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fav aoe2DE civilisation?
Magyars. Anything with good horse archers and light cavalry for me, but Magyars are just exactly what I want.
poles. Having effective light cavalry is very often a recipe for victory due to harassment alone
portuguese if i use my brain, bohemians if i use my heart
Tie between Spanish and Lithuanians
Did you confuse the first two Age of Empire games? Athens doesn't exist in the 2nd game despite being incredibly popular in the 1st game as well as in the Mythology spinoff represented by Poseidon whose name was supposed to be given to the city if not for losing a contest against the obvious patron who was Athena! In the Greek language the city's called exactly like the Olympian godess with no variation at all but Medieval factions only had Italians Sicilians Byzantines Slavs and Turks there wasn't any Athens civilization at the time maybe the Romans who were actually Christian quite unlike their ancient counterpart Syagrius and his hypothetical civilization that never got the chance to exist wasn't the same as Septimius Severus get your historical knowledge straight!
Nah they're in
Lithuanians. They also have the best campaign, pure bro-tier
Have you played the last DLC? I just had an athens vs huns match right now.
Persians probably, I love the elephants, Savars and trashbows.
I like Malay. Their trash militia and karambits are pretty cool, good archers, they also have the best architecture
Mongols are the superior light cav and superior cav archer(Mangudai) civ. Magyars are just stealing Cuman culture and appropriating it.
People say they have a weak lategame, but trash-handed swordsmen and fully upgraded arbs seems like a strong if slower version of the hussar/light cav+arb combo a lot of people do.
Is it really such a sure thing? Magyars get the strongest heavy cavalry archers in the game and fully upgraded hussars with a discount and can use their unique unit instead if they want. Mongols get Mangudai sure, but are they that much better than fully upgraded heavy cav archers with +1 attack? Or fully upgraded heavy cav archers with 100hp? Or fully upgraded heavy cav archers with +1/+1? Mongol hussars might get more hp but don't get full armor upgrades, while magyars do and so do turks and tatars, but with more armour. In a FFA of cav archers and scouts lines and unique unit equivalents, I'm not sure mongol reliable come out on top. Especially since the other three just need their castle for on upgrade and not build units, unless the magyars was huszars.

Anyway, I really like Tatars for no particular reason. I wish they had kept their age up sheep bonus instead of the new TC version.
I don't actually play that much, but I watch Heras tierlists and I often look at stats myself. They do fall off post imp but it's still decent and I personally wouldn't say that their lategame is a weakness.
It can be either strong or weak depending on the enemy and their tools.
Magyars have better cav archers. Mongols have mangudai, which trade consistency for power. If you have a mass, mongols are stronger, but if you don't magyars are better. Magyars also have a fallback option in fu paladins and massed lcav/uu, so they're able to leave and return to it.
Burmese for their lategame options. fu halbs and hussars with extra damage on top. Missing out on skirms which I hate anyways, they're a pain to micro en masse to not waste shots on cavalry. Just add heavy scorp and bbc or monks. Don't even need to make the shitty unique unit.
Anything with a flexible tech tree and some lategame power unit/comp that can actually cut through fronts in team games. Saracens and Spanish come to mind especially.
Scicilians if I'm feeling funky
Celts if not
Byzantines if I want to win
AoE2 Vietnamese gave me a new hobby
This country's history could be made into at least 5 different games
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I never bothered to check these numbers and they are actually disgusting lmao
portugal's gold discount is genuinely a sleeper op bonus
you don't think much about it because it isn't as flashy as bigger numbers but it really does just make everything a little better
15 on knights and 40+ on the big siege is pretty juicy not gonna lie
too bad discount bonuses are still really boring
Viper knew about the discount being strong that's why he shilled for Portuguese but nobody listened to him, the berry bonus made the civ super smooth to play
Should the elite skirm upgrade be cheaper on wood? At least 50 less
Yes, but you'll reignite the "but knight meta/but archer meta" shitfest if you buff a trash unit
It's just so expensive AND you need another 4 upgrades for them to be good against crossbows, 5 if you want ballistics
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Celts best civ, love me a good MAA rush
And Armenians and Vikings close second
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Portugal are one of a few civs where going Longswords backed by Cav Archers feel viable.
>burn their cities to the ground while raiders prowl the exits and cull any escapees
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Who the fuck designed this retarded ass logo?
>What is NAC?
Noble Apartment Cup (abbr. NAC) is an Age of Empires II tournament hosted by GamerLegion. Takes place in the Gamer Legion Command Center (apartment)
https://www.twitch.tv/gamerlegion (host)
https://www.twitch.tv/t90official (faggot)
https://www.twitch.tv/theviper (/vst/'s hero)
>I hate Twitch
>Games today
TaToH vs dogao
Yo vs Vinchester
Hera vs ACCM
Liereyy vs Hearttt
TheViper vs DauT
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It's starting. It's cringe. It's kino.
Nili's apartment looks like THAT?
Aztec, you either flood enemy with horde of your units in 20 ingame minutes or die miserablybto anything
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why do we hate t90 again?
the real loser here is dogao's hairline...
any archer civ that doesn't suck balls and gets cucked by cav or skirm or mangonels?
>but you can shoot footmen
oh yay
Reject archers, embrace handcannoniers
Vietnamese or Ethiopians
portuguese, italians
>Byzantines vs Romans
battle for the ages
The hero we don't deserve
We don't
Speak about the tournament aoechads. I want to hear some hot takes. Will Hera take a miserable L again? Why are they larping as some kind of 50s cigar lounge?
Ellie in that dress is making me act up
Spamming hussars is always fun
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guys if arabia is supposed to make you good at the game overall, how come I keep losing every match that isn't on arabia?
i dont even follow build orders, it's just that im not used to sending villagers forward first minute like people keep doing against me in black forest, or the fact that in certain maps i literally can't wall because the stone floor doesn't allow buildings, or the fact that i have no clue how to play in water
i dont know why im forced to keep 3 maps selected, i just wanna play arabia
What can Vietnamese do against pajeetstanis
>champs/eles/knights > ghulams
>arbs > hcs
>halbs > imperial camels
Hindustanis just want you to commit to one of these so they can switch into one of the others with an advantage and wreck you
Slow them down with defenses on resources and put them on the back foot by putting mixed armies in his eco
I have 300 hours on this game and I think I haven't researched paladin once.
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fellow handcannoneer enjoyer.
i hope they get a buff soon.
Yeah I never get it, they should make it cheaper
It's plenty strong. Learn to get enough of a lead that you can play Paladins and watch it stomp everything.
I started playing a few months ago. Lots of BF games with friends. Back then I almost exclusively played persian so I would be getting savar.
Nowadays I mostly play ranked 1v1 (low elo) and never really get the chance to get such a tech when playing civs with paladins.
Paladin is not a 1v1 tech.
Same, around 3k 1v1 matches and I think I only clicked the tech once and the game was over before the did anything
It is.
I am absolutely loving the 30s theme
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Man I would love to see dash next to Daut
Byzantines or Persians because I'm shit at the game and can't micro.
>teuton knights do more damage to buildings than siege
How can I use this in arena? Either 1v1 or TGs/flanks?
t. not a clown
T90 reminds me a bit of Gatsby.
Infantry is kinda ass in team games so 1v1 rushing a castle might be your best bet
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>Achaemenids get a very cost-efficient melee/archer hybrid unit, and one of the single most broken unique techs backing them up
>Athenians get a glass cannon that can give at least +1 to every military unit they can field, and for just existing nearby them
>Spartans get a pin cushion that's like a shitty blend of a TK and Huskarl that doesn't even hit that hard

checks out, spartans were the biggest meme of the 3.
An infantry civ with a deliberately terrible tech tree and no bullshit bonus buff to them like the rest of AoE II's, when they're also meant to be about retard strength yet rely on blobs lead by hero units that can be liabilities simply do not bode well. Wanting a less miserable UU is one thing, but there's a lot that could be refined in general.

