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Reclaiming the fortress edition

Previous: >>1866866

Avaliable for free at https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/
or as a paid premium version on Steam or Itch.io

>What is the difference?
Both are the same game on the same version (50.14). The free version uses ASCII as a tileset (but you can mod other usermade tilesets and graphic packs)
With the premium version you pay for a premium tileset + premium OST + access to beta branches and steam integration (if on steam). ee version uses ASCII

>What is the status on Adventure Mode?
Adventure mode is currently in open beta in a near finished state that is officialy avaliable only through steam

Dwarf Fortress has an extensive wiki which can help you with your question about DF as well as providing info about modding and 3rd party tools:

>Tutorials :
Quickstart Fortress Mode: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Quickstart_guide
Quickstart Adventure Mode: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Adventure_mode_quick_start
Other tutorials: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Tutorials
>spend hours, days even, finding the right combination of tileset and colorscheme
>give up and go back to the default
Any critiques on this OP pasta? Anything missing that definitively should have been there
Hopefully I keept the spelling mistakes down to a minimum
What matters is that you actually generated a world and selected a location to strike the earth
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Well I've taken care of most of the corpses, still have a bunch of body parts and undead chilling in the hospital.
Now I have to figure out military, I don't have any metals other that gold and haven't tried getting leather yet, I also keep running out of seeds I think.
Adventure mode release this december or january? Place your bets. It seems to be almost done
Why would he do that?
So that he will actually play the game instead of OCDing over color schemes
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How long until what he alludes to in this video comes to fruition?
I don't care until the above is implemented... or magic.
Sadly leather armor is really bottom of the barrel as a material for armors. If you have no military grade metal at all on your map then you will have to survive on wooden and rock traps and rock weapons until you can trade or farm enough goblinite. You can also use wood trainining weapons so that your dorfs can at least train with something in the meanwhile
>video from 6 years ago
>47.01 date of release: 2020-01-29
>47.01 introduced creation of guildhalls and temples. Introduced traitors and villains. Many new events in world generation, organizations, sites, pets and mounts in adventure mode, light aquifers.

Considering that 47.xx is where DF was frozen due to premium development. I would say that some of that is already partialy in game. While the rest was supposed to come after adventure mode and before he jumped into myth and magic. But ever since Toady decided to drop the big thematic update format, I cant really tell for sure whats comming next until the Adventure mode beta ends.
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For the unknowledgeable, the Steam version of DF REQUIRES a new gen every RAW change due to mods not being baked into the save anymore.

How to remove gays from all creatures
open all creature RAWs


Replace in all opened files



Replace in all opened files

How to remove black dwarves
>creature_standard txt
line 436 replace line with

How to remove bald dwarves
>entity_default txt
replace line 862 with

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we back boys
>How to remove bald dwarves
Fuck off
the whole post is for those too dumb to figure out these things themselves, and was made to answer the questions of the steamfag explosion at the time.
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>everyone in the library suddenly starts fighting
But why?
It might have something to do with half a dozen of necromancers and a zombie
yes but id also like a small square curses set and im not sure if i like the 16x16 version that comes with lnp
i dont like how the default curses warps based on zoom level
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Im about to see what this chosen stuff is all about
you should say something about dfhack and some key mods (e.g. all civs playable, goblins have to eat - so you don't have only goblins in every world that's old) and also link to the advanced worldgen thread on bay12.
And some tutorials on youtube/twitch, like this:
is it true they got rid of capitalism because it would break the game?
It didn't break the game it was just stupid and didn't add anything except another way for your fort to die unless you engaged in excessive micromanagement. Remember back when seeing a dead body would lead to getting really sad and going crazy? It broke the game like that.
any updates on the adventure?
What they removed was a system where your fort dorfs would receive wages and have to pay bedroom rents and buy things they wanted like food, instead of just taking it from a stockpile.
It was removed because it caused lag due to coin stacks being tracked and multiplying out of control. And because it was janky as fuck and caused all sorts of troubles like your dorfs always going into negative balance because all the cooks in your fort were 3-start michellin, and the only food avaliable to buy were expensive masterwork meals
>any updates on the adventure?
I walked in circles looking for that temple since nobody could tell me anything about it when asking for directions, until I walked into a monastery compound with some armed goblins who initiated combat with one of my followers.
Then I got a maul to the noggin and died.

