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Amplitude is parting ways with SEGA, is there still any hope left for them? Humankix flopping is probably going to spook them off from any more attempts at !notCivilization, but the same xers that made the game are still working at Amplitude. My guess is that they're going to make EL2 or ES3, hopefully with less "funny" narration.
humankind is still trash
Good for them, SEGA is cancer.

Here's hoping for Endless Legend 2.
>Leaving SEGA of all companies
Like I get wanting to be independent but they are one of the few companies actually trying to make money without fucking their customers too hard. If they would drop the fucking DRM bullshit they'd be top notch.
I wish they were more like the sega of the 90s but I don't think that amplitude is going to do any better without them. Humankind wouldn't have gotten made without support from the outside. Why would anyone bother?
Nice, maybe they can go back to making good games. I think the last thing they made that was enjoyable was dungeon of the endless.
>maybe they can go back to making good games.
Considering humankind was their shit and no one wanted it except them... yeah I don't have much confidence. Its not like they'll have sega to fund their retardation anymore.
good, maybe they can go back to making good games. What was the last one? dungeon of the endless?
Are you dumb or trolling? Sega is choking CA to death and they PRINT money. They killed Relic. Sega can't manage anything.
>SEGA gives money to company
>They make trash
Unless you're saying SEGA made them hire their HR department which then subsequently hired a generation of retards to staff the company, then I don't think SEGA deserves the blame on this one. In this case, how they fare "outside" of SEGA's umbrella will be indicative of the truth of the matter, and I bet they'll fail now just as they've failed before because I reckon their retards have been their retards all along.
sega are idiots with shit like DRM and some of their practices suck but they have let atlus print money for years now no problem and even eventually brought PSO2 over to the west. I haven't really seen them choke out developers. CA churning out crap seems to be full on CA. I'm sure sega wants money but I don't think its sega that has them doing DLC like that.
You think publishers don't meddle in their sub companies? You think they just hand over cash and call it a day? Sega absolutely micromanages their holdings and it shows.
Sounds like you know a lot about how SEGA operates its business, anon. Do share some of your stories with us.
More of the usual shifting blame upwards as far as possible, so it's always the fault of nameless executives and shadowy suits telling devs to make bad games on purpose.
Then the company goes bankrupt and you get crowdfunded indies "by the creators of [beloved series]", that are somehow twice as bad.
>crowdfunded indies "by the creators of [beloved series]"
i cannot complain about bloodstained it was exactly what i wanted but man mighty n9 was pure trash and exposed how much capcom tardwangler their talents
First relic, now this. Is SEGA deliberately shedding its developer portfolio or is there some kind of internal split here?
CA has been choking itself to death since Rome2
>every strategy studio SEGA acquires gets fucked over
wew lads
Yeah that horrible sega, making those retards spend years on shitty ass humankind and CA making pile of warhammer trash after warhammer trash. Oh wait...
We'll have to wait and see how much of the cancer was imposed from above and how much came from the inside.
Also nice quads.

>without fucking their customers too hard
There's this franchise called sonic the hedgehog
It's fascinating how desperately you fanboys need to believe that a company has no control over what the studios it owns work on.
kek homokind sucks sorry devs
>literally doesn't read before replying
That is indeed what you are doing, yes.
lol, SEGA investors breathe down the necks of their companies and forces them to make garbage products and when said garbage products fail the company pays the price not the investors.
Look at how they forced CA to make fucking Hyenas lmao.

Warhammer is the only thing keeping CA on their feet retard.
Yeah not going to keep them afloat much longer at the rate they churn out overpriced dlc for an unfinished game.
Not that anon but sega makes a killing on their pachinko machines. Prob just cutting their losses on shit euro companies like CA, Relic and Amplitude
and yes relic is canadian but who gives a fuck they suck deer dicks.
the whole overpriced dlc shit was a whole year ago and they've already announced they arent doing that anymore + they expanded the dlc to compensate for the lacking release.

Their last dlc was very well receieved and sold well.
you are one of those retards that doomposts with random bits of outdated shitposts that you think are facts so I'm not even going to bother replying to you anymore.
Okay CA shill. SEGA gave 2nd chances to both Relic and CA. Amplitude too I would guess they just kept shitting the bed
>Relic makes Dawn of War 3
>Is not sold for parts but instead is let to work on a competing publisher's work
>AOE4 is a middling success that would have told SEGA to cut their losses
>Instead they get given resources to make CoH 3
>Its dead on arrival
>Amplitude makes Herkind
>It's shit and sells like shit burning who knows how much money
>Sega let's them to try and unfuck Herkind while also fucking ES2
>They also make a shit dungeons game nobody asks
>CA makes a shit game Troy that is rescued by Epic Shit store
>They want to be big boys so they get the funding to make an FPS
>It's a dogshit woke slop that needs an abortion
>CA is still allowed to make games
>Warhammer 3 has a shit launch
>Pharaoh is a flop
>CA is still extant, somehow
Imagine having Sega as your boss. Giving you 2nd and 3rd chance.
Imagine the filthy yellow bellies trusting you to turn it around. How could you survive with zipper heads willing to do tough calls like aborting DEI slop before you become the joke of the decade.
I just want more Endless content, especially a second Legends game.
Endless Legends, but the combat isn't like pulling teeth.
A man can dream.
I've finally got around to playing it. The music is wonderful but I don't know of I can keep going knowing the fate of Auriga.
Sega needs to fucking cut these companies to the bone they are worthless or sell them off to anyone stupid enough to buy them.

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