Eisphora may be way overpriced but it's also simply easier to use and buff Athenian Hoplites as well, as if the rest of that civ isn't just effectively a spinning wheel of dairy.
Hippeī are great against archers. Otherwise use hoplites. Easier to mass and about as good.
How do I play slavs?
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mongols, i only play vs the ai
t. 500 hours
Make farms and spam LC.
Be more specific with your question or go to the Slavs/strategy page on the wiki.
I guess that's why nobody remembers them today and there were no movies, games or books made in honor of their legacy
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I forgot how comfy the Armenian campaign was
I'm still upset there's no actual Celt campaign in the game. No the tutorial does not count
We have movies about Zulus too. You wanna tell us about them?
Nobody gives a shit about Zulus
>/vst/ has existed for 10 years
>theFAGmaster is still posting
There is no god or else he would have killed that shitstain by now
they should make a new Celt campaign that's the most brutally bullshit hard content in the game, just to compensate for two decades of having just baby mode Celt stuff.
We have movies and games with/about them, don't we?
He's the best poster here
As long as long it's not V&V-tier I'd totally take a campaign pack rounding out the AoK civs with one each. What historical figure or era would you pick for Celts though?
Because Hollywood has woke/diversity brainrot and are compelled to make movies about them, but in reality normal people don't give a shit about them
I don't really know their history that well, but something like defending Ireland from English invaders maybe, or Anglo-Saxon era stuff with wars between Vikings and English and Irish kingdoms.
What about a campaign set in sub Roman Britain starting when the legions pulled out from England? Maybe they can fit a king Arthur of sorts in there too.
not a whole lot of leaders to choose from, maybe Boudicca or William Wallace
yeah, they get humiliated and BTFO'd en masse by a handful of british lads with guns. Today no one but the blackest dumbest niggers celebrate their legacy.
Your point being?
Post your games then
>>1914286 is right basically because he is the o my poster here
I think celts were also present on Iberia and somewhere in the France region, no?
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What did I do to earn your animosity, anon?
Basically all of western and central Europe was Celtic before Romans and Germanics pushed them out. The in-game Celts are pretty distinctly Ireland and Scotland though.
>Because Hollywood has woke/diversity brainrot
The British were the first to take interest, and modern Hellenism is just as much of a fad as the love of exotic underdogs.
Difference being Spartans were actually cool, Zulus are not
And Achaemenids are cooler, so there.
Literally who?
Nobody cares
We both know better
But the masses dont.
I know your contrarianism compels you make an argument for obscure cultures, which I respect, but you're delusional if you really believe the common filmgoer actually knows, or cares at the very least, for cultures such as Zulus or Achaemenids
Bloody hell even the Persians are better known than these 2
The Achaemenids ARE Persian, stupid.
Kek, even in my ignorance I did make a point, the fact I know about the term Persian but not Achaemenid is still a show of how well know the former is, but not the latter
Your point being that you don't know what you're talking about?
You can't use your own ignorance as proof of any argument, even if it isn't performative.
Your point is that you're retarded because everyone knows about the Achaemenids, just under a different name.
just wait till you find out where Iran came from
William ofc and make in honour of tutorial campaign but bloody hard
I'm curious, what is your elo.
The Cleansing of the Loire is kicking my fucking ass
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Daut bros...
I thought gamer dent was a meme
Why isn't Ellie wearing a cute dress
It is very much NOT a meme but I think is also not permanent because only the skin and muscle are affected by it
You have to have a really smooth eco to go paladins (Not stopping making villagers at 60 like a noob, then you have 5 paladins and the opponent has pikemen/halbs and dominates you).
I definitely do it more often than 1 in 1000 games, if you give me the choice between paladin and leitis I will go leitis, and in some situations I would prefer paladin over coustillier
Put him next to Dave to see who is manlet king.
Never because archairs make it so teutonic knights don't exist
Tidepool really brings back classic Battlefield Wake Island memories
Checked, it can't dent your skull but fat and hair so don't worry about it
Larry won
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I mostly stick to team games nowadays, arena and non orthodox maps, hate arabia, hate BF, love team oriented maps and weird maps in which I can get away with infantry shenanigans
are you ever so mad at how shitty your teammates are that you dont enjoy playing 4v4s? was thinking about playing some, but i dont want to be pissed off at retards the entire time.
how come only one dude mentioned a meso civ? are you a bunch or wacist chuddies?
or is it that you can't handle not having a trash raiding unit? just dont reach late imp it aint hard lolllllllll
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>are you ever so mad at how shitty your teammates are that you dont enjoy playing 4v4s?
...No really? I play with a mate and we do well together, me as a flank and him as a pocket, we know our roles well, however it can happen the other side of 2 randoms just shit the bed and we lose. That's the game sadly. I still do enjoy 4vs4's.
>was thinking about playing some, but i dont want to be pissed off at retards the entire time.
Play at least with 1 friend, playing with 3 randoms is too miserable and I wouldn't recommend it otherwise.
Just heard from vipurr that ellies pitbull ate his baby, RIP
DauT has a lot of bucholz, trust the plan
If daut can hold until 100 HP champions he can do this, composites melt paladin, especially 160 HP burgundian pala, champs plus composites can kill anything burgundians has
absolute refusal to tech into infantry lost him the game
I kinda feel bad for DauT. He's probably the comfiest and funniest player but he's the worst of the best.
Man Viper is so bad lately, does he even try?
>chatran elephants in castle age
I kneel
Dogão should just quit at this point. It's better for Brazil to have no representation than being humiliated.
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>stuck at 700elo
I'm gonna have to learn fucking build orders, don't I?
>stuck at skinnyfat
>I'm gonna have to eat meat and exercise don't I
i just wanted to have fun but cant because I have to deal with timmy grinding up to +1000 by using his dear old mommy's cash to buy hera's exclusive tower rush and in 15 minutes i have 3 towers because my scouts cant do jack since timmy has 20 on towers, 15 on stone and 5 on wood
this is giving me cancer, this is not the game that i enjoy, how come in t90's LELs videos people on 900 elo die to boars but i have to deal with all these sweaties on 700 elo?
you can watch the replay for free you know
>i just wanted to have fun
then dont play ranked
i wont play black forest 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1
i dont give a shit what you play, you wont have fun if you play ranked against sweaty meta compniggers
where do i meet friends
Next civs & campaigns?
Please don’t make me feel guilty for killing spears.
Settle in SE with all the sheep. Wall just north of the stone and a bit to the east in the narrow tree gap.
Kill orange before bothering with the castles. He doesn’t have a castle himself, so you can just knight him to death.
You can kill purple too if you want, even immediately if you’re cheeky, but they barely matter.
Jurchens, Khitans, Tanguts and Tibetans
All of those + Chinese, Koreans and Japanese
>literally who X4

