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Warcraft bros... we're back!
If it's as good as the C&C remaster I'll get it. But if it's low effort, I'll probably pass.
It's quite lazy, not terrible but somewhere in the middle. Come back in a years time it might be good then, also Blizzard put out fake screenshots for their preview.
There's hardly any screenshots or videos. On their store page they have like a short video for either game and nothing else.
I feel like whatever level of QoL you came in at, it's difficult regressing beyond that. My first title was WC3, and from what I've seen of the earlier titles they are just beyond what I'd be able to enjoy.
That's true. I can enjoy SC1 and AoE2 because that's what I grew up with. Enjoyment of older titles more complex than things like platformers is often heavily predicated upon earlier experience due to the leaps in QoL.
The enjoyment I get from these older strategy remasters is almost more from a conservationist point of view. Kind of like going to a museum. A lot of them are just too old to enjoy as a video game, but it can be fun to experience them to see how things have changed or to re-experience something you played as a kid but has just aged too poorly to casually experience.
Ok, I'm jaded as fuck, but even I have to admit that's interesting. Will keep an eye on it for sure, fingers crossed it's like the C&C ones.
oh fuck gotta grab the battle.net edition from gog before it gets delisted
>Blizzard put out fake screenshots for their preview
based, what are gamercucks gonna do about it, quit their wow addiction?
>still no Warcraft IIII
it would be dogshit, blizzard can't create good games anymore and anyone who still wishes for it is braindead
Blizzard makes their money nowadays by reselling their old games, not by being creative
>blizzard can't create good games anymore
I guess the whole vidyagaem industry, for AAA to indie trash, are Blizzard now.
Blizz broz, we're so back.
WC1 and 2 remastered and Reforged fixed? This is what I was looking for.
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So yeah, I saw the news, so I caved in, and I got Reforged.
And holy shit, I started a skirmish, and I managed to get killed by the Easy AI. Please help, where the fuck do I start? Healing is slow as fuck, the AI just spam Taurens and ignores my knights to focus on my musketeers, and even if I kill its hero, it kicks my ass.
Watch videos.
I'm bad with spoken english. Especially when the speaking is using simple English (American), they always eat half their words and it comes off as "underidoderidoderiododeriodoo".
Find one in your own language. The game has been out a long time. There will surely be tutorials in your language. Basically just need to learn build orders, timing, army composition, counters, etc.
But they were dogshit games. It's the penny farthing of rts games. Just because it was one of the first, doesn't mean it was fun to play.
Oh, yeah. I can try that. Hopefully tutorials for Warcraft 3 vanilla will work for Reforged.
I miss the old voices.
The metas would have changed, but the basics are still the same.
>I'm bad with spoken english
so look up shit in your native language or learn how to listen to english because you cant rely on people spelling things out for you
>Still failing for Blizzard Warcraft department
At BEST only the Diablo division is decent and because they had Vicarious Vision tardhangling them
ai upscaled low ''effort'' shit.
Sitll not giving Activision-Blizzard any money
They'll make more cash from selling a single retarded WoW skin than both of these remakes combined
who the fuck is still playing wow
About 5 million subscribers, why do you ask?
Another "wanna be cool in internet by hate the evul triple AAA corpo", that why the shitlord ask.
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>hand-drawn visuals
Consider doing the campaigns. WC3 skirmish AI is no joke, even on Easy, and therefore is a challenging way to learn. I was teaching my niece to play and she was doing kind of okay but still got steamrolled in 15 minutes. You need to come into the game knowing which units and heroes are useful, how to use them, and therefore which buildings and research to prioritize. Knowing key bindings for at least some of the hero abilities and unit building is also a big thing. Focus firing enemies is vital.

In an Alliance vs. Horde skirmish you could use the Elf Mage hero to banish the more dangerous enemy unites while you focus fire other units down. The Elf also has a good AoE attack that can do a lot of damage to soft enemy healers/debuffers in the back.

Fuckin' love me some WC3FT Insane Mode skirmishes with a podcast.
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>Another "wanna be cool in internet by hate the evul triple AAA corpo", that why the shitlord ask.
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Who hand-drew them?
Pros: less ass to play, control groups and up to 12 unit control
Cons: it's still wc1-2 so you can't tab-shuffle through units, no shift q, etc...

WC3: chronicle mod is still better to experience the "story".
Wc1/2 gameplay is dogshit, sorry, not sorry.
Yeah, I tried an archmage against the troll demon hunter/witch doctor.
I was still fielding footmen and mustketeers, he was already making taurens.
Swallow your pride, watch Grubby.
Get your macro/micro in order too.
wow they managed to modernize the game besides graphics
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I tried, but his way of playing would never work against AI because AI just brute force through.
I love the "make musketeer invisible and have him stand in the way", though. Only War3 let you do shit like this and that's why I love it so much.
if you love it so much why are you so bad? Not flaming you, I'm actually curious. I expect someone who loves the game to play it every few years
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>can't kill kids

It's that weird kind of long-ranged love where you absolutely love everything related to a game, except playing it yourself. I have that with Warhammer too, I like the lore and watching AAR, but you wouldn't get me to play it.
It also doesn't help, and I only realize it now, that I am extremely resilient to change: I have two RTS that I like, Age of Empires 2 and Battle Realms, and so I base all my decisions based on knowledge of these two. And in both of these, healing is very easy and fast (even if Zen Edition nerfed healing), so I have trouble adapting to Warcraft 3, since Warcraft 3 is to RTS what... Dominions is to other 4X, as in if you don't use your wizards, you'll die.
Why are ESLs like this?
who the fuck cares? I played the shit out of WC2 back in the day and I could see playing it again for a day or two for old times sake but WC1 in particular was always shit. And neither should cost money to play at this point
>who the fuck cares?
you, evidently
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Actually, I'm pretty sure they took them down after people starting posting them around and Grubby threatened to make a video. They also very lazily AI upscaled all the icons so they look shite as well.
people are really gonna fall for this bullshit a second time? lol.
Being a contrarian doesn't make you cool.
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>It's that weird kind of long-ranged love where you absolutely love everything related to a game, except playing it yourself. I have that with Warhammer too, I like the lore and watching AAR, but you wouldn't get me to play it.
Fucking zoomers, man
Good morning sir
Bloody bhenchod
warhammer lore was always better than the actual tabletop gameplay
The fluff is a glorified advertisement to get you to buy plastic crack
Says a lot about the quality of said plastic racks.
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If evil, why hot?
Is Re-reforged any good?
arthas trooned out?
play the campaign first it's designed to teach you all the factions and is also genuinely great
>my axewound hungers
Kinda. So long you play with classical graphisms.
holy esl
Are the new-new graphics still not good?
They're not good, AND I feel like they're bugged.
Like, the archmage doesn't have a casting animation, in Reforged, he just stands around, and you have to wait him out, or just "stop", you can move him. And sometimes, units don't acknowledge order. They still obey, but they don't say their lines.
You should turn on reforged graphics, I didn't know they are off by default now.
No. They are buggy as hell.

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