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Is pic related not shit yet or have they not patched it since release?
any recommendation for good melee focused TBTs? I have played Knight Arthur Knight's Tale but burned out by chapter 4, and Legion IX, finished that but I fucking hated it and myself for ever being excited for it.
I've never heard of it but it must be shit since old good new bad
My biggest problem with the game on release is how slow everything was. Mainly the need to watch every individual enemy unit sloooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllyyyyyyyyy walk on patrol with no way to speed it up or group up enemy move animations.
I don't know what they've done since release but considering it's still on Mixed reviews I doubt it was much.
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Played another melee focused TBT, this one was pirate themed and called Rogue Waters. The big gimmick is that almost every attack is themed like it's a fencing match, so being in range of enemies you become "engaged(reduced movement range) and when you attack someone, they are pushed back and your character moves forward. Attacks are normally really low damage but if you push someone at an obstacle they take an extra point of damage, and if they're pushed to an area where they don't have any further spaces to move to they take another pip of damage on top of that. Plus you have your normal buffs/debuffs, poison, armor/negative, damage increase/decrease or stuns, and a few(I counted three in what little I played) classes that play with the idea.
You have the spearmaiden who can attack with a range of two and the attack pierces, the backstabbers who when positioned to be collided with by an enemy, deal an extra point of damage, and the cook who doesn't push enemies but deals extra damage.
There's also turn based ship combat at the start which is basically you figuring out what parts of your ship are expendable and what parts of the enemy ship(their cannons which can damage yours, their modules which are buffs/debuffs and their crew if you just want to delete or weaken someone in the upcoming fight) are too annoying to deal with.

I like the ideas but the actual game didn't appeal to me. The maps are too small, the ship combat feels like a waste of time to determine how much fun, frustration(if you didn't take out much of the enemy crew/modules) or boredom(if you took out too much) you'll be having in the upcoming boarding fight. Plus it's one of those TBTs where the UI is so shit to deal with that planning out strategies requires loads of hovering and re-hovering on enemies, and cell/range counting on your part.
Also with how small the maps are and the limited move range I felt like actually setting up big plays was near impossible.
I refunded it.
bumping in the event anyone has anything to recommend. I've been playing a few TBT demos here and there, nothing remarkable. Sparta 2035 seemed interesting because Russian fondness of Jagged Alliance has resulted in games I find great before, but it's just a shitty new xcom clone with I suspect AI portraits for the characters that doesn't even match up with the actual character model.
The main thing against this game is that it's yet another shitty roguelite.
In a way every TBT is a roguelite but I get what you mean, the randomization/procgen part here feels more like a detriment rather than something that keeps you coming back.
>every TBT is a roguelite
Are you retarded?
no, I'm baiting in the hopes that this thread gets more activity.
have you tried wartales?

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