It's high time europe got new civs and another campaign.
Yes, spreadshit should help you get to 1k but you will need to use your brain too. The wizard would be 1100 by now if not for all those smoorfs and spreadshitters.
It is 1600 smurf or vipurr himself at 700 elo, they go to shallow end of pool just to fuck with noobs like you and in 15 minutes there are horses in the economy, seven horses and they hoover around you
nobody cares about asians, we have enough of them already
Devs are despertate for Asian money, can't think of other reason they buff Vietnamese and made a pajeet dlc, and they still rather play other games, aoe1 or worse: aoe2 in voobly
Six campaigns? A man can dream.
>can't think of other reason they buff Vietnamese
Because Vietnamese were bottom 5 on Arabia?
They buffed Vietnamese because they were consistently a bottom tier civ, now they are mid but can be better on certain maps
My bad, I meant the last buff, by that time they were already being picked on tournament finals
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Daut can still get in, he just needs to win his sets, Dogao to beat Yo, Tatoh, Heart or ACCM because Dogao is out regardless
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>Dogao to beat Yo, Tatoh, Heart or ACCM
Realistically, it'll be Tibetans and Jurchens, with an additional Chinese campaign.
>T-tibetans any day now g-guys
Kek stfu faggot we're going back to Europe.
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This is the most retarded and pretentious scoring system used in an AoE2 tournament. Nili is a huge faggot.
I think he can still get in with 3 wins if some of those mentioned players lose a set or two, but Dogao beating them makes it easier because dogao is currently pointless at the bottom of the rankings. If I was DauT I would be cheering on Dogao to cause upsets and secure his way into top 6.
We had bucholz in other tournaments, Germans have a hard on for mathematics. Also DauT needs wins, not just bucholz
>Nili is a huge faggot.

we are aware
>Better play cute with my xbow mass against mangonels and elite skirms as I go up to Imp!
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AI army
Camel skirm is a good comp, it is a shame he lost all the arbs, they make for good dps, even just having 10 arbs would work wonders against hussar. Saracens are one of the best late game civs
Rams aren't really a good choice when the opponent has a solid frontline, trebs are easier to protect with your army and bombard enemy production. Dogao could have won already if he kept up the trebuchets
Dogao really has an inability to finish off games, see you in 30 more minutes when this game ends
Also Dogao should really consider maxing out his economy upgrades at this point, sucks that he doesn't get crop rotation
Hera vs Larry and Yo vs Tatoh only good games today
What a fucking throw.
>30k res ahead and still manages to lose
Its over brazilbros, its not looking good
>Saracens was a late pick copium
Hera would have won from Dogaos position in early imp
why is georgian not banned
it's basically a guaranteed win
Georgians really need to be nerfed, they got nerfed and buffed at the same time but the nerf was really insignificant
How can you miss eco upgrades as the vietnamese?

Dogao should have had heavy plow already and clicked hand cart
have you considered that he's bad at the game
Yes very bad, he made archers didn't do any damage and then lost the game, Lierrey won with Vietnamese against Goth. Makes Cav Archers when he is already getting countered by skirmishers
>thinking is paywalled
>implying Hera's BOs are a must
I just don't understand why their units are so cheap.
>Cheaper than knights
>Better than a knight 1 on 1
>Still gets bonuses when more are nearby
>Less expensive to tech into
>Super fast to train
>One shots pikes
There are horses in my economy!
is wizard a /vst/poster?
Thats not even the main reason why Georgians are so strong, Leitis are just as strong as Monaspa but Lithuanians are only really strong on hybrid maps. I think even on hybrid maps Georgians are better, use your mule cart to chop the straggler trees and get your fish out earlier. Georgians get a completely free lumbercamp, economy that scales well into the late game with church spam, castles that take infinite damage as long as you get them on a hill which should be easy as you have more units to take map control and you also get hand cannoneers from chemistry which means even if the enemy civ is heavy infantry focussed you have an answer besides having gold to spam monaspa infinitely, you can get reduced pop space for horses giving you even more units on the field and pretty strong towers. I would say the Georgians are good in every age and that is not very good for the balance
Leitis cost more gold and take longer to train.

The churches are an investment, yea. I expected them to get a negligible stone cost like 20 or smt just so it feels wrong to spam them as often as people do.
Still without the Monaspa being completely over the top I'd say Georgians could work better as a civ in general.
georgians should just lose access to bloodlines and keep their uu as it is
>georgians are op and everyone talks about them
>armenians are complete shit tier and no one cares
Shit but okay on water maps
>Armenians are shit
Longsword rushing on feudal is extremely powerful. Just a handful can break the town center. It feels somewhat similar to Cuman Rams in terms of never needing to reach castle age in 1v1
Koreans can just buy a tower and deny the wood, Yo won a Copenhagen game by fully controlling the wood.
>Longswords without +2 or gambesons
Archers with fletching will just kite them to death usually
How will Larry ever recover?
Manlet cast, Dave is taller because he doesn't have any hair
Armenians just have absolutely nothing in the late game. Neither their beefy champs nor UU bowmen are strong enough to build a good comp around. They should be given good siege at least.
Don't byzantines beat gurjaras
damn liereyy has an insanely hebrew nose
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Camel crossbow is one of the best castle age comps that byz can field, crossbows snipe monks, camels and vills while camels prevent shrivamsha play
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>Stop Hera from spamming scout line
>160 vs 120 pop
You need like 130+ villagers if you want to go for elephants
>know your civ dies if it goes late
>sit around waiting
>die when it goes late
what was hera's plan exactly
There is not exactly much that Hera can do to stop it going late.
>Go camels/shrivamsha
Liereyy just uses his crossbows to micro down camels and makes short work of shrivamshas with his own camels.
>Castle drop
Liereyy is up to imp first because he is byzantines.
>Pike siege
Gurjaras do not get pikes

