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How the fuck does this work. I did not go to college for economics.
This game is easy.
Just build vodka everywhere.

Begin with a cement factory or two then switch to glass and vodka. Leave luxury goods for last. Also, make the life of artisans hell with taxes so they switch to industry workers and clerks.
Viccy 2 Pro here
what's your question?
1) Have IQ above 70
2) Have at least level B1 English proficiency
3) Build basic industries processing raw goods your contry is making by default
4) Continue from there on
5) Win the game

If you are fulfilling steps 1 and 2 and yet struggle with this game, you aren't really fulfilling steps 1 or 2
If you are a noob, just ignore the trade screen, you can play through an entire game without even looking at it once.
Even a newb should be able to click "manual" "2000" on important government goods. Auto buying is painful.
Sorry to tell you but you are retarded. It is literally highschool tier basic production vs demand.
look at the needs tab, click on the "need" on all the tabs and look at what you need, then build every resource thats in the top 6 and conquer the RGO's you need (coal, iron, sulfur)
This early set clippers, ammunition, small arms, artillery and canned food to 100. Later bump it up to 2000 besides clippers which can be about 300 if you’re spamming frigates.

Once you’ve got a million in the bank set cement and steel to 2000 and machine parts to 500. And you’re done. In the 1890s when you’re building good ships you can buy some steamers.
In 10 years playing the only use I ever did for the trade tab is to shadow fund my armed forces
What difference it does if any?
Get HPM as I'm not aware if Belgium is allowed to colonise the Congo using normal game mechanics.
Your highest imports appear to be, currently, tea, wine and liquor. You have an excess of coal. The price of grain is low. You should have an easy time making a glass and a liquor factory.

Hyuck hyuck. Dem pops man. Dem pops.
>shadow fund my armed forces
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's called beverages.
it doesn't work
You keep your military slider up but you set purchasing for all military goods to 0. Now your army is fully organized for cheap so you look big and scary and hope no one calls your bluff and actually attacks you.
does the AI actually take that into account
If there’s a global shortage of goods you’ll have a small stockpile of army equipment and factory construction material.
Why does the global economy tend to stagnate and collapse at the late game?
Doesn't matter, is a good trick to keep a big army when you are poor and can't afford proper maintenance, if anything happens just turn it all back without having to wait months for org to recover
Short answer:
Taxes and AI incompetence
wars become more common, wider and more disruptive to the economy

>AI war in 1840
>increase taxes and tariffs mildly to support your 20 brigades
>few rgos got occupied, your 2 factories now shut down
>your economy is 90% agrarian anyways so who cares
>peace out after a few major battles

>AI war in 1910
>mobilize 5% of your population (100 brigades) to complement your other 100 brigades
>max out your budget to just barely support things
>a few major oil/rubber rgos got occupied, now 50% of the world's gdp is compromised
>the victor goes for the "great war capitulation" CB
>become a failed state constantly alternating between fascist and communist coups
While in depth Vicky II economic mechanics are a little hard to grasp, growing a decent economy should not be difficult for anyone who is not retarded.

t. 300+ hours in Victoria II
>300+ hours in Victoria II
Cute, most gsgers also had that, like 10 years ago
Yeah bit I only started playing it last year.
Pops demand more and more goods due to inventions and some factory workers can make decent money but everyone else pretty much makes the same wages for the entire game so they can't afford their demands so the entire economy is factory workers buying goods from each other and governments taxing that and giving subsidies to everybody else so they can afford grain.
You could pass the minimun wage social reform to mitigate the problem, but it'a not going to fix the shitty AI.
you overestimate the mental capacity of gen z
>I did not go to college for economics
We get economics that is more advanced than this in our equivalent of middle/high school, but I have learned to keep my expectations low for the Anglo-Saxon races.

The trade screen is only useful in moments when you're noticing that some of your factories are making less and less profit to see whether some resource is too high in demand. The only decision you need to then make is maybe not open/upgrade another factory using said resource.

