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Why did people hate heroes IV when it originally came out? Was it because it's ugly and it's not heroes III?
This. But also had some good new concepts mixed with many shitty new concepts.
The base game only had a six month dev cycle, so presumably they barely tested most of the mechanics.
it's hard to say if the game is ugly, it's definitely different stylistically from 3, a matter of taste... okay, I'll admit honestly that the animations of some units are pathetic. on the plus side, many interesting mechanics, atmosphere, sound&music design. I used to hate it, now it's one of my favorite.
Because it was bugged through the nose and lacked randomly generated maps. In other words: it was a broken game, and HoMM3 was still fresh and nobody saw any reason to move from a solid game to a broken turd.
It got eventually (mostly fan-) patched, and the game is genuinely fun on its own rights, but it doesn't change the fact it arrived half finished, since NWC was going down thanks to 3D0 bankruptcy.
S-tier OST
it was only like 60% finished
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>it's hard to say if the game is ugly
it was hideous as fuck and its art direction was all over the place. Like why would you make HOMM vampires into modern day draculas? Or cerberus' that looked like real life dobermans only with three heads. Not to mention the absolutely atrocious animations. The game was DOA because it didn't improve upon any aspect of HOMM3, it actively made them worse
>moves from hexes to grid
>the grid tile size is teeny tiny
lol wut
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What the fuck was his fucking problem?
It was rushed as all hell. Everything about H4 was bare bones.
>moves from hexes to grid
no, it's the opposite of good. It's a straight up downgrade
5 6 and 7 all demonstrate the superiority of the grid. there are many things you can claim 3 did better but the basic battle tile layout is not one of them.
>5 6 and 7 all demonstrate the superiority of the grid
by being nowhere near as successful or popular as 3?
argumentum ad populum in addition to avoiding the point, concession accepted
all you said is "grid better than hex because it better", what is there to concede? There is no argument at all
it's better because you have 8 degrees of freedom as opposed to six
and how is having 2 more degrees of freedom better in this type of strategy game? I'd argue it's worse, because it makes encirclement far more situational and environment dependent, and it also heavily reduces the tactical impact of diagonal abilities like dragon fire.
You still haven't really said anything of substance in favor of it
unplayably buggy like all 3d homm
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>Like why would you make HOMM vampires into modern day draculas?
Get blehpilled
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never noticed that they have eyes
>HoMM, the series that applies diagonal tax since inception, should go to hexes, because I'm retarded mathlet
Its absolutely piss fucking abhorrent UI might have played a role, yeah. But also the half-baked unbearably abhorrent 2.5D graphics, as ugly as a mortal sin portraits, unit designs drawn by a kid with a down syndrome and city screens being literally just random nonadjacent building boxes on the steps instead of organically fitting together.
Yeah, it'\s absolutely piss fucking ugly in every aspect of its existence, except for music. It's shit. H5 did all these gameplay mechanics better while not looking like a frigid piece of diarrhea.
>a matter of taste
No,. it's not a bloody "matter of taste". The UI is all over the place, it's objectively a piece of shit.
>nowhere near as successful or popular as 3?
LMAO. The only way 3 managed to become more popular than 5 again was the release of HotA. Post-5 are all shit tho, true.
>How is having degrees of freedom better in a strategy game
Gee, who knows. Maybe because you can bloody move straight instead of zig-zaging like a retard on the hexshit grid. Or mauybe because you have to actually physically block large 4-hex units instead of relying on the retarded hexshit grid's peculiarity that doesn't allow 1-hex wide 2-hex long units pass through 1-hex wide gap?
Have you tried not eating shit for once in your pathetic life, you absolute drooling hexfaggot?
cool opinions and ad hominems without saying anything of substance. You really won this argument! I guess grids are better, because... they better! Woah
3 was far more popular than 5, cope and seethe troon. Check the google popularity of fucking your mom, the entire planet had her
>Or mauybe because you have to actually physically block large 4-hex units
thats why its worse, not better. Have you ever played HOMM and thought wow I love how I need all my units to surround one unit?
>The only way 3 managed to become more popular than 5 again was the release of HotA.
Literally wrong the whole reason it's kept such an active modding community is because HoMM3 has maintained popularity since its release, mostly among slavs. It's not like HotA came out and people were like 'oh wow, remember HoMM3 a new mod came out of nowhere'
The user interface sucked dick. Also it was too hard for Slavs, they like the feeling of being smart but are too dumb to actually be smart.
>Why did people hate
I like it.
Never met anyone IRL who said they hated it.
Neither have I
Never met anyone IRL who said they played HoMM4 though
I don't really talk to people in general
>Also it was too hard for Slavs
Nah, it wasn't hard at all. The computer straight-up didn't have the ability to use hero-less armies (never got programmed in) so you could just spam single-unit stacks to pick up all the random resources. You could also use said single-unit stacks to tarpit the computer's heroes, since they'd lose movement points going after your bait.
I think they felt it was too ugly and different from the previous two.
>Also it was too hard for Slavs
what is hard about not being able to construct every creature dwelling? It's just shit design
>I don't really talk to people in general
Fair enough.
because it was different and normalfags hate innovation
I still remember installing it, seeing the clusterfuck of an interface, looking at that 45 degrees turned world map, seeing that they merged towns together and you had to choose units, heroes on the battlefield and noped the fuck out.

