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Just started playing this because I got a Steam Deck. I thought it might have been a remake of a PS2 game because it has that feeling to it, but turns out it released in 2020. It's awesome so far and reminds me of the PS2 era ROTK games with a bit of Fire Emblem and Pokemon in there. The art is great as well. Did it get much of a following when it released or did it just fly under the radar?
It got a bit of attention but I think most people quickly came to the conclusion that it's a really shallow game with not much replay value unless you want to see all the stories. It's a cool concept but the moment to moment gameplay is just too simplistic and you can pretty much solve the entire strategy layer by just controlling some chokepoints on the map and letting the enemy make pointless suicide runs trying tot ake them until you're ready to steamroll their faction.
Yeah I could see that happening. I'm definitely still in the honeymoon period with it. I wish there was some sort of diplomacy or something. Having everyone be at constant war feels odd when you have no idea where attacks are going to come from.
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yeah the game lacks some sort of balance or more mechanics to deal with constant attacks, i had fun tho, i may go for another run soon.
the art is really good too
Yeah I'm playing the empire that has oil instead of a Brigandine and it's really spread out. Struggling to cover every front. You need 3 on every front but you also need some doing quests to find new knights.
yeah its kinda hard at the beginning because you dont have much variety in units or in general. i think you can customize the difficulty, like leveling up faster and some other things
this, sadly
there are only a few type of units and I think only 2 or 3 has actually branching upgrade paths but things like the dragon's tier 2 barely matters it's just elemental dmg type change and at tier 3 it goes back to only fire so that strategic layer is almost non existent
it's there for knights but then the game mostly gives you knights that are already committed to a class and at higher level so the ability inheriting system is a bit knee capped
I admit I started on normal difficulty, but I am having no difficulty at all, I am just facerolling through the whole map as Mirelva with Umimaru, Stella and Poruto.
the battle maps are also weird, sometimes they have nice varied terrain, lots of mountains and forests and paths... and they are all at the sides you can't even possible attack from so they remain unused and battles usually take place on like 10 percent of the whole battle map
quests are an interesting mechanic but as mentioned you are mostly stuck with your knights jerking off somewhere defending a front
and the story is a bit strange too, I started with shinobi, and everyone kept saying things like we just defend ourselves and we have just a village fort in the mountains but then here we are conquering the whole world, so I switched to mirelva
the art is pretty good though
>a remake of a PS2 game
its sequel of psx game
for me it was narration style, boring factions and boring characters, plus over designed
gameplay was fine but AI was poor mostly because it could nothing to replace losses and when you push them a little they usually couldn't come back at all(playing custom with extra income for AI was much better experience)
Are the psx1 games worth it?
Only Brigandine: Grand Edition
I downloaded the demo because of the hot brown girls but ended up giving up due to how long it took to move units across the map.
You either map smaller maps or give more movement points to units, holy shit.
Why is that?
The expanded version of the game released in 2000 had many significant changes, including:

Multiplayer game mode: allowing up to six players, each controlling a nation.
The Esgares Empire became a fully playable nation, and gained plot cut scenes.
Changes in battle mode gameplay:
Like in the Fire Emblem series, elements became based on the Rock, Paper, Scissors rule: red is effective against green, green is effective against blue, and blue is effective against red. White and black still oppose each other.
If, after 12 turns of battle, the attacker has a unit stationed on the defender's castle, the attacker now wins.
Monsters became able to equip items.
The player is redirected to a final boss when the continent is successfully conquered.
The original 3D opening was replaced by an anime opening.
Many dialog-only cut scenes were replaced by anime cut scenes.
3D battle animations replaced by simpler and faster 2D animations.
Major changes to the soundtrack.
New Rune Knights, character classes, items and monsters.
Japanese voice acting was added, including the voice talents of Sōichirō Hoshi, Mitsuaki Madono, and Yuri Shiratori.
Movement is affected by terrain. On some maps you want units that can move by sea, by jungle, or that can all fly. That way they wont clog up the road.
Ah thanks. I thought they were different games, but I see it is an upgrade.
>White and black still oppose each other.
Woah what the fuck, why are Japs advocating for adversarial race relations?
The green Shinobi nation starts out in a jungle. Getting golem monsters can be a mistake. They are useful for defense, but not for attacking through jungle. They will clog up the road. The Mandrake plant monster gets a movement bonus through jungle. The Bronze golem terrain is Mountain and moves better there. On a mountain a golem will have more mobility than a high dog whose preferred terrain is Plains. So you have free movement all over a mountain while other units are have restricted movement. Or you can go with all Sky units to move fast.
So you have free movement all over a mountain while other units have restricted movement. The golem has high defense against physical attacks, but weaker against magic. They are also weaker against some of the flight units, such as Roc, who themselves take extra damage from Archers. These archer units get destroyed by fighters. Unit composition is important.
The elements are also important, but that is easy to learn. You notice this with elemental dragons. If your dragon normally deals high damage, but now seems weaker, it's a bad match up. Use the right units and they deal extra damage. Use the right teams and they fly across maps. For some of these jungle maps I attacked from out at sea, with the enemy helplessly at the shoreline.
For this game almost any build and play style is viable, even unfavorable ones. From long battles of attrition, to quick pinpoint strikes.
Mirelva's Stella is overpowered, fun to play. You can pair her up with a Gremlin and cast react on her for double movement. Run up to the enemy commander, charge up, and unleash. If the enemy commander is the nation's leader the battle can be over in one turn. She can one shot enemies, or follow up with an archer.
In the organize phase you can zoom out for an easy color coded map showing the branching routes. You want to hold the most territory with the least number of teams. If you started out in the middle and are having trouble, getting attacked from all sides, consider completely relocating to one of the corners of the map.
It's important to go on quests to level up and get in class proficiency, to get better equipment, and recruit new Rune Knights. If you maxed out the proficiency early, change classes. Some Rune Knights are class locked, such as the nations leaders, but many are not. The unique knights are usually OP, but more generic knights can become OP through cross training.
Equipment is important. You can mix and match for specific effects, but having a complete equipment set gives a massive bonus across all stats.
What the fuck is this chatGPT nonsense?
yeah, I was surprised to see the thread suddenly have a lot more posts and it's just this...
this is funny though >>1908935
on some maps I could use a single sea serpent to rape the enemy by parking it in a river/lake and the ai would bunch up around it with half of it's army as the serpent weakest and nearest target, so next round I could 2 hex range aoe nuke them all, also stunning almost all of them
shame the game has no multiplayer
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I never played this game but I beat the original ps1 game multiple times with every faction and had tons of fun with it.

A shame the AI is not too smart but the game is still fun.
You should give Brigandine: Grand Edition for PSX a shot when you're satisfied with the one you're playing. There's a very thorough patch to play in english.
That water looks insanely good.
Yeah I'm enjoying the terrain stuff and the maps. There's some really cool maps in the game. I wish the mechanics leaned into the terrain a little more somehow. Just invaded a Shinobi town and it has the town in right between 2 big mountain ranges and you can see how the terrain goes from plains to forest past the range.
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Yeah, the game looks pretty charming. The original US version changes to a different battle screen (pic related) when the monsters (or knights) attack, it's cool in the beginning to see all the animations and shit but eventually you get tired of it and it wastes a ton of time, which is why they fortunately added an option to switch it off.
In Grand Edition it's even better since there are animations but they happen in the map overworld screen with the sprites, it's much faster and they're really good.

Play Grand Edition with the fantranslation patch. It's the same game but slightly better balanced and with more characters and creatures. Let the audio in japanese unless you don't care about very amateurish (but good hearted) fan stuff.
Goddamn you really snowball. I went from struggling, to taking the blue guys in the left which gave me all of their neutral knights. After that I finally had enough to just start folding every front line.
I used to sit down and play Brigandine with my mom. She absolutely loved this game. She got such a huge kick out of the portrait animations, as she had 0 frame of reference with anime or anything. "Why are all of the characters winking? It's so goofy looking".

