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I hate this game, but there's nothing better in the genre. How frustrating.
anno 1880
There is, and that is Victoria 2
Based, still waiting for BPM to get some new hotfixes
Gilded Destiny
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I finally did a full playthrough as france and wow there is literally nothing to this game beyond building construction inputs to build construction to make GDP number go up and occasionally micromanaging trade routes and PMs. I felt like an experimental rat.
although I was amused to see AI prussia form super germany and be more OP than in hyper prussia mod
Victoria 3 is better than Victoria 2 in everything but warfare and diplomacy.

But, warfare and diplomacy suck SO much ass in Vicky 3 that it completely wipes away all the good shit it does better than Vicky 2
>that russia
>that germany
Fucking lol
Did they ever change local pop classes being determined by what you build in a state instead of organic promotion/demotion?
In all honesty V2 vanilla was kind of ass too, the problem is V3 will never get a mod with the same quality and effort value as HPM, at best you'll get the visual novel crap that HOI4 was
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Vic 2 warfare sucks too, a diferent kind of suck. Nothing is more annoying than get get jumped by a 120 mob stack because you were checking about 120 mob stack
What genre?
Victorian era?
Both types have better alternatives.
>0(ZERO) border expansion in Europe or Africa
>2nd rank
Did you just turn the speed 5x and went afk?
I was third by the end, but pretty much that after getting lazy fairy.
nothing ever happens: the game
>>1904290Having only 100 years to work with makes his game dull.
You can't make really wacky runs due to the time restriction.
Should have been a 1700-1950 era game.
So its realistic considering the timeline
The issue with other Paradox games tends to be the timeline, in CK you blob and in just 100-200 years you might as well just quit the game since there is no challenge left, EU4 is unplayable as a big country for the same reason, Imperator is literally just a blobbing simulator, HOI4 is the only exception but that game is by design shitty since its a sandbox specifically designed for the player to conquer the world everytime. In Victoria 3 even if you pick the strongest nation a world conquest is near impossible, there is probably always going to be some challenge until the end.
It's really bizarre that wiz insisted on reinventing hoi4 frontlines but worse when they don't even fit the first half of the game. He could literally just have used the hoi4 combat system with a different stat line and gate frontlines behind a tech.
vic 3
forever stuck in the 10000 range
good but also bad.
The best (that are still developed) Paradox games are the least popular ones while the worst ones are the most popular, most importantly V3's timeline will put people off, its not set in WW2 nor does it have a long timeline like CK3 or EU4, overall those numbers are fine and i could believe Paradox when they said that they didn't expect the game to do as well as it did on release.
You are really coping, but it has nothing to do with timeline. Victoria and Victoria 2 were and are still popular, arguably more so than Hearts of Iron. Victoria 3 is just shit in the actual things that matter for a 19th-century game, that being pops, ideologies, politics and diplomacy/warfare.
Every time I try V3 I get the distinct feeling Paradox spent most of its development time on shit that either doesn't matter or doesn't appeal to fans of the series. I've never felt that detached from a game before.
The last 5 or so games I played I end up number 1 as all the GPs lose to commies and their SOL plummets, I assume due to something fucking their already poor economy up. Your Africa is pathetic though. Morgenrote and BPM make the game far more interesting, although Morgenrote may be tedious for some people.
>Victoria and Victoria 2 were and are still popular, arguably more so than Hearts of Iron

Are you joking? Funny how you look at Steam charts but apparently didn't look at the charts for those games, even at their peaks they weren't even close to Imperator's popularity.
>hate this game, but there's nothing better in the genre
That's the main thing with paradox game
Not even near of being the same
Being a contrarian is not a personality, is a flaw on you personality
>Funny how you look at Steam charts
I don't look at those at all. Only losers do that. All my knowledge is empirical through being a veteran of grand strategy.
I don't play this game, why is Russia in that color? Revolution? Also, why no conquer Switzerland just to clean small tags
they focused on streamlining the shit out of production/trade and diplomacy

everything else is shallow, and it is like directing you to play as a communist tycooner
You haven't played the game, also diplomacy lol, pretty sure its already much deeper than in Vicky 2
>Morgenrote and BPM make the game far more interesting, although Morgenrote may be tedious for some people
I tried out both and didn't really like them. Morgenrote is incredibly tedious with its character micromanagement and BPM is a great idea, but the base game is too designed around econ micromanagement to have time to do politics micro as well. Plus you don't really have a way to influence IG clout outside of economics and events, because your HoG will shut down basically all laws his IG doesn't like.
>streamlining the shit out of production/trade
I wish they actually did. Scrapping PM micro and changing the production tech tree from unlocking PMs to straight industry buffs would be a massive improvement.
>its already much deeper than in Vicky 2
That's arguable. Sure you have more options but there's no crisis system.
Diplo plays are just the crisis system
They're a terrible proxy because they also have to do regular war (and annexation for some reason). The crisis system usually dragged in all the GPs on the continent, pushed them not to back down because huge quantities of prestige were on the line and usually started from local nationalist unrest or lategame colonial disputes. I haven't seen either in a single V3 game and there are basically no consequences for staying neutral or backing down.
>but warfare and diplomacy.
Broadly agree, but manually assemling an army with a good army comp is complete ass cancer in vic2. Seriously, why doesn't it have a goddam macrobuilder? The extremely small infamy decay, which you can in no way influcene make vic2 a boring slog, where you either save scum to not have you war goal guy get caught, or play legit and conquer like 8 states throughout the entire game. Call me a faggot low attention span zoomgroid or whatever, but games need gameplay to be fun.
Why should a great power lose prestige because it doesn't want to get involved in an insignificant war far away from them, especially in a game where prestige is everything like Vic2? It forces the player to make choices but in an unnatural way
>Being a contrarian is not a personality
>liking victoria 2 over 3

>Not even near of being the same
they're both tycoon games
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>He could literally just have used the hoi4 combat system
>vic3 and hoi4 lategame lag at once
Might actually take longer than a day to simulate a day

