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Hello, and welcome to another week of fun unveiling of the map of Project Casar. In this week’s Tinto Maps we will be taking a look at South East Asia, so without further ado let’s get started.

Quite a variety of countries in the area. The regional power in the decades before 1337 was the Khmer Empire, although at this point they are already in decline and have lost much of their previous hegemony. On the west, the fall of the Burmese Pagan Kingdom and the following Mongol invasions gave rise to the disunited kingdoms of Pinya, Sagaing, Prome, and Toungoo, while in the south the Mon kingdom of Hanthawaddy (also known as Pegu) also split apart. On the center, the decline of the old Lavo Kingdom and its subjugation to the Khmer gave way to the emergence of the Kingdom of Sukhothai when Khmer started its decline too, and Sukhothai is emerging as the dominant Thai kingdom in the area. However, Ayodhya is already gestating the rise of another great kingdom, as King Ramathibodi, the founder of the Ayutthaya Kingdom is already poised to gain power in the region. On the east coast, the Kingdom of Đại Việt is under the orbit of the Yuán, with constant conflict with the southern Hindu kingdom of Champa.
Societies of Pops:

A region very rich in Societies of Pops, which will make it definitely an interesting area.
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Unfortunately, currently the name of the sea area encroaches too much into the land (this will be fixed, don’t worry), but the blue area that gets underneath that name is Chao Phraya.
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Tropical and jungle almost everywhere, with quite a bit of comparison between the southern flatlands and the northern mountainous areas.
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Not as developed as the surrounding India or China, but the main centers of power (like Angkor, Pagan, and Sukhothai) are a bit more developed.
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Natural Harbors:
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A quite variety of cultures, although the southern areas haven’t had their minorities done yet so there will be even more variation there.
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As an addition from this week one, we have a new map to show with the languages. Keep in mind that this area hasn't had any language families or dialects done yet, so there is a bit of grouping.
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Again, keep in mind that minorities are not done, so there will be more variation added inside the Theravada block, as there has to be still quite a bit of Hinduism presence in Khmer (its conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism at that point was one of the causes of its decline), and quite a bit more of Satsana Phi among all the Tai peoples.
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Raw materials:

Quite a variation of resources, although dominated mainly by lumber and rice.
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The commerce is dominated by those countries benefiting from sea trade routes, but the emergence of a strong Ayutthaya Kingdom in the middle will for sure cause a change in the balance of powers.
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Khmer is still the most populated, but other countries around don’t fall that far behind, especially when they manage to unify their areas a bit. There’s also a couple of locations appearing as 0 population that is definitely a bug that will have to be fixed.

That is all for this week. Join us next week when we set sail to take a look at the maritime part of South East Asia by taking a look at all the archipelago of Indonesia (including the Philippines). Hope to see you there.
Bangkok is the first place we've seen to combine being a top-tier natural harbour with farmland
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Court language:
Hyped for ahistorically OP 15th Century Thailand.
Nice Ayutthaya, NERD
Damn did Vietnamese people only expand south recently?
Do we have confirmation that jan mayen is a thing in eu5? Can the bear land in 1337?
Too soon
>pityful amount of silk
>no stone
do they really live in wooden mudhuts?
Can't wait to colonize this area.
>in eu5
who's going to tell him?
I meant as the Chinese, who will be exempt from any restrictions.
>pityful amount of silk
This is what surprises me the most. Wasn't that region of the world one of the powerhouses of silk after China?
Talk about some hardcore Wikipedia article research.
Champa was literally built around trade and great harbors of which none existed in Annam (northern Vietnam), hence why it was mostly skipped by the naval trade routes starting circa Tang period as both the Sinitic world and SEA traders developed knowledge of the local seas... in turn pushing the main port for SEA trade from would-be Hanoi to Canton.
Heck, Hue became the capital BECAUSE it was a great place for naval trade, linked directly to Hoi An and its famous Japan/Chinatown. And all that was in conquered Chamese territory.

And yet places with 0 historical naval tradition get ports while Champa is relegated to would-be Saigon.

Ditto for >>1891029, this is absolute horseshit. Not only from stripping Champa of the places that would trade with them (including lots of Annam) but also implying the impossible treck across the Annamites (passable in the north only in the place of the famous Ho Chi Minh trail) was actually the main trade connection for the mountain people of Laos.

>Jungles this far north
There's only forests and they're the same species and density as anything in Southern China/Taiwan/Japan. And yet I clearly remember Japan not getting any "jungles" of its own the last time.

I can literally give you the map they modeled this on. Vietnamese were much, much more constrained historically. Heck the fucking name of the ethnicity (because communism and its brand of multiculturalism like how Soviets aren't all Russians and Chinese aren't all Han) is Kinh・京 that is people of the cities. Thanh Hoa and everything south of it was aborigine territory. They only started the weeding out of the mountain regions under the French (who wanted to make use of the tribally-inhabited hillsides for plantations) and finished under communism (tribals sided with the Americans and you know exactly what follows after that in a totalitarian state... comrade Chief, your village needs to move).
I guarantee you they did not spend as much time configuring that shit as u thought they might
you can always mod jungle mountains to be virtually impassable for trade calculations or throw in some wasteland blockers

