on the minimap or getting extra rolls of items over a certain rarity in certain missions. Just small perks that you can easily do without.
>how do you make money? i was having no issues with it but i started to identify all my items and now money is almost gone
Money is tight at the start, get equipment from quests or missions rarely buy them.
>2- is it ok to do 1 time every mission? i was playing on hard but now i changed to cruel, do i go back and replay all missions?
Generally yes, I wouldn't suggest replaying missions on cruel it doesn't change a lot. There are some story missions with choices, you should replay those because different choices give different masteries.
>pic related, i dont understand jurisdictions, i applied for one but dont know what changed.
When you collect multiple jurisdictions in a set you get bonuses, the most useful is troublemaker info as it should help you unlock all the information on fodder enemies. Also business is nice for discounts.
>tfw Ash Heap crab is the only one I actually caught because it looked cool
Her cooldown can be depleted quickly with the right set of masteries. I think that my Misty build needs to wait 3-4 turns again after activation.
>useless vs destrons
Misty can solo Destrons with her 4-hit attack.
ty anons
There is that build that allow her to get stealth as soon as she kills someone. Because coldown reduction.
This is for ninja anyway. No reason to ever use the other one, because as soon as she goes out of invi, she is dead.
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>how do you make money?
Playing missions and selling your loot.
>is it ok to do 1 time every mission?
It is, but, as anons have already said, you'll miss out on certain masteries and conversations. The game has tons of little references and easter eggs hidden within.
> i started to identify all my items
I'd only identify those you actually wanna use for now.
>the characters reminds me a lot of trails games
The games are kind of similar in the sense that they share a giant, heavily interconnected world where individual side characters and small time villains matter just as much as the protagonists.
all my pets keep getting their assholes gaped open by end game enemies even with fully stacked unite and fortification. Wtf is the solution to keep these things alive?
The mastery set Metallic Muscle Armour is pretty good against Red Sand units. Also Final Resistance if you can safely get into it. Beasts don't do very well against them in general, though. They all have Hemorrhage so damage reduction stacking doesn't work.
Keeping them alive in those missions is more about playing safe than having a good build, I find.
after dealing with red sand faggots, bullshit OP destrons and endless monkies Misty OWES me sex at minimum, maybe even anal
You'll get 5912095 Greater Major Healing Potions and you'll like it
please stop.... I have so many consumables Im tired of the menu popping up aaaaaaaaaaaaa
then use the setting that stops the menu popping up, simplify item pickup i think
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>buy all the costumes on discount
>the vast majority of alt costumes look worse than the default outfits
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You villain!
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dang it albus
she talks to you once and you melt into cheese
and irene is too much of a HERO to be a wingman
The game has really picked up the pace though since the tiger gang's intorduction, the bginning was kind of a slog but now I'm really into it
white tiger gang is when the game starts getting good and gets you addicted. Beware starlight junction as a new player
This game's funny like that. If someone told you honestly "The start's a bit boring but it gets good 20 hours in" you'd think they were crazy.
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costumes are superior to their base design:
costumes are equally as good as their base design:
costumes suck compared to their base design:

I really don't like the two main characters' costumes since the faggy rocker look doesn't suit Albus, and the hero costume makes Irene look like an overgrown womanchild, but all in all I'd say that the costumes improve the game visually speaking. Anne's party dress looks adorable, and Heixing May Cry is kino incarnate.
Since the dlc were solely introduced due to fan feedback, I really wouldn't mind even if they all looked worse.

>he doesn't like sailor Irene
Shit taste
its okay because albus becomes king spaghetti spiller as the game goes on but it only makes the girls find him endearing. If Giselle wasnt a terrifying cougar mommy they would pounce on him
Why would Irene dress as a sailor?
Alisa is such a feast or famine character holy shit. She either rapes half the map herself or somehow gets instakill critted through her giant hp pool or is like 1% hp above the threshold needed for final resistance
Because it's cute
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I'll admit that it's cute, but I still prefer her casual attire with straight hair and fishnet sleeves.
>Then I'm on my way, villains...
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>wtf why does witch bianca miss attacks constantly?
>read her class shit
>Im getting -57% hit chance due to her max vigor being so huge
how the fuck? Do you just avoid any masteries that give her +vigor and then add soul drain?
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Witch is such an OP class that it needed a sort of debuff, and yeah, I'd always run with low vigor + Soul Drain since she'll never run out of it anyways.
Tactical Reform / One By One and that sort of thing are pretty good at counteracting it.
Irene is perfect, really. Best everything ever.
Leton's costumes are all good because his base model looks like shit
where do you get crafting recipees from? I have all the trainee stuff from the quests but idk how you are supposed to get the blueprints for the berserker set stuff
You craft multiples copies of the same item until you fill a bar of said item. And that will allow you to unlock more items that you need to craft multiples times in order to unlock even more special items.

That's pretty much it. >>1895531 Anon wasn't kidding btw
Irene über alles.
welp Ill see how grindy this is and if its too much Im dusting off the cheat engine
they shouldve made a Caras Union outfit for each character so you could have all your units dress up like a spec ops squad
My wording is really bad but I'm just going to go for it.
The Primal elemental resources that you get in bulk by salvaging equipment can be broken down into regular psi stones once you fill the crafting bar for them. So if you craft up say, Primal Lightning all the way to the legendary version you'll be able to break them down into Lightning Cores and other lower-tier lightning psi stones. It makes it way more reasonable to deal with anything that requires high tier psi stones in the mid to late game, and you can also use it to get gorillions of Flame Elements and stuff without having to spend your entire cash stack at the psi stone shop.
Also, if you've been playing on Cruel all the time you'll eventually get walled by a crabmit material that only drops from non-Epic crabs. The dude in town who sells beast materials often carries those in his stock, which will save you like an hour of clearing crabnam on Hard for them.
what drops the elemental black iron skin materials?
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>you'll eventually get walled by a crabmit material that only drops from non-Epic crabs
damn, I didn't know about that and I have 500+ hours in this game.
Wonder if that's why crafting turned into such a pain for the dlcs.
Sometimes the chests in 54V drop them, but mostly you have to craft them yourself
yea, I almost got filtered by their introduction mission lol
but they're manageable now
not the first time that would happen to some games I've played honestly
should've just asked for her number right then and there kek
but I guess they'll join later down the line anyway, so hopefully my boy will get his chance to score later
is camoflauge supposed to be complete ass as an effect? You need to be both out of sight of every enemy and behind full cover or a bush is way too much of a hassle
You don't need to be behind cover, you just need to be against full cover. Press V to see enemy sight ranges then stand against the closest wall that isn't red (the lazy way is to look for flanking icons against walls and stand against the first full cover icon).
It's a little bit fiddly but doesn't take too long to get used to it, and in return you get an unblockable, unavoidable shot and borderline invincibility since enemies won't deliberately look for invisible units.
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this is good right? or its just another cosmetic slot?
Equipment board just means you can preset a loadout to switch between so you dont have to spend time re equiping stuff if you have a setup going. That's lategame stuff you dont need to worry about
oh i thought it was an actual equipment slot lmao well thx for the clarification
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Alisa needs quite a bit of foreplay to get going. It's stupid to just throw her at bosses at full hp,she needs to get damaged by whatever random mooks litter the map before doing anything first. If even those can oneshot her before FR, you're doing something wrong.
That, or you can slot in impulse fields or get glittering shock absorber and just not care at all

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