The real trick would be to release a big Cold War DLC once all the core mechanics in the base game are actually fleshed out and working. Have a new post-1945 start date, and add some mechanics more unique to the era. Most of vic3's gameplay seems like it would fit the Cold War well enough, but it be an era far more people are interested in. Though they would need to fire all the soi-socialists working on the game and hire tankies instead..
They are already cold war era mods out for Vic 3, in fact one just updated for the new patch today.
>release a big Cold War DLC once all the core mechanics in the base game are actually fleshed out and working.
So never? Lol.
eh they never spend enough time actually designing an indepth simulator vs half assing it a bit at a time in their existing engine
Victoria 3 has some nice ideas but the underlying game is really flawed. Frontlines in 1836 are not good. Are trade routes still manually controlled? That doesn't make sense in a le economic simulator. Are companies independent entities yet? Are private buildings still decided by the automated construction AI, instead of the actual capitalist pops? If you won't represent correctly the period that changed warfare forever, at least make a non-cookie clicker type design.
>at least make a non-cookie clicker type design.
sorry, wiz thinks more clicks = better gameplay. vicky 3 is doomed because if it makes enough revenue to keep paradox funding it, wiz will take that as validation of his new design, if it doesn't the game is dead.
Are any of them good? In the past I feel like most paradox overhaul mods I tried out like to overcomplicate things while also being underdeveloped
> Frontlines in 1836 are not good

There is no better alternative without returning to the usual awful micro intensive warfare system

>Are trade routes still manually controlled? That doesn't make sense in a le economic simulator.

Its a videogame

>Are companies independent entities yet?

Kinda, the player decides what companies to establish and then they take care of the rest, more or less

>Are private buildings still decided by the automated construction AI, instead of the actual capitalist pops?

What is the difference exactly?

The videoGAME should play itself, makes sense

Eh, one added some mechanics that are clearly difficult to keep updated but was potentially the best one of the two, the other one just tries to go full railroading with events but is updated costantly, worth a try at least
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Did they remove Israel from the game? Its not an option to force the ottomans to release it. I have pan-nationalism research too, which the wiki is saying is whats needed for it
according to the wiki, "the targeted country must be capable of releasing the country itself"
so probably ottomans need to research pan nationalism. best you can do is annex the state and release manually
I recommend you play hearts of victoria mod.
it adds vic 2 economics into hoi4. Also expands the timeframe from 1850 to 2050
which is why we need to compare vic 2 with its contemporaries.
and looking at the player numbers, vic 2 is higher than eu3 and hoi3 player numbers combined.
So what is vic3s excuse?
yea it was designed as a tycoon cookie clicker game rather than a historical simulator
i think it was designed this way to prepare for future console release or mobile lmao
Vic 3 isn't that far off from CK3 player numbers which is impressive considering CK is just The Sims on a map, additionally if Vic 2 was so much better it would have a number of players that was at least close to Vic 3 right?

You are just mad you can't speed 5 all the time like in games that play by themselves like Vic 2, if you want some railroaded experience where you speed 5 till you start moving toy soldiers around there is also HOI4
anon ck3 had a recent bump that reached 40,000-50,000 numbers.
way higher than vic 3 numbers.
And even when we ignore that bump ck3 usually has double the player count than vic 3
Vic 3 average player numbers are half of what CK3's numbers are, that is still not bad considering what type of game CK3 is, even if Vic 3 devs had listened to the retards that play HOI4 (keep in mind that like half the audience of HOI4 plays the game in very easy mode) it wouldn't have found a lot more success than it already did, the timeline of the game is the limiting factor here
how do you speed 5 in hoy4 when you need to micro tanks?
>There is no better alternative without returning to the usual awful micro intensive warfare system

Discrete armies that move themselves from objective to objective, obeying terrain properly, following roads, etc
Frontlines naturally form as troop density increases
Before any war starts you might as well just keep the speed at max, there is not much else you can do in HOI4 that would require slowing down the speed, in Vic 3 there is very often something you can tweak available especially when playing as a big nation

>that move themselves

So basically the automated system of HOI4 but without any possibiltiy of player interaction? What is the difference from the current system aside from making the game run slower and probably increasing the number of bugs?
the front concept makes absolutely no fucking sense outside of major wars
fronts happen because of unit density per tile/km/whatever

Even small wars like this modern Syria shitfest has no fronts, just units driving down roads to towns/cities
Even Brother War had barely any actual front. It was just Prussians marching into a few cities and that was it.
Is there a good genocide mod for this game that works with the current version?
Thinking V3's frontlines are actual frontlines is silly, the frontline is just there to show you what territory is owned by who, its not to indicate that units are placed all along that line, where this system fails is when the frontline is so big that the unit stacks are obviously just teleporting around, like they go fight one battle and when that one ends fight another one far away from the previous battle which is unrealistic
well yea the whole combat system was an afterthought added as DLC
which is a huge part of the problem
>pops of a different heritage just can't assimilate full stop now
Is Paradox being accidentally racist again?
Loving seeing Japanese people never become Asian-X because the latter culture doesn't exist.
Then why does the game graphically show toy soldiers along a front and in trench works in 1836? The devs genuinely believe WW1 began in 1836.
You forgot vic2 exists
i got warned by reddit and my comment removed for saying immigrants dont assimilate under multiculturalism because they're accepted.
literal retards, thats how the game works and it sucks because i want to culture paint
Lads, the fact is that anyone decent, knowledgeable about history, and with an IQ above room temperature, is absolutely ASS FUCKED when it comes to grand strategy games now.
I am taking about a level of face pushed down into the dirt, pants brutally ripped off, a hard long savage no lube ASS FUCKING. In front of your mother. And your grandmother and her friends from the golf club.
Some of us lucky one one lived through the glorious golden age of gaming with games like EU3, HOI3, yes and even Alpha Centauri and Rome Total War. Even fucking Runescape was somewhat half decent long ago, luring noobs into the wilderness and killing them for giggles. For all their flaws they were at the time ( and arguably still are ) the absolute pinnacle of creative genius, immersion, pragmatic design, and JUST PURE FUCKING SOUL!
But then something happened.
Everything went downhill after that. Faggotry, political correctness, DEI, selling out, catering to the crowd, well, you can argue about all of that creeping into our beloved games for as long as you like, but the end result was the same. A BRUTAL ASSFUCKING. Yes. We got and continue to get rudely ASSFUCKED. And there is no one out there to save us like some super hero. No brilliant new game designers to offer us a thoroughly immersive and REALISTIC experience like we once enjoyed. No one to rush in and save our tender tight juicy little rectums from the savage ASSFUCKING which is all the games industry knows how to deliver today.
Best you just get used to it.
So lube up, wear your sister's panties ( or your mother's ) and get busy stretching your butt out with a dragon dildo.
Good luck chaps. My hopes and prayers are with you.
>paradox releases a patch
>britain will now attack Oranje and Transvaal rather than leave them alone all game
Does someone at paradox actually play the game?
>Thinking V3's frontlines are actual frontlines is silly,
>the frontline is just there to show you what territory is owned by who
Like a frontline? A border between warring lands?
I suggest you to fight a war between Russia and China, then you will see how much of a front is in the front system.
The game doesn't work in a way you described and judging by frequent reddit discussions about assimilation, laws and the like, you probably made an idiotic parallel to irl. That is my bet. But why cry about it here?
Or you were just younger.
the game literally works like that in 1.8, if pops are tier 5 accepted they dont assimilate
do you even play the game?
It's true. At maximum acceptance, pops don't assimilate. This means English pops that migrated to America don't assimilate because they have high tolerance from sharing state religion, language and heritage. Ukriinyn pops in Russian Alaska don't assimilate, and so on and so forth.
low IQ reddit take
every aspect of V3 sucks ass, not just the diplomacy and warfare, but also the economics, the politics, the map, the AI, the performance, the art, the flavor, literally anything you can think of
this nigga thinks nothing happened between 1836-1936
British-US war, Canada border, there isn't enough space for all the British and the American troops. It's like Verdun across every inch of that flat border.