believe it or not even in this game which has 500 dimensions of historical sim bullshit content to add in, actually making the game work is still 98 percent of the work. the content is always going to be secondary
Damn I am so excited for this.
As the game overall has been looking great so far it's guaranteed that some modders will easily fix it if Paradox somehow fucks things up.
This. I am going to buy all the dlcs.
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A later age building, and now buildings show which age they are from, and also show the upgrade paths for buildings that have it.
>3 different weapon goods
more weapon goods than victoria, I fucking kneel
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Wonder what these are
He confirms later that it's not characters and the others that have lots of Respectfully Disagrees on their OPs are tech/innovations, ages, diplomacy, peace deals, and country ranks.
Peace deals has more Respectfully Disagrees than any other reaction combined so that might not count as "semi-negative"
it was just redditors crying about no bilateral peacedeals
I doubt if I were to scroll through the peace deals thread that anybody offered a technically sound alternative.
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There's a bunch of posts wishing that aggressive expansion and warscore were different somehow. Didn't see any suggestions for how to change WS except "let me take whatever", though there is one upvoted post which wants AE changed to a "threat" system, which sounds similar except without automatically trickling down over time
I saw people talking about the idea of adding a toggle to the peace screen to pay the loser an amount calculated automatically based on the warscore of the demands. Sounds easier to implement and teach the AI than full bilateral peace deals, but Johan didn't seem sold on it
The focus system in the ages diary wasn't well liked so that'll probably be changed. If not removed perhaps reduced to just being a bonus to techs in your focus rather than having them unlock parts of the tech tree, which is what everyone hated (and a bunch misunderstood as being you only get technology in your focus)
The most upvoted posts on the diplomacy diary are people not liking the rivalry system and Johan seems to like this one idea in the country rank thread
bilateral peace deals should exist but only for MP
Post that shit in the forum
>names randomly changing orientation
very triggering map
1k gold to build is massive, the upkeep must be huge as well
>Didn't see any suggestions for how to change WS except "let me take whatever",
That is how it should work though. Let me annex the entirety of China in one war if I want to, my ability to control and pacify a new region should be the limiter to my expansion not a completely arbitrary warscore limit. I think it can still be useful for the AI to give them a way to see what would be a reasonable amount to take but WS should only be a soft cap not a hard limit.
>Wonder what these are
One of those are the China one, I am sure.
I like to think that Johan himself reposts the threads on here.
The way he handles slavery and having every icon/portrait be whites only makes him basically one of us.
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You make SEA map but not include present day Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo and Phillipines? Especially those areas are the entry points for Western powers? Fail.
Another dev diary perhaps. The game has the most granularity out of any paradox game, which means Philippines itself will probably end up with two dozen of cultures and a hundred of states. Also, they are probably going to add something special for Majapahit since the game start is the zenith of their golden age
I still fail to see why people in the Tinto forums are bitching so hard for the eleven billion missing languages and cultures in these regions. Why bother? These exist to get rolled over by China and Europe.
>Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo and Phillipines
All bloat
Will be cut out of the game like in CK3
Actually most believable conspiracy theory on 4chan
How does this help if the game is balanced around mission tree cancer? Literally the same argument as "just ignore them bro"
You would be whinning no matter what
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>How does this help if the game is balanced around mission tree cancer?
What does this even mean? If you added a mod to turn off all the mission trees in EU4 the balance would be no different that it was back in 2017.
It absolutely would. Some nations are literally unplayable unless you go through mission tree and fix them
Will silk not also have a corresponding building to produce it? Silk could be produced across large swathes of the world, it's literally just caterpillar ranching.
Mission trees only give "direction" to your country. Basically made to people with no imagination or no historical knowledge of history.
But at the end of the day, you could do whatever the fuck you want in EU4 with or without those.
I think he's talking about nations with special disasters and debuffs that need to be fixed through missions
But I can't think of any, I think Byzantium can clear out all their shit exclusively through decisions
>But I can't think of any
Majapahit and Khmer
why haven't they announced this as EU5 yet? What are they up to?
selling eu4 dlc
Stops the AI, good for multiplayer.
Deciding if it will actually be called Europa Universalis. I am joking but it is a concern I have
>Westfalen Yiddish SoP to Judea migration playthrough
EU5 is going to be kino
Because it's actually the real Vic3, they're just getting ready to lynch Wiz before announcing
Shut the fuck up, blobber scum.
Illiterate faggot. I'm not saying the game should let you blob, I'm saying that the game should stop you from blobbing my actually making it difficult to control large amounts of land, which would make warscore limits completely unnecessary. The only reason they exist is because blobbing is otherwise too easy since internal stability is way too simple in EU4.
>you annexed all of China
>China immediately breaks away with previous government intact, minus the one piece you actually control
What changed from the warscore system?
By this logic force limit should be a hard cap because if you build too far above it you'll go bankrupt and the army will be useless. The point is I should be allowed to test the limits if I want to and suffer disaster if I fail, the game should not place a completely arbitrary limit on my ability to do that.
a semi-static threat system based on how threatening you are to your neighbors would be nice
as opposed to a fluid type AE that you can just wait and everyone will forget you are threatening to them
they had something like this in HOI3 so it shouldn't be beyond johan's capabilities
Plenty of huge land transfers occurred during this time period, the fact that it can't be modeled in EUIV because there are effectively no internal politics is an enormous flaw actually. Conquering the Ming as the Qing is what made me drop EUIV entirely, because nothing reminds you that you are wasting away your life rearranging bytes on a disk like the formulaic 100 WS -> take all you can -> 15 year truce - DOW at 15 years + 1 day
Qing is one thing. EU4 as it is doesn't let you full annex Novgorod as Muscovy so that you have to leave them alive in a couple of 3-dev provinces because reasons.
You also can't full annex the Mamluks as Ottomans, it takes minimum 2 wars, sometimes 3 if they spam dev during the truces, but it was only a single war in history.
Not being able to full annex a country by 1 warscore is objectively shit game design
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Who do you think you're lying to when you say "suffer disaster if I fail"? You will bitch, shid, fard and piss if you fail.
You marginally understand that blobbing is fucking easy and, therefore, BORING, so you're trying non-solutions without ever considering giving up blobbing altogether.

That's not how this is going to go, buddyretard.
Tell that to the Mongols, the Roman Empire, all the European powers when they figured out how to prevent malaria, the Spanish, etc
>vicky 3 good now?
You mean like artificially and arbitrarily limiting what can be taken in a war?
Yes, game mechanics are the product of human work.
The devs decided to simulate normal level-headedness of historic figures, something that would get a dipshit like you killed in a month. And they still allowed you to do bullshit like "world conquest", and "change religion and population" with a press of a button. But on top of being a dipshit, you're also a whiny baby, never satisfied with all you've been given already. Make that two weeks, instead of a month. A real Joffrey, with the same fate awaiting them.
>normal level-headedness of historic figures
That falls apart with shit like Temur, the Ottomans BTFOing Mamluk Egypt in a single war, etc etc
>level headedness of historical figures
what, are you a hoi4 narrative mod dev?
leaders were not level headed at all, they had delusions of grandeur, they did stupid shit motivated by spite or anger, they clung on to hopeless dreams like reviving the roman empire.
paradox, if they're using your justification for the warscore system, supposed every leader acts rational all the time and they won't engage in irrational acts because it would be irrational to do so
And Egypt then went on to become a fully cored, and low autonomy state of the Ottomans. You fucking idiot.

Subjugation and puppetering already exists in game, and can be used to take on A LOT of land at once. Except shitters always cry, when they rebel.

This also led to them losing most of the time. But when AI does stupid shit, players complain. It's the one thing they do, regardless of ANYTHING the devs do.
>Subjugation and puppetering already exists in game, and can be used to take on A LOT of land at once.
No they can't what the fuck are you even on about, there's a dev cap for force vassalising tags
Also this argument makes no sense.
Paradox AI is bad, ergo everyone must be hamstrung by the arbitrary warscore system, because otherwise the AI or a player might collapse? And this is a bad thing?
Are you like that MAJOR FLAW IN ALL STRATEGY GAMES guy who talks about a game he doesn't even understand or play?
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No, you idiot. Real humans act like early version, retarded Paradox AI, and players WILL complain.

>dev cap
Remove it, and the puppet will rebel at first opportunity, which will come the moment they rebuild their military. And players will complain.

>the AI or a player might collapse? And this is a bad thing?
Players will whine. They absolutely will.
i dont care what you fucking think. the player should be able to lose. if players complain it's a skill issue. simple as
You're sitting on an imageboard that routinely brags about pirating Paradox games. Paradox devs actually want to eat.
Okay, so you're rationalising pandering to retards as being a good thing to you.
Warscore sucks and so do you.
Totaler Sieg? Occupy the entire enemy country?
You get like five provinces lmao, god forbid there be actual stakes in a game, the casuals (who this obviously isn't marketed towards considering it's MEIOU but with a purpose-built engine) might get upset
EU4 gradually shifted to a global focus where you can have meaningful campaigns as any country. It would make sense for the game to have another name but they can't let go of the brand when EU4 was so succesful and the game mechanics are still the same.
Again, by this logic force limit should be a hard cap because otherwise the player will complain if they recruit too much and go bankrupt.
You can with the special cb if you hold cairo for two years
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I will now at least pirate your game
>less content is... le good!
Extreme breed of autism
gsg tourists
>missions that give you too much feel OP and annoying
>missions that gives you modifiers alone feel bland
>events are cool but are ultimately walls of text that we skip and only read the modifiers they give us
What gives. I like the idea of mission trees, there needs to be a balance, maybe a mission that is good but gives you another challenge idk
So something like the ottoman crisis? Where the the best rewards get rid of some unique mechanic ?
Unironically the Vicky 3 journal system is pretty good, there's a lot more room for interesting flavour and mechanics than with simple events but they also don't railroad your entire campaign like full mission trees do.
I don't get why anyone would care about this
Weren't missions already optional?
You really need a game rule to hide the menu from you to avoid clicking the mission?
>less shit content is... le good!
>mission trees
Buddy, please.

