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You already have enough score for the month. Why not sit back and watch the geoscape spin for a little while?


Last thread: >>1871493
Fuso rules!
Glory to Rosigma. Glory to the Imperial Guard!
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you mean /oxcg/
For me? It's romanica
Also found out the latin empire has special events once you get past rank 2, one of 'em gave me a noblewoman
the Latin Empire events seem to give different results if your captain is more fighty vs less robust.
there is also an event for Rogue Fields that gives a free power armor which is arguably the real starting bonus
I only start in the Confederacy and I never free slaves.
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>links xcom-files
>doesn't link oxce
nigga what are you doing

Game files:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5258.0.html (OXCE)
https://github.com/Xilmi/OpenXcom (BrutalAI)
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,7048.0.html (compilation instructions)
I'm away from my PC, someone tell the balding alcoholic impoverished autistic simp to hurry up with the big lokk update
What's FMP to XCF? I hear they're related
FMP was first, XCF was built on top of FMP. Same guy worked on both.
How to train AI units early on XCF? 40 firing accuracy can't hit fucking nothing with this taser cannon drone.
I don't know how "early" is this "early" but I always used a HWP/minigun which is also the easiest way to get lucky 10 which is practically mandatory because most HWP weapons have dogshit accuracy on them especially all of the hovertank variants.
I just started second year
I have rocket drone and rocket taser, i researched a thing called outrunner but idk if i can deploy it yet. I'm being trolled by no lotus outpost so i can't get osprey
>rocket taser
taser drone*
FMP is the "oldskool" OXCE kitchen sink mod
>what's a kitchen sink mod
a mod made of community assets by multiple modders
>what are community assets
when a modding community forms it's traditional that people make & donate single assets like maps, sprites, "unitarian" code like weapons, mood behavior etc. for usage by all people with a modding bone.
In short they are fuck around mods by the community, for the community. Pretty much all games with traditional modding have them.
They've been getting less common as impersonal repositories like nexus and moddb erased that culture.

Solarius, who's kind of a diva, decided he "outgrew" the kitchen sink and started developing his content exclusively. XCF is still 90% FNP map and sprite wise, but all new OXCE features implemented are 100% XCF exclusive (big chance he'll lend you the code if you ask nicely tho)
Well the status update is that rocket drone works fine against cult enemies for practice
last time when i checked(long time ago) it was shit, 4 space for lightly armored 2x2 unit with weak weapon that cant hit shit
wtf do you do about incendiary grenades in xcom files? by the time i grab extinguisher from the dropship my guy is already dead
>the big lokk update
Is it gobbo time?
Dedicated extinguisher troops that carry a pistol, same way you should have dedicated medics
Position your agents so they don't get AOEd in the first place?
I've no idea. What is this supposed lokk update about? Do we get more lokk variants? New armors? Lore? Storyline content?
I guess that could work, i do need to break some of my retarded loadout strategies
That's my problem yeah, i'm thinking about actually switching over to ironman so i can learn the game instead of getting lazy and then complaining when i get trolled.
>dedicated medics
Nonsense, just have everyone carry medipacks...
>these weaklings aren't strong enough
I'm going back to my pirate gals.
I also have everyone carry medical gear but someone should be in reserve to provide spot aid
XCF medpacks weigh a lot and the heavy ones are worth it, most rookies can't carry everything.
Having dedicated medics is just a tactical liability. Your medic can't be everywhere at once.
At the very least you have to have full first aid capability on a fireteam/soldier pair level, or whatever is the smallest military unit you employ.

Things would be different if this game had a more nuanced multilayered first aid system, but it doesn't.
True they cannot be everywhere but they can let the riflemen keep shooting
Everyone carries bandages or vodka, of course, but the squad medic can restore more HP. If a gal survives a plasma shot with eight fatal wounds, that's a choice of restoring 16 health with basic bandages, 40 health with a nurse surgical kit, or 0 health with vodka.
>play this tedious old shit instead of something new and exciting
Early on a hyena gal with a cask of grog is a fine choice for this. Enough TUs to get anywhere, enough strength to haul it around, and enough HP to soak a turn of opportunistic fire if you end up needing to leave her exposed.
I took a walk to digest your post. It's still so blatantly ridiculous I have hard time assuming good faith.

1) The opportunity cost of having a dedicated medic means you're a rifleman short in the first place, not only if someone gets wounded.