I've never done a Sino-Russian war because it's always very far away from the border, whenever I play either country I feel like I have no money for a prolonged or bad war, and I'm always concerned the other side will get a real ally.
This is how it should be. I was always annoyed that this and 2 seemed to be the neoliberal dream of "If I simply accept this person, they'll become the same race as me and start eating bacon and drinking beer".
>English pops that migrated to America don't assimilate
Paradox can't seem to ever get America right. Even New Africa exists in game only because the assimilation rules were broken on day 1 so they needed a way to prevent blacks from becoming white dixies.
Well, now blacks can't become white dixies.
As a side effect, Japanese people never start speaking English no matter how long they're in your country.
yeah such a logical solution, where the only way to assimilate everyone is to enact ethnostate + state religion and keep religious schools because everyone of right religion will become white
Does that even lead to any significant assimilation? I'm pretty sure it's almost impossible to properly assimilate anybody, AS anybody.
for tiers 2 to 4 it's like before, very slow
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Incredible that we managed to win this, i supported Hungary independence and got dragged in a war against Austria, Russia and Two Sicilies, luckily after a while Prussia went to war against Austria and France so Hungary only had to deal with Russia, then Russia left the war and i took Lombardy and that was enough to make the austrian warscore go in the negatives
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Why is the new migration system like this
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Bavaria managed to form the SGF
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I got a balanced parliament
>Indian invasion
What are you talking about? Canada is where the Kannadians live isn't it?

I can't tell what's new about it. Isn't that what always happened? Check the EIC/Raj's border policy and check your discrimination policies in nationhood and religion (not that anything other than Multicult and Secular should allow them all to enter).

I don't think Paradox can ever model historic Indian immigration to the Americas.
Isn't there a better historical flag than a Belgium that fell over?
>middle class reformer
>state liberal
>urban working class reformer
>liberal ?
>liberal reformer
>civnat ?
>villein moderate

>97% of the seats
Is this one of those democracies where 10% of the vote gets you everything?
Because Indian states not directly owned by the EIC will allow their POPs to emigrate. Combine that with how inner market migrations work and you have such situations. Though similar things happened before 1.8 as well.
>I don't think Paradox can ever model historic Indian immigration to the Americas.
You mean statistically insignificant prior to the post-WW2 "liberal" zeitgeist?
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Nah they got 84% of the votes
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>Upon emancipation in 1838, almost all of the former slaves abandoned the plantations, and Indians were brought to the country under indenture contracts from 1838 until the end of the system in 1917.
Well I mean that trafficking has been completely ignored by Paradox despite being one of the biggest ways colonisation occurred.
Everything from slavery to transportation of criminals to enclosing or starving peasants is completely ignored by Paradox.
I take back what I said here >>1908331, I just got African and Indian pops even as belgium with migration controls and state religion. Those pops will never get above above 0 acceptance, let alone 60 to migrate. No colonies and other market members either. The system just doesn't work as promised.
EU5 will save us
Oh, you meant the shithole colonies. I thought you meant somewhere like Canada.
When it comes to infamy, I just double the peacetime infamy decay in the files of whatever mod I happen to be playing at the time
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Is BPM updated for the new version? Going to start another game soon. Maybe Spain actually. Also, I've played about 3 games with BPM and noticed that by endgames there seem to be way more majors falling to Communist revolts. Also shit like Australia almost always getting fucked over by some Abbo revolt. By the end of the game I'm usually the only GP who still has a monarch. I also almost never see fascist, but it was that way with vanilla too. Is that BPM or the AI just fucking up because of how the vanilla game is?
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did they change anything about assimilation?
austria basically genocided all minorities in my game
They allowed for assimilation in homelands last hotfix.
What could have been...
Do minorities attempt to resist this in any way? Austria becoming majority German by the end of game without any serious pushback is pretty retarded. I haven't actually played them, but I remember hearing they were OP closer to release. Don't know if they're harder now, but I've seen them split into Austria Hungary more often or even have their subject nations go independent. The latter could be from other wars though, the AI loves releasing nations.
What are the conditions for this?
Does the EIC exploit still work with the new DLC, or is it gone now?
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>Is BPM updated for the new version?

Kinda but its still going to be unbalanced

>Is that BPM or the AI just fucking up because of how the vanilla game is?