>free cores
>free cores
>casus belli
Don't be so melodramatic.
missions are redditor/youtuber slop "content"
being able to remove the mission trees (and the game not being designed around them being mandatory) is great for mp when the mission trees inevitably turn into "give the newly patched country blatantly op modifier stacking shit"
a lot of eu4 missions give you such insanely strong bonuses that in MP players basically drop everything to do the same fucking thing every game so they can collect their bullshit modifiers
denmark/sweden's military buffs come to mind
theres also the fact that most dlc mission tree bloat events are basically
>if you didnt read the wiki you have a 2/3 chance of picking le wrong choice and getting nation ruined
case in point the denmark mission events for sweden (the one where you can kill the nobles) if you didn't read the wiki before hand you might click the one that spends 200 mil to solve the problem. sounds reasonable, right? WRONG. now sweden has +200 percent lib desire because fuck you read the wiki FAGGOT
>mpfags whining about problems no normal player has
there are no balance problems in sp because you can do whatever the fuck you want
MPfags are the only people with an actual reason to complain about dogshit balance and mission tree bloat
Every single paradox game needs an MP balance mod to be playable anyways, there's no reason you can't just add removing missions to the mod too. It's a non-issue.
then why are u chimping out over the toggle being in the basegame
I'm not? I don't care about the toggle, I'm arguing against the retard who thinks the existence of missions at all is bad, toggle or not.
the toggle being in the basegame is extremely promising both for general mp purposes and for the conception that the game's balance not be dependent on modifier stack mission trees
>opinions/actions of MP players mattering
>launch EU4
>wait for points to go up
>push button
>receive upgrade
>declare war just to stop being bored
>launch Victoria 3
>queue up a building
>watch the great powers and neighbours, like a hawk
>building done, watch it fill up, and turn a profit
>aww yeah
>war? uhh, I'd rather not, you know
>launch China: Mao's Legacy
>watch the money go up
>watch my party balance, unity, liberalization, opinions and rep
>trying to memorize and recall all the events
>check my economy numbers
>war? no! Am I going for an achievement? fuck no, then.
I have no idea what makes EU4 more boring to me over the other games. Maybe this game will do better.
>wooden mudhuts
that's north euros, seanigs live in wooden stilt huts.
This cluster fuck looks fun to play
/gsg/ were the ones with taste all along?
Just declare war as soon as the game start then
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All I want out of EUV is EUIV but with the ability to do funny genetics shenanigans like CK3 and Imperator.
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Is ck3 good?
bantu bros we're eating good.
go back to /pol/ you retard
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Hello everyone and welcome to another Tinto Talks. This is the Happy Wednesday, the day of the week where we tell you information about our super secret game with the code name Project Caesar.

This week we will talk about art and culture; not why it's important to the world, but the impact it has in our game. To begin with, every Culture in Project Caesar has two important attributes: Cultural Influence and Cultural Tradition.
Eu5 has mutting mechanics
The bleaching of America will commence bros
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Cultural Influence

This is the attack power of a culture in the context of culture war, representing how impressive it appears to other cultures, and the reach it has beyond its own borders.

It has a monthly increase depending on prestige, some cultural buildings and also increases upon the completion of a work of art.

The influence of the English is weak… for now..
This art is so shit lmao
I cant tell if its AI or not but at this point just using AI art would probably look better.
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Cultural Tradition

This is the defense power of a culture in the context of culture war, representing how strongly this culture's traditions resonate with its people.
Tradition has a monthly change dependent on relevant buildings, but also on the amount of art you have in your country. The average literacy of your nobles also have a significant impact on your cultural tradition as well.

Some nested tooltips, you can also see the details of every location by hovering over that value as well..

As you may see in the screenshot above, the primary culture of the country is the one benefiting from your art and nobles.

Culture War
So what is cultural influence and cultural tradition impacting then. Well, we have this concept called Culture War which impacts several aspects of the game. For the part where culture is relevant, the cultural influence of the “attacking” culture is compared against the cultural tradition of the “defending” culture. If it's positive you will get bonuses, but if it's negative, you will face penalties.

There are plenty of diplomatic actions where having a dominant culture is a benefit for the other country to accept your deals, not to mention the fact that building a spy network is far faster if you have a cultural dominance.

This also has an impact if you have conquered some land and want to integrate it, as if your cultural influence is bigger than their traditions you will integrate the territory faster. This is also valid if you want to annex a subject.

You also assimilate people faster if you have a higher cultural influence than the pop’s culture’s traditions. There is also a small impact on sieges as well.
Cultural Investment
One of the most important advances in the Age of Renaissance is the ‘Patron of the Arts’, this one is early in the part of the tree that requires the Renaissance Institution, and it allows you to invest into culture. The cost of this depends on the size of the economy and how many artists you wish to employ.

How can you be a renaissance man without sponsoring the arts?

There is a direct impact from the investment you make each month on your prestige as well as an impact on the skill of the artists and the art they create.

There are some countries outside of Europe that already start with advances that unlock investing into culture.
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These are characters that appear in countries that are investing into culture. They will spend their time creating new art, or figuring out what art they should create. They will also increase their skill over time, depending on how much money you will throw at them. If you get frustrated with them not producing new art, you can always commission art directly by throwing even more money at them.

Various buildings and advances can impact the skill floor and ceiling of a new artist as well.

One artist that exists at the start of the game..

If you have less than double the number of the supported artists in your country, you can always poach an artist from a smaller and less rich country. That artist will then move to your country and all the art they create will benefit you, however the influence of the culture of the country you invited him from will increase.

There are several different types of artists, and they create different types of art.

Iconographer - Only for certain religions
Metalsmith - if you have metallurgy
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Works of Art
A work of art is something that an artist has created. When the art is created, it will directly increase the cultural influence of the primary culture of the country that the artist is working in. Not all artists will necessarily live in a capital, or create their art there either.

There is of course art already present at the start of the game..
When a location is conquered through a siege or normal occupation, there is a chance for Works of Art to be looted or destroyed. If it's looted, it will be transferred to your capital, so you can create a nice Museum a few centuries later. Having some art in your country has some benefits, increasing your prestige and traditions.

You might become more innovative if you have lots of art though..
There is also a direct benefit to all locations that have works of art as well, depending on how much of the art you have, and it provides some good benefits.

A true melting pot..
This is a concept that has existed in many of our previous GSG and it is present on Project Caesar as well. Here it's a value between 0 and 100 and will decay to 0 if nothing else increases it, where the decay is bigger the higher the prestige is.

Prestige in this game is heavily tied to the cultural part of the game, but it also has an impact on diplomacy and trade.

