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I've finally succumbed to the 90% sale and got Northgard, and it's pretty fun so far. The pacing reminds me of Settlers series although mechanically the game is quite different. Anyone played it? What's your favorite faction? I haven't tested everyone but I like the Boar clan the most so far. I dunno if dlc factions are worth anything. From what I checked they're all kinda meh.
Got it last month. While i don't regret playing against AI is the worst shit ever as the ai clearly cheats.Fun game, play with people AI cheats non-stop
I'd prefer it wasn't zone based. Settlers had you expanding by building fortifications or simply placing the boundary markers in the area (but couldn't be defended without fortifications).
Is single player here good?
brah youre just bad i can easily beat AI
Single player is good. The game is a lot about managing your own base and expanding to new areas.
I probably won't touch multiplayer until I'm done with the campaign and I get the hang of skirmish with hard AI. Are there many servers for noob players anyway?

I guess it wouldn't work with the building limits the devs are going with.

Conquest mode is a ton of fun and has eaten up most of my playtime. Themed skirmish maps with some light progression with the perk unlocks
What's the best opening move? No doubt first scout hut, woodcutter hut and then I guess house for pop limit? Use two scouts to reveal surrounding tiles. Then colonize the region with food resource, make proper food resource building there and take one scout back for food production or wood if you haven't filled up woodmen limit. And then I dunno, depending on the recourse you have around. I don't know if food silos are so important in the early game. Port on the other hand strikes me as having high priority considering it's a generic building that generates gold and, more important, tech points. At least that's what I figure out from the few matches I played.
stop bullshitting man. I had seen ai spawn full army from one territory multiple times. No matter how bad i cripple their economy.
It reminds me of Cultures which I didn't like.
practice on normal nigga
nigga i'm not saying i can't beat the game i'm saying that the AI cheats your retard mouthbreathing
This game looks like AoE Online with a Viking thematic skin. Does it play like an AoE or what?
it plays nothing like AoE. Your ability to expand military is directly tied to how many territory "tiles" you control and how many buildings you have.
It's the snowballiest RTS ever but it's also much slower paced than any classic RTS so there is an audience that likes it
also winter can really fucks you up and morale really can destroy your game if you don't pay attention.
AI cheats in most games when you up the difficulty. That's where the difficulty comes from.
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Ai cheats in every single rts, gotta get a grip boomer lmao
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Who's in the right /vst/?
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purple hair nerd is right
>incels decide the solution is to get swole
>women decide they like twinks better
lmaoooo they can't win
The owner of the land and sheep reaps the benefits. Property rights are defined by whoever is strong enough to maintain their claim.
It's a good game and I like Horse clan the most. Being able to mine stone/iron at will is really nice. I wouldn't worry about dlc factions as the base game has good ones already in wolf and stag.
Will the goth girl have sex with me if I side with her?
Only if she accepts you into her harem, and you have to be willing to share her with the rest of the men
something > nothing
>Get asked a question about an attractive woman
>Immediately think of ntr scenario
Stop watching porn. Now.
>been thinking about how it would be neat if one clan could make like outposts outside their territory
>the newly announced clan does exactly that
Heh, look at that.
Yeah, Wolf is pretty nice with its early food from killing predator animals and being the clan (at least in the base game) with the most focus on combat. About the Horse clan I'm a bit surprise they didn't give them some soft of cavalry. I know vikings didn't really used those, but still. I kinda want to get Stoat Clan because of the Celtic vibe it gives me, but I don't get it how the duchies system suppose to work.
>start game
>try to forward settle choke points and defend them
>play for a bit, building an army that can beat my neighbors when in tandem with my towers if they choose to invade
>eventually have my army clearing that last remaining wolf den on my side of the choke points
>suddenly AI army appears and simply blows my Level 2 tower down like it is tissue paper
>send entire army to counter attack
>get stack wiped because they took absolutely no losses blowing my tissue paper of a tower away
>quit to desktop
For me it's overexpanding too rapidly and suddenly finding myself with no food in the winter. Also did you really have to use your whole army to wipe out the wolf den? Could use only a part of them.
What's the difference. With how easily towers can be taken down I can only assume that a couple of warriors or axe throwers would be destroyed along with the tower, and then there is that less I can throw at them during the counter attack.
Low T
AI usually focus fires the tower. If they attack your tower zone you can usually kill most or all of their force as they focus the tower.
It's pretty fun but made by trannies.
There are not really chokepoints in this game unfortunately. It’s better to build a compact realm and put towers in safer spots where they can be retreated to and fought around with many villagers to help.
I could use a pause key.
Yeah, could be useful in combat. Especial when fighting with wyvern since the wining move is to spread out your dudes so the fire breath doesn't hit more than one unit at once. But even in regular fight it would make easier to retire your wounded combatants. It feels so bad to lose your combat units since you usually run around with smaller party and each new warrior is one worker less in your economy.
So, anyone tried the new dlc clan?
just dont play multiplayer if you like the game
What's wrong with it?
filled with uber sweats who also rage
Aren't that every rts game?
It's worse here since the playerbase is small.

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