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The hottest top-down tank arcade shoot-em-up game of 2024

Next up on Nemesis 9 DLC ($30):
>Switzerland Cobblestone Corps with special engineering squad (landmines, unique unit)
>Luxembourg 88th Naval Infantry Division with new off-map ship-borne missile cards (can't be intercepted due to engine limitation)
>IDF 420th Combat Intelligence Battalion (with another useless AOE EW unit)
>Another French something (225 pt Leclerc)
>USSR 69th Guards Mechanized Infantry w/ one Romanian infantry squad (renamed weapons) and "new" MiG-21 [RKT].

Actual Warsaw pact additions never
managed to actually win a 10v10 as NATO
I was the worst performing but after watching the replay I realised that I was the only player on that lane (of 4)
luckily the enemy was super passive and didn't exploit the fact that I was losing everything I sent their way
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Sometimes the appearance of a defense is more effective than an actual defense
>managed to actually win
Proud of you anon!
this game (aside from the premise) is extremely basic and boring, what is it that makes you guys go crazy about it?
because it's not basic nor boring
I like the balance of unit autonomy and micromanagement features available, I like how all weapons and units have tons of stats (although some stats don't really matter) and I like how building a deck gives you interesting decisions to make even if it's just the type of transport an infantry unit comes in
mind you that I've never played Eugen games before and the most "advanced" RTS I played before this was Company of Heroes
before that I thought the RTS was stuck in the C&C Tiberium Dawn era
>although some stats don't really matter
I'd say the stats don't matter in general, it's still pretty much a rock paper scissors game. Granted I didnt spend 1000 hours playing, but thats the impression got from the couple skirmishes played with friends
>even if it's just the type of transport an infantry unit comes in
so its user autism as a requirement for enjoyment.
I dont know, I liked company of heroes and world in conflict better. They didnt focus as much on things that dont matter, even if WiC was hard rock paper scissors
I find the team battles fun because it makes you feel less lonely. I'll play any game that lets me play the game in a large social setting. Eventually I'll get bored of the game and find another multiplayer game.
I think most people just like having a decent RTS set in the time setting. I like it too.
>the impression got from the couple skirmishes played with friends
This is the impression you'll get playing a lot of games with just a small group of noobs or people who play like the AI who just throw units at each other. It's a perfectly valid way to enjoy the game, but you shouldn't write off the game because of your experience there.
>stats don't matter
I completely disagree. An important part of the game is knowing the stats of units so you can use them to their fullest. A 6-man National Guard team is not the same as a 14-man Green Berets squad. An F117 is no the same as a MiG-17.
>user Autism as a requirement
While I disagree, this is said about literally every RTS. Warno isn't any different.
>I liked company of heroes and world in conflict
Why not play those games instead of complaining about other games on 4channel.org?
>Why not play those games instead of complaining about other games on 4channel.org?
I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was a fanatical echochamber thread, I thought we could have a discussion here.
I autistically focus on one thing and think about it every day. I think about my 152e deck multiple times per day and the first thing I do every day when waking up is check for a patch (buff) that HAS to come some day.
Building decks is really fun, I love it.
Playing is nice too but theory>practice
What's the point in a discussion if you don't care for the topic?
People making a big deal because Eugen Systems finally making "Wargame 4" as responded to certain game get pick up by certain publisher, Also another certain game got DMCA assassination the moment it enter early access.
Too zoomed in, wanted to kill myself fighting pathfinding, WARNO shitty controls can't compare
>world in conflict
Barely any units
imo the only good RTS that isn't Eugen slop is Forged Alliance, but I'm not autistic enough to play FAF
Because Eugen created a captive audience with Wargame ages ago and then proceeded to do fuck all with it in a market with no competition. This is the closest thing to a modern Wargame available right now, so we settle.
What divisions should I play if I want to spam lots of CAS and artillery?
35th NG
6 cheap bombers with big payload + F111s
6 M109 + 2M110 + 107 and 120mm mortars

the 109 are NGs but it doesn't really matter for artillery

bonus point : you can also spam M60s and shitty 7.62mm mgs
Pretty much 40k Imperial Guard in Warno.
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>always play NATO
>lose nearly every game
>play PACT once
had a long and very close game as NATO in 10v10
it was a draw but we had more points so I say we win :>
I haven't played all divs but the ones I've played are pretty balanced I'd say; whenever I play a div there's always that one vulnerability I try to compensate by playing another div, only to discover a different one
who knew playing PACT was so easy?

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