If the nobles were just a little bit more happy…

Stay tuned, as next week we will go into detail about all the societal values we have.
It's art for menu headers/backgrounds, you'll never look at it closely in the game.
>English """Culture"""
Game is shit and unhistorical, kinda sad how much they got right just to fuck it up with something this simple
>seething german
typical. you can't deny English™ Culture forever.
they added gacha into euV
>examples only list Europeans
How did this post make it past HR. We are witnessing a complete and total chuddification of Johan in real time.
Well, the game is not called Europa Universalis just for nothing.
>but at this point just using AI art would probably look better
True. The new Age of History used AI in their portraits and scenarios and looks it way better than whatever the fuck "artists" at Paradox at doing.
It's called Ceasar
>looks it way better than whatever the fuck "artists" at Paradox at doing
every artist at paradox has studied art for years anon you just aren't educated enough to understand
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chudcel bros...
>y-you don't get it!
Spoken like a true post-modernist "artist"
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basedentists btfo
how can a man be so based
As a mech. engineer my knees are uterly shattered now. Sciencekeks btfo we will rule. Johan you fat swede I will buy two of your games now.
Makes sense. Theories don't make society go forward, applying it does.
Based Johan BTFO people left and right
based unbiased engineer
based, scientists are just fancy philosophers anyways.
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I'm blown away. This is the most in-depth culture system I've ever seen in a video game. Very impressed by Johan-sama.
its kinda autistic but i jive with it tbqh
the language and culture dominance mechanics will be very interesting in MP
finally a proper implementation of civs board game mechanics
Another banger from Johan.
EU5chads our game will actually be Paradox Magnum Opus.
Hmm, painter you say, what if unify grossgermanium under an austrian painter with funny moustache
DAMN, Aristotle would've loved this one
Minar Siran was Turkish.
DAMN, Johan really be making reality 2.0, I would absolutely let him plow my bussy rn
I like the look of the culture mechanics but it's making how fragmented some of them are come off as even stranger than it did before. Would anyone at the time have considered Poitevin or Angevin art to be distinct from French art?
I stopped following eu5 news like 5 months ago. What did they do to colonization?
New challenge unlocked: Turn the entire world into nords.
What would be considered "woke" pre-Napoleonic Wars? Renaissance? They did start the "dark ages" meme.
I'm more concerned about the performance, desu.

Very few people actually play MEIOU or Black Ice.
Based Beyond Belief
Plenty of people play Black Ice. World Ablaze is the actual ultra realism autism MEIOU analogue.
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Wokesisters... It's over
The Dutch Renaissance was a major part of the reason that Dutch became recognized as distinct from German, in a world where Bordeaux or Lyons or Angers becomes a major center of art and culture to rival Paris I could see also see the local cultures there being recognized as something distinct from French.
Good point, though there doesn't seem to be much about cultural evolution like that in the game. And from the mechanics we've seen so far it sounds like losing a culture group, like the Dutch cultures getting removed from the German group if they make enough cool paintings, just seems like it would be a nerf to the Dutch cultures
Nothing personel Eurocucks, I'll loot all the art to Istanbul.
>Every game in the genre should have this and this.
You are the reason Football games and Survival horror are crap
Revolutionary ideas were actually the woke shit of the era. Equality, one race da human race and shit.
Rent free.
Is South East Asia the most pointless and boring region on Earth?
we havent had australian and canadian region yet, siberia qualifies too
>Revolutionary ideas were actually the woke shit of the era. Equality, one race da human race and shit.
Equality of class or gender or religion, sure. But racism did not exist in 1337, that was a at the time a revolutionary idea.
Fair point, fair point. Canada in the era of this game is utterly useless.
cant wait for the shitshow that will be euVs TNO
If you decide to invest into the vinland colony, Canada will be somewhat relevant at least
How will that work when there won't be any big mission trees in eu5. They'll have to design actual content and not just write 5000 words of 'lore'
>there won't be any big mission trees in eu5
they will find a way to strip all the gameplay and just turn it into an event clicker
>5000 words
it must be in the high millions, it would be billions if not for the frequent feature cuts
I don't think you realize how big those numbers are. I'd be very surprised if the total wordcount even reaches a million.
>Equality, one race da human race and shit
Conditional equality for people who were the same religion, skin color, gender and citizen*
One race human race only applied to skin color even late into the Victorian age when Communism was a thing, people still believed in social Darwinism and that blacks were half-devil half children.
The Canadian fur trade was massively profitable.
>One race human race only applied to skin color even late into the Victorian age when Communism was a thing, people still believed in social Darwinism and that blacks were half-devil half children.
Racism only became a serious phenomenon from the 16th century onwards when it became a tool for socially justifying slavery and colonialism. Medieval Europeans didn't hate Arabs, Turks, Moors, etc because they were brown, they hated them because they were Muslim. When Portugal first explored Sub-Saharan Africa they viewed the people and kingdoms there as equivalent to their own, just not Christianized yet.
>oppressive imperialist powers are color blind
>the downvotes
he dare spoke ill of Science, he must be publicly shamed
That's literally the opposite of what I wrote. Becoming imperialist powers in the age of exploration is what gave birth to racism in Europe, it was not a serious phenomenon prior.
>racism only became a serious phenomenon from the 16th century onwards
That is when it gained scientific aspects and comprehensive listings of racial groupings appeared , but "these people are inherently different from me and I dislike that" is an incredibly old concept. If I said "Romanians are subhuman thieves and are natural slaves " it would be considered racist today. The only time a statement like that is not considered racist is when it comes from a pre colonial source. To say that racism didn't exist back then you have to change the standards of what is racist.
>The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness.
>But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.
>Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race.
>Among themselves nothing is barred.
They had both positive and negative stereotypes towards peoples. They grouped certain peoples together and considered them brother races. They considered peoples to have qualities inherent to them. I think the standards put upon Roman racism are unfair to the time they lived in. I don't think people would be willing to call them racist unless they found some lost writings by Caesar where he whips out IQ studies and crime states to defame the Gauls. This may be changing somewhat. I've seen some recent dissertations challenging the concept, but they were mostly focused on negative statements about dark skinned people.
>That is when it gained scientific aspects and comprehensive listings of racial groupings appeared , but "these people are inherently different from me and I dislike that" is an incredibly old concept. If I said "Romanians are subhuman thieves and are natural slaves " it would be considered racist today. The only time a statement like that is not considered racist is when it comes from a pre colonial source. To say that racism didn't exist back then you have to change the standards of what is racist.
I'm not saying there were absolutely no aspects of racism before the colonial period but they were absolutely not at the level of class, gender, or religious divides in society and it's absurd to make the comparison like the original anon did. In fact colonial governments, especially early in the period, often ran into conflicts with the Church about mistreatment of slaves and natives who had converted because they were supposed to be viewed as equals under Catholic doctrine. The concept that other races were inherently inferior to Europeans regardless of their faith was the new, radical, "woke" idea at the time.