2) You have to spend the TU cost of healing regardless of who does it. Therefore the deciding factor is movement cost. Worst case scenario, hauling a medic's ass halfway across the map will remove 2 soldiers from the fight and could cost extra sick days, if not lives.

3) Furthermore, regardless of how the fatal wounds are dealt with, you rarely are just going to keep doing whatever you were doing as if nothing happened. You have to reassess the situation and adapt to your failure in multiple ways.

The topic was Files, not Piratez. Gals can easily carry field surgery kits and later nano-surgery devices so there's no problem with healing as much as possible.
>surviving a plasma shot with eight fatal wounds
>using bandages/vodka
Yeah these two things should never happen in the same battlescape
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>the bootypedia image for demon bait conquered
Now THAT's what I call bait. Master bait.
>Early on a hyena gal with a cask of grog is a fine choice for this.
Not everybody starts in Turan.
>Old Earth Metro
Thankfully, Dio listened and made the spawn be at the bottom of the stairs instead of in the sewers. Unfortunately, he made it be full of psychodelics and against tentacles that cast MC at any range without LoS.
Good bravery training.
He didn't listen, you just got a different variant and different spawn this time.
The upside is that now you get to hear some funny lokk/gnome mental breakdowns.
Retarded question, any mods that just turn it into Jagged Alliance? Like the early game of Files without cryptids.
There's this https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/counter-terrorist-operations but last time i tried it, it didn't have much content
>Updated 10 days ago
Thanks nigga, downloading now
elaborate on how fun it is now
Couple questions for X-Piratez.
1. What is the use case (not theoretical) for the PIGEON.
2. What are the underground wall breaking tools for Lokks.If you could please recommend it for early mid and late game stages. Is the Auto-Ax any good? Does terrain have resistances to certain damage types?
2.5. What are you supposed to do during the beginning of Old metro? Do i need terrain breaking tools on all my lokks?
3. How should i set up my interceptors post back to school. Should i have 1 fighter craft in each base or 1 or 2 bases with 2-3 fighters?
4. Is the KRAKEN actually any good? It seems too slow to catch the things i would need it for.
5. At what time is there gated progressions in the mod, i.e. at what time does the game spawn more challenging UFOs & misisons.
2. Fusion torch works just fine, you can buy them and their ammo as soon as you have researched Contacts: Ship Junkyard. TK projector is a great voodoo option for mass terrain remodeling but dangerous to use in confined spaces. By late game you don't have to worry about digging equipment since even the smallest pistols do enough damage to break most terrain. Terrain has no resistances, you simply have to exceed the terrain's HP in a single hit to break it. Pay attention to weapons' terrain damage multiplier when evaluating potential digging tools. It's rarely as high as 100% and the default value is 50%.
2.5. You shouldn't need anything special. If you spawn up in the tunnels with pipes, just hit the fences with pretty much any weapon that has decent single hit damage and jump down. FYI there's only one mission where you absolutely need to do digging with small people and it's not old earth metro.
3. I prefer 8 bases with 1 craft each at early stages because you don't have anything fast enough to globally follow and catch up with fighter (5k speed) shippings. Local interception while they slow down and buzz around your area can be done with much slower craft and limited ranges.
4. Even slower craft can intercept hunter-killers and bigger, slower shippings if you are good at the airgame. It's not a bad option if you can arm it. Getting good HV weapons early is harder than LT/MS.
5. Not much is time-gated. You could literally find yourself fighting against power armor in the first month if you follow the wrong kind of shipping to landing. Almost all progression stems from research and your rank progress (see captain's log in bootypedia). You can delay getting certain critical ranks if you want to metagame the system, but never stop researching topics that "affect game progression", that progress helps you rather than makes things harder.
>1. What is the use case (not theoretical) for the PIGEON.
Pigeon will give you personal databases I think it's 9 per mission? Personal databases can convert into money or data disks, there are plenty of uses. You don't even have to win a mission you can just land and immediately take off and you'll get them and if you plan to do that make the crew wear bikini for free glamour and databases for any mission you were planning to skip anyway. Same trick works with prospector but you get metal ore instead.
What's the equipment category for space (not 0-G) missions? Barren worlds?
You seem like the guy to know. What are the crafts that give glamour and how much?
I think little bird is one of them but you're better off using biggest transporter you have and just having bikini babes on it.
Barren worlds for moon/cydonia, freighter has no restrictions besides armor
Little Bird, 12, but remember that glamour decays over time so mission completion time is a factor.
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One of my guys accidentally hit a barrel when shooting into a Dagon outpost, killing everything on the first turn
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Don't go into it expecting a fun romp like JA. It's still just X-COM but with human enemies. It'd be cool to have soldiers with personality though.
>rookie staring at the smoking crater that once was the outpost. Shock and bewilderment is on his face, in his outstretched arm is a simple handgun, and his body his dirtied from the blast and shrapnel has scuffed his kevlar vest
>cut to inside the vehicle hangar, the rookie is standing at the bottom of the transport's ramp, his chest is now covered in a wide array of medals. His expression, stature, and positioning is the same as before, but the pistol he held as been replaced with the base commander's hand, who is congratulating the rookie on his exemplary performance
>cut to the rookie, now sharply-dressed in agent attire, standing in a room labeled 'Squad A' alongside a row of other agents, who are notably larger and more imposing than him and have visible augmentations. His expression and stature are still unchanged, but his outstretched arm is now being handed a laser rifle
same thing happened to me the other day, but it also obliterated the rest of my team including 2 good vets