Basically the only thing Hera could do differently is mass crossbows in castle age and Byzantines are hard to kill with crossbows
Composite bowmen + infantry is one of my favourite compositions in the game. Gets countered by mass siege but rarely see niggas going for that at 1300 Elo
hera-bros... not like this
>Mongols on heavy camel
This is not looking good
Lierrey you want trashbows, they deal decent damage to mangudai and camel as they don't have full armor upgrades
>hm, my paladins died the first seven times I charged at the camels, I wonder what I should try next
>ah yes, charging them again!
He needed better halb production early imp, the problem was he only had like 3 or 4 mixed in and then Hera transitioned to mangudai, also he kind of lost his forward castle for no reason
I think he needed to maintain better control over the south. He put those outposts there but then didn't actually control the area.
Well it is looking beautifully on citadel, like 100 pop ahead for lierrey, hera should call it already
>entire base get destroyed before you can finish teching into champions
just fucking half the research time on those upgrades already
that's all you need to make them viable
Still get slaughtered by 300 HP elephant archers
...as they should
he went to the north instead, cant do both
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I think Gurjaras have good odds against cumans, all there units are cav
>Cumans with 10 less villagers than gurjaras
>Gets bucholz no matter who wins this set
DauT is winning here
he needed the tournament win. Without the prize pool he will never be able to fix his gamer dent
I have a job and the people that organizes tourneys hate us, can someone explain this
it's rigged, they just made up a fancy sounding name to distract normies from it.
Don't they take like 1 dmg from archers without fletching?
Taking 2 damage is still quite enough, it takes 30 2damage arrows to bring down one longsword and you'd better be pumping these from 3+ barracks if you got that far.
Fuck steppe lancers are infuriating
An archer deals 4 pierce damage and a longsword has 1 pierce armor, less than a villagers. They do significiant damage even before fletching
And the archer player is not losing units if he plays perfectly, while you are losing longswords constantly
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I swear to god these motherfuckers are basically worse knights. And they aren't even better at dealing with archers ime.
yo looks like a chud kek
Like knights with scout cav speed, they can easily surround archers or avoid them and hoover around the economy
Insane kino yo-tatoh set, tatoh losing imp TC at 99% was insane
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Gallons of dog cum has been inside of her
i didnt know pajeets were on /vst/
That's a Roman nose, not a hebrew one.
DauT is one zesty buck
I'm the dog, I can confirm the veracity of his statement.
game 1 was insane but the rest was just tatoh's tilted throwing. Cant blame him, Id be tilted as fuck too
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>t. liereyy
Why would anyone not be proud of their Hebrew heritage?
why would
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No but I have a similar nose. It's common in Germanic countries. That's not how Hebrew noses look at all. Hebrew noses are all about a downward sloping tip. See pic on left.
Btw this matchmaking system is really unfair. If Vinch loses to Liereyy tomorrow he's likely out of the top 6. And then he has faced (in order): Yo, DauT, Hera, TheViper and Liereyy. 4 of the 5 best players.

Simultaneously, ACCM has faced: Hera, dogao, Heart, DauT and TatoH.
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>It's common in Germanic countries.
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what's the civ you hate playing against the most?
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>>armenians are complete shit tier and no one cares
Kind of true, yeah

>Longsword rushing on feudal is extremely powerful
No they are not, they still die HARD to archers, and the food investment is so massive the archerfag will get to crossbows before you and you will die regardless
As someone who actually plays Armenians a lot, Longsword push in feudal only works on players that are stupid enough to not make archers, in which point is less that you won by out-strategy your enemy, and more of him being retarded. So naturally doesn't work against legit players, since everyone and their mother spam archers, specially in Arabia.
Britons, Mayans, Ethiopians
Basically any good archer civ really
Tibetans. Way too overtuned.
Just mix in skirms.
Then it gets countered by the archerfag going skirms or his own, or mixing a few well microed scouts.
Also putting more food on adding skirms will only further put you behind in castle age timing.

It simply does not work.
>civs with a mix of good or acceptable foot archers and infantry but shit cavalry and siege when needing to push later in the game

Is there a worse combination?
>As someone who actually plays Armenians a lot, Longsword push in feudal only works on players that are stupid enough to not make archers, in which point is less that you won by out-strategy your enemy, and more of him being retarded. So naturally doesn't work against legit players, since everyone and their mother spam archers, specially in Arabia.
On some maps where you are really close you have the potential to break into his woodline really fast before he gets a lot of archers, but yes usually longswords are a bad idea in feudal age
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>everyone and their mother spam archers, specially in Arabia
Low Elo data plus lack of reading comprehension added to your denial of basic truth
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>On some maps where you are really close you have the potential to break into his woodline really fast before he gets a lot of archers
Partially correct.
If you want to murder an archerfag with infantry, you need to deny him his gold, not his wood. Trush + MAA his gold mine will always works, provided you aged up fast enough to get there before he can get many archers out.
And the ONLY map I have played in which doing this actually good is Enclosed, in team games.
MAA Trush the enemy gold, wall your tower, do some small harass and then immediately fuck off to the enemy pocket while taking away the attention of the enemy pocket scouts, while your own pocket murders the few remaining archers with horses of his own.
If your pocket successfull in kicking the flank archerfag head to the ground you could potentially go mass Armenian feudal longswords, but as Celts I rather wall up and make a gorillon spears to easily push back pocket knights. Celts is still best MAA rush civ anyways.

Dont know how this map works in 1vs1, however.
Usually they are on one lumber camp, denying that lumber camp, killing a few houses and probably a few vills, that can absolutely stall them out, they need to build enough houses to keep making villagers, farms so they can actually get to castle age and also the blacksmith for fletching and they will need to find somewhere that is safe to chop wood, if you keep them off gold that only stalls out archer production, 2 archers + skirms and fletching should be able to hold off a lot of the pressure. Not possible with back woodline meta on arabia

I have played a lot of enclosed and 19 pop maa + skirms can work, you don't even need fletching because you push him off gold real fast and he has to make skirms too and fletching is not a huge priority, it won't help with villager kills as skirms will still do the same damage, you will want it eventually but you can use the resources to get eco upgrades which will benefit you more, if he puts the range outside his base that is even better because you can camp it with skirms
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I still rather deny gold because I dont want him to field any archers, if he doesnt have archers I can safely disrupt his eco, farms I can deny with skirms, MAAs easily bring down houses, so long archers are not in the field I'm winning, which is why I still firmly believe denying gold is more important than denying wood. The threat of micro archers is so great you cannot afford to ignore it.
>Not possible with back woodline meta on arabia
Yet another reason of many to hate arabia.
The only way you are actually denying gold is with towers to force them off and tower rushing is not particularly strong. You make men at arms which sets you somewhat behind to castle age and also towers which makes it even worse, its a really high investment and naked tower rush accomplishes more
>Hera wins because he gets hussar
Hussar was a mistake, back in my day there was only light cav.
>OP on Arabia
>OP on Arena
Nerf scout line now
was the first hera/biper game good?
Should I pick up AOE1 DE for the unique campaigns?
Light Cav is OP too. Keep Hussar but reduce either pierce armor or attack by 1 point.

As it stands, Hussar spam even beats Halbs.
>Hussar spam even beats Halbs
yeah with 100+ farms behind. if you leave those farms unraided you already lost
>You make men at arms which sets you somewhat behind to castle age
Because I WANT to play with infantry, otherwise I'd be mindlessly spamming archers like everyone else in this game does.
>its a really high investment and naked tower rush accomplishes more
Naked tower doesnt really works since you can get counter toweres or even jumped by enemy vills I feel like.
Unless you're Teutons, but I dont play teutons.
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>As it stands, Hussar spam even beats Halbs.
I cannot take this thread seriously sometimes.
>otherwise I'd be mindlessly spamming archers like everyone else in this game does.
Archer "spam" is the least mindless type of spam in the game though. You need a high IQ to play archers (unlike playing with infantry, which requires the least amount of IQ).
If you make towers in range of each other or wall them in they are real hard to take down before castle age
>I cannot take this thread seriously sometimes.
How am I wrong? Hera's Hussars beat Liereyy's Halbs yesterday, and today it beat Viper's Organ Guns + Halbs.
Go ACCM. I'm cheering for him to win it. After him -- Vinchester or Mr Yoda.
did you miss the 3 or 4 conversions on organ guns everytime they came near the hussards? besides there was only like one fight where the hussards were alone against halbs, then the hand cannoneers came
I already wall up my towers by default, the enemy simply pulls more vills and wins the tower war because he can (and needs to) commit to win the tower war, MAAs escort solve that issue
And if make a second tower then I'm not MAA rushing, and I dont hard tower rush, so in my case it's point moot
Spamming clicks with archers sure makes you look smart.
Hussars are meant to raid, halbs are literally useless if the opponent doesn't make cav, and even then you can just dive to snipe trebs with hussars and the halbs won't stop them. Maybe we should raid with halbs
>19 pop maa
how 2 19 pop maa
Is it possible with generic civs?
Make barracks as second building, very possible on enclosed where you find your sheep right away and the deer are next to your base
ACCM bros...
are huns a civ for noobs?
>Play against Dogao
>Get no bucholz
Its all fucked and its your fault dogao
Couldn't larry as tatars just open scouts so they could bait vinchester into scouts>knights?
>Low Elo data
You mean the majority of the fucking playerbase, especially here?
Hope Nili goes bankrupt desu
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What happened?
Useless data.
Also, I hope you realize your pic proves him right
So ACCM is out? And Vinch is out too?