H5 is probably the game with best combat but they made the towns too big and the mechanics too complex so losing a town is basically a death sentence.
Cope, seethe and dial 8, the graph shows it all. Deal with it, butthurt fags, lol.
Having more degrees of freedom is better than having less degrees of freedom. Get that through your thick skull, shitface clown.
No, that's why it's better, not worse: because it doesn't look like a retarded game engine contraption gimmick. Deal with it.
More like because it was an ugly unfinished piece of shit that nobody wanted to deal with when there was a perfectly functional 3. A couple years later 5 took the systems from 4, made them better and more, and everybody loved it.
He supported Kreegan globohomo and if you follow it to its natural conclusion, got Axeoth blown up by the Ancients too
>Having more degrees of freedom is better than having less degrees of freedom.
>that's why it's better, not worse: because it doesn't look like a retarded game engine contraption gimmick.
it isn't. Sometimes, less is more. Get that through your thick skull, shitface clown. Deal with it. Deal with it, butthurt fag, lol.
Aww, a hexfaggot ran out of arguments and got butthurt, how cute. Squeal louder, hexfaggot bitch.
literally the only person squealing, whining and bitching are you. You still haven't said anything beyond "it's good, because it is! I'm autistic, accept my headcanon right now OR ELSE!!!"
Aww, a gridfaggot ran out of arguments and got butthurt, how cute. Squeal louder, gridfaggot bitch.
It was a rushed and half-finished mess. As it commonly happens it was an unrealistically ambitions project that wanted to reinvent the wheel aaand it didn't go as planned and it was just when 3DO was going bankrupt and getting sold to UBISOFT. Everyone was quitting their work and the project was doomed it is a small miracle that it released at a playable state and even got an expansion.
Squealing hexfaggots on suicide watch.
It got at least two expansions.
>show proofs and arguments
>Having more degrees of freedom is better than having less degrees of freedom... because... UGH, it just is, OKAY???
exactly two, equilibris doesn't count since it's a glorified patch
>AI has no pathfinding and literally trips over its own legs
>Insists the game was hard in any way to anyone
Strategy is over.
It tried to reinvent the wheel in the time the studio REALLY didn't have the means to do such a thing succesfully. (also that intro cutscene with blowing up of Enroth and ending the world of Heroes 1-3 and M&M 1-8 bothered a lot of people)
It was developed and released while New World Computing (due to the failures of their parent company 3DO) was in the process of dying.
They had no money, no time, no resources, or anything else really to make a complete game.
New features were either controversial (heroes being killable in battle, units reduced from 7 tiers to just 4, new units spawning daily instead of weekly, replacing uprading units with choosing between two exclusive different units per tier etc.) or not enough to compensate for features that were just removed for no good reason (especially lack of random map generation)
It also was the first 3d game in the series and its looks aged horribly.
At least it ended up in a better state than Might and Magic IX I guess...
My best memories of any HOMM is running around one of the campaigns with eventually hilariously overpowered mage that steamrolled everything completely without troops. HOMMIV was janky and unpolished to say the least but I still consider it the best of the series.
The best part about this game was the music, until you realize it's just taken from a Celtic tunes music library.
BTW you can find them in a more professional orchestration if you search for the artist Yogitea
>also that intro cutscene with blowing up of Enroth and ending the world of Heroes 1-3 and M&M 1-8 bothered a lot of people
This had more to do with me losing my virginity than anything else
Heroes III's music was also heavily sampled, so not surprising at all.
You got any leads what the original tracks might have been?