Can someone give me a heads up on cult manors in files? They didn't have these back in 2021 when i played.
They can rank up or something? How do i know what level manor im dealing with?
Cult manors are the cult version of alien bases. They don't level up and become bigger as far as I know, but they'll spawn more and more manors if left unchecked. Bring the biggest, baddest weapons at your disposal and take no prisoners
>but they'll spawn more and more manors if left unchecked.
Do they stop appearing if you shut down the associated cult HQ?
I think so. They spawn missions though so you'll still have to deal with cult bullshit even if the cult itself is dead
As for the manor tactical map, they're basically just really easy shooting galleries. Probably the easiest map in Files. Enter during daylight, bring 16 snipers, stick to the border of the map and enjoy.
Unless you are dealing with Black Lotus manors, that is. They still have their invisible assassin faggots. God I hate those.
any anons playing megamods on ironman? is it a better experience?
If you absolutely cannot restrain yourself from savescumming, it can be worthwhile. But otherwise not really worth, because if you run into a stability issue you're fucked.
>If you absolutely cannot restrain yourself from savescumming
hmm... think i'd rather just stop the game from autosaving and only save once per month instead. use a little discipline and it should be alright
I play x-piratez full ironman and played xcom files semi ironman less than 10 reloads for entire run. The difference between savescumming and ironman is that you will repeat a bad strategy until it works if you just keep reloading but ironman forces you to adapt and get a better strategy. Ironman also keeps things fresh you will get yourself into positions you wouldn't allow yourself otherwise.
The biggest hurdle to jump is a mental one, what you think are unacceptable losses and what really are unacceptable losses are two whole different stories. People tend to lament and reload over the most insignificant shit but that just comes with experience.
That said play the game however you want, never let anyone tell you xcom was built or designed for ironman because it was not it's simply a coincidence that game happens to be more fun played that way.
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>about to start making zortrium suits
>wtf where's the recipe
>realize red tower provides no power unlike black tower
AAAAAAAAAAAA should've given gudrun to red mage again
sorry crew, we're not going to the moon this month
your captain dumbfuck forgot something again
lets pretend its to farm more zortrium
at least i didn't forget to make space medkits this time
I play Piratez on ironman just to limit my compulsive savescumming to a sensible level. I still savescum a bit, by sometimes making copies of the save file, but it's enough of a nuisance that I don't do it every time there's a minor setback.
>need to put a factory, industrial printer, maybe a mint, hellerium plant, a crapton of crew quarters, a hangar, and the lift
Where? There's not enough room.
I usually end up making more than 1 factory base, one with hangar and others without it. One of them needs surgery room to make annihilator suits, one needs hangar to make conqueror and if I feel like it 3rd one can make pure profit out of mint or ICBMs. More than 3 factory bases is probably overkill.
don't forget one of the most important manufacturing base services, surgery
Large quarters is enough for the refinery+printer+workshop, then you upgrade to luxury quarters/condo. One hangar only, but there's enough room for every facility
Skip the factory. All it does is give you more workshop space.
>1. What is the use case (not theoretical) for the PIGEON.
it's mostly good for radar coverage in the early-to-midgame, similar to the Zeppelin. it's also a decent sized transport that spawns 3x Personal Database whenever it's deployed on mission. make one, crew it with a B-team, patrol it in a region where you don't have a base, land it to any nearby missions or crashes. Pigeon is a very OK-tier craft, it's not great but not bad.
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Hokay so pigeon creates personal databases because it gathers intel. Understandable.
But gnome explorer armor also creates personal databases. Why? How? Please explain the process of a little girl walking around with her cunt bare -> intel.
I assume gnome cunny helps obtain information.
Explorer makes databases, bikinis make glamour and winter queen makes money. It's voodoo I ain't gotta explain shit.
The gnome just makes them up.
That honestly sounds like the canon answer. Dumb gals will just believe all of their incomprehensible bullshit anyways.
>gnome explorer generates data
>gal brainer does not
It's the underwear, isn't it?
Real smart brainers don't wear any.
FBB doesn't wear underwear because El Capitane keeps stealing it
Are melons still hard to find? I got two, which is more or less two more than I ever got in a long while.
Also, it's january of the second year, I only now got sci books, my only antiair is the Little Bird and there are Star God cruisers flying around. In short, it's over. Time to restart.
>it's over. Time to restart.
Why, did something bad happen?
Star gods and mercs do whatever they want, that's no indicator of progress. I had a merc base set up in may of y1, it's all random
Behind schedule in the arms race and the airgame.
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And? Did you lose all your hideouts? Did you get negative score for multiple months in a row?
>arms race
Bitch please this isn't nucom, you can literally find some of the most dangerous enemies in the game in first or second month of the game if they happen to land near your hideout.
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Very cool, Dio.
>only Little Bird in January year 2
rush research for Contacts: Car Thieves so you can buy an Aircar and begin intercepting everything slower than 2000 speed.
once you get an Aircar online start aiming for *Pirate Airforce* and Interceptor Assembly.
while you do this, capture civilian/bandit enemies and interrogate them until you get Shadowmasters. look it up in the in-game research browser to find which enemies can give you the tech for free. Mohawk punk enemies have the best chance of unlocking Shadowmasters but I find Hoes and Tough Guys are more common and just as good. Shadowmasters unlocks a variety of good fighter-transporter craft like the Shadowbat and Goldhawk.
Wait where is your hideout? Somewhere far north of Fuso?
Somewhat west of the capital
Mr handy is good enough for old earth metros. You just need a few with it and chain toss one to whoever spawns against the fence. Or skip it because old earth metros is nigger aids.