Both, some countries will have to deal with constant revolutions every game since they enter a radicalism spiral they can never escape from and that happens in the base game too, in my current game France is pretty much entirely just a bunch of anarchist communes but all the other big countries are all relatively stable monarchies, i guess only Prussia keeps having constant revolutions but for now they are manageable
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Vickybros, it's over
The war system will never be properly reworked
Good, the only issue is the navy mechanics but they already said they are gonna rework that
Saw something similar with Austria as well, even before >>1908558 though to a lesser degree. Extremely ironic that France still has their own subcultures though.
Territories occupied by britain i guess
this is like killing the king and the asking the people if they want to clone him and bring him back or just keep the republic
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It just werks
modern liberalists actually believe people in the past wanted "assimilation" rather than just unifying languages
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This entire game has only been me and the UK building up our fleets for this moment, nothing else mattered
>Austria becoming majority German by the end of game without any serious pushback is pretty retarded.
In Victoria II the Ottomans would convert every last person in their lands and if you ever released somewhere like Bulgaria, its state religion would be Orthodox despite having a 100% Sunni population.
Paradox is Paradox.
What's wrong with sending 50,000 Nigerian slaves to Canada? :/
>In Victoria II the Ottomans would convert every last person in their lands
No they wouldn't you fucking liar. I know because I played as the Ottomans a thousand times over, both vanilla and HPM.
Somehow, the UI is getting worse. The buildings tab is notably less productive than before. I'm seriously questioning whether the devs even play their own game.
Yeah, I hate how they made it take more clicks and slow to sort by building types. And it takes up more space, too. It was completely unnecessary.
Every time I play HPM, because why play vanilla, AI Ottomans converts everything.
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Ok i'm tried of this playthrough since i dominated everybody else, the only actual rival i had was the UK, it took a while but i managed to build enough fleets to beat them, they were surprisingly stable until i blocked all their trade routes
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The US could have been a rival if they didn't have so many separatists, like every nation you see is some kind of commune, same thing happening in France but there it happened even earlier
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Never saw Japan this strong, though i basically built their entire economy, still didn't stop them from becoming commie
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Power blocs, trade league is pretty damn strong tbqh
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My parlament
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Muh pops
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And at last, the richest pops
weimar germany?
Most of my recent games ended up like this, also running BPM. I actually played US and the manifest destiny claims never fired so there may be some bug there. Either way, most games end with the US picked apart and falling to commies. I think in most of my games it's them losing wars and getting dismembered though.
Anarchists are very overpowered right now and they are the ones that cause all those secessions, commies spawn later than usual but are they also tend to flip countries in the late game, the only powerful countries that by the end were still monarchies were Spain (me), Austria, Russia and weirdly the UK, the UK as i said was very resilient even after they lost their empire, in older versions of the game with BPM the UK would pretty much always turn commie.
Forgot to say that i was playing on 1.8.3, the new hotfix did apparently fix anarchist movements
This is such a fucking piece of shit. Economy is completely broken and anything they try to improve is fruitless, the base mechanics are shit. I was playing Paraguay just now (with isolationism) and it was so fucking bad I ended up ragequiting. I explain my points one by one but I am sure it's all been said before. Victoria 2 is infinitely better
Phrases like "free the country of the tyranny of a military government" (paraphrasing a little) really gets the point across of what they expect you to be doing. The expect all players to abolish slavery/enact homesteading/womeninworkforce/any voting but the more liberal the better/ enact total separation / enact multiculturalism
If you don't do these laws you are simply left behind in the score due to not getting the insane modifiers they give you. So either do that or completely waste your time for the whole playthrough with a "primitive" nation (which will fight you all the while to enact the aforementioned). And no, this is not historically accurate.
I can* explain
Victoria 2's economy was fundamentally broken, because trade order was based purely on the score of your country.
>I was playing Paraguay just now
>with isolationism

Let me guess, you got beaten while you were trying to blob and got mad at the game
still 100 times better than trade only happening if the government specifically orders it
or money not existing in vic 3
slave trade is op and based
>money not existing in vic 3
Following this logic goods also don't exist
this game, more than any other nu-pdx, makes me want to vomit all over the screen due to asinine scenarios like this being incredibly common
they dont, it's all smoke and mirrors
in vicky 2 you either had goods or you didnt, pops and factories needed to buy available stuff or they didnt get anything / couldnt produce
in vicky 3 i can have a market sell 100 wood and buy 200 with no problems
likewise i can sell 100, only buy 50 yet the factory gets money for all 100
if you really want to, you can make factories produce anything out of thin air at just a 50% malus if you subsidize it
>they focused on streamlining the shit out of production/trade and diplomacy
if they did, they failed miserably
Nothing like that, I just crushed Argentina so that they won't be a problem later, took one state and slowly worked towards colonizing the decentralized natives to the west. I know full well how to play the game after many playthroughs, the issues are not with how I manage the economy, my SOL is 13 at 1850 which is very decent, the problem is with the mechanics themselves. I said I won't go into detail because it's all been said before but if you want I can.
Victoria 2 was a sandbox game, these mechanics don't matter in a sandbox game. You get what you paid for. But don't pretend you sell a "hyper realistic free market simulation" game when your pops want chinaware but the glass factory won't make it because the price of dye is high because the dye plantations are at 0% workforce because they think that noone wants dye.
>Just subsidize them to get them started
I shouldn't have to. It's really simple. Make dye so that the factory who needs it can buy it.
Anons, I have a dumb question, but it is quick. What is the gameplay of Victoria like? I have never played it but I am looking for a specific fantasy.