>The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness.
>But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.
>Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race.
>Among themselves nothing is barred.
Jews, again, were hated for not being Christian, not because they were ethnically different.
>When Portugal first explored Sub-Saharan Africa they viewed the people and kingdoms there as equivalent to their own
>Romanians are subhuman thieves and are natural slaves
You mean Gypsies? It's not the same thing. And Romania is a XIX invention, because they were very close to be called Dacians instead of Romanians.
Not to mention that gypsies are Indian.
I have a couple questions about Romania
If I drop my wallet, which force will act first on it? Gravity or a Romanian?
If a Irishman parks a car in Romania, can the Romanians disassemble it for parts before it explodes?
>If a Irishman parks a car in Romania, can the Romanians disassemble it for parts before it explodes?
The explosion is in fact Romanians moving in at the speed of sound, disassembling it and throwing the parts around.
>powers in the age of exploration is what gave birth to racism in Europe
Your definition of racism is hating on brown, romans were "racists" against greeks, egyptians, souther italians, northern italians, germans, britosn, celts, etc. and all these groups were "racists" against each other
How can one man get away with plagiarizing MEIOU so much
Johan is setting the standard for future video game production, from now on AAA studios will just give old white autists millions of pounds and send them far away from their HR teams and diversity hires in the main studio
by hiring the meiou devs
Nuhuh, not if I bring it to London first.
Will the amount of old white (fat) autists be enough to satisfy market demand?
There is only one Johan, though. I don't think other studios could pull it off.
They need to find them lounging in some Mediterranean country and bring them back home first.
You can always spot americans with their focus on skin color.
I'm kneeling so hard right now.
The whole race thing is a very anglo-centric mindset. I would say it's a germanic thing, but even other germanics were more ambiguous about it than fucking anglos.
Its like what happened to natsocs after they found out their pure ancestors were living in mudhuts
>The whole race thing is a very anglo-centric mindset.
Spanish America literally had a race-based caste system.
>spend tons of time and effort setting up Vinland
>the English or French just come destroy you in one war and take your precious colony
A fucking Swede created the trinity of race.
With these culture mechanics and tags that are institutions (like banks or the Hansa), what's stopping us from a play through LARPing as an extremely aggressive British Museum invading thirdie countries for the sole purpose of stealing their artifacts?
That's right, nothing, Based Johan has done it again
That was flexible and could be brushed aside if you were wealthy enough instead of muh one drop autism.
If you go back far enough, everyone's ancestors lived in mudhuts.
And here we have it. Johan wants to have his cake and eat it too.
Either European cultures will be superior to the rest of the world (wich is a thing that should be in the game to some extent) or now tribal paintings some subsaharian nig made in the Congo will be equivalent to the Sixtine Chapel (wich is what happens in EU4 nowadays).
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>tribal paintings some subsaharian nig made in the Congo will be equivalent to the Sixtine Chapel
Artworks have quality tiers and nignogs won't have the tech and infrastructure to upgrade their Artists. So the Sistine Chapel would be exceptional tier and nignog "art" would be bellow average tier. The only exception I can think of would be a unique tech for the Edo culture improving sculpture quality, because the Benin Bronzes are actually pretty good.
What is it about the southernmost parts of modern day Nigeria, man?
While the german ubermensch ate dirt and built mudhuts, the north african seite built golden temples
S A L T E D for good reasons
>Jews, again, were hated for not being Christian
That is a quote from Tacitus, not a Christian.
>You mean Gypsies?
No, just used Romanians as a random example. Don't look to deeply into it.
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Hello, and welcome to another week’s edition of the maps of Project Caesar. I hope you have your boat prepared, because today we’ll be doing some island hopping looking at all the archipelago of Indonesia.

A very wide area filled with many countries. Obviously, the most important emerging power is Mahajapit, Majahapit, Mapajahit, Mahapajit, Mapajahit… Majapahit, originating from Java and who are taking advantage of the vacuum created by the disappearance of the Srivijaya Empire to conquer or subjugate many of the Malay polities to establish a new thalassocratic empire. In the island of Borneo, the Kingdom of Brunei is extending its territory with the subjugation of many countries in the Philippines, where the Kingdom of Tondo establishes a certain hegemony but still with many other polities in the islands that could easily take its place. On the Celebes, the island is divided into multiple countries, with the Kingdom of Luwu (starting with L) establishing a firm presence. Further east, Tidore and Ternate are ready to also be very influential polities in the region, despite their humble origins in their small islands.
Societies of Pops:

Not much in here, only the Orang Asli in the Malay peninsula and the Ilocos people in north Philippines.
Connected to the European trade system through Portugal since the early XV century, that's why Portuguese merchants and soldiers are also pretty common motifs in the Benin Bronzes and ivory carvings.
Even today south Nigerian diaspora are consistently better achievers in income and education than other African diasporas. Unfortunately Nigeria also has to deal with mudslime barbarity in the north, dragging the whole nation down.
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Not much to say here, as much of the dynasties are generated due to the lack of data. Notable exceptions to that are, of course, the Rajasa dynasty of Majapahit and the Mauli dynasty of the Melayu kingdom.
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Okay, now this is bullshit.
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Vegetation and climate is quite (almost) uniform with tropical jungle, while the topography makes it generally to be quite rugged, with flatlands being present almost only on the bigger islands.

As one would expect, these parts are not as developed as what we’ve been seeing recently.
Natural Harbors:

I don’t think it’s to anyone’s surprise that Singapore or Manila turned out to be such good harbors.
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I think this may be the most culturally diverse area we’ve presented until now. Keep in mind though that minorities have not been done here yet, so there will probably be more blending and variation in the end.
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A foreword before presenting the religions of Indonesia. You might notice that the promise to break the Animist religion into smaller ones is now in full effect. However, this is not going to be the final step, but an intermediate one. We created a lot of different 'culture-based religions' where we knew that people had different believes and rites; now we want to group them into broader categories, that would make sense gameplay-wise, following similarities in beliefs, practices, or mythologies - take as an approximate example the Northern American religions shown in the Religious Overview Tinto Talks. In this regard, we will appreciate any feedback about how to better group these religions, as it will be much easier for us to do it with your help.

With that said, let's focus on Indonesia again. This region is also one of the most varied religion-wise. It is notable the presence of Hinduism and Mahayana, as the prominent countries in this area were Hindu-Buddhists before the arrival of Islam, which is currently just starting to make its entrance through the north of Sumatra.
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One thing I want to say here regarding languages (as for example I saw someone getting surprised by the Mon language presence in the south of the Malay peninsula) is that we have had to make some grouping of languages in certain cases. Among many other issues, languages need to have sets of names for characters, so in cases that we couldn’t find a suitable big enough group of names for a language, we were forced to group it with another one close in their linguistic group (even if just temporarily). We are currently working on improving this, so that we can have the best possible representation without having to compromise gameplay, so it is quite possible that some of the languages that we have been forced to group into bigger groups get further splits in the future. Also, dialects were not a thing yet when we did this area, so nothing about that is implemented here yet.
Court Languages:

Not much difference with the normal languages map, except only in those cases where a country is ruling over another culture (which will be mitigated once minorities are done)
Raw Materials:

Mainly lumber due to so many jungle, but also some other interesting resources here. And obviously also quite a bit of spices in the Spice Islands.
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Market Languages:

Added here also the market languages, although keep in mind that it is just the language of the culture of the market center.
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Majapahit is the most populated, which will help them become the regional hegemon they historically were.