One or two fighters can handle anything you have a chance at for a while. While I'm still on basic hunter killers I like to spread them around because they are slow enough that distance matters. I tend to concentrate my higher tier craft in dedicated interceptor bases.

Kraken is a specialty craft for a few big and slow targets like heavy freighters and science vessels. For these the kraken is invaluable because you have no alternative until much, much later in the tech tree. I recommend building two, because one gets shot up and takes forever to repair.
Is the aircar really better than the little bird at fighting things? Mine is killing those necroplane bombers and almost everything on the ground very reliably.
NTA but of course, it's a massive upgrade from any POS rotorcraft.
Completely different class of speed and acceleration with 20% dodge and a proper LT weapon slot rather than GR. Weapon upgrade potential all the way to gauss cannon.
You also get the option to buy airspeeders, which are amazing if you happen to acquire some seagulls early on.
It's about the same in a fight, slightly worse if your Little Bird has missiles or divebombs. The speed is the more important part because it allows you to intercept many more targets; the whole 'aircar' tier like the bandit and megapol aircars can't be chased down by necroplane-tier craft like the Birds. Even the best among the necrofighters, the Tiger and Ultrajet, are just too fucking slow to catch most civilian and faction shipping.
Right now: Name me your favorite non-Files/Piratez mod.
FtA, just because finnik isn't afraid to develop the engine to do things that aren't xcom
Reach: The Fall. It's short and super easy to cheese with spartans, but they adapted the Halo gunplay surprisingly well, and it's able to sell the idea that you're losing the war even if your team of six dudes manages to win every battle
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>Behind schedule in the arms race
I guess it's time to make javelins then. Or pointy sticks, if you've somehow skipped researching Survival.
How do you discover manors on the world map? Drive a humvee around everywhere?
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>5. At what time is there gated progressions in the mod, i.e. at what time does the game spawn more challenging UFOs & misisons.
I think the biggest thing that's purely time-gated is that cops get better weapons in 2602. There's also the Captain's Log, which gives you a bonus for getting its required technologies early. Missions generally depend on progression and RNG, though.
>one of the first times playing piratez
>was just fucking around and restarting a lot
>mercs land next to the hideout on day three
>mercs huh? better send out the airbus
>fukken mutons with gauss weapons
>whole planet lights up
>about to hit the abort button when a goon gets knocked out via friendly fire
>nab him, his gun, and run away
I don't think the arms race really matters much. It's all about score.
You're playing Piratez.
The arms race was lost 600 years ago.
Arms race helps with score, but ye. Mercs are vulnerable to slutting
>engage a bunch mercs wearing nothing but wench outfits
What could possibly go wrong?
>gauss hovertank shows up
explorer outfit like the brainer outfit for ubers comes with a scanner thing that works like a shittier mind probe right? I would say that thing is why the personal databases, and she just scans some random civvie post mission if you never actually used it in mission.
Now that's a funny detail... every explorer outfit actually has a built-in Analytic Ocular. Yes, the same shadowtechy device that you might have thought is unique to Dr. X storyline.
Meanwhile brainer outfit scans targets by smelling them. Literally the same ability that dogs use.
>you just know
You're "supposed" to leg it in Piratez more often than people do.
I think people are just used to firaxis xcom where you're allowed to evac maybe once per campaign or else you get so far behind the run is unrecoverable.
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I reject your reality and substitute my own. You either go in to win or you don't go at all.