I did a search on legends and turns out the temple I was looking was exactly in same town I started and all had to do was talk to that guy above the text box >>1906079, and he would give a fetch quest to retrive what I suppose is some of the new stuff add or a piece of divine material. I try doing a take two later today
I have a goblin pit nearby with ~20 population, but no matter how many squads I send to raise they find nothing and it still stands. Is it a known bug, or am I doing something wrong?
I'm 90% sure it's a bug
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I like building as much shit as possible out of rocks.
Luv the rock furniture mod.
>rock furniture mod
but you can already make furniture out of rocks
coulda sworn you need a mod for stone beds and mine carts
I dont think you can make beds out of stone, but all the other furnitures are ok with it
You're validating that one spamming faggot that would not shut the fuck up about DF threads being a general before the rule change.
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So i dug into a cavern and and suddenly a bunch of trogs came out and started chasing my elephant.... Will they ever give up or do i gotta kill em ???
Do they have the hostile tag?
Anyways If they are running while chasing the elephant then they will probably tire out but that could also happen to your elephant + starvation since elephants need to be constantly grazing to survive.
But also there is a high possibility that your elephant could kill them if it desires to do so
Better kill them in anycase, they are pretty weak to anything with basic training and weapons
default ascii but square and with a custom color pallete is the peak DF experience
how does odd realm compares to DF? seems pretty cool and solid
I never played but it looks like DF if had no autism, which is both a good and a bad thing
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I wonder if that's all there is to it. I've been asked to retrieve the same items for a while now.
this shit is so addicting bvos....
Hah, you say that now, wait until you start making your own creatures and entities.
Once the modding starts, it will consume you.
>13 pop
>32 migrants
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Hey dwarf bros I'd like to report a bug :^)

This is my hospital, it has a good stock of
>gypsum plaster
>wooden splints
>wooden crutches
All stored in chests
>1 (one) traction bench for reasons that will become apparent
present and assigned also
>bone doctors
>just plain doctors
>chief medical dwarf
their labor is set to all healthcare except feed prisoners/patients and recover wounded, exclusive

So here's the bug: dwarf gets stuck on traction bench forever, with no treatment scheduled and no doctoring tasks being created
It's been plaguing this specific fortress for a couple decades now and I have no idea what causes it
I tried throwing away old traction benches and making new ones, recreating the hospital several times, pausing/unpausing the hospital it's all the same
If you have had any similar experience, advice on how to unfuck the hospital would be appreciated
Tried changing labor up a little bit with enabled feed prisoners/patients and recover wounded, non-exclusive, healthcare set to "everybody does this", everything
Same old shit, patient stuck in "in traction" and "no treatment scheduled" while doctors hang out in hospital with "no job"
Is he stuck on a traction bench that you cant deconstruct or he keeps going back to one everytime?
What does his heath tabs say? Does he actually has any open wounds untreated or he is just being a munchausen queen.
Did you assign the doctor[s] to the hospital?
>Is he stuck on a traction bench that you cant deconstruct or he keeps going back to one everytime?
I can deconstruct the traction bench and it's the only way to free the bastard, the 2 injured dwarves keep coming back waiting for traction
>What does his heath tabs say? Does he actually has any open wounds untreated or he is just being a munchausen queen.
Overlapping fractures and smashed apart for 2 dwarves

No, durr, who would do something like that?! I tried assigning all regular doctors and specialized doctors none of it works
I can only assume my chief medical dwarf is cursed because that's the only variable I didn't mess with
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Hospital remade from scratch in case the cavern mud somehow was messing something up
Chief medical dwarf left vacant
Minor injuries that don't need traction get resolved immediately
>Overlapping fractures
I remember having, or reading about overlapping fractures causing this kind of issues way back then (or that they might require that dwarf stay stuck in benches for quite a long time). There might be something writen about it in the wiki or in the bay12 forums
>Chief medical dwarf left vacant
OK that's dumb since it disables the hospital completely
New chief medical dwarf and a whole bunch of doctors, including bone doctors
No dice