Not a fair system. Look at who Vinch had to face.
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How does this make any sense?

Can someone kill Nili already?
>brazilian ruins the fun for everyone, particularly fellow commies
You either retire as Riut or play long enough to become Dogão.
>How does this make any sense?
Rigged for the GL boys
Vinch has won two more games and has also beaten tougher opponents (Yo+DauT), which should give him better Bucholz. So why is TatoH at #6?
>So why is TatoH at #6?
GL members get a bonus.
Maybe if Heart gets 3-0d by Daut he gets to be disqualified instead.
>Look at who Vinch had to face.
let me guess, the combined might of the entire NATO?
>Vinch gets Russia a win against China and Serbia
>"Are you watching, Stalin-senpai?"
now you're gettin it

it's rigged
Apparently Liquipedia is wrong. Vinch is already qualified.
Is he saying mamalukes?
Maybe you should check liquipedia again, Vinch is at 16 points and TatoH 13
also elephant archers as "elven archers"
>Finally bought AoE2 since it was on sale
Finished the Scottish campaign on normal, and there is a billion other apparently.
Any recommendation on those or I can just pick whatever?
Does the difficulty setting actually make the AI more interesting or it's just the usual "A-move bigger waves toward your base more often"?
The classics first,
Joan of Arc
Genghis Khan

Then the conquerors:
El Cid

Then the African kangdoms, then the Asian campaigns, finish up the European campaigns and do the Lords of the West and Mountain Royals campaigns
>Does the difficulty setting actually make the AI more interesting or it's just the usual "A-move bigger waves toward your base more often"?
Depends on how old the campaign is but generally the ai just plays better, have a quick summary
AI is pretty much idle and does nothing so you can play with one hand while gooning with your secondary monitor
This is for players who only know how to use their mouses and don't mind the ai sending 10 or so soldiers against their bases from times to times
This is for people who have a very basic understanding of RTS, not particularly difficult besides one or two missions that can be cancer incarnate
>This is for people who have a very basic understanding of RTS
a very basic understanding of knowing literally every unit counter in the game and being able to counter endless AI unit spam? I bet you work in IT, earn 5 million per year, have a hot white blonde wife and a 13 inch lasso dick, and your dad works at nintendo and you know where you can get mew for free
Just learn counters bro
Do not leave vipurs baby alone with that dog, its genetics do not look good
>a very basic understanding of RTS
>meanwhile, 8 years old kids know pic related by heart
>Heavy infantry counters trash and light cavalry
>Heavy cavalry works vs almost anything
>Ranged units counters counter everything in a mass except for siege and anti-archers with armor upgrades
>Monks are basically irrelevant in campaign you just want them to collect relics
Heartt might be getting his revenge
>Heavy infantry counters trash and light cavalry
unless facing tons of archers and castles, then it doesn't... unless you're playing Goths with Huskarls, then it does... unless you're playing against Armenians with Composite Bows, then it doesn't... you see it's all very basic and simple
>Heavy cavalry works vs almost anything
the "almost" is a difference between wiping your army and winning the battle
>Ranged units counters counter everything in a mass except for siege and anti-archers with armor upgrades
>except for siege
uhh ackshually mass archers are fine against onagers and scorpions... unless you don't have bracer and range upgrades, then they aren't... also you have to micro them no matter what when facing onagers, but not scorpions. Very basic, simple, obvious stuff
>Monks are basically irrelevant in campaign you just want them to collect relics
except monks are incredibly good and stealing enemy units is the main viable strategy for a couple civs, unless the enemy is countering with light cavalry... which OBVIOUSLY is a counter to monks, unlike heavy cavalry and cavalry archers which OBVIOUSLY are not a counter to monks.
You fucking clown
they know it by heart because they spent 2000 hours playing the game. When you show it to any kid who has never played any pokemon games, this will just be a bunch of meaningless colors and numbers
>unless facing tons of archers and castles, then it doesn't... unless you're playing Goths with Huskarls, then it does... unless you're playing against Armenians with Composite Bows, then it doesn't... you see it's all very basic and simple
When did I say heavy infantry counters archers? Also it is always a good idea to bring your own siege against heavily fortified positions, unless you are Persians producing elephants nonstop.
>the "almost" is a difference between wiping your army and winning the battle
The meta heavily favours cavalry especially the knight line, if you get to 60 knights you can basically counter your counters because you can kill pikes as soon as they come out of the barracks

The campaigns are made so that legitimately retarded people can complete them, you don't need to know any matchup knowledge.
Doesn't Heartt just need Chakram to counter the guglams and camels
why is he doubling down on ghulams
Has anyone noticed they play better after taking a long break (of like 1-3 months)?

Every time I do I come back and while I'm mechanically worse, I'm way better strategically. I feel like Mr Yo right now (although I'm only 1300, but I've been carrying my team games recently).
Skirm longsword is pretty good against meso
>chinese dude pointing out his opponents mistakes instantly after resignation
China is embarassing South America
>The campaigns are made so that legitimately retarded people can complete them, you don't need to know any matchup knowledge.
did you even play any of them? There are several scenarios where not cheesing in a specific way turns the game into a multi-hour war of attrition
i love arabia
I have played them all and I am 1600 1v1, you can literally pause the campaign, look at the tech tree and see what units the civs specialize in. The AI is not as intelligent as a human player so you won't be raided and sieged frequently and have the time to tech into a secondary unit if needed
Arabia is shit
>start an asia missions campaign
>can't advance beyond castle age
>120 pop limit
>objective: destroy three different enemies
>they have seemingly unlimited resources and 10 production buildings
>btw your ally will be raided every 5 minutes and they must not die :^)

nothing personnel kid
>mfw facing battle elephants with feudal age spearman
Farimba and its gg
Look how fast the siege is going down now
Not to mention the missions where there is LITERALLY no stone, you are not able to build a market, space in the map is extremely limited by mountains and shit, your civ specializes in elephants and the make is gargantuan.
I want to get back into this game. I only played the campaigns and I never really played multiplayer (I think once or twice in my life). I was mostly an AoE1 player.
I'm thinking of just trying to learn one or two civs before learning more of the nuances of the game.