I've read Paul Romero had to use existing music for all adventure map themes because NWC gave them like a couple weeks to work on it in total.
Because it allows for a larger pool of tactical decisions.
And another argument is that your units don't have zig-zag in combat.
It wasn't so much them trying to reinvent the wheel, as rather this concept, can't fucking remember what's the proper name for it, that during the development process there's only so many unproven elements that the product can end up having without evoking unpredictable risks. Or something along the lines. Basically if you have, say, an airliner model that needs to be improved, it is generally a bad idea to design the next variant with new engines, new high-lift device, new fly-by-wire, new airframe, new software and new fuel all at once.
I think, this is precisely what happened with H4: not only it deviated too much, but also a large portion of additions and alterations were either outright bad, or poorly arranged.
Look at, idk, AoW:PF, for example. It radically changed the setting and added unit modifications, but kept the tech tree, perks system, "spells" and the mechanics of cities, armies, heroes and units. So even if something about its new elements was to go wrong, that wouldn't have taken the whole game down with it.
And with H4, Enroth was destroyed, the graphic style changed dramatically, the visual design got twisted beyond recognition, the UI was shuffled and left mismatched, the skill system became more complex, the magic was shuffled (no idea if it was also rebalanced in any way), town development trees and the selection of units got forked, unit upgrades were removed and units abilities expanded, combat mechanics and the geometry of movement and of the battlefield itself were changed, army management and the balance of power in combat changed drastically.
This is just what I could remember off the top of my head. You can argue about the pros and cons of any of them, but the sheer amount and the ubiquitous nature of these elements made the whole game fundamentally incompatible with H3.
Wasn't province management the biggest difference between PF and 3?
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Before the thread devolves more, help a newfag out and help me "get" these games
I tried 2 and got my ass pounded, tried 5 and was dragging myself through the tutorial, then tried King's Bounty
I came in expecting more puzzly combat, like Duelyst, but should my mentality be more like a 4x? Perhaps a shite comparison, but in the broader sense that combat is auto-skip or a quick 30 second highest animation speed resolve because the point isn't so much the combat itself, it's the lead up and result of it?
Because that's where I'm guessing the juice is - the pressure of the AI exploring expanding their domain towards yours, the balance of building your cities up vs cashing out on X unit vs Y unit vs upgrading Z, all while your investing in the tech tree that are your heroes? Is that right?
The part I struggle with is that most 4x has the constant decision point of what to prioritize in your production queue, with Units taking away from your precious time and resources that could be put towards the other X's. Because HOMM lets you build once per turn, it feels like you should always build up until you can't and wait for the gold to come in to cash out in units or rinse and repeat. There's no workers, no trade routes to be made. Which is fine, it puts the emphasis on the heroes and the combat and uh yeah, that's where it falls apart for me.
KB had a stronger hook at the start with all the units having the 3-4 abilities, but it took only a few battles to realize it plays second fiddle to how big your stack is and at that point, the game feels more like I'm deciding 'do I stop for gas now or later'. So I figured I rather auto-resolve HOMM battles than drag through KB's if the battle is the least important part.
>if the battle is the least important part.
if the minutia of what happens during the battle is the least important part, assuming the AI doesn't fuck it up*
>I came in expecting more puzzly combat, like Duelyst
I don't think there is any other game with combat as puzzly as Duelyst. Maybe the new Metal Slug tactical game.
There's no complete list as far as I know, but people have found a few of the samples over the years. Here's a few and also one shitty animoprhs game that also used the same drum sample used in the h3 battle theme:

He's also known to have to used some of those royalty free sound effects library cds and mp3 dot com (which was a site where you could get legal samples) back when that was still alive.
Complete Celt from AMG
Last time I heard it was The Witcher 3 I think, but it's an extremely common sample pack in vidya.
Not that I remember, but it's been quite a bloody while since I last played 3, so might be the case.
The point I'm making is that when you boot PF your eyes might first bleed a little from the psychedelic gamma and some elements might be different from 3 that I have forgotten about, but it still fundamentally plays like an AoW game. You don't feel completely lost in a clusterfuck of changes, a large portion of which is just outright terrible and buries under itself the few good ones that might be good.
This is what differs H4 from H5, and explains the spectacular success of the latter: it had new graphic style but with some elements of familiar visual design, it had drastically different UI which however wasn't a mess, it had the skill system which followed directly from H4, and same with the magic, the town development was back to normal, units had upgrades again while also retaining some H4-esque abilities, geometry of movement and the battlefield changed, but combat mechanics, army management and the the combat power balance were basically back to their normal H3 states. And being a finished product not released on the brink of bankruptcy also helped, lol.
Yep, H5 was a return to H3 in many ways, while still keeping a fair bit of H4 under the hood. Which was the best spot for H4 mechanics.
The only times HoMM combat can be at least somewhat puzzly is either if you're not really good and end up having challenging battles on normal maps, or if you're quite good and play custom community maps and ladder PvP.
Again, whether one should build up or not depends on the map (or the template), its size, its density, the faction of choice, the difficulty. I mean sure, nobody can stop you from playing like you're a kid in 2001 if that's fun for you, but there are other strategies too.
Idk what you're trying to achieve comparing HoMM to 4x, honestly. They're strategy games, there's nothing particularly peculiar here to "get". Your whole post feels like you've cruise-controlled into digging for some min-maxed meta essence of it.
Neither my screen nor the ingame battlefield are round.
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>allows you to cast Fortune with only basic nature
nothing personal
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I liked H4 more than H3 and even got Romero himself to sign my copy of it after a concert.
>your whole post feels like you've cruise-controlled into digging for some min-maxed meta essence of it.
more trying to understand if I'm being a zoom zoom not finding the game boring or if I just have the wrong expectations
So what's the verdict, is he based or cringe?
I vote based, he's made it possible after all.
he makes nice music and is a very cool guy irl.
also i want to dress like him.
it's hard to hate him, why would you even?
the definition of based.
Who the fuck ever thought he's cringe?
For me it was the balance. Even by 3s standards it was bad.
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>staggeringly hideous early 3D graphics
>lowest amount of unit diversity of any HoMM game, which ironically is the result of them striving for more diversity with their mutually exclusive building system
>the campaigns and missions lacked flavor like cut scenes, instead you got walls of text thrown at you
I won't criticize them for their absurd balancing decisions, because games can still be fun, despite not being balanced. The difference between an early hero unit and a level-up hero is stark. You can completely neglect your army and just use your hero to win.
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It deviated far too much from the formula and changed things that weren't in need of being changed. And also it was super fucking ugly even by that year's standards
Who's a demonology chad in this thread?
Try Eador Genesis if you want something more like a true 4x heroes/KB game
I've been playing Songs of Conquest and like every game of this genre, the AI difficulty is retarded
>normal is too easy, the AI is just sitting in his own base waiting to get annihiliated
>hard is only reasonable if you rush them with a cheese build
>very hard and above are outright impossible unless you specifically learn the AI logic to perfectly counter it asap, lest they cheat themselves multiple high level armies on turn 8 and come rape you
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I can't get enough of Heroes II aesthetics
Is classic HoMaM woke if their music composer was a fag?
Homm4 ost was the best thing to ever come out of a gay man's bathroom
>First World Problems
You don't belong here if you're not gay for Romero
He was the coolest character in that game.
Half the reason I like HoMM4 as much as I do is his campaign.
He's worse than Gelu
Why are you like that? :(
Gelu got everyone killed over muh Armageddon's Blade
Gauldoth most certainly got everyone killed over his Kreegan inclusive Pride Parade
>buggy as fuck
>hero being a combat unit devalued creatures
>daily spawning made for weird pacing and planning.
>isometric combat view didn't really showcase creature models that well.
I don't hate it, now what?
>diagonal tax
play it, share stories and screenshots
I turned Sandro into a god-skeletor as he should be, capable of killing whole armies and a megadragon all by himself
No, that spells SPLICCI
>isometric combat view didn't really showcase creature models that well.
Oh yeah, good point, this too. I think it's possible to make it work in isometric with changed initial army positions, but as it is in the game you're basically looking at your units' backs for the majority of combat duration.
Disciples II also has this retarded over the shoulder view. Disciples I at least had your army facing the screen.
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>Disciples II also has this retarded over the shoulder view. Disciples I at least had your army facing the screen.
but your army was facing you in disciples 2 too
Fuck me, you're right. For some reason I was convinced that it was the opposite. Oh well, I've replayed DI some time ago, but haven't played DII for like 20 years.
pics or it didn't happen
Not him, but that's not particularly impressive. Any hero can be made into a god by just getting high enough combat, melee and resistance and stacking some good Life or Nature buffs.
sad how little attention this game seems to be getting here, they announced Romero ost and no one cares.
I pity you guys for never daring to actually play online.
Despite all the aggressive marketing it's getting on social media, it just looks like mediocre slop or in other words people are gonna play it for like a month or so and then just go back to heroes 3. The problem with cult classic games like this is that devs are in a catch 22 situation. If they make it too similar to homm3 it will absolutely not able to compete and people will just play h3 again. If they make it too different people will hate it on arrival and it'll bomb hard. Heroes 3 also has the added complication of already having a good fan made graphical patch (HD mod) and a team of russian autists creating regular high quality ''expansions'' (HotA) so trying to dethrone h3 is a major uphill battle.

The best case scenario would be if they made something like heroes 5, but from all the promotional videos I've seen, the olden days just looks like heroes 3 with less content. Also by calling it ''the olden days'' they're trying to appeal to the giga-lore autists that would despise it for the most inconsequentially microscopic of errors in the lore so good luck with that. lol

This is why no one cares. Slavs can tell from a mile away that this is gonna be a 5/10 at best like the vast majority of homm3 clones.
I know, I just wanted to see some pics in this thread
pretty much this. Also
>uniform one hex unit sizes
when I play a strategy game, I want more strategy features, not less.
I want deep and complex mechanics, not shallow and simplified.
I want unique inspired faction and unit design, not generic low poly mobileslop warcraft-ified designs
>not generic low poly mobileslop warcraft-ified designs
World of Warcraft and its consequences have been a disaster for game design
why hasn't anyone bought the Might and Magic license from Ubisoft??
Most likely, Ubisoft simply won't sell it. And even I they would be willing to sell it, I doubt many studios could afford it.
HoMM fans are unbelievably conservative. Remember they sent death threats to the devs for considering adding the sci-fi faction to H3. So yeah, the innovations were what many people were pissed off about without actually considering if they're good or bad.
There are some technical issues - the first version lacked multiplayer IIRC, the AI is dumb as bricks, it can't even recruit from the creature portal in nature town. The aesthetics aren't great, the town screens definitely suck, though the rest has been a bit overblown.

