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Whats the verdict? Why did the JA2 autists not like it?
im getting filtered by 1st fort fight, no idea what i was thinking when i picked higher difficulty for first playthrough
Just go around, climb into the bunker and abuse the high ground for "shoot, prone, stealth" cycle. You did loot the k98's, right?
I tried to play this and it drives me up the wall that they gave all the guns the wrong calibers. I don't think I could take it seriously after that.
Good game and the most important is a step right in the franchise for every wrong step they take, JA2 purist prob don't like it because lack of weapon customization and lack of numbers compared to JA2
im playing it right now and the weapon upgrades possibilities is much higher than vanilla JA2, are people comparing base game to bloat mods like 1.13 lol?
That was that I thought when I read his post
A lot of people seem to forget 1.13 wasn't an actual update and was just a mod. Base game to base game, I'd argue that 2 and 3 are in the same level of quality and it's basically personal prefrence over the small details that determines which one you think is better.
It's a lot better than JA2 in my opinion. But I'm just a turn based tactics appreciator, grown out of my gun autism phase and RPG phase.

I only wish it had 5-10 more merc options. The current crew is sparse in some areas. I recommend playing with the options that make it easier to buy legendary mercs from the start.

when I was younger shit like that always bothered me. Now I just accept the abstraction. Better than having to manage 300 different calibers.
Teenager me playing ja2: hmm 7.62mm NATO, and 7.62mm Warsaw Pact, ok
20s me: 7.62mm Warsaw Pact? x54r, x39, or x25?
it probably would have been better if instead of the fake calibers, they called them "light pistol ammo, heavy pistol ammo, assault rifle ammo, machine gun ammo" and then we also wouldn't have the weirdness of a bullet doing -50% damage on full auto.
I really wish the modding scene for that game took off, but judging by nexusmods, workshop traffic its going to be dead soon :(
... you again?
That would’ve bothered me less
Do AR/Machine guns get better later? i just started and 8x3 damage auto from UZI seems nice on paper but in reality it has 50% damage penalty, it also chews through ammo which is sparse (not for 9mm but every AK i found is useless cause i have 0 ammo to it), why would i use AR when starting long range weapon has 36 damage.
Are nice, general purpose guns for every occassion
Best damage dealers but consume ammo by the truckload
They all still job to stealthed rifles
1.13 is better, so....
Best JA game since 2. Which is a painfully low bar. But it just wasn't good enough to capture a new audience like JA2 had done.

>are people comparing base game to bloat mods like 1.13 lol?
That was the biggest problem among the hardcore crowd. They forgot what vanilla was like and that it takes their level of autism to enjoy 1.13.
Submachine guns are only useful for their special move ability, and the ammo for them is plentiful.

Shotguns are great, especially the auto shotgun with the mod that reduces AP by 1, sabot ammo and the ability that gives free move after shooting.

AR's are fine but have no special power.

MGs are extremely strong, especially when set up in ideal circumstances. But you won't have enough ammo to use them as much as you want.

Rifles and sniper rifles are OP, especially with certain mercs.

Melee is good on certain mercs, and when you have the perks for free movement (igor, blood. NOT grizzly or steroid)

Some pistols are good with certain mods. Most are crap.

Dual wield is pointless.
I'm a ja2 autist and I loved it. I only Hope it doesn't take another 20 years to get 4
the game is piss easy with stealth. just make sure to break line of sight every time you think youll be shot and go back into stealth.
The M14 is good until finale, just put the sight that give you lvl 3 aim and that barrel acc that increase the burst fire, you can get it for cheap per 24 hr iirc
Worst inventory system ever, unironically JA2 had better despite being outdated and very micro heavy but at least it made sense and every ammo type was easily recognizable

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