Other posters have already given good advice. In the base game glass factories, beverage distilleries and wineries are good baby's first factories if you have access to their required resources in your own economy.

Just keep in mind for resources in short supply that the priority for those goods first go to the countries that produce said good, then their shared sphere market, then non-sphere markets going from #1 GP down. If you have a hard time getting artillery as a LA country in 1836 then the economy works correctly.

I don't know if an autist fiddled with the RNG/factory economy at some point, but most mods' capitalist AI do an alright job with figuring out which factories earn a profit. Even clipper factories have their uses in the late game as a luxury good for aristocrats.
Vic 2 is not as replayable as something like ck or eu. I feel like ive done everything ive wanted to with 400 or so hours in the game.
Did you take California as Japan?
Number 1 GP as the CSA?
Reconquered the Spanis Empire?
Formed Transalpina in DoD?
I only wanted to do one of those things and i did. I don't really map paint much vic outside of scramble.
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Crank the tariffs, open all the factories, subsidize everything, and keep the Liberal parties out of power. Check back every once and a while and shift-click the plus sign on one of the factories to expand all factories that need to be expanded. There, now you needn't worry about a thing.
I never do any of these anymore. Ive found the economy runs better with less direct intervention and more just securing the resources for it to run.
You can just change the amount that pops get paid directly in the defines, but factory pops get paid enough already so it doesn't matter. The problem is RGO pops and state workers.
What did you just said? What do you mean you havent formed le epic grossgermanium in at least 10 different mods already and took le epic kill all nibbas 1488 hitler style decision??? Fucking troon noob go back to vic3
No but in blood and iron you can send all the afro americans to liberia.
Subsidize when starting out and strategic industries might need subsidies. Otherwise try to get LF and fund your military/navy so your strategic industries don't collapse.
I played more vick2 than those two. Vicky, ck and eu have exactly the same replay value. Having a larger list of achievements, decisions and formables doesn't add any real replay value. You can just add those with mods. The core gameplay is always the exact same, you are just repeating the same shit over and over again as a different colored blob until you can press a button that changes the color of your blob.
good luck trying this one with any non-european power with small pop even japan needs a bit of help
I would disagree. For better or for worse mission trees make the nations feel different from each other. With ck there is so much randomness that games rarely feel the same. Vic, while having the best core gameplay, is very samey and once i have a good game as a nation i dont really want to play it again.
That is what i generally do. Money is rarely scarce so i usually fully fund my army and navy.
I dont really play non euros much anymore. Ive done all i like with them
>I'm not aware if Belgium is allowed to colonise the Congo using normal game mechanics
He should be able to if he’s in the top 16 nations
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Uh oh
t. gexi-kun
i will literally burn and crash if you activate laissez faire with Brazil or any other minor. I wish to be exaggerating.
what happened to grandi anyway?
I haven't been to /gsg/ in years
This is the greatest part of Victoria 2
just the sheer carnage a war can wreck upon the global economy and the decade it may take for things to get running smoothly again while countrys attempt to struggle through the mess as the wars and economic disruptions grow larger and larger
Victoria 3 and paradoxs other games just CANNOT compete, i don't think theres any other game like this where war and economics are linked in such a non-abstracted way

