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I've played a bit of Civ4 before. Is this anything like it or does it play different?
It's the same engine, but it plays very different in everything but combat.
It's a pretty good game, I liked managing supply chains. But tying so many mechanics to liberty bells resulted in some unsatisfying meta strategies.
Thanks. Anything I should know before start playing?
Fight the expeditionary army outside of your cities. They get big bonuses to city attack, but, by the end, you'll have bonuses to fighting in other terrain. In Civ 4 you'd typically want to leave most of your units fortified in the cities and just harass with collateral damage and mounted troops, but that's a good way to lose the war of independence here.
Don't antagonize the natives too early. Once you have some guns and horses to spare, you can push them around all you like, but they will wreck your shit in the early game.
Also, even though some of those early founding fathers have really good bonuses, you really don't want to overproduce liberty bells until you're gearing up to actually declare independence. Thus the unsatisfying meta strategies like the tiny (preferably Spanish) colony buying cannons and rushing bells.
There's a lot of other stuff really, but those are the big gotchas.
The original version is better. The Civ 4 engine port is more of a novelty.
Can't run it. What do you mean by better?
What do you mean you can't run it? It runs fine in DOSBox
Never mind, wrong game. I'm retarded.
They changed a lot about the game to fit the Civ 4 engine and ruleset, since it's essentially a Civ 4 mod. As a result it's like a strange hybrid of Colonization and Civ 4 as you might expect from this situation. Everything about the original release was tailor-made for the game's ideas, they had to work around things with the remake. I would say the remake is still worth checking out, it's interesting to play, but it's not a real substitute.
its an entirely different game with completely different mechanics. Also do not play vanilla civ4 col, play with We the people mod instead
>do not play vanilla civ4 col, play with We the people mod
the vanilla mod is very barebones, the mod fixes it's problems and adds a ton of content (maybe too much, play version 3 instead of 4 if you don't like bloat) and turns the game into a geniune sequel to the original colonization game
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Is this any good?
Yep, been playing for years and never managed to find other players here, it has evolved so much
Is it a good substitute for the original Colonization?
No idea, never played it
Plays quite differently. It's all about matching special workers and special tiles. Produced goods exist on the map, you have to get them to Europe and sell them.
This is the only civ game I can play over and over again. It's unique for it's economic system which involves volumes of goods and refinement of raw resources into processed goods, Supply lines as you need to move resources around to sell, and movable "pops" which includes specialists, pioneers, missionaries etc.
There's also different kinds of civs with different roles. The colonist civs are playable and like standard civs in civ 4. The European kings are very powerful but don't actually appear unless you declare independence. Otherwise they'll just ask for money and raise taxes. Natives are also non-playable and are already on the map but they don't really expand or do anything except fight if you're too aggressive with them. You can trade with them though and should when taxes get too high and they can train your pops into specialists. Also establishing missions will give you Indian pops to fill your cities.
My advice is hyperfocus on producing food at the beginning. Don't settle immediately, sail around and "speak to the chief" in a couple native settlements. They will give you a gift, tell you what specialist they can train, and what resource they want. Find a really good food spot, either corn or fish and fill with farmers or fisherman either from Europe or trained by natives. Then focus on refining and selling raw goods. By the mid-late game you should be focused on producing weapons and liberty. It will take a lot to beat the king.
Great game. Honestly far better than any standard civ games which are snoozefests.
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So... the original of FreeCol?
civ,4col is just an overhaul of civ4 after the old 1993 game Colonization, which was very good.

consider the We The People mod if you feel like you need more
at the start, after your first settlement, buy trade goods from Europe with all your money and bring it on your ship. then sail to a native settlement and sell the entire haul to them for possibly triple the gold. you can only really do this for once or twice per coastal settlement before they run out of gold to buy it with, but it will jumpstart your economy.
>maybe too much, play version 3 instead of 4 if you don't like bloat
Version 3 was fine, it just needed a few fixes, version 4 it's a complete bloat fest, german autism and it's consequences have been a disaster to the modding scene. I'm so interested in setting a supply chain to trade fucking feathers.
It's also rather questionable how much stone and clay was shipped over from Europe.
With stone at least you can make some mental gymnastics on your head like "this is some fancy building and I'm importing some expensive Italian marble for decoration", but clay makes absolutely no sense and should even be a trade good.
"Rations" is the most retarded trade good in my opinion, necessary for a couple of units, can't even be produced from food but from rice and shiet (which aren't food btw), and it's completely useless apart from that. Same with gunpowder, it's just extra busy work that bloats the whole experience.
Not to mention how much more unstable version 4 is compared to 3.
And the autism of "can't load troops into this civilian ship or citizens into this military ship", it just makes the game annoying to play.
>and should even be a trade good
and *shouldn't
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Which way, western man?
I'm inclined towards the Dutch.
Never played the original, freeciv has obvious fixes beyond graphics to make it more playable in 2024
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I just tried it a bit. Better QoL but the graphics and artstyle is just... It's not bad, but I don't know.
Also, the map is kinda weird with random arctic and desert tiles
It's effectively a paid mod to Civ 4. Very poor Col experience, too. Either play an actual mod to Civ4Col to make it worthwhile (careful, majority of the mods are bloatmods) or just go play FreeCol if you for any reason can't stomach the original.

tl;dr vanilla Civ4Col is meh/10, mods don't really help much
It's effectively original Col with few QoL things and bunch of annoying bugs fixed. It also allows to play in vastly different way than original, since the map can be fuck-huge, rather than 4 settlements taking all the East Coast.
FreeCol. QoL and bugfixes alone means it's better
French are stupidly broken.
Spanish are the weakest in original, closely followed by Angloids (their bonus is basically newfag help)
After trying both, I think I prefer the original more. I'll keep an eye for FreeCol though.
Anyway, what bugs in the original game I should be aware of? Any game breaking bugs?
Since this game is focused on the European settlement of the Americas it's the perfect template for creating a total conversion mod based on pic related fantasy war scenario
How about The Authentic Colonization?
TAC was just assimilated into WTP after a while

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