Is the focus of Victoria more on nation and culture building? I am looking for a game where you can ally nations and leave alliances depending on convenience, the narrative is not a stale always the same adventure but sometimes you have the usual world war and other times you have idk USA plus Austria vs France plus Germany vs Britain plus Ottomans and all courting Russia, stuff like that. Is Victoria like that? and yes I know Civilization exists and it is I guess similar to what I describe, alliances of convenience and backstabbing, but Idk how to put it Civ feels unfun, Idk, I have only played hoi4 and I hoped paradox had a hoi4 game where wars are a thing but it is not the same railroaded experience every single time, I do not care about the army micro and stuff, I love the idea of Civ of dropping in any sort of world and continent shape and stuff and going from caveman age to space age and building your culture and shit, but Civ too for some reason feels lacking compared to hoi4 despite hoi4 having no depth, but I am aware it is the closest thing to what I am describing, maybe I am just addicted to hoi4 yet I come here to ask if Victoria is like I describe, a world where you build your own lore and create alliances and backstabbing and cultures in your nation and not blobmaxx, that feels stupid, too, I want nations and realistic expansion and some diplomacy, not an eternal NATO alliance but rather a nation called chickenland allying wolfland to attack catland for resources and their claims and then the catlands even after the war is over can still ally wolfland convenieently and attack the chickenlands and shit and look, now you have interesting lore!. Anyway, is Victoria like I am describing or not?
The difference is that Vicky2 actually tried to simulate a realistic economy, even if it fell short due to technological limitations. The trade order based on gp rank is just a compromise to bypass a larger computation and make the game run at a decent speed.
In V3 they never even tried to implement a real economy. They purposely made a meme economy with the "feel" of a real one. The mistakes here are not compromises for performance. Nobody forced them to make countries run on fucking Hoi4 build queues. Nobody forced them to make every country into a command economy. Nobody forced them to implement PM micromanagement by the player. Nobody forced them to implement trade micromanagement by the player. Etc etc.
>when your pops want chinaware but the glass factory won't make it because the price of dye is high because the dye plantations are at 0% workforce because they think that noone wants dye.
That's not something that ever even happens. If there's an actual demand for dye, workers will join a plantation within weeks, and they'll be paid a lot for it since the demand is high, attracting more workers until the demand is met.
vicky 3 is a price simulator with an odd diplomacy and war system tacked on. the pop sim is good, but thats it. engaging with diplomacy is neither fun nor rewarding. the AI either doesnt do anything or is just annoying for the hell of it. the game has no flavor and mods adding some are rare and not very developed.

vicky 2 is a mess, crisises and great wars at least ensure some things happen, like the third crisis war over the liberation of greek thessaly where all of europes GPs fight over if thessaly gets liberated or the ottomans get to keep it. vanilla AI at least does wars here, mods usually streamline it more but they also add a ton of content, very cool stuff there.

backstabbing isnt really a thing in paradox games unless you do it yourself, alliances tend to last forever
Victoria 2 is about fostering a population which builds up your country into a great power, and use it to conquer others. Victoria 3 is about micromanaging a country's construction sector and political system until you snowball into being unstoppable. Neither game is about diplomacy. The Paradox game with the best diplomatic system is EU4, but it's still not what you're looking for. If you want good diplo you need to play multiplayer.
Disingenuous fag. I will show you the screenshots when I get off work, then you can apologize to everyone here for lying
V3 is a construction/politics simulator. The price system is clearly not the focus with how many hacks the game uses to give the illusion of it being functional.
it's mostly not railroaded unlike hoi4, but it's not as realistic as you describe and the AI is just too dumb to make and execute any plan that goes beyond
In Vick3 diplomacy is a retarded circus where every kind of ridiculous scenario is allowed to happen. You will see things like Mexico becoming a Russian vassal, the USA conquering random bits of Germany and Scandinavia without anybody in Europe giving a shit, Great powers waging total war with millions dying over one insignificant bit of territory.
In Vicky2 the outcomes are a lot more realistic, but that is because there is more railroading and the AI is more passive and mostly just goes for uncivs. Not every war is a total war and in a late game total war it is possible to redraw the borders significantly.
The lack of great wars / world wars in Vicky 3 compared to 2 is really disappointing.
*AI is just too dumb to make and execute any plan that goes beyond reacting to their immediate situation in the present
the politics part of it however is pretty garbage. the main appeal is the simulation of pops, but everything they interact with is abstracted in a horrible way. construction is true, thats the main gameplay loop
I find that the only part I enjoy besides map painting is trying to get the highest possible SOL for my pops and mog the central Europeans
Price is such a nonfactor in V3 that pops completely ignore it when making purchasing decisions. A pop always buys the highest supply item on the market, regardless of price. This means they will prefer expensive grain over cheap meat/fish and starve to death.
at least price is simulated, unlike the actual goods.
but yeah the pops are just retarded, i had a game where my culture randomly obsessed with meat suddenly and they would rather starve than buy grain or fish. meanwhile every game you play nobody ever buys even a single unit of meat so you dont build ranches in the first place
Another immersion breaking bug. Going back to talking about my Paraguay game, which is landlocked and isolationist and doesn't even have fish, we got a nation with the equivalent of 90+% vegetarians, or people who eat meat once per year. Fuck logic.
You're not gonna do shit, pussy.
Okay no screenshots because I fixed it by subsidizing and the monthly autosaves already passed the point where the problem could be seen. Lucky you, you get to pretend I was wrong now
I knew you wouldn't do shit. If this issue were so common, it would be trivial for you to just start a new game and make it happen again.
That explains a lot of the weirdness I encounter. Honestly it's kind of fun if you just let the smoke and mirrors do it's thing but it's really depressing when you start to think hard about the mechanics and that not only is it the same company that made the beloved eco sim with politics and map painting but that their arcade game is supposed to be a sequel to it.
I genuinely can't tell which nationality made this due to the Egypt blob and the Polish blob.
The gore is awful, especially for how it actually uses borders that shouldn't exist in its timeline.
Genuinely is terrible but probably required to reduce slowdown.
I'm still confused how it interacts with local pricing. Goods like electricity surely can't be used for heating thanks to it, right? And it's already stupidly hard to get people to use coal over wood.