Never touched nuxcom and I wish people wouldn't bring it up. It fouls the sanctity of this place.
>Never touched nuxcom
Shame on you, you're missing out the long war experience is great.
>It fouls the sanctity of this place.
I almost cut myself on the edge.
You really need to stay awhile and listen.
I have legitimately just spawned, slutted a merc that was next to the ship, and then pulled him on board and left. Free interrogation
Okay fellas, I usually start in Fuso, because weeb+fast onsen
Redpill me on another spawn location. Not central asia. I'm not save editing just to fix the fact that Dio hates meta.
California, you get almost all you need for socializing + 8 catgirls. Radar changes mean you can cover all of NA too
Aside from that, romanica is solid for immediate quarterstaves + peasant nuns, ghostgates (there's a small area outside of central asia that is still in ghostgates) for an immediate harem + monthly smooth captives, or red revolution for an immediate start with peasant revolutionaries
To add to >>1896785 Blackmarch gives you a gnome, which I think means quick sci books for library without having to join the mutant alliance.
My favorite start as always is somewhere in southern africa, this makes it so starting airbus can reach nearly every mission and I prefer early game bonuses you can start in hidden expanse and just sell flak tower kits for an early boost.
How about something different?
Any non-country area, as remote as possible. Pacific is probably the most isolated. Plus there isn't even any land, should you somehow get shippings. Just chill in Great Maui.
Not quite, it's a gnome soldier so you get access to the underbase facility missions (and therefore a mad gnome you can make into a regular gnome) but you're gambling like crazy on getting sci books (it's an absurdly low chance, just as bad as shadowtech)
I usually just do antarctica if I'm going to do that.
And another pointless funny detail about Hawaii start: There's literally only two waypoints for crackdown missions in the entire region. Anyone coming in always has the exact same trajectory. Not that this changes anything.