>How the fuck does this work. I did not go to college for economics.
encourage capitalist until they're 0.7% of your largest state, drop the taxes of the rich to 0%, elect the lazy faire party, switch from encouraging capitalists to encouraging craftsmen, let the capitalists spam out a bunch of factorys then start lowering your middle class and working class taxes to keep the budget balanced as more and more cash starts to roll in.
Just do commerce techs and encourage capitalists
it doesn't, even the game's AI has no clue
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Does anyone know why is the map like this?
yeah but by the time you get there it's already 1910. Brazil just sucks to play but it's fun.
>make the life of artisans hell with taxes so they switch to industry workers and clerks.
Wouldnt it be better to make whatever resources they use be cheaper so that they promote through wealth instead of demotions ?
yes, the artisan rape tactic is outed by 5 years
artisans will be a source of clerks if you don't rape them at the start of the game
>Brazil just sucks to play
Just eat your neighbours, colonize niger area and the congo, colonize China, get a big navy, acquire a monopoly in rubber and fuck up the USA.
because the money supply dries up due to stuff like spheres deleting money, and the pricing system isn't robust enough to handle arbitrary deflation/inflation so everything stops working without any money in the system to actually do transactions with
>spheres deleting money
This is fake news btw. The r*dditor who "tested" it used the "change tag" command and then went to the trade tab WITHOUT UNPAUSING, despite it being well-known among V2 players that changing tags like that bugs out the UI, requiring a a day of unpausing for things to correct themselves.
no spheres definitely delete money
if you enter the sphere of a large nation your tariffs drop off a cliff because the sphere imports delete the money
No it doesn't delete money. Being sphered just means your pops don't pay tarrifs from goods imported goods from your sphere leader.
if spheres dont delete money then why does sphering china obliterate the money supply
It doesn't obliterate the money supply, sphereing China craters the economy because the 100 million Chinese artisans suddenly have priority access to goods, so they can force factories to shut down from sheer overproduction.
go test it then because thats the test that confirmed sphere purchases delete money
in fact in one of the dlc patches pdx introduced a pop limit on sphering specifically to prevent china from getting sphered and doing this, because its real and you just don't know what you're talking about
How about you prove that the bug exists instead of just believing a retarded redditor who doesn't even know about the tag switch UI glitch just because it got lots of upvotes and gold?
>in fact in one of the dlc patches pdx introduced a pop limit on sphering specifically to prevent china from getting sphered
Retard, post that first claimed this so-called bug existed was made in 2018, long long long after victoria 2 stopped being updated.
because you can change/remove the pop limit dumb fuck
we do this all the time in MP
You know another good source of clerks? Craftsmen.
A good source of craftsmen? Poor artisans.
Artisans turn into clerks more easily than craftsmen do
Forcing them into being craftsmen to then turn them into clerks is a waste, especially since artisans help sustain your countrys early and mid game economy. There will always be enough unemployed farmers to promote into craftsmen that the artisan rape strategy is useless.
>your contry
>Poor artisans
They do make up a lot of your middle class tax base at the start of the game like >>1898439 said.
Artisans are going to demote aggressively to RGO workers no matter what you do, once they get trapped in the artisan poverty cycle 0% taxes can't help them. I just help them along by setting them to 20-30% effective tax.
The conventional Vic2 wisdom of "never allow laissez faire and crank taxes and tariffs to 100 while subsidizing all factories" comes from the fact that most players don't realize that you actually need low tariffs for your factories to buy input goods on the world market, and that having high taxes means your pops don't buy your own industrial goods because they can't afford them. it works but it's hamfisted and less efficient than investing in commerce & industry techs, passing social reforms and lowering your taxes and tariffs as much as possible
also consider that early on, there simply isn't enough supply on the world market to meet the demand for you fully-employed and subsidized steel or small arms factory. most countries lack the industry techs to supply the raw materials which is why most factories are rarely profitable early on, let alone have enough factories set up to produce secondary industrial goods
>try to get LF
its not bad advice, its just LF is useful only at the end of the game. Its not good/bad policy, its just you can set it realistically after 1880 or even later
Instead of tariffs or taxes, just shake down other countries for cash. Declare Humiliate wars on countries that have money and then add Reparations CB to the war. Declare Treaty Port CBs on China until they run out of Treaty Ports. Fund your government off war indemnities until your eco is big enough that you can skim a little tiny bit off the top with taxes.
how many of you niggas set manual buy for everything in the trade screen.
If you havent mastered that then you arent a true vicky 2 player.
Manual for everything ? You only need it for construction and military goods.
>Cause the Great Depression in 1872 instead of 1929
Thanks, I'll pass

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