>nobody ever buys even a single unit of meat so you dont build ranches in the first place
Unless I'm mistaken this is a compounding problem with how Weight works. 1,000 Meat or Fruit are worth as much as 500 Grain in the calculation... so you already have so few cows or orchards because no-one buys it, that you're going into a snowball effect. Similarly no-one wants groceries (75% Weight) until they hit 20SoL, which we know is impossible without fully automated gay space cooperatives.
>Similarly no-one wants groceries (75% Weight) until they hit 20SoL, which we know is impossible without fully automated gay space cooperatives.
That's not true, you can easily achieve that with any economic system.
>secondary pops rise up with anti primary pop policy
>all secondary pops support it
>put down the uprising
>nothing changes and they still continue to grow
>can't remove the pops at all
>*any* economic system
Could you tell me how?
>the pops are retarded

but enough about real world anon
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>random negroes in paris
>click them
>only female portraits
French are based once again I see.
Sure. It's actually quite simple, because there's only a few rules, and they're the same as in real life. You want to have the highest production as possible, with the lowest taxes possible, and with wealth distributed as evenly as possible. Cooperatives are good to achieve this goal because they take care of the issue of wealth distribution, but a SoL of 20 is still attainable without that.

To achieve a high production, you need to understand that economic growth is exponential. This means that the higher your production is, the faster it's theoretically possible to make it grow. This is why if you want to be rich, the main goal is to start as early as possible. To start as early as possible, the only things you need to do are to get rid of traditionalism, and then to research techs that let you boost production, especially atmospheric engine and water boilers, because those allow you to produce a lot of iron, which allows you to have cheap construction, which is essential to make factories to industrialize. Once you have cheap iron, you want to build heavy industries (tools, etc), then light industries (consumers goods, to make people rich). While you do this, you should be trying to make your population as literate as possible and with enough universities to max out your research speed so that you can get more techs that boost production. Also try to get steel-frame buildings as early as possible, because this will massively boost both your gdp and construction.

Once you have steel buildings, you should repeat the same process as with iron, but with steel, glass, and explosives. followed by consumers goods. Once you reach this stage, you'll notice that your SoL is starting to steadily climb up, rather than jigsaw. Around this time, you should be making enough money to drop your taxes to a minimum, which will immediately make everyone richer, increasing demand, and thus production. Electrify your country to seal the deal.
Late you just play 1/2 speed and manually micro the front, it can be anoying but at least it is engageing. The huge slog the battles turn into is also surprisingly accurate, though the ai fucks up composition so you just melt their conscripts because they have no support.
Solved game
Well, yes.
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Wow what a perfectly normal looking north America for once!
Why is your shit so blurry?
no gpu i5
>this is what Clausewitz looks like now on lowest settings
I would have guessed it's Unity slop if I didn't know better
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>Burnin' Sherman in England
good memes, though I still think the portraits are poitless when core mechanics are bad
> it wouldn't have found a lot more success than it already did, the timeline of the game is the limiting factor here
Look at hoi 3 numbers before hoi4 came out in 2016
Compare it to vic 2 numbers before 2016
vic 2 and hoi 3 had the same amount of player count.
I played for the first time since launch yesterday and this is the exact problem I ran into. The minute to minute gameplay is enjoyable enough to keep me going but holy fuck the wars suck.

Is there anyway to play this game without wanting to blow out my brains every time I get into a war?
>more dlcs
>more shit to buy
>more players prefer to pirate the game
HOI is a game for grand strategy noobs and casuals and HOI3 especially sucks, HOI4 also came out in 2016 and you can see that the player numbers are much higher than both, games set in WW2 are just more interesting to the average person than games set in the 19th century.
what's the best victoria 2 mod that runs the fastest
Prob one of the older HPM versions.
>Are companies independent entities yet
As of last patch companies own buildings themselves and are able to buy or build more to expand as they accumulate money, and the more they expand the stronger their modifier becomes. But that's all they do, they have no political impact and even when they own the factories you still have full control over them and cat set the PMs to whatever you want. It's objectively a good thing to have e.g. your entire oil industry be a monopoly by Standard Oil because their factories will have a special modifier compared to normal capitalist ownership.
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>conquer some Chinese land
>lose money because no qualification so nobody can work in administration buildings so no tax
>no qualification because of racism (no multiculturalism law)
>civil war happens due to high turmoil
fucking poxxed game
>why can't I just flawlessly integrate millions of chinese peasants into my empire for free
Vicky 3 has a lot of problems but this is not one of them.
V2 warfare is ass
>max production, minimise tax, maximise wealth spread

>... by building everything, which requires tax money
>... by using a maxed schooling institution, which requires tax money
>... by researching everything, which requires tax money
>... your SoL WILL climb... somehow... yeah I still play release edition
>... and remember to drop taxes to zero when you electrify, it'll be fiiiine
This is only possible in the most wealthy countries and is actually a recipe for a late game democratic capitalist state with SoL 10 and under labourers because it does nothing for wages.
You'll get an okay sized middle class but again, SoL 20 is unattainable without hugbox cobbubism (and a fully depeasanted country).

I sincerely consider electrification to be a luxury that should only happen after you've solved it, because it's bad until you unlock coal power which winds up being near the 1900s, in wealthy literate countries, and because it does nothing for your large industries, the ones you've been building all game, until it's also built up heavily.

The only source of wage rises in game besides cheating with "real communism" laws is society techs that make people demand better incomes. Or labour scarcity, which is sometimes impossible to create, and badly affects resource-rich regions because you often don't want mines fighting over miners

I've never tried seeing if level 5 wage subsidies works because poor laws are preferred by the leading interest groups.
Does playing as the CSA work? I want to larp as my people but I don't want to spend effort pirating and learning the game if I'm just going to be disappointed.
>I never tried to increase immigration of primary pops to the colonies to be administrators
>I'm losing money because the region costs me nothing and the Chinese are buying goods from my factories

If your farms and industries there are owned by manors and financial districts in a place you can tax... congratulations, you are getting money from China.
>I'm still on land tax
Why anon?
I know what I'm talking about. The countries I enjoy playing the most are poor countries with a high population, like Japan. Of course, in such a situation, you need to depeasant your country, which takes time, but that's normal. Economic growth in this period wasn't that fast, except at the end, because economic growth is very much limited by technology, which is also realistic.
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It takes 5k bureaucracy to incorporate a state with 20m population while the state provides nearly no tax for the first 10 years. That means I have to pay a huge up front cost for 20 years to be able to profit later.
I managed to pass Multiculturalism after the civil war and the situation is starting to be stablilized. Though every new province I conquer put a bigger hole in my pocket.
Devs think all colonies weren't developed at all and racism blocked development. Hardly that simplistic.
>83K Construction sector

