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this game is amazing, but why the fuck does it have that shitty 4x part? why can't they just make it a story game with missions right after the other and you buy/upgrade ships?
I wanted to like the BFG games but I just couldn’t get into them. I think what I really wanted was to just control a single ship and micro it, not a fleet.
rogue trader has fleet battles with one ship, but i hear they're shit
Bro imagine if it was like freelancer
IDK I like the 4x parts of it. Keeps things spicy.
The first one was way better in terms of structure.
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the map is the same everytime so it's actually Grand Strategy and not 4x
it was fun at first but got pretty tedious later when you control the entire sector and have to face 3 new invasions each turn. thankfully there's autoresolve but my autism made me anxious to use it because I didn't like taking unnecessary losses even when I was already swimming in resources and production capabilities
It is until you realize that the 4x aspect is completely irrelevant and only there to make you grind endless filler battles, i used auto resolve despite it killing off your fleets and imperial campaign took me 45 hours.
The moment of the Ravenguard going kamikaze into the necron death star was worth the entire thing tho.
>played skalgrim
>super fun, really like the new ships in the early game
>start getting to outpost fights
>enemy AI isn't built for the new outposts or 10+ ships in a fleet so you start off any battle with the AI colliding with each other which leads to the majority of the fleet getting wiped out even before any fighting occurs
>get rid of ships, now need to attack outposts to start winning
>outposts are buffed to ridiculous degrees and require some bitch moves to properly kill
>get to mid-game when the tyranid invasions begin and you have access to the endgame battle barges or whatever they're called
>pick a space wolf battle barge
>so ridiculously expensive it's literally the only ship you can field in a unit at that point in the game
>end up 1v40'ing an entire tyranid fleet invasion, in my first ever tyranid fleet fight because I've never finished the game vanilla and kept burning out by the time you first reach the orks
>not knowing what they do, I immediately get slowed to a crawl and am surrounded by a gazillion pest ships who die easily but are in such a dense formation my battle barge cannons can't even take out more than a couple and its health isn't going to hold out for long in this scenario
>I'll try spinning, that's a good trick
>burn retros
>brace for impact
>battle barge is now a spinning giant space bat
I've had ups and downs with all the "more ships" mods. Either the AI isn't built for them, or they buff up one faction to ridiculous amounts(eldar or the space marine ships in one mod whose name I forgot) and they almost always never balance the leadership costs properly so it's either your big boy ships against a gazillion shit tier scouts from the enemy or regular gothic armada 2 which is at most 4 ships on 4 ships.
I liked the story in the campaign as well as conquering sectors and doing side missions, but since your strategy with a certain fleet will be more or less the same 80% of the time a lot of the non-story battles quickly get repetitive. I did not use auto-resolve and the story ended up taking well over 70 hours. I would like to play the necron campaign for its story sometime, but with only one type of fleet to select that's going to be a very hard sell.
>Start up Chaos campaign
>Get to the point where you have to kill Spire
>Quit Chaos campaign
>play imperium
>high energy turn
>fire torpedo
>high energy turn into broadside
this brings me joy
Personal taste and all that, but if they used that engine as a basis for a turn based Gothic, I'd be on it like stink on an ogryn. I bounced off the real-time aspect in the BFG1 demo in a big way - shame because I actually enjoyed it at first, but ultimately I felt overloaded beyond a certain engagement size.
>play Imperial Navy
>juggle broadsides with torpedo strikes while keeping all my cruisers firing
>play Space Marines
>Full burn forward then board 4 different enemy ships at once
>play Mechanicus
>light cruisers kite enemy fleet away while nova cannons keep picking them apart from the safety of a nebula
I wish there was an eldar campaign where just like in Imperial one you have to juggle three different types of fleets: the Craftworlders, the Corsairs and the Drukhari
I did play the Necron campaign and it was a miserable slog for that exact reason
>entire roster is like 6 ships
>basically only 1 fleet composition available at a time, completely gated by ship unlocks
>because it follows the same progression template as the imperium campaign, you need roughly as much xp to unlock all ships, but have a fraction of the number of hulls spread throughout that progression path, taking several levels to actually get to the point where you have even a single non-escort
>some early missions are horribly imbalanced because they're set up for imperium progression, where you would already have some credible combat-oriented light cruisers unlocked--but instead you just have capping ships that don't deal any damage
>once you unlock your actual capital ships, missions become trivial because you just always have more firepower and don't need to micro.
The story was alright but the Necron were basically just skeletor-ass saturday morning cartoon villains talking about their evil plans and going "nyehehe," complete with its own starscream backstabbing everyone and the final mission was anticlimactic.
I disliked necrons because all their tiers past light cruiser are just 1 ship per tier and every ship has the exact same 2 weapons only in larger numbers. There is no variety to it at all.
>no torpedos
>no nova cannons
>no balancing dps potential of macroguns vs stand-off potential of lances
>only one ship with lunch bays, but guess what, they have only one strikecraft
>almost all weapons have 270 coverage so you don't have to bother with positioning
>no shields so you get boarded all the time
Fuck you I like the 4x and wish it was more fleshed out
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>wakes up
>casually closes the eye of terror
>goes back to sleep

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