Are any of these good options for a "beginner"?
Georgians it is Mongols but good forever
Byzantines and Vietnamese both are, yes.
Vinchester is the best player whose name starts with V
>Showing them before he can even afford paladins
This game is over
>Vinchester my son, you have a choice
>Go for a heavy siege and infantry approach which has the potential to win
>Or make 20 Celt Paladins and look like a fool when they do not accomplish anything
Vinch can't possibly lose this matchup right?
Vinchester should replace dead villagers with feitoria
Could it be any lamer?
Yo is gonna the whole thing, trust the plan
Liereyy - Viper (4-3)
Hera - Yoda (4-0)

Then Hera wins 4-1 in the finals.

Imagine if Hera wasn't playing, the pro scene would be fun to watch.
i like hera and I like watching him play
I like watching him lose.
Larry did lose against viper in rbw, so it can go either way
I don't like his gameplay videos because he doesn't talk like viper
Viper and Nili sitting down are taller than Dash and Dave
No tourney today?
Why did they invite the slut? They should just have Dash do the interviews. It's not like Dash gets to cast much anyway.
Hello from China, the check is in, Hera goes down now.
Finally some kino games, not arabia with water
>Why did they invite the slut?
Literally who btway
>Bashing down the market
Not worth the villager time, its so cheap to rebuild with saracens.
>Literally who btway
The interviewer
/ourguy/ is getting clowned on...
>Hera 3k res ahead because Yo can't counter tower against Teutons and was forced off of all his resources in the main base
our boy Yo isn't gonna win a single game, there's no point watching this
>our boy Yo isn't gonna win a single game, there's no point watching this
Its no point watching the finals either. We already know Hera will win.
I know that, but who is she
How is it possible that Hera can just do whatever he wants every game and against any opponent? And in Feudal Age too. It must be mental for the opponents.
The knowledge of facing a very strong opponent does things to the mind
how is he throwing this
Hera probably teutons tower rushed because he know Saracens have significiantly better late game and he didn't want Yo to have a clean boom
>Hera is losing! quick, activate the map hacks!
>Hera is losing?
>Activate the hussar spam
>lost the civ win game
it's fucking yover
Yo needed to stay in the middle longer with more villagers, being 2 minutes behind to castle age means Hera gets +20 villagers
Civs don't matter until late Imp anyway
Civs matter if the timings are equal, Hera had double the farms and was in a better position to spam hussars
There is not a lot of difference between Malay and Bengalis, they have basically the same economy
>Making a forward castle on Malay
It is Yover
Sar, bengali do not redeem like malay
i fucking hate my life bros im not looking forward to anything anymore i just want to die and for everything to be over, wat do?
>wat do?
Create more hoplites Aristagoras
research Faith
>Shaming a mans bucholz
DauT should have sent Hera to hospital right there, the finals can wait
Ok but how do you pronounce it
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I have never played bengalis nor against bengalis (people on my low elo don't go random civ, much less pick a civ like bengalis), but when I watch videos that have bengalis they are always trying to mass rathas the second they reach castle. Are rathas a very powerful unit or do bengalis not have anything else?
Liereyy should have a higher chance of beating Hera in the finals, right?

On the other hand, it'd be nice to see Viper finally beating Hera in a finals again.
Water maps are shit
Rathas are their best unit, and their wood/gold cost means they're easy to play into using phosphoru builds.
Bengalis are otherwise a very high-skill, low-reward civ.
No elephant archers are with battle elephants being a close second, Rathas only see use because they are easier on the economy, a fully boomed Bengalis player should always use elephant archer over rathas
I've watched every series and this is the first time I see this map.
>Haha what if I just don't make military this game
Is Biper paying Liereyy to start throwing games?
FC into gg
Its not gg yet because he at least got the second town center up, but Viper should never lose from this position. All those Khmer farms with horse collar, double bit axe, double stable
No it was gg
Not immediate gg, people have choked from vipers position if they get lazy. Liereyy should have stuck to the spreadshit
This matchup is always fun to watch.
Wish this was the finals. I want both of them to go through.
Even if we pretended momentum had no value in this game, post-imp Rathas can directly challenge more unit types than Elephant Archers with a much lower elite upgrade cost, and they have better speed to boot.
They're absolutely the best unit Bengalis have.
No it was gg from the very moment lierey decided to go for FC
Damn, Viper has taken advice from his fans and started walling.
Maybe there is an argument for going ratha against egalos, Ratha have the damage output of a crossbow, they die as soon as elite skirmisher is teched into. They are the midway point between cav archers and elephant archers but with low damage. Elephant archer has more than double the HP, with the Bengalis bonus there are few comps that can actually kill them once massed
Romans > Chinese
That 5% scales way better and Romans have good siege options, Chinese don't really have an answer to heavy siege
probably the tatars so no need to build houses or spanish
>Lierrey going pike onager
Legionary would go hard
I feel like playing Romans now.
Bots are spamming this message on Twitch right now:

>viper skilled player but that is not normally, This very very ***ey need to check him pc and game. Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using the game deficit. and this cant seem on game screen. He needs to check-up
>Maybe there is an argument for going ratha against egalos, Ratha have the damage output of a crossbow, they die as soon as elite skirmisher is teched into.
They don't, for much the same reason teching pike doesn't immediately kill knights. They have plenty of easy pairings that account for this.
>Elephant archer has more than double the HP, with the Bengalis bonus there are few comps that can actually kill them once massed
And there are half as many things EAs can kill in a reasonable amount of time. Further, their counters all produce relatively quickly, and they can't run as easily.
You're using a simple "unit v unit" idea to measure the value of RTS units. They each have their uses, but Rathas come in faster, and they have a wider range of uses and adaptations.
Rathas are only the best if you include cheese strategies like the phosphoru, ratha are locked behind castles, that is not ideal, any other civ can go 3 ranges if they want cav archers or 2 stables for knights, they can easily scale the production of their units whilst booming, so you are basically stuck with a worse cav archer/knight.
>And there are half as many things EAs can kill in a reasonable amount of time. Further, their counters all produce relatively quickly, and they can't run as easily.
If you have a wall of 10k HP you do not run, halbs get slaughtered fast, any skirms without the last armor upgrade are easy pickings. Microing down a few elephant archers for an army of skirms is not worth it, you can get back to pop cap way quicker than the opponent
>ratha are locked behind castles
Elephant archers are either a support for other units or locked behind lategame eco. Moot point.
>they can easily scale the production of their units whilst booming, so you are basically stuck with a worse cav archer/knight.
It's better than either during the midgame. I have no idea how you see a wood/gold knight and think scalability is going to be the same kind of issue, especially for Bengalis.
>If you have a wall of 10k HP you do not run, halbs get slaughtered fast, any skirms without the last armor upgrade are easy pickings.
Far too optimistic, but I don't think I'll change your mind here. Go play that and see what I'm talking about.
>It's better than either during the midgame.
Play it against huns and see what happens
Says the guy shilling for elephant archers
So you are not confident you can beat huns cav archers with Rathas but they are better than huns cav archer?

The rathas whole niche is being a mobile archer, Huns cav archer is better at filling that niche. You need 2 castles to match Huns production, you don't get there unless your opponent is AFK. Will elephant archers work instead?
No, but it fulfills its niche as a powerful late game unit, rathas start out mediocre and become worse the longer the game gets, elephant archers start out bad but improves with game length. It is better to open crossbows against ranged civs and monks against cav civs
The trick is to go FC and have Rathas out before the Huns reaches Castle Age.
>"The flexible mid/lategame unit for a civ without access to cav archers isn't as good of a cav archer as the cav archer specialist's midgame cav archer"
>"The unit we were originally comparing it to isn't either, and this doesn't talk about their use as a knight or as both, but it has to count for something"
Completely pointless to say. Rathas are both knights and cav archers, and should be judged as both, not either.
Berbers can destroy them without even building castles, you end up with 9 ranged ratha and 5 melee ratha and toggling them to the right mode is impossible, meanwhile the opponent does a combination of overrunning with higher quantity of units, raiding and bringing in relics.
>Rathas are a power unit, just not against the high tier civs that actually have unit bonuses for their units, my ratha absolutely wreck the Burmese
>This UU gets countered by something in the Berber tech tree and I can't micro it.
Oh damn. I guess it's just over then. Let's all pick Berbers from now on.
I said Berbers don't even need camel archers to beat them, and I am 100% right, hell Berbers could go only skirms/genitours and win. You are overestimating the ratha
I dont understand how Viper plays this. Why go up to CA at 27 pop if you're going fast castle drop and organ guns? You should go up at 22-23 vills and go to stone earlier.
Oh he went fast Imp. I missed that. Makes sense then.
Almost every civ has elite skirmishers, 13 civs can make camels. Knights shrug off the pierce damage and force them into melee and any decent knight civ is happy to take that fight. Your whole argument for ratha is that the opponent won't put more units than you on the field, a knight trains in 30 seconds, it takes 350 wood to surpass your ratha production, and if you are going ratha you also need to build a stable for cav upgrades.
Better economy to go fast imp with, the first castle can't really go forward on this map
Viper vs Liereyy always go the distance.

So who's winning it? Feels like Viper almost always wins that deciding game.
>UU from 1 castle doesn't match the production speed of 2 stable knights and camels exist
>Let's all pick Berbers from now on
I don't like Armenians/Teutons vs Byzantines/Britons
So lets not play a proper game and just run unique units into each other and see which wins?

So I am not allowed to play knights because they would beat the ratha, I am not allowed to play cav archers because they would beat the ratha
Byzantines are way better than Armenians here.

Cheap Skirms + Catas counter everything Armenians can make.
But, Liereyy tends to shit the bed in deciders against Viper.
>So I am not allowed to play knights because they would beat the ratha, I am not allowed to play cav archers because they would beat the ratha
"Genitours beat Rathas head-to-head and they're cav archers, so cav archers are better than Rathas" is a disingenuous argument and you know that.
Elite Skirmishers also beat Rathas head to head if you read my posts fully, knights beat Rathas head to head, if you are making any army at all you have no reason to fear rathas. You do not have to have genitours elite skirm is an equivalent that works and is cheaper to make.
>Elite Skirmishers also beat Rathas head to head
Yeah, that's why you don't take that fight. Skirms beat cav archers, but I know if I mention them, you'll switch to describing knights.
>knights beat Rathas head to head
Depends entirely on the engagement. Again, something being a better unit doesn't require it to win against the other unit, though Rathas do beat cav archers.
>elite skirm is an equivalent that works and is cheaper to make.
And immobile.
>Yeah, that's why you don't take that fight. Skirms beat cav archers, but I know if I mention them, you'll switch to describing knights.
Here is a question for you, what do Bengalis switch into to counter skirmisher, Bengalis have light cav and mangonels, no knights, there is only so long you can avoid a fight. Every other civ has a proper counter to skirmisher, Bengalis you hope you get lucky with mangonels
Light Cav works well. They can also do Elephants.
Rathas counter skirmishers once they're in melee range. 3 hits to kill if you both keep pace on upgrades. Light cav is basically a meatshield.
Not as well as knights would.
And you can go pike/skirm, knight/skirm, camel/skirm. Knight/skirm and camel/skirm are pretty deadly
>And you can go pike/skirm
If I make Ratha, and your response is to go pike/skirm, I'm spamming 11 as I kill you.
As for the others, there are compositions that beat Rathas. We know. Figure out what your argument is.
We hate Hera. T90 isn't bad he's just cringe sometimes.
If you don't follow the build orders you're going to lose.
They really should have on top hats to complete the outfit.
both are jews 100 consecutive correct guesses
Yes they are good.
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please don't be like this guy. He was worse than a noob.
not as bad as my friend who has never played aoe2 and is trying to learn without even doing 1 tutorial.
>not as bad as my friend who has never played aoe2 and is trying to learn without even doing 1 tutorial.
I'm playing with a friend like that sometimes. It's pretty fun though cause I'm 1300 so we usually face 900-1000 elo players. So it's up to me to 1v2 them while my friend hits Castle Age at minute 40.
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>im busy pushing solo and barely holding on
>he's stonewalling my troops out from their retreat path and from more of my troops reinforcing
at least he got to imperial, my friend puts walls around his tc and walks around with 7 spearmen and 5 archers while the enemy pushes his shit in with rams and longswords with 0 effort
why do people make these? is it a sexual thing? is it supposed to be funny?
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>playing coop goth campaign
>have to listen to gib me dat goths sob story
what cry babies.
Yes and "yes", it's brainrot.
One players controls the mouse and one controls the keyboard?
Yes, Vinchester swapped so he can click 1000 times per second which is completely necessary in a high level game
what do you even do with a keyboard? just click the hotkeys?
Janky garbage for third-worlders.
Told you it was going to be a 5-0.

No need to watch grand finals anymore.
Sweep incoming
The secret to being a top player is ... drinking water?
I hate when Dave & T90 casts together.

Just get a room you fags.
Hera is only like 2 vills ahead lol, was it worth it?
t90 has a tendency to just ramble about completely unrelated garbage which dave feeds into. too many reused le-references like next-lever, t90's archery ranges, etc. they're both fine when paired with dash or memb because they don't get/react to the quirky reference humor.
i used to like watching t90's low elo legends videos and such but he so frequently just rambles for 5 minutes about some highschool story or something i just don't care about. don't know if he's always done it but once i noticed it i lost interest
hera-sisters... maybe we should refund the build order courses?
I have never known a canadian I didn't loathe.
Hera will win on Arabia which is the only map that matters, have faith in the spreadsheets
Exactly. T90 is great but with Dave it's terrible to listen to. T90 with Memb has been the best to watch. Not a big fan of Memb normally, but he's so hyper focused on the game and so enthusiastic that the two of them feed on their enthusiasm for the game.