That is all for this week. Don’t put away your boats yet though, as next week we will continue our seafaring adventures and take a look at Oceania. See you there.
as someone who's as ignorant as it gets about that region of the world were there really that many tags or is it more like the meme abbo nations from the eu4 dlc?
Orangutans should be a society of pop
>this is bullshit
For what?
Was it really all IRL, even the coastal regions? I expected more splotches of farmland here and there.
I'm curious about New Zealand, since Maoris just arrived
>bru people
*all jungle IRL
we literally get
>orang asli people
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It's real, Southeast Asia has a long history of kingdoms and citystates. They weren't literal cavemen like Abbos
that inland sea placement is bad tho
jesus christ this is a hideous religious map
Singapore looks OP. Got to be one of the best locations.
Which culture should destroy all the others?
SEA is not that different from the majority of Europe historically speaking. Chinese chronicles talk about southern states (probably not really states but rather something similar to how central and eastern Europe were in the day) back in the first millennium, and there's evidence of maritime trade with Rome in modern southern Vietnam. And by 1100-1200 we have real states with writings, chronicles, and all the fun stuff throughout both mainland and maritime SEA.
My bet is on Khmer.
rightful Han clay
That's nonsense, it's super different to Europe. The climate is horrible in most of Maritime SEA, you can't even grow grain or common fibers like cotton in many places.
There's also much less historiography. In Europe you can actually make an accurate map of 1337 because we know so much about its state at this time, in SEA you don't even know what settlements existed at the time except for a few important ones.
I meant of the Maritime SEA cultures
the climate is terrible and the smaller islands are extremely hostile mountainous shitholes
BUT java is an incredibly agriculturally productive island which is why it has always had a super high populaiton
and local city states and petty kangdoms were able to get extremely rich working plantations for stuff like spices and being geographically located along lucrative trade routes
its not really like europe but its also not a geographically completely fucked backwater like for example the amazon
Javanese outnumber everything else there combined
Malays were very successful in spreading their language and gaining influence everywhere they went, building kingdoms and preaching islam
>and there's evidence of maritime trade with Rome in modern southern Vietnam
They found Roman coins in Vietnam but that doesn't mean they were trading with Rome, it means they were trading with India who was trading with Rome.
I will make them speak dutch if they like it or not.
Dutch? Oh, you must mean Swamp Upper Rheinmann
Yes, I indeed mean the swamp germans
>t. Kraut (actual westphalian)
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You sure you aren't Ripurian-Franconian?
>low franconian
oh so they are just gonna have dutch diverge via event or something
To the german frens in here: what german culture is the chuddiest one? I will spread its dialect to the world
>danube bavarian
Austrian bros..... We got cucked by b*varians
Yeah, that's retarded. Austrians were already their own thing by those times.
>low franconian
I know that they are basing this off of that german guy's giant book on germanic language history but that just needs to be named dutch because that's what it is
name everything west of it "deutsch" then
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austrians and bavarians speak basically the exact same dialect of german
it's not an eu4 culture it's a language map
at least for now they haven't taken the creative liberty of splitting up the dialects along state/cultural lines as we would think of them
Most of the tags in Sulawesi, Borneo, and Central Sumatra should be colonizable instead of being a proper tags. Only the coastal kingdoms are proper states while the inner tribes are just bunch of jungle dwelling tribes.
they also really need flemish on the map
kinda weird that they grouped together two dialects that remain very distinct to this day
But were they distinct dialects in 1337?
Prussians or Fake Saxons
My region is displayed as "angrian" here, but thats not really a term used ever. I have family in Engern. Its a minor city near Herford, a minor city near Bielefeld, with is displayed as a OPM (Ravensberg)
The devs divided the Lower Saxon Dialect into the 3 historical parts of the stem duchy of saxony, which by the game start has already long fractured.
On Sumatra it's exactly the opposite, the coasts were wetlands while the interior highlands had a much higher population and rice agriculture.
I mean the Bataks sepcifically. They never have a proper state and the surronding Malay kingdoms never fully control their territory at all.
>no Wends
What the fuck, I am sure they still existed in that era.
these are sorbs and polabians, no?
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They were much less distinct back then and the Dutch-Flemish distinction is pretty modern. Historically it was Brabantish, Flemish, Hollandish, and Limburgish varieties, but if Paradox went that far then they'd have to get even more autistic for everything else.
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Here is that German DD, if anyone's interested
Looks like they used Polabian as a catch-all term for all western Pomeranian Slavs
I'm pretty sure Wends just generically meant Slavs in Germanic languages, it wasn't used for a specific group. Basically all the Polabians, Sorbians, Kashubians, Poles, Silesian, Czech, Moravians, Slovenes, Croatians, etc on this map are Wends
The Sorbs are the Wends
I'm looking forward to this game but also I'm going to be surprised if it's not miserable to play with the massive number of provinces.
nah dutch should only be a thing if the nederlands get their independence from the HRE
why sorbs claiming the name wend now? in poland, germans called us wends
We called all Slavs Wends, including the Sorbians.
The performance is going to be so dogshit
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Dave made Sorbs Czechoslovaks
To be fair Roman's hated other Italians
I haven't seen this before
Where's this from?
Dave's gotta be fucking with me at this point
He posted it in the language Tinto Talk a few days ago since people wanted him to split up West Slavic
There are so many provinces that most normal people will get bored after conquering the first 100 or so. They should add a multiplayer mode where each european nation can be guided by a cabinet of 6 real players
There aren't that many more provinces, but each province is split into several locations.
This is it. Im contacting paradox HR RIGHT NOW
The only inaccurate part is eastern java. It has combination of flat plains,river, and volcanic soil which makes it one of the most fertile area in he world even today (the island of java has more population than entire Russia). Also historically it's one of the main reason for the rise of Majapahit as they're able to develop agricultural society with massive pops unlike other kingdom who has to rely on trade
locations are functionally the same as provinces
What about Brunei and their capital?
No? Locations and provinces are two different things.
eu4 provinces = eu5 locations
In terms of size, EU4 provinces are more similar to EU5 provinces
ok but ur little army men run around on the locations faggot
It terms of size, EU4 provinces are more similar to your mother
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An Age of Absolutism building that shows the icon age and the icon for the tech as well now.
looks expensive as fuck, perfect for nobles to burn their cash
>Dave is reading these threads and got rid of all German Slavs as a joke
Based ostsiedlung promoter
No warscore is fine if you replace it with more in depth casus bellis where the full goal of the war is established in advance, and then make the AI give up sooner if its only over one province or whatever, vs death warring if they're about to get full annexed. For secondary parties just automatically take money depending on various factors
>where the full goal of the war is established in advance
yeah no fuck off
>where the full goal of the war is established in advance
V3 did this and it was shit, to the point it's one of many reasons people playing that game loathe to start wars
Maybe I didn't explain it well enough, but I'm literally suggesting to mimic the style of EU4 player wars for the AI. War diplomacy is currently one of the most retarded things about EU4, where the AI insists on trying to full siege or get full sieged every fucking time
Map reviews never ever
The way I see it, they will talk about map changes early next year, or just before the release (mid 2025?)
I think they're waiting on Dave to finish his Britain review
>mid 2025
Lol. 2026 is far more realistic.
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The forums made Dave split East Slavic into Russian, Belarussian, and Ukrainian
shouldn't it be ruthenian
Yeah, Russian and Ruthenian would've made more sense
languages are going the same way as cultures
by the time PC actually releases every single location will have their own language, culture and religion
Isn't the concept of a white Russia more recent than the EU5 start date?
The fuck is Dave problem?
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I just found this post in the forum, you forgot to mention these are the dialects not the languages
based fact checker
I think they're waiting for the Romanian nationalist and the Hungarian nationalists to stop arguing over the correct proportion of gypsies in Moldavia
"Ruthenian" is actually a term made up by the Polish to suppress Ukrainian culture. Whoops.
In EU4's time period, anyway.
Lol, EUV will never be released then
Ah, the discussion earlier in the thread about the languages tripped me up
>AAA studios will just give old white autists millions of pounds
Pounds of what?
gamer girl (male) bussy
XD nice
Angrian makes the least sense, unless they just rename Lower Saxon to Angrian. The current location of Angrian is split between Westphalian and Eastphalian, which are already nebulous distinctions within the greater Low Saxon group.
paradox really has a boner for angria for some reason
same shit in ck3
don't bring us into this, it's a spastic romanian arguing with a russian
Pounds of silver, sterling
Haven't checked up on the development of EU5 in over half a year. Any news on combat or the militry systems yet? Please don't tell me they're going down the Vic3 sloptrain again with it.
I'm sorry, anon.
What's the other option anyways? Eu4 style except that now you will have a million troops in 1444 instead of 1544? Battles with dice rolls and gacha sieges?
Its normal stacks but they are doing some different stuff with it. Haven't gotten the full scoop yet though.
looking forward to the heckin putler references
they should also add george floyd events
The fact that there are pops now and soldiers represent actual people should hopefully prevent the super inflated army sizes.
it will. pops kind of magically fix scale in every game
Fair. Anything said about warfare system itself? I'm kinda fine with anything to be desu, is not like I can imagine anything particularly good
its a carbon copy of the eu4 war system basically, the manpower generation and terrain stuff is different also expect some occupation mechanics similar to imperator
Ruthenia is the Latin name for the area that predates the Polish country itself.
Kievan Rus is long gone. There is a very specific reason to dig up ancient names for an area, instead of using local ones.
wheres the proof that the locals called themselves ukrainian instead of russian/ruthenian in 1330
Making the game set seven hundred years ago?
>where's the proof that the non-Latin speaking locals did not call themselves by their Latin name?
I'll let you think about that one. Proving a negative is a nice bonus.
you didnt read my post you mentally ill slavnigger
If we're going by what they called themselves then they're Russian, though. Ruthenian is a compromise between Ukraine schizos and objective reality
>where's the proof that the non-Latin speaking locals did not call themselves by their Latin name
If that's our standard then we should be calling them Russian. I imagine you'd still be screeching if that were the case though.
But "rus'kyy" and "russkyi" are not the same? Anyway, "ruthenian" is compromise name to remove confusion.
Slav languages sound fine when spoken and written in moon runes, but god damn they look fucking gay when transliterated to the Latin alphabet. They really need to stop trying so we can go back to our established exonyms.
Good, now please explain how the people living there saw the word rus as similar to realm and how there were Black, Red and White Rus...es?
Russia came out from Duchy of Moscow larping as being some sort of All-Rus after their role of tax collectors for whole region for their mongol overlords.
Now that I think of it, it is pretty fucked to begin your statehood in such a way.
You know, that actually explains a lot about Russia.
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Wrong, in English it's always been Kiev
Globalhomo might have started demanding the name be changed started two years ago but that doesn't make it so
>but we know for sure that ukrainians had their bizarre dialect that seems to exist solely for "wyir nyt ryssyns wi swyr" purposes back in 1337
Why wouldn't they? You accept that different regions in France, Italy, Germany, Spain etc all had their own dialects, sometimes divergent to the point of being almost mutually unintelligible, but you think it's impossible that people living in Kiev talked differently than people living in Moscow, a city 800 kilometres away?
In 1337 Kijów was a waning city powerful for centuries, while Moscow was barely beginning its importance, mostly due to role of collecting taxes from all the principalities to the golden horde.
People coming from retarded pro-russian positions in regards to the subject matter should really learn history.
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turns out all you need to do to farm replies is to LARP as a second/third world nationalist shitting on other second/third world nationalists lmao
As long as it's in vogue. If these dev diaries were released 5 years ago it would be called Kiev and there wouldn't be a reply chain of great mutual butthurt. At most some slav response on the forum that would be ignored.
Why di peiple keep suhhestinh that there's simethinh wrinh with the Ukriinyn lanhuahe? It mihht siund a little funny ti every ither Slav, but it's nit like it's simehiw invalid just because it had sime viwel shifts and they can't priniunce their Gs. What is this kind if alyinatiin suppised ti achyiv?
Global rule 6

