No love for the Star Wars AOE reskin?
>>1908947Needs DE treatment.
>>1908984For real and with the Episode III campaigns that were cancelled.
>Trade federation F teirFuck you imma MASS duck robots for life.
I liked it. It flips AoE2's formula on its head by having you use trash units as the bulk of your army, while the nova units were mostly situational support units. Also artillery - the mangonel equivalent - was actually useful against static defenses.
>>1908947EF is pretty much a new game, they changed so many things, somehow I liked the nu disney civs they brought though, mod is absurdly well done and they would have done DE rn if it wasnt for splitting rights between ea and disney
>>1908947I cannot enjoy star wars games anymore. That one mod was really nice when I last played it, but it annoyed me that they wasted time on disney factions
It's amazing how the mod units fit in with the artstyle really well. That's some major talent.
>>1909017Were they actually planning to make an Episode 3 expansion? With a three-year gap between it and the Episode 2 one?
>>1909146This is exactly why I loved it as well. That and it was just a great interpretation of star wars.
Hopefully we get a Trandoshan faction next. They'd be a great counterpart to the Wookies and would fit in well as the main enemy of their campaign, along with the Imperial Remnants.
The Super Battle Droids should've had a starting health bonus. Not anything major, something like +5 health that later gets augmented with their unqiue tech upgrade.
>>1908984What are the odds of that happening though? Expanded Fronts devs probably would be easy for Forgotten Empires to rope in and do stuff with, but House Mouse playing nice is another.
>>1911367If they ever get a Forgetten Empires update, I really hope they add in the new factions into the existing campaigns where they properly. As in, having both Geonosians and the Confederacy in the Republic campaign, the Imperial Remnant in the Wookiee one, etc.
game doesn't start even though I hear the intro video sound, wat do? (playing expanding fronts)
>>1911609AoE II DE retroactively updated campaigns to better accurately reflect given factions when they got added as civs proper, so that would probably happen in this hypothetical.
>>1908984They could easily do it as as game-within-a-game DLC to Age2DE kinda like Rise of Rome and the new Chronicles thing. I think the real issue is getting Disney or whoever to play along.
>>1913655they can't sell nu-wars slop with OT content, and can't be bothered to add nu-wars content into an old game. So it will never happen. Remember, the force is female and luke skywalker is a chud
>>1913663>they can't sell nu-wars slop with OT contenBattlefront 2 exists.> can't be bothered to add nu-wars content into an old gameThe mod team already did that. On top of that, they're quite different from how the Empire and Rebels operate (Empire focuses on mechs mainly, First Order is more about infantry and artillery weapons, Rebel Allance is about aircraft assault, Resistance goes with hit and run and stealth attacks)But I do agree that we won't see Galactic Battlegrounds: Forgotten Empires edition for a long time. This is the closest we'll get.
>>1908947I'm a clone war babby
>>1913864>Battlefront 2 exists.1/3 of that game is nu-wars content, thanks for proving my point
Is the Imperial Attacker unit based off an actual ship in Star Wars or is something made up? Looks like a weird Star Viper.
Pleasantly surprised to see a thread up.>>1909060They aren't bad.>>1909896I think they're probably happening next. They have troops, some mechs, some air in the editor.>>1911667Make sure you're running battlegrounds_x2.exe.>>1914386 of these I think.
>>1914684Always thought naboo were weak in base game what makes them better in EF?>sad wookie noisesAlways liked wookies in base ans thought they were pretty decent.
tried to get into it for a 3rd time yesterday but it's just too AoE-y for the setting. The way AT-ATs spin around in place weightlessly and the way fliers stop in place motionless takes me out of it immediately. Not to mention the weird ass balance, lightsaber users don't deflect blaster fire, etc I'd rather play EaW for the trillionth time, sorry lads.
>>1915503Aircraft got improved majorly. So now Naboo's Aircraft focus is actually a benefit with the loss of their shit mechs and troopers.
>>1916023Is it the air to ground new class?Or some other rework?
>>1916054Just general airbuffs that really worked out to Naboo's favor.
>>1916125So why are wookies shit? They got good air too, and troops as well as some techs to help mechs and artillery be effective?
>>1916596Because despite supposedly having a focus on aircraft none of their unique techs actually benefit them. While Naboo also gets cheap Jedi that helps with some of their other matchups. Naboo's tech structure and units basically allow them to both focus on Aircraft while allowing them to deal with their bad matchups.
>>1916603Is there a place that breaks down this stuff for EF? Like a article or a video somewhere?
>>1916743This is the closest you'll find.
>>1915503Refer to
one tiny bump
Should the unique units have something to indicate they are upgraded like everything else? Seens weird they ignored this.
>>1924640Does AoE do that? GBG is just a reskin of AoE so whatever AoE generally does I think would be good for GBG.
>>1908984Exactly this but 100% non-ironicly.
>>1909489What could it even have in terms of new content? Episode II had Clone Troopers and heavy droids. Chew Bakas?
>>1925152>Does AoE do that?For AoE I-II, yes and no. Upgraded generic units change visuals, but actual unique units don't. There are civ-unique upgrades for generic units with a more distinct appearance but otherwise similar silhouettes. Return of Rome (current version of 1) updated Iron Age units to have silver and gold armor to better reflect what upgrade they were actually on, and the regional units in AoE II's Chronicles DLC (antiquity insofar) also do the same thing with their Elite upgrades. I imagine there's a reason it isn't done for all unique units.Age of Mythology has both color-coordinated unit tiers and also armory upgrades present on the model, so seeing a shield would represent their extra pierce armor. But it's a 3D game, so it's easier to do there.
>>1914684>First Order>ResistanceWhy waste time on including that fanfiction shit?
>>1924640Only droidekas and magnaguards.>>1928652Lots of material to use for them. No reason to complain with IR and NR being a thing too now.
>>1928652Probably because people still like them on some fundamental level when not being used with either the standard lore or writing. The models in star wars legions was cool.
>>1929262they're literally just not-empire and not-rebellion designs
>>1928652The concept of the First Order was interesting and atmospheric, I liked that... the problem was the shallow execution and the rest of that crap from the New Trilogy. An example is pulling Palpatine and his fleet of Star Destroyers out of his ass, totally idiotic and unrealistic, and then there's the fact that they're destroyed by a bunch of crappy little ships, "people militia" lol. You can tell right away that this shit was written by a woman.
>>1929273Honestly the not-rebellion is even worse. At least the not-empire looks like edgy Empire. The Resistance is mostly shades of brown and cheaper looking helmets.
I don’t know if this is an Expanding Fronts problem, but the AI seems to react to an aggression or defence with an all out frontal attack that will throw itself on any defence (or will stand opposite on a shore) until the AI runs out of resources.