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Games explicibly designed to make player feel as if someone pissed in their coffee in the morning.
Always felt like Terror From the Deep was the worst XCom in that regard.
I tried to have fun with Zero-K and it would just not let me. I've beaten most of the campaign and maybe 5% of it was enjoyable. The final straw was that one zombie mission that might even be beatable, but at what cost.
The siege rolls in EU4 are an honorable mention.
Xenonauts insane difficulty
nu-Com and Darkest Dungeon are just risk management games. old-Com is more of a tycoon game.
i tried to like battle brothers, the art style is amazing but i just couldnt get over the fact that i loose non stop unless i savescum like a faggot and when i start doing that i then replay 30 min battles just to not get a wond into my gigachad,
at that point i stop playing, already happened 3 times
darkest dungeon is probably the worst offender because the more you improve the less likely it is for freak incidents (or deaths at all) to occur, which means when they do occur it's wall punching time

i never minded bad rolls in og xcom because you can always throw more mooks at the problem or just bail and regroup
The trick with the zombie missions is to use constructors and caretakers to reclaim the wrecks before they revive. It is kind of a pain regardless.
Dantes aren't easy to reclaim - and they're a pain in the ass to deal with anyway because when they set stuff on fire it could very well burn for like a solid minute. And that mission has like a 20 minute time limit, too.
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The pretentiousness is what gets me. They made a snowbally edge simulator that actively shits on you anytime anything goes wrong, then have the gall to tell you to fight smart, retreat if things get tough, and rebuild when things go wrong.

How? Nothing tells you how shit a mission is going to be aside from skull level. Running from enemies triggers a free attack that stops you if it hits, and they're just as fast so they can hug you the whole way out. Missions don't decrease in difficulty when you're doing badly from what I've seen, so if you take a bath you're just fucked.

Darkest Dungeon lets you semi-reliably bail from combat instantly, and only slightly shits on you for fucking off from a run. There also isn't really a proper loss condition, so any amount of skullfucking can be recovered from if you feel like grinding it out. XCOM is far more punishing, but it's under no delusion that it's fair or that you can come back from enough losses. Battle Brothers demands perfection and then acts smug about it.
Terra Invicta. Because the devs are literally hunting down every single element that people praise and enjoy and either remove it or fuck it over in a deliberate, targetted action.
No other game comes even close to this bullshit.
In 4, you can cheese the fuck out of siege rolls.
Try 1 or 2 and tell me about unfair game run by pure RNG
I think it doesn't help that there's nothing about it that really hints it's going to break your balls either.
because the devs responded to complaints that xcom was too easