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Is it good yet? The recent steam reviews seem a bit more positive.
God I hope so. I was extremely hype for the game at release but when I found out being able to place your first city yourself was a feature planned for later I figured I would wait for all the DLC to come out before I give it another shot. Funnily enough in the meantime civ VII has been announced and they've stolen this game's main shtick of interchangeable tech trees for themselves.
>TFW all of the sponsored youtubers bailed out as soon they made their one required video on the game
please let this game just die already, who the fuck cares. Dont talk about it, dont give it views, dont give it attention. Let these retards realize they HAVE TO go back to the drawing board
Why are you so invested in it dying? It has a bunch of good ideas, if anything it should get more exposure so other games perfect the ideas.
Nta. Every "civ killer" has some good ideas. The main structure of the game is simply worse as being civ yet its trying to do more or less the same thing. The civ clones dont learn from one another, they just jump off of civ
The game didn't sell very well so no point in investing money in a dead horse I think.
I'm an outlier but I actually enjoy the gameplay. I really like the production chain and unlike Ara its not a horribly micromanaged hell comparatively.
Lmao strategy game jewtubers always do this
If its not a good game why would they stick around?
>stick around
The problem is not abandoning it, but touting those games as The Civ Killler and such with clickbait titles (just to drop it)
>if anything it should get more exposure so other games perfect the ideas
yeah that's not how modern gamedev works. In modern gamedev you scam investors for gimmicky fotm dogshit
Ok but if something pushes itself as that, then its not, again, I can't blame them? Nothing will ever top civ4
Millenia advertised itself as a civ killer? I only saw journos and youtubers call it that.
No, or maybe it did I don't know, I was speaking theoretically was all. I can see someone buying into hype and thinking something is going to be good. I know people also clickbait obviously.
The game is enjoyable but only for a while. Then it is boring, like every other civ.type game. I might pirate it again eventually. It's also on sale for $20 right now.
Yeah the game itself never touted itself as one. Just one the devs were somewhat passionate about bringing their ideas into the 4X space.
At this point journalists and streamers would clickbait whatever the fuck they want to get the views for money.
Then obviously they are retards.
I don't like how they want more of a 50s(Fallout? Googie?) feeling and not a full on Art Deco/Streamline Moderne jetpacks and atomic raygun feeling for the Atomic Age despite saying in their diary that it was about getting atomic power earlier than usual. I do like that you can start the game in the post apocalypse world.
>basic features from literally every other 4x game sold as dlc
Did they fix the atrocious performance yet? I'm not playing a game at 30 fps and especially not if it looks like a mobile game from 10 years ago.

Performance aside, I highly doubt that this game is going to get any better because the Paradox style of selling a truckload of small DLC is shit. It always goes the same, you end up with 10+ DLC that aren't allowed to meaningfully interact with the content of any other DLC because people might not own it. As a result, DLC are limited to superficial and shallow mechanics and the "full game" worth 200+ bucks is an incohesive mess.
What are you running it on?
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An RTX 3070 at 1440p. You can't tell me that the game on the left should require 10 times the processing power of the game on the right.
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it's f2p these days so i gave it a try
really is civ lite with a lot of streamlining

>nations don't have leaders or a bunch of perks
>just a flag and one perk
>city location is picked for you
>smaller tech trees to not scare the zoomers

it's an okay civ clone so far, better than humankind and ara ara
>I highly doubt that this game is going to get any better because the Paradox style of selling a truckload of small DLC is shit. It always goes the same, you end up with 10+ DLC that aren't allowed to meaningfully interact with the content of any other DLC because people might not own it.
They seem to be going the route of adding the new content to the base game and having the DLC include extra ways to use it so far.

They've also finished everything they said they were going to do, so only the future will tell if it even gets anymore DLC or is done.

free weekend
They must be desperate
The only good think about this Civ like game is the branched ages that you can have.
The rest is quite meh.
checked, they saw this thread and were like "maybe 10 people will try it" KEK
How deluded do you have to be to think this dead board with threads that go a week or two without replies represents even a small portion of potential customers? "some nerd on 4chan doesn't like it that means we made the game die /v/ros!"
Yep thats what I said, indeed.
I wasn't laughing at this dead shit game or something.
did anybody try the free weekend?
Already owned it so didn't do much here.
kek FUCK no that game is trash.
Didn't bother because I assume it doesn't include the DLC
I tried it, still as boring as the demo a year ago.
All civ type games are boring and looking at civ threads, civ itself is probably only successful purely because of the VGH type of autist that's made fun of in grand strategy related threads.
I did, having played the demo last year and thought it needed more cooking. I ended up buying it, I think enjoy it.
I think, at the moment, it's the best Civ alternative we got.
wasn't it canceled?
or was the Sims clone that was canceled?
I have no idea what the Sims clone is but Millennia released and has finished all its promised additions.
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it was Life By You

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