Hello and Welcome to another Tinto Talks. The day of the week where we spill information about our top secret game with the codename Project Caesar.

Today we will delve deeply into the world of Societal Values.

Societal values describe the attributes of a country. Different countries start with different societal values, creating a unique and different experience. Please that values are all subject to testing and balancing.

The societal value ranges from -100 to +100 , where a -100 value is completely to the left, and +100 to the right of the value.

They change slowly over time, primarily influenced by the estate privileges, government reforms or laws that the country has. However, if you feel that you can’t wait for your society to change, you can always have a member of the Cabinet focusing on attempting to nudge a societal value to something else in your country.

A character with good diplomatic skill is useful for this action..
There are 13 common Societal Values that all countries have from the start, and currently one unique for countries in and around China, which will be talked about in a later TT. We have another one added in the Age of Absolutism as well. Some of these societal values you may recognize the name, or the design intent from previous games like EU2 or EU3, but they almost always have different impacts.

Centralization vs Decentralization
A centralized country may be more efficient, while a decentralized country is more resilient.

Centralization increases crown power dramatically, but being decentralized has other benefits.

Traditionalist vs Innovative
A traditionalist country prioritizes stability and tradition over all other values, while an innovative country wants a more literate population and faster adoption of any new institution.

A Traditionalist country will have a higher estate satisfaction, stability will grow faster and a bigger cultural tradition growth, while institutions will be far more costly to embrace.

An Innovative country will have a higher maximum literacy, bigger cultural influence growth, cheaper institution growth but stability will be much slower to grow.

Spiritualist vs Humanist
A spiritualist country is pretty much organized around its Clergy, while a humanist country is much more tolerant towards heretic and heathen religions.

A spiritualist country will convert pops faster, increase the amount of clergy in towns and cities, and increase the tolerance of the true faith, while reducing the speed of assimilation.

A humanist country will assimilate pops faster, increase tolerance of heathen and heretics, but reduce the speed of conversions.
Aristocracy vs Plutocracy
An aristocratic country is about having the leadership from those with noble blood, while a plutocratic country takes their leadership from the richest and most powerful.

An aristocratic country will increase the amount of diplomats you get, the amount of noble pops of cities, increase the power of the nobility and the expected cost of the court.

A plutocratic country will increase the amount of burghers in cities, reduce the cost of the court, increase trade efficiency but dramatically increase the power of the burghers.

Serfdom vs Free Subjects
A country with high serfdom is about exploiting the peasants as much as possible, whereas a country with free subjects treats peasants as human beings.

Magna Carta and Yeomanry will make England slowly go towards Free Subjects.

As you can see a serfdom focused country increases possible tax for peasants, the raw materials they produce, and the supply limit in your country, while it also increases the amount of food your peasants will eat.

A country with free subjects on the other hand will increase monthly prosperity, make pops promote faster, reduce the food consumption of peasants, but reduce the amount of tax you can collect from the peasants.

Belligerent vs Conciliatory
A belligerent country is a country that does not worry about the opinion of other countries. A conciliatory country appeases others, either due to being weaker, or it just believes that it's easier to catch flies with honey.

A belligerent country will create casus belli faster, get cheaper warscore costs, and faster spy network constructions, but the diplomatic reputation will suffer significantly.

A conciliatory country will increase the efficiency of the cabinet, the loyalty of subjects, and improve the diplomatic reputation, but casus belli will be far more difficult to create.
Quality vs Quantity
An army that focuses on quality is focused on making each soldier perform better, while an army focused on quantity tries to get more people to fight in the battles.