I played the one for the PS5 and while I enjoyed it, I didn't like it as much as the original. One gripe of mine is what they did to the quest system. You'd get some cutscene or little bits of dialogue, there were even different scores for them. Some would pop up and get more repetitive than others, but it was much better than the bland system they replaced it with for the PS5 version.
Oh, and my favorite faction was Iscalio. Dryst cracked me up. "Ugh.. what is with that weird little hat? Get out of my sight, you're making me sick!"
I only finished Tim's campaign. He seemed based.
I picked him thinking he was the evil expansionist empire. But he's just a nice guy and a realist. His story arc is learning that there's possibilities outside of incest from a puppet. Weird his hot sister has nothing to say about that.
is he? I watched the endings after finishing the game and he seemed like second worst after the Theocracy dude
What ending did you pick? I fought against the Rune God. He realises that the other nations were pretty great as well and wants to learn from people outside of the Gustav family. All throughout the story he's really rational and actually improves the lives of the people he conquers.
You don't really get the full context just from watching the endings for any of the factions.
Rudo is definitely the worst of the bunch but even he has some positive qualities.
Rudo's such a bastard. I played him thinking I'd get to play fanatical crusaders. Instead he immediately poisons his father and laughs about how he'll betray anyway. Wasn't expecting them to be the evil faction.
This game has the most strangest vibes with the introduction moment. Two bros going on a cross country tour vibes when it is supposed to be some dramatic moment.
>I used to sit down and play Brigandine with my mom.
Bsed mom
>A shame the AI is not too smart but the game is still fun.
there is some mod around with upped difficulty where ai get some extra free shit and exp
Man I wish this game just had more. Bigger map, more settlements, more knights, maybe more factions, way more branching class/monster paths and most importantly way more monsters. Keeping your monsters alive for loads of battles and having them evolve is a great feeling.
I might be misremembering then. Felt like he is above everyone prick kind of dude. But I only played Mirelva
Yeah when you're up against him he's snooty as fuck and thinks the Gustav's are basically the only non-sub-humans. His story arc is realising that maybe everything isn't so black and white. Non-Gustavs can actually be smart and Rune Magic isn't actually the devil since their oil comes from rune magic as well and rune magic let his personal hero return from the dead in the body of a puppet. He's a good boy with a heart of gold, but he's just grown up in a retarded backwater inbred family.
Starting a new Brigandine - Grand Edition game. Any hints for a newcomer?
I never played the original despite the cover looking good because it received universally negative reviews. Still haven't tried it, even though I have the PSX ROM dl'ed. I've always wondered whether it's worth it but my backlog is just too big to start yet another game.
There is a hack to translate the grand edition version. This looks like the game Battle for Wesnoth took inspiration from. It is actually sort of great strategy game, because you can move your troops around the map, conquer towns, go on quests (random rewards) and summon new units, but battles work like in BfW: hexagons, units protect adjacent tiles (you can’t move past an enemy’s position), and you can read some posts here about the game.
The more I play the more I think the campaign map design is sort of busted. With how the game works, you're never really attacking from, more than 2 fronts, except near the end when you might have 3 offensives going. Yet you have all these knights sitting around on the frontlines doing nothing. Maybe sometimes they fight a defensive battle, but they can't go questing because the enemy will attack. So in the end you have 6 insanely leveled armies and the rest you never get to see in combat even though they all have interactions and dialogue scenes with other knights.
have fun
I like the one from psx much more, also the 90's opening and cutscenes were better https://youtu.be/FMbpXHc5pEY?si=Ae5Mp0TkxjIY-APZ
>There's a very thorough patch to play in english
And let me add that's a very good patch, not some shit that was done with google translate
Men I wish I had a mom like that, mine only played mario on the nintendo 64 and family

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