Not a big fan of Dave overall. He's pretty good with Dash and T-West though but nothing extraordinary.
T90 with Memb is the best duo for sure. The crazy spaniard makes me laugh out loud
>Making 2-3 galleys that do nothing
If you aren't making 4+ you might as well not make them at all
Lets go Larry
Should've been 3-0 if Larry didn't choke in game 1.
what did he do?
wasted 4 minutes to tech into savar instead of just closing the game
Always good casters with a league on their own and rarity value: Viper, Hera, Mbl
rest of casters ranking:
1. T90
2. Memb
3. Cast of empires
4. Ornlu
50. Mario Ovalle
51. Dave
Agree with that list.
All Mayans have is egalos, I think larry can do this
No. It's gg.
I guessed the lamp price exactly... 49.
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>it's another 100 farmer hussar spam episode
>Hera 12 army
spoke too soon
fuck this is crazy
>Tactical water pause
Damn, I thought Larry was dead.
>1. T90
What if I'm not a retard?
This game is dead.
at least it wasnt another 5-0 hera-viper final
better player wins
That's why we are all posting here about a tournament?
whats your problem with t90? I havent heard any argument other than the usual contrarian "he popular therefore he bad"
Nobody aside from Hera will ever win an S tier tournament again.
>What if I'm not a retard?
Looks like you don't know that
Rambles around too much about useless shit while the game is going on and sometimes he loses key details on the match.
>why is he not only talking about the game when he is casting LEL/arena
The idea of ever having to encounter or do monk or mangonel micro keeps me out of ranked.
oh wow now I understand why 1 of 4 AoE2 content creators needs to be hanged, disemboweled and burnt on a stake. He committed the crime of sometimes losing key details on the match
he's so twitch brain poisoned and head up his own community's ass it's embarrassing
I remember when Daut won one of the red bull wololo tournaments and T90 started the winner's interview with "SO WE ALL ALWAYS MEME HOW BAD OF A PLAYER YOU ARE OLOLOLOL" and Daut had to tell him to shut the fuck up and just celebrate his talent for once
Who gives a shit what the masses think? they like what they are told to like.
>head up his own community's ass it's embarrassing
that's literally his entire business, appealing to people who watch him. That's why he's successful
If you want autistic matter of fact analysis, watch spirit of the law
Why though? The game wouldn't be fun to play if not for monk, mangonel and archer micro. That's what I live for.
Because I am 30 yo and anything that is not macro and attack/patrol command is too much for me, also hate monks
man I just can't go back to queueing with randoms after playing with friends, so many idiots and quitters and completely unresponsive robots if you can even get a game without someone queue dodging in the first place
>I'm 30 years old and I cant micro
Skill issue. Apply yourself.
t. 29
I live for fortified stone walls and castles. Rams, monks and autistic archer micro kill my fun.
I also take great pleasure in putting tons of archers inside my castle so it fires many more arrows in a single volley. It's the best feeling ever when the enemy sends tons of infantry to die under my castle
>autistic archer micro kill my fun.
H O W !?
Rams are kino
>I live for fortified stone walls and castles.
this again
defensefags pls
>Skill issue.
That's what I said
>Apply yourself.
too much pierce armor. I can't just turtle behind my comfy walls. I understand trebuchets (since I can use my own to strike back), but ram spam is just annoying and ruins my fun
>nooo you have to play the meta you can't have fun in a game with walls and castles explicitly put there to enjoy them
just make a friend here
They suck ass, they have terrible pathing and die to villagers
You always play with friends, never play alone
Just play Chinese and spam chu ko nus outside of castles
>Winner of NAC with 10k gold to bash on noobs
asian civs are ugly and gay, and they sound like fags
Why is Arabia so popular? It's such a shit looking map, aesthetically speaking.
Playing Simeon custom campaign and its pretty good but a bit grindy.
Nobody cares about aesthetics
Please link. Sounds very funny.
It's not quite how anon described it but it's still pretty cringe
If the question was worded slightly differently it would have been fine. It was a que for daut to say "I'M BACK". Dave made it worse by memeing 'the past' 3 times after. If I was T90 I'd be pissed. Daut is an oldfag so of course they're going to talk about how he's been around forever.
not very cringe... i just find it funny and so did daut lol.
>Because I am 30 yo and anything that is not macro and attack/patrol command is too much for me,
I'm older than you. Thats not an excuse.
I know. What elo are you? If you're around 1000-1500 lets play.
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Merry Christmas to all my fellow aoe2 anons. Hopefully I'll get the christmas present I've always wanted: a buff to handcannoneers.
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Memelord strats win games
Is that both a douche and someone making infantry?? Don't think that's allowed
The neat thing about Hera is that he clearly loves to teach people an includes his viewers in his thought process, explaining why he does things.
Fuck him, do you know the shit I have to put up with at 1000 elo now?

At 15 minutes there are horses hoovering around my economy and if there is not any horses then it is egalos. It is because they all use Hera spreadsheet and it has kept me permanently below 1100
So far I've beaten 9 missions of dlc and I have to admit, they made water combat actually interesting
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Even better, he spent all dark age vill fighting purple just to TC drop his woodline while my MAA rush and blue''s Archer rush did a lot of work too

Absolute madman
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Finally it's done
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It's been a while since I watched AoE2, and NAC made me hungry for more. Didn't know where to start, so I picked a random T90 video
>like 2 minutes of talking about the game
>so anyway my dad and i...
>thanks so much for the support, my finances are..
>my favorite flavor of milkshake is...
>[pretending to cry like a baby] (???)
>the channel is doing really well and...
I know why he does it, but man
try the previous NACs or the redbull events
as with every streamer who does it for a long time, it eventually becomes all about the person himself and their private life rather than whatever it is they're actually streaming
every moderately big streamer is basically just soap opera content, the games are just incidental
And that's a good thing and don't pretend you would prefer them to be talking about the game 100% of the time
I don't watch other people play video games to begin with
Mission 7 is bullshit because of the naval combat
just spam lembos and a couple galleys and use the gold on emissaries instead
I keep meaning to get into this game. I grew up with AoE2 and have watched a bunch of Spirit of the Law's faction overview videos, with Portuguese sounding like my sort of jam. How stressful would you say AoE2 is to play? SC2 was absolute hell for stress and anxiety while playing.
Stressful until you get used to having a human enemy out there in the aether trying to kill you.
Depends how much you are tryharding, 700 elo is not very stressful. 16xx Arabia is not fun, Nomad is pretty chill
It's not so much having an opponent, but how much weight is on every action you make. SC2 games can be lost in a split second when you misclick by a single pixel due to how retardedly fast paced it is.
Pfft I always get btfo by hard campaigns and scenarios
T.moderate man
There should be a list of worthwhile custom campaigns.
Why haven't you made one?
Im dumdum.
I actually remember trying to make a king Arthur inspired one in around 2000 but I knew fuckall about triggers etc.
Isn't sc2 notorious for being stressful? I think you can have plenty of fun just practicing 1v1 against the AI and the campaigns
>Isn't sc2 notorious for being stressful?
That's just a side-effect of being a Blizzard game.
FUCK emissaries just spam galleys and win every engagement.
Tried this and it actually worked. I was being pulled in too many directions last time by trying to defend my home island with towers, taking Naxos and spamming galleys to win water engagements all over the map. Galley spam doesn't seem to cut it unlike in AoE2. That mission isn't a good showcase of the new naval warfare, it's too big with too many enemies given you have a pop cap so the only way to win is by cheesing it with lembos spam. I think it's the only time I ever got frustrated at a campaign
Watch some Low Elo Legends and you'll see just how uneventful and relaxing the game can be if you drop in ranking enough
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I have admit, this mission was brutal for the moment.
why is your game in alien talk?

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