A country that leans towards quality will have morale recover faster, gain a bonus to military tactics, and have far higher initiative, but the maintenance costs will be higher.

A country which favors quantity will have a higher possible frontage, cheaper armies, less food consumed by armies, but the initiative will be far worse in battle.

Offensive vs Defensive
A country that is focused on offensive prefers the attack, and using their armies and navies in enemy locations, while a defensive country relies more on their forts to defeat the enemy.

Do you want to attack or defend? Easy choice or ?

Land vs Naval
A country focused on land is usually a country without much of a coastline, while a naval-focused one may be those that values its coastline more than others.

Here we have actively wanted to avoid military-only attributes, as otherwise 99% would always go land.

A land country will trace proximity quicker over land, trade over land, have larger RGOs, but trade over sea is more expensive.

A naval country will trace proximity quicker over water, trade over water, maritime presence is faster, but trade over land is more expensive.

Capital Economy vs Traditional Economy
A country with a capital economy is more focused on earning money, particularly from trade and towns and cities, while one with a traditional economy is more oriented about living off what the land provides.

A capital economy country will have cheaper buildings, lower bank interest rates and higher production efficiency while food production is reduced.

A traditional country will produce more raw materials, produce more food, and have a higher population capacity, but buildings will be more expensive.
Individualism vs Communalism
A country based on individualism may get more exceptional characters, while one focused on communalism is all about the greater good of society.

An individualistic country will have higher morale in its armies and navies and a far faster migration speed for its pops, but a slightly lower estate satisfaction.

A communalist country will have a lower satisfaction threshold for pops to join rebels, far cheaper to revoke privileges from the estates, a slightly higher estate satisfaction, but pops will migrate far slower.

Mercantilism vs Free Trade
A mercantilist country aims to protect the market price of the produced goods in their country, while a country focused on free trade wants to benefit more from trades around the world.

This determines how you handle trade in your country..

Outward vs Inward
An outward country focuses more on interacting with other countries, while an inward country looks inside its borders.

An outward country will have a higher power projection, higher diplomatic capacity and faster migration to colonies but a lower cultural tradition growth,

An inward country will have a higher crown power, higher control, faster cultural tradition growth, but the colonial migration will be very slow.

Liberalism vs Absolutism
A Liberal country will emphasize the importance of civic liberties and legislative governing bodies, while an Absolutist country will focus more on the centralized authority of its ruler while reining in the power of the different estates.

A liberal country will get a higher cultural capacity, easier to get through requests in parliament, its pops are less likely to support rebels, but the impact of estate power from cabinet positions is higher.

An absolutist country will have a higher crown power, cheaper-to-revoke estate privileges, quicker integration, but the expected cost of the court is higher.
As mentioned earlier, this societal value appears from the Age of Absolutism, and shapes the last two ages dramatically.

Stay tuned, as next week we revisit a topic as it has been revised…
sliders sisters we are so back
Orientals probably have deference towards Son of Heaven as a slide.
they literally sound exactly the same inside urkaine and russia but dumbfuck virtue signalling westoids intentionally pronounce "kyiv" weird to own russia or something
>i-i'm not mad, YOU are!
>pls spoonfeed me!
finally, medieval communism
>while a plutocratic country takes their leadership from the richest and most powerful
>A plutocratic country will increase the amount of burghers in cities
left options: Russia
right options: the Netherlands
I'm really happy we got sliders. Wouldn¨t have imagined that this can actually happen.
Problem is 90% of games will most probably end before the age of absolutism.
I'm curious about the "pacing" of the game. On the one hand it needs to play faster than EU IV, otherwise most games will be dropped before the reformation and religious wars, on the other blobbing and snowballing too early might remove any challenge for the player or make it too easy for AI to centralise. The game seems to be micromanagement-heavy. Let's hope actual gameplay is both smooth and fun
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Aragon's starting societal values:

centralization_vs_decentralization = 50
aristocracy_vs_plutocracy = -20
serfdom_vs_free_subjects = -10
traditionalist_vs_innovative = -20
spiritualist_vs_humanist = -50
mercantilism_vs_free_trade = 0
offensive_vs_defensive = -40
land_vs_naval = 10
quality_vs_quantity = 0
belligerent_vs_conciliatory = -10
capital_economy_vs_traditional_economy = 90
individualism_vs_communalism = 10
outward_vs_inward = -20
It's 100% down to how much they want to commit to serious internal politics/stability mechanics. If they shy away, it becomes a blobfest which is won by the time America is discovered. Given that most players will get filtered and making AI which can handle the mechanics is hard, I'm guessing this will be the thing which ruins the game.
just add a working 17th century start date dlc, that way you'll be able to experience the late game if you wish and have a save state to export to Vic 3 if they ever manage to salvage it in a decade or so.
As for me? It's
>Free Subjects
>Free Trade
Sounds gay and american
For me, its traditional economy for more food and more pops. Although I wonder how exactly it works because trading nations should still be able to have high populations.
Traditional economy only seems to produce little more food but the pops remain poor shits.
I'm expecting it to work like Vicky 2 where speedrunning neoliberalism makes you the strongest country.
>As for me? It's
>the most milquetoast shit imaginable
Mostly kidding, of course, but I am willing to bet money that this configuration sans naval/land will end up being the most optimal
Definetely not optimal for my turbo socialist racist slave state tho
Traditional economy increasing the cost of buildings makes it impossible to justify given that buildings seem to do everything in this game
Frankfurt unironically is what made me Chud out. I went there for a conference related to work and seeing this historically important German city looking like NEW JERSEY was fucking insane to me, literal downfall of civilization.
They're not sliders.
How are they not sliders
For me it was listening to people talk about the socialist regime, western society seems to speedrun reimplementing everything inefficient, crony and corrupt we got rid of a few decades ago
Because you don't set their value directly.
See >>1899220
It's no more of a slider than literacy is.
>Stay tuned, as next week we revisit a topic as it has been revised…
I'm betting on the ages system being changed
It won't be character models but it should be
we are getting Korean mmo coomer bait character models
I hope they reworked diplomacy so that you can't have -200 diplomats
Tech tree is removed, idea groups are back.
Considering that in the last two buildings threads ages featured prominently, I doubt that.
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Johan already confirmed that they're switching over to Old School Runescape character models because of the backlash
I would genuinely prefer this
I'm already kneeling. This would make my knee go into the ground.
i'd play a gielinor eu5 mod
unironic kino
Vic3 models failed where Ck3 succeeded because ck3 has a slightly cartoony bent to its models like world of warcraft. I don't know what the technical term for it is, but it makes models look much better than a failed attempt at realism. Hope they go the same way with eu5.
people like ck3's character models because it was a character driven game which made you invested in how the characters looked. it's out of place in eu4 and vic3 because it's state driven and nobody cares what stooge is in the cabinet.
This looks fucking bad. Even AI slop would be better.
A lot of cool stuff, but I am curious about the culture dominance here
Can cultures merge and change characteristics? If I play as Isle of Man and I take certain portugese islands, will the islands eventually with time become Portugese-Highlander?
Would be much more interesting than them just becoming my primary culture
No, they are mostly static. I bet that they will make a dlc focused on making culture and language formation more dynamic though.
No one wants your AI garbage
>Ck3 succeeded
fuck off, ck3 bobbleheads look like shit

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