>I'm trying to incorporate it! That's why it's fucking me over!
>The only source of wage rises in game besides cheating with "real communism" laws is society techs that make people demand better incomes. Or labour scarcity, which is sometimes impossible to create, and badly affects resource-rich regions because you often don't want mines fighting over miners
Last patch added a new option for religious power blocs that increases wages, its pretty strong.
get dabbed on blobber
Private sector gives back 40k so it's only a small expense compared to administration.
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I'm kneeling so fucking hard, I love the cultural secessions in 1.8
It doesn't make any sense that states in Anatolia that are like 80% Turkish are wholesale joining the Greek revolt though. There's similar problems elsewhere where for example as Germany you can get a Sorbian uprising that takes the entirety of Saxony despite only being 4-5% of the population.
It's not a factor of majority, meaning majority of the states being Greek, but rather the radicalism of Greeks in certain states. The areas that secede are disproportionately radicalized Greeks, mainly due to economic factors. I understand that at first thought it makes sense that it should be based on the percentage makeup of Greeks in a state. But it's primarily driven by radicalism.
I understand the mechanics, but it still doesn't make any sense why Ankara being overwhelmingly Turkish secedes to join the Greek nationalist revolt, including all of the Turkish soldiers there. It's just more shitty design from Paradox.
So everything but the two most important aspects of a strategy game?
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>here's your ai bro
It's 1923 now and these niggerapes still have no oil, no rubber, no coal, no nothing. They're playing like it's the fucking 18th century.
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>here's your europe bro
And they still haven't fixed the issue with Britain being some stable paradise that effortlessly conquers the whole planet. At least they fixed the issue with the Raj being a loyal sidekick that is just as strong/stronger than them, spending the entire game at 100% liberty desire but never rebelling and always helping Britain with all wars.
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And here's the reason you're lagging out 24/7. A gorillion fucking stacks of 1(1) unit and chances are most of them are just fucking conscripts that will spend their entire existence running around between several different fronts, never actually engaging in any fight.
Get fucked, blobber. In fact, Britain should've went against you for trying to take land in China without a claim.
They did try to stop me from taking lands from Heavenly Kingdom. I just beat the shit out of them every time. I already took Gibralta and Belize from them.
That's the most depressing Germany I've seen so far. UK always collapses in my games. They get cucked by communist/socialist uprisings and enter a death spiral they can't recover from.
The few times that they do get communist uprisings in my games they either just whack the commies to death and then continue on as usual, or start spreading communism across the globe by.....blobbing as they had done so far. Even when I go out of my way to bring the Anglos down to Earth they tend to just slow their enroach, that's all.
But Britain should be stable, the issue is that every other usual great power is too unstable excluding maybe Russia.
Did technology spread get fucked or has the AI decided to not research certain technologies ever? Seeing this with certain Society techs as well as military.
I haven’t played since before sphere of influence. How’s the game now? Worth playing a couple saves?
> Divine Economics
>+25% Wages for state religion pops
This one?
Is that like minimum wage or is it different?
>It doesn't make any sense that states in Anatolia that are like 80% Turkish are wholesale joining the Greek revolt though.
Every revolt in this game has that problem. Though this is more retarded than most of the game's civil wars.
>And they still haven't fixed the issue with Britain being some stable paradise that effortlessly conquers the whole planet.
UK is often in constant turmoil in my games. It prefers to be either an autocratic monarchy or a theocracy... which says quite a bit about what Paradox thinks of GB's political climate in the 19th century.
>every other usual great power is too unstable excluding maybe Russia.
I never check to see if Russia deals with serfdom. I only managed it by exiling priests until one became a land reformer. You can never get another interest group in charge that cares about fixing that law.
Don't know but the AI seems to be doing worse than before, which means they'll have less to spend on teching
Ankara isn't part of that uprising. It is further east than that
Did you mean Istanbul?
Russia sometimes reforms but generally they never go too far, though i play with BPM so i don't know if its different in vanilla but i doubt it
>so i don't know if its different in vanilla
Orthodox Church supports serfdom, so you need the entire politics of a post-serfdom economy to remove serfdom and if you depose the landowners early, you just get the Church in power permanently.
t. seething slav/jew
Protip: if you limit fps to 30 in graphics options, your max gamespeed goes up. It's the only way to play past the early game.
Turns out that Chinese symbols in the metadata or the folder name of a mod can fuck things up.
it's revenge for the opium wars
I bought the new dlc since I had the rest already and I love wasting money.
Does it add flavour to any nation outside of India? Or is it only content for the shitskin sub-continent?
does something happen now that 1.8 is out? or is it still nothingburger the game?
i believe they broke a whole buncha shit and are now patching it
I think its only for the indian continent and its not much content

If anything there is probably too much big stuff going on like wars that are global, they already said they want to reduce those types of wars in the early game
Except colonialism works as intended and both the original anon and you are a pair of morons.