But it actually has land, that's gross. Piratez not Landlubberz. Are there any early shippings that can spawn at the south pole orbital entry point?
Is this the part where I post the I'M NO MERMAID.jpeg?
I thought gnomes weren't destroyed on interrogation. You can interrogate the same gnome until she doesn't have any more to say
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That's right, you can.
It's wild gnomes and mad gnomes that are... single-use, so to speak. But only because they don't have a lengthy list of topics to unlock.
Yes, but he meant the gnome from blackmarch is already recuited so you can use it in missions but can't research. You have to find another one.
That shouldn't be a problem. In addition to the starting bonus, Blackmarch has recurring events for gnomes even if you don't start there. There's a guaranteed one in one of the early months and after that it's a low monthly chance forever.
>watching the new hl2 documentary
>hear headcrab zombies
>be reminded of piratez instead of hl2
Files has better zombie sounds. Blood > HL2
Any reason to build more HQ facilities in Files outside of your starting base?
The global radar detection chance. Same for advanced intel labs.
I accidentally killed the EXALT Brainer during the HQ assault, do i miss out on anything by not getting him alive?
Isn't a live brainer required research to terminate EXALT? If so you'll just get a new go at the HQ until you get it.
>Isn't a live brainer required research to terminate EXALT?
Guess we'll find out after i'm done fucking them in the ass
If you don't do it before the invasion, you might find yourself on the wrong end of the ass fucking.
>Pirate Straits
Putting the pirate base in Pirate Straits makes sense, right? It's like you've got your own turf on the map. The blunderbuss ain't half bad either.
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Is this because I never got sci books or someshit?
Oh. Laser disc jams. I haven't played this is quite some time.
The status update is that you do NOT need a live brainer, which as i spent some time thinking about it does make sense, given that all the other HQ's only require a looted item from them.
I am well aware of that, i'm in august 98 and i've knocked out 3/4 HQ's now with Dagon going down this month.
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I just had two government crackdowns in my two bases back to back. Step on my balls harder, mommy Cleopatra.
Caught a live eurosyndicate agent this time. I guess the best way to capture them alive is to just shoot them (from long distance so as to avoid the suicide explosion) and hope they survive.
Interrogating Reticulan Technicians should give you Basic Engineering. He is, technically, an engineer.
>get bored with x-piratez
>reinstall long war
>play for a few weeks
>get bored with long war
>reinstall x-piratez
Time is a flat circle
Alright fourth channel, i'm gonna need someone to tell me how to get my hands on a Tritanium Matrix in files. Last time i played getting tritanium foundry was easy, but now i need this artifact and the wiki linked from the forums doesn't say fuck all.
You need to clear alien base or alien colony, not sure what's the difference between the two.
That late? So you're shit out of luck if you want to manufacture shit early? Last i played you could get that shit in 1998 if you wanted. Guess i'll have to hope those normal Interceptors are good enough.
Yeah when I got access to tritanium matrix it was basically obsolete.
>the wiki linked from the forums doesn't say fuck all.
I recommend generating your own xpedia2 export file from your XCF data. Xpedia is just so much more informative than the wiki.
>I recommend generating your own xpedia2 export file from your XCF data.
You know how Piratez releases come with a xpedia2 zip? Just grab that for Files, xpedia works for any oxc mod.
mib base. bring shrapnel rockets or you won't walk out
>actual porn on the wall of a pool
i want to know more
Huh? Most mods have that. Including Piratez and Files.
i've never seen it, but maybe i just need to play more
It's in various places with that city tileset, but not that exact building AFAIK.
I'll try to remember to ctrl+D and screenshot it if I come across a map with in the near future.
He's not that kind of engineer.
Couldn't they just copy portraits from X-Com Files? Is it somehow immoral to copy assets from other free mods? Or are they Open-X-Com portraits?
same heh
had similar experience
>land airbus on some landing zone armed with javelins and baseball bats
>open door
>see mercs looking at me
>panic, try to press evac button but press next turn instead
>merc walk inside the bus
>spear him with javelins and run away
Does time of day matter for underwater missions and missions in other dimensions in Files?
Yes, space missions too you can get fucked in the ass by that one moon mission where you face a wall of turrets and you get your night vision reduced.
Alright, i was doing them at day as a force of habit, never bothered to check if it actually mattered.
Not portraits. More in the style of special dialogue, characters who will disagree with each other if their personalities don't match. Things that work with an RPG type game like JA but may not translate well to a game like X-COM.
That's... kinda gay.
What is the point of donating to the museum? You get a shitload of space-gobbling cultural wealth long, long before you hit graduation and get all the tech needed to turn it into land deeds.
culture from donations is way higher than emancipation, old world books end up being a whopping 24 culture each so you get land deeds like crazy for donating stuff that will have no use to you at that point for a ton of storage
Museum's main point before then is unlocking gnome missions and catacombs for the juicy lizardmen statues
You don't have to donate everything immediately if the items take less space than cultural wealth. But once you can manufacture land deeds, museum donatiosn are the main source of cultural wealth. Much faster than emancipating slaves (unless you dedicate a big manufacturing base to that)
It unlocks basic engineering.
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Piratez is really fun, thanks for the suggestions anon
Playing xpiratez with Grey codex and gals, I feel like I have plenty of money and it's month 6 of the first year. When should I build a second base and what should that base focus on? I have access to zeppelins so I was thinking about doing a radar coverage base.
Usual time for second base is either if you run out of space in your first base or you have money you don't know how to spend otherwise.
If you're not going for plantation bases the second base should probably just focus on production and making more money.
I build my second base as soon as I'm close to being able to equip a ground interceptor (usually means ship junkyard contact) and have it be my training base for lokknars and peasants. You get a ton of infamy from intercepting ground traffic in two continents and lokknar get free training missions by hitting up wrecks at night
Bases can make money rather than cost it so you should spam 8 plantation as fast as you can and specialize them as needed.

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