>I remember having, or reading about overlapping fractures causing this kind of issues way back then (or that they might require that dwarf stay stuck in benches for quite a long time). There might be something writen about it in the wiki or in the bay12 forums
Yeah I'm not seeing compound fracture on the waiting list that might be it
Dorfs on bay12 say overlapping fractures are weird and every time you deconstruct the traction bench the fracture gets re-broken and you just need to let them cook (2013)
Someone smart also says using gui/gm-editor to remove overlapping flag from fractures fixes it (v0.47)
I will try both, but that's enough DF for today fuck I hate this dumb broken game
>Yeah I'm not seeing compound fracture on the waiting list that might be it
So, this dorf stuck in the bench has no wounds that require tending or that require immobilized rest but somehow he keeps getting flagged to be placed in a bench, from what Im understanding?

If all else fails and not even DFhack can fix his ass, then either accept the bdsm munchie queen in his new pemanent home or pray that you can exile his ass if you cant stand looking at him
>No, durr, who would do something like that?
You're supposed to assign doctors to hospitals in the newest version. In older versions would just work at whatever hospital had patients.
post the dwarves injuries
depending on severity they might be in traction for months
after a poison dust beast attack I had packed traction benches for almost a year as necrosis was rampant
>So, this dorf stuck in the bench has no wounds that require tending or that require immobilized rest but somehow he keeps getting flagged to be placed in a bench, from what Im understanding?
No, he has fractures that need setting but nobody is applying plaster or splints to him
Maybe traction comes first then plaster?

I'll try letting them cook it's just weird not having a doctor diagnose them or do anything
>If all else fails and not even DFhack can fix his ass, then either accept the bdsm munchie queen in his new pemanent home or pray that you can exile his ass if you cant stand looking at him
just flood the room with magma
>Maybe traction comes first then plaster?
I dont think I ever stopped to pay attention to this. I know that tactions are used when shit is real fucked up like removing organs and internal injuries and fractures, so I will assume that if splinters/plaster are required they will come after it.
I will second what the other Anon, some fractures dmight require the lil niggas to be bdsm'ed for some time until they heal.
You might as well check if he has the slow healing attribute, because that could mean extra time in the traction.
>+ premium OST
I pirated the steam version but deleted it as soon as I heard the song. Fucking disgusting, it's like the trannies at Kitfox are raping my ears.
That's a new item type, right? Does it do anything special?

You can use DFhack's full-heal (select the dwarf first) to make him pristine again, rather than removing a specific fracture through gm-editor.
Not the literal Goddess of Incest...
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley fags got really quiet right now
Hell yeah brother
sharty lost
>Shag Brother
>You can use DFhack's full-heal (select the dwarf first) to make him pristine again, rather than removing a specific fracture through gm-editor.
I want them to suffer for their sins or I would have sent them to the magma execution chamber
One of the dorf is lovers with a dorf I actually like so I don't want to do that
Adventure mode OST > Fortress mode OST
They have played us for absolute fools
dumbo question
haven't been following df since it released on steam, is there any fix to have ye olde keyboard controls back? or I'm just old?
no fix, nothing new yet either, so you're missing out on nothing, try the premium if you desire by grabbing it form here.
Full keybord support is probably going to be next on the to-do list after adventure mode is out in the next few months
If you want the old UI however, that is most likely not comming back, unless the Lua script update also a includes the abbility to mod UI. Then it will be up to modders to bring the old UI back
thanks anons. no real feelings about the new UI, since I didn't play around too much with it.
years using the keyboard controls and I have them hardwired in my brain
I played DF in 2014 then again in 2022 I can safely say the new UI is much easier to use because my fortresses have turned out way better with no extra effort

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