Why do you think nobody actually bothered with conquering any piece of China beyond bunch of ports (preferably signed by putting pressure on the Chinks, rather than actual war)?
Could it be because even the most power-hungry and imperialistic morons in national administrations of various European powers were aware this shit would drag their own country down for no actual fucking benefit in less than two generations of painful effort? Could it be that conquering pieces of China would also force others to do the same and/or dab on them for unbalancing the situation and steady profit?
You have only yourself to blame for doing something so stupid and the approach the resulting problem in the dumbest way possible.
>That budget
You are a fucking moron, holy shit
It works yeah, not sure what you mean though. If keeping slavery theres a mod to let them work all literacy jobs but you are still at a detriment because the slaves can't become educated for obvious reasons to fill skilled positions. If just wanting to fuck the yanks you can integrate negroes with cultural exclusion, I don't know if they can become a primary culture with the CSA though.
>all literacy jobs
Meant all labourer jobs
>no-one conquered china because it'd wreck their country
I thought it was because no-one expanded for reasons other than:
1) accidental private business affairs (see: India & Africa)
2) nationalist, i.e. there are people in the land taken who will join the army because they're compatriots who happen to live on the other side of a border (see: Franco-Prussian war)
and trading ports were all the business classes were interested in, because that's how India worked too, there's money in trading what peasants make or want, not in owning peasants.
The church might be useful if religion played a meaningful impact in game now that there are more succession movements. But broadly religion can still be ignored.
Dealing with taxation capacity only matters once you deal with peasants.
>would drag their own country down for no actual fucking benefit in less than two generations of painful effort?
Yeah, they knew that they could just let the Chinks rule themselves and get all the profits they could want by waving some dreadnoughts in front of them and forcing them into unequal treaties. Chinks would have to suffer all the problems that come with ruling, while Europeans would get all the benefits. But guess what nigger, you CAN'T replicate this shit in this dogshit game so your only options are to either ignore China or to conquer them and get 0(0) benefits. You COULD take a treaty port and export opium, but that's nowhere near enough in profit to match IRL, and trade is fundamentally broken as fuck and cancer in general so nobody even wants to bother with the mechanic. It also does not simulate the dominance Japan and the western powers had over China and what that meant for it, though "thankfully" this does not really matter as even without any such simulation China sits there the whole game with a thumb up its ass doing fuckall.
This game really needs integrate cultures mechanic from imperator. No reason I should accept all the what have you's of the world when there is a specific local minority I want to integrate.
Would it be more historically accurate for Austria to have Bohemia and Hungary as personal unions? I thought the Austrian empire was a semi-medieval mess of local privileges, noble estates, personal unions, and so on. Is this incorrect?
Not really, lot of power was centralized in Vienna, which was a major point of contention in real life. It would have actually been more accurate to represent Hungary as a PU only after getting the Austro-Hungarian compromise. They probably should have a modifier that gives them large LD as well.
>unite italy
>turns out I missed one state because they rivaled me for some reason
>now have good relations
There just never going to join me and I'll have to war them right?
They can still join you if the militancy of their population goes high enough for you to annex them passively.
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Which of these two are you having trouble with?
You could model most countries as centralised messes because they are, but that would make the game less fun.
>Scotland, England & Northern Ireland separate
>ALL colonies and territories are NOT a part of the same government
>the US is actually a collection of states in an economic bloc
>all current decentralised """nations""" are just wiped off the map because they don't actually exist
>China is actually the Forbidden City and a collection of decentralised feudal fiefdoms in an economic bloc that sometimes practices mass-auto-cannibalism
>Russia is actually St Petersburg (later Moscow) and a collection decentralised tribal states
>Carib and Latin American nations are now decentralised literally who nations (who own claims to their own lands to prevent colonisation via game mechanics)
If you start doing this, then you'll start demanding ridiculous things like the Federal Republic of Central America being split up into separate countries entirely.
Sounds great.
Are there any mods that allow me to use better available PMs in foreign factories ?
seconding this but I want to have foreign factories to not be in the same list so it doesn't ruin the layout
>spam sugar plantations in india to max level
>delete infastructure
EZ famine
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rate my third reich and my ukrainian nazi puppet regime
>I heckin made Germany larger
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>I made Germany larger
It's based.
I've got over 2000 hours total across CK2, CK3, and Stellaris.
Vicky looks like fun tho and I've been watching a lot of streams of it lately.
Is it good yet? Should I get the DLCs?
Nazi Ukraine is too small.
t. Zelenskyiv
Weak bait
I've really been questioning how much I like video games that perhaps this is my favorite game now. Why is my favorite game so boring?
Ur taste is shietz
Why isn't the Immersive Map mod still not updated to 1.8 reeeeeee
I can get either vic3 or eu4, both with the expansions. Big fan of vic2 and never played an eu game before.
Currently, is vic3 playable and with at least some content to justify buying it now?
It's the last chance I'm giving to paradox before pirating all their new releases or simply ignoring it and sticking with the classics
>Currently, is vic3 playable and with at least some content to justify buying it now?
Yes, but not worth any more than 100 hours of gameplay. Especially expansion is just not as fun as in other pdx games
Name three good games you still actively play
Eu4 used to be good but every update for the past 4 or so years has made the game worse.
Vic3 is garbage.

All nuparadox knows how to do is bloating their games with pre scripted modifiers and event spam. There is no dynamic gameplay and no attempt at simulation. Its all "wait for mana, click decision, pick the option that gives yoi a +10% peepeepoopoo, repeat". Even tje althistory aspect has been ruined, it is no longer about the player making decisions organically based on whats going on in the game, now nuparadox has pre made althistory prepackaged in the form of focus trees, so you get to pick the official path or the wacky dev approved althis.
Mount and Blade: Warband
Xenonauts 2
Victoria 2
>Currently, is vic3 playable and with at least some content to justify buying it now?
Not really. It's extortionate even half off in the sale.
It used to be a (commie) fantasy politics simulator but now it's just stagnant. Some players know how to get the game to do something but it's mostly just Build Wood Iron Tools the simulator.

Nothing in it is Victorian.

Ty for the info. Guess I'll just pirate one of them and buy a game from a dev that I don't actively hate
Nothing will change the fact it is a Stalinist central planning simulator with an awful user interface. The UI is actually getting *worse*, if you can believe it.
Capitalist put all their money intoa investment pool for greater good of the state.
>oh no I'm a gay and retarded Egypt pls don't take your cores back Sultan
>click 3(three) up arrows and move some trade around
>rank 15
he fell victim to one of the classic blunders!
I don't get it...
ottoman ai is weak, you just have to upgrade your starting troops as Egypt to be free from them after a short war
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Decided to try this game for the first time and I've heard horror stories about its performance, but it's not that bad (for my 2024 build) but it's bad even compared to modded Vic2. I get around 55 secs per year at max speed, did until 1840 as Switzerland zoomed out with these settings, which is on the higher tier for my Paradox games, comparable to EU4 with MEIOU mod. I assume performance gets much worse as time progresses.

Anyway, what are some good video/text tutorials that teach me some of the cooler details about the game? I don't have the patience for simplistic stuff, I know Vic, EU4 and HOI4 very well.
Good post.

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