>HOMM vampires
This is a good example of the fans' conservatism that is actually just dumb H3-defaultism. H2 vampires were Dracula-style too, and so were they in King's Bounty (1990). But I don't remember anyone whining about H2 with this argument.

>also that intro cutscene with blowing up of Enroth and ending the world of Heroes 1-3 and M&M 1-8 bothered a lot of people
I think like the first 3 or 4 MM games took place in a whole other world. The lore was already ridiculously complex, Marvel-tier. Blowing it all up was fairly reasonable, to get rid of the narrative ballast that the writers could probably barely follow at that point. The real mistake IMO, again purely from the narrative viewpoint, is that the situation of discovering a whole new world was barely explored or utilised in the campaigns, the world felt generic and already largely "filled up".

Damn that second one was just copy-pasted. Great music, though.
I noticed the sample in one of the battle tracks was also used by JM Jarre - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRhvxb8HD88 (right at the start), I think I've even heard it in some ringtone.
>And being a finished product not released on the brink of bankruptcy also helped
Funnily enough this almost didn't happen. This bit of HoMM history seems half-forgotten now, but the fans were furious and protested and made Ubisoft delay the release for I think a few months, because according to the testers it was still buggy as fuck, so they wanted the devs to got more time to patch it up. Possibly saved the game...
Who's buying, lol? the only people right now who are probably capable of doing decent Heroes game are Triumph, and they have their own TBS.
>But I don't remember anyone whining about H2 with this argument.
Because H2 is otherwise a good game, and even the retarded h*llywood vampires there are at least made in a nice artstyle, not this ugly garbage. And also because H3 didn't exist when H2 released, but did exist when H4 released, so people had an example of superior art at hand.
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>This is a good example of the fans' conservatism that is actually just dumb H3-defaultism. H2 vampires were Dracula-style too, and so were they in King's Bounty (1990). But I don't remember anyone whining about H2 with this argument.
because heroes 2 vampires fit the fantasy setting and aren't fucking modern day restaurant waiters, you're blind and retarded if you think they're the same thing
They missed the brilliant design of Heroes III where half of the skills are obviously awful/useless and it made them feel smart when they picked the good ones over them.
HoMM 5 was peak of the series (minus the warcraftian art style), we will never ever get a HoMM game that is as good as 5 was
For the lack of a more relevant thread, I'll be posting here
>Newest VCMI update with AI logic revision, QoL features, tweaks and fixes
VCMI is a HoMM3 engine made from scratch, with its own launcher and mod repository
>It is now possible to import data from Heroes Chronicles (gog.com installer only) as custom campaigns
Olden Era is confirmed to have Romero and Heroes Orchestra.
Bro it can have all the best music in the world, I'm still not gonna play fucking hexes after getting V-pilled
How the fuck? Why would anyone thing that?
>its not Heroes 3
Yeah, rabid fanbase is rabid.

I love it. Sure, it has a lot of issues, and i hate that they lumped in Hell and Undead into one bunch, as well as skipped entirely on Swamp, AND did not include upgradable units and forced you to choose between two units for T2, T3, T4. However, i absolutely love the fact that you can field heroes in direct combat and you can assemble an army entirely consisting of heroes. At that point its just sublime. I love it, and the expansions are great too.
No, it is S+ tier OST.
Cartoony shit. The only things it got right were upgradable units and better faction identity.
Thats how circle works on a grid. You need to use hexagons.
5 did literally every single thing better than any other entry in the series except for the visuals
If ubisoft simply released a remastered 5 but with better graphics and artstyle, it would be a smash hit
>with better graphics and artstyle
Nah, it would be still shit. Cannot fix atrocious dumbed-down gameplay.
All the versions released over the last year cause a CTD for me whenever I click single scenario, even after emptying out the maps folder in case there was an incompatible map or something.
it was mostly royalty-free stock music
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>they're trying to appeal to the giga-lore autists that would despise it for the most inconsequentially microscopic of errors in the lore
we already do
>Dumbed down gameplay
But enough of 3 compared to 2.
I remember not liking it at the time primarily because they changed the factions from distinct cultures and races into ideologies. It made it feel generic and soulless to me. Plus no random map generator because I loved playing on random maps. I think you also couldn't go into the map editor and have it generate a random map as a baseline like you could in earlier games, which I loved doing so I could play around to make my own maps without having to do everything from scratch.
>play fucking hexes after getting V-pilled
what is it about olden era fans thats just pants on head retarded wrong all the time? They literally claim black is white
Definitely wasn't royalty-free tho.
Hexagons < Squares
Imagine if ubisoft put the money into remaking the graphics instead of whatever olden era is supposed to be.
don't you mean Hexagons > Squares? Because that's the objective truth...
Just because Homm3 was the only game you could get over in Eastern Europe doesn't make it the end all be all of gaming.
what does your projection have to do with anything? Olden era is the only game you can get in your niggerstan, doesn't make it end all be all of gaming
Or you realise you have a COMPUTER FUCKING GAME that runs on a really advanced calculator and thus there is no fear of adding 1.33 multiplier on diagonal movement and said movement being counted in four-digit numbers, because the machine can compute it all at an instant.
But nah, let's act like it's a board game and one that need to be handled by 5 yo.
>getting V-pilled
Oh look, it's retarded
Squares being superior is not even up to debate, however I'm not sure whether side attacks and backstabs in 6 were a good idea. Kind of made battles a lot more map-dependent
>Cartoony shit
With better artstyle than any other game in the series, bar for 3. Fuck off, pig, 5 was glorious.
>atrocious dumbed-down gameplay
LMAO, this faggot never even played it. Literally best gameplay int he whole series, and by far at that. 5 is the pinnacle of Heroes gameplay, and its overwhelming popularity easily beating H3 proves that. Get fucked, pig retard.
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Never knew/noticed. Thanks, anons.
I still Paul is a pretty cool guy.
>Literally best gameplay int he whole series, and by far at that.
LMAO, this faggot never even played it.
Squares are inferior to hexagons, deal with it. Hexagons are superior in every single way, allow more tactics, strategy, options, etc Just go play with toys, that's more your intellectual level
I liked it, but mostly because it was my "first games" phase. Helped me a lot with reading longer texts and ironic to the internet, when i first opened homm3 after, i thought it looked visually like shit.
In hindsight the mechanics were of course pretty dumbed down to it's predecessors and certain campaigns, not even talking about the expansions, were certainly rushed.
All that said, i die on the hill that it was an excellent game for children. One might say the original audience for a colourful fantasy game.
>more tactics, strategy, options
>2 less ways to approach each tile
No surprise though, I didn't expect a double digit IQ hexlet to comprehend basic math anyway
>2 less ways to approach each tile
but enough about squares
trolling or retarded?
just superior. You wouldn't get it, go back to plebbit and play your square babby games
You speak like a discord mod.
> giga-lore autists that would despise it for the most inconsequentially microscopic of errors in the lore
If you're alluding to shitfests like Conflux replacing Heavenly Forge or insectoid aliens becoming unironic demons from hell then those were MACRO trangressions agaist M&M lore
discord mods are peak redditors, try again.
Well that was the gayest thing ever.
Anyway what the fuck were 3do playing at making all the vanilla cmps be mirror matches?
I don't outright hate them and they lent themselves to some decent story but that's probably the single strangest design choice out of all of them for me.
Lol, what a bitch. I bet you only ever played HotA ladder PvP on JC.
Why are you squealing, bitchfaggot zoomer?
Stop bumping your stupid thread, faggot.
Aww, bitch zoomer is crying because he never played it.
Why are you squealing, bitchfsggot zoomer?
Why are you squealing tho, zoomer bitchfag?
Why are you squealing, bitchfsggot zoomer?
Zoomer bitch cope, LOL.
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It's here. You now learn spells with Eagle Eye before the battle starts and can look at enemy hero's spells. First Aid Tent gives HP to your units and First Aid (skill) makes it lose no more than 40% hp in a hit. Ballistics gives 100% accuracy to the catapult and makes it lose no more than 40% hp in a hit. Artillery makes Ballistas and Cannons lose no more than 40% hp in a hit. Spell specialists boosted across the board. And much more.
fucking nice. Why can't slavs just take over gaming industry as a whole? Americans just produce endless goyslop for trannies and niggers
WoG did it better
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But wait... there's even more.
i'm one of the few that like that your heroes were on the battlefield
WoG did it worse
yeah but did they add Forge yet?
Why are you squealing, bitchfsggot zoomer?
>First Aid Tent gives HP to your units
Correct me if I'm wrong but the patch notes imply you have to have the First Aid (skill) to get this benefit as well. Still good though obviously.
Combat is great
It's the overworld mechanics that suck
Ah, I thought the skill boosts this new ability further, but you're correct. You need the war machine and the skill to get additional health. Sorry for the confusion.
The 5's overworld mechanics are a carbon copy of 3's. Dark energy bullshit sucks, but at least it's compensated by the ability to pick the units to resurrect.
Almost. There is one difference tho. Castles are too big. Which results in fewer castles around the map which makes the matches into snowballs with little to no chance to recover if your castle gets taken.
That sounds better then the eternal grindfest that is dealing with things.
Then play larger maps. You can just as well lose your town, capture another one and play with it instead, as you could in 3.
And who the fuck loses his own home town anyway? Unless you specifically play 1v8 on S template.
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>Cannot fix atrocious dumbed-down gameplay.
>t. filtered by picrelated

>into snowballs with little to no chance to recover if your castle gets taken.
Quite false.
I hope they take a long time cooking these sprites cause god damn they look buttugly in the overworld
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:D :D :::-DDDd
>t. filtered by picrelated
It really is the ultimate filter, it seems. The absolute braindead mongrels just can't comprehend how amazing the skill wheel was at adding depth and interesting complexity to every new hero.
It's literally the best thing that happened in the whole game series from its conception.
How much pain I'd subject myself to with my plans of porting HotA graphical fixes back to SoD? I'm using HD launcher to play, and so I had an idea of using its plugin feature to achieve this. Never did any modding before, wonder if much of the stuff is hardwired so merely fiddling with .lod files won't be nearly enough.
if you don't know you probably shouldn't be trying.
i don't want to be mean, programming is just complicated.
You slander Gelu as if Kilgor wasn't a complete chimpanzee that refused to admit defeat
The game may be a mess but the concept of post-post apocalypse was pretty neat, at least for the base campaings
Its one huge flaw was randomness tho
But it was way less random than the skill system in 3, because it offered a choice between skills and perks to already existing skills, and then also racial perks to a completely different tree on top of that, which DRASTICALLY reduced the chance of you having to chose from 4 things that you have completely no interest in or no plans for on this particular character. Especially if you weren't playing retarded and, say, first completely filled all your skills, so you then only get perks to chose from.
It's the best it could be outside of just giving you a free choice from basically a talent tree, which at that point would be a completely different system with a different dynamic to the one native to Heroes games.
>things that you have completely no interest in or no plans for on this particular character
I wish the undesirable skills in 3 were like this. Instead they're actually just universally awful or useless.
>Its one huge flaw was randomness
It's actually not a flaw, just like much tighter limit of skills to pick comparing to 3 where you've always have a room for Logistic and Air/Earth magic (mass Haste/Slow).
And unlike III there were no useless categories.
The latest HotA update finally attempts to fix them. Stuff like this, and more:
>[+] Eagle Eye gives the hero a 40/50/60% chance to learn each opponent's 1-3/4/5 level spell before starting a combat and when a spell is cast in battle. Allows the player to view 1-3/4/5 level spells in the opponent's spellbook in combat. If both heroes have Eagle Eye, it is mutually blocked (similar to Tactics)
>[+] Learning increases the hero's experience gains by 25/50/75%. Gives the hero an extra level-up immediately when picking or upgrading the skill
>[+] First Aid gives the First Aid Tent the ability to increase the HP of all creatures in the hero's army by 5/10/15% (rounded down) while the Tent is not destroyed
>[+] Luck triggered in combat now increases damage by exactly 2 times, instead of adding +100% to base damage alone
>[+] Triggered luck or bad luck now changes the damage inflicted on every target hit, instead of just one
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No, it did not. Nobody likes this ugly eyesore trash except for the extremely tiny minority of delusional fans of it. WoG-fags have always been the butt of the jokes in Heroes community, and it's well deserved.
>wacky new facitons
not WoG
You're butthurt.
>>[+] Luck triggered in combat now increases damage by exactly 2 times, instead of adding +100% to base damage alone
>[+] Triggered luck or bad luck now changes the damage inflicted on every target hit, instead of just one
The fuck is wrong with HoMM3 modmakers?
What's wrong with this?
it's not free but it's royalty-free
You don't have to be this pathetic to try to pretend you have a point. How many years did HotA cling to its atrocious idea of balance? All you monkeys looked at vanilla Eagle Eye and thought "this is fine"?
better late than never, sour grapes-kun
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HotA really is irrelevant to the fact that WoG is, has always been and will forever remain a completely fucked up retarded piece of eyesore shit made with zero care. Deal with it, butthurt dipshit: WoG was laughed at by literally everyone except for a couple retards who played it 20 years ago, and it didn't change a bit. Nobody likes your retarded over the top garbage, your shitty eclectic UI, your map objects from 4 stuck in 3 and basically anything about it.
The absolute and overwhelming majority would rather have the original Eagle Eye in the game, than to ever touch your absolutely obnoxious piece of shoolkid-designed shit of a mod.
Nobody likes it.
Holy cope

>your shitty eclectic UI
Genuinely, what UI? And everything else you said makes no sense. Unless you never realized it's modular? You installed every additional mod there is and turned on every single option and feature like you're braindead and then go on to complain.
>popular thing GOOD unpopular thing BAD
lmao the state of HotA's players speaks for itself
>Literally everyone in the Heroes community pointed fingers and laughed at this absolute piece of shit mod since the times before I was born
>It is they who are in the wrong
Nobody cares about your excuses, butthurt retard.
Deal with it.
You argue like a 12 year old and it's sad how unaware you are
Looks like it hit a nerve, lol. Piss off.
HotA > WoG, simple as. Always has been. Cope and seethe, troon. Go play your little diablo 2 tier recolored units and called something else.
HotA is shit for beta male slavs buttblasted by Resistance and always has been
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I couldn't care less lol I still play 5, it will never get better than 5
Why? The new assassin's creed will flop, ubisoft will be forced to sell off less important IPs to ward off bankruptcy, HoMM will be picked up by some irrelevant pseudoindie studio with more diversity officers than programmers, they will announce a "reboot", release a game so horrifically terrible that even ubisoft's entries would put it to shame, and then the series will finally die for good.
>ubisoft will be forced to sell off less important IPs to ward off bankruptcy
>HoMM will be picked up by some irrelevant pseudoindie studio
more like another corporate moloch that will rape it repeatedly until it's firmly in the ground and not moving anymore
Which corpo would bother picking HoMM up though? It's a comatose series in a niche genre, I don't think anyone who's born after 2005 even knows what HoMM is, no way any big company would greenlight a purchase this unpromising
you said it yourself. It would be worth peanuts. Anyone from take-two to sega
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Best case scenario would be Triumph Studios. But you're right, realistically it won't ever get better than 5 and the only things that the series will see in the future is either oblivion at best, or complete """modern gaming""" treatment butchering at worst.
>I don't think anyone who's born after 2005 even knows what HoMM is
All i dream about is Chinese mobile game money
You'll regret saying that. The Chinese do love HoMM, if you didn't know. Era of Chaos is still alive and kicking.
clash of heroes was good
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>The Chinese do love HoMM
>Era of Chaos
Lol. The Chinese are simps, they love being miled for money by F2P P2W software while commuting to work and back. That's all that their """gaming""" is. Just like with every other gook """gaming""" industry, if only maybe partially except for Japan.
I hope that underwater cables get cut. I hope every subhuman zoomer simp gets disconnected from their phone and is thrown back into the times of dialup. I hope all the subhuman parasite corporations that breed the generation after generation of mindless CONSOOMer simps get burned down, their staff impaled on stakes on every street of every city in the world. Then and only then we will be able to return to the times when genuine people made genuine games for genuine audience, not thi9s subhuman filthy faggot simp shit.
He's afraid. What are you going to do if Tencent buys the IP?
Rejoice because tencent at least has a chance of not fucking it up
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I'm going to do nothing, just like with all other goyslops and raped IPs.
Ah yes, because the chinese gooks are known for not fucking up everything they touch, turning it into f2p p2w software instead of games, lol.
Are you one of those retards who tried to gaslight people into thinking Lost Ark isn't p2w?
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Calm down chinese meme.
>seething this hard over literally nothing
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We now know the full roster for Bulwark:
1) Kobolds
2) Argalis
3) Snow Elf Harpooners
4) Yetis
5) Snow Elf Shamans
6) Mammoths
7) Jotnar

And names of both hero classes:
Might - Chieftains
Magic - Elders

And something about the upcoming campaign for this town:
- will feature the Sword of Frost
- will feature other characters from the HoMM3 campaigns
- will be released alongside the town

Future plans of the HotA crew include:
- further work on the magic system
- some additional implementation of fortifications in battles
- upgrading the event system, basically introducing primitive scripting
- adding more neutral units (Mermaid namedropped), artifacts and objects
- not stopping
Let us play with Resistance and templates that don't spam creature banks
you can create or edit a template in a few clicks. Just enable resistance and ban creature banks.
Why forcing people to edit every single template and map in the game, if you can just make a switch for people who want to play with Galthran, normal necromancy and resistance?
Yeah I tried this before and it didn't work so I just uninstalled HotA instead
It sounds like it would be trivial to add, but they don't
forgot to mention, he leaves out that you have to turn ALL the Resistance artifacts back on too
really just give us some toggle, I would sing the praises of the mod instead of telling people don't even bother with it
>OP makes a thread about homm4
>retards start arguing about 3
>people who wanted to talk about 4 leave
woah, that's some pro thread hijacking, you can't even argue it's offtopic.
There's not much to talk about in 4, the general consensus is that it's shit and I think we've discussed all the reasons for why it turned out the way it did in the first like 100 posts in this ITT thread already, so people just switched to talking about Heroes in general.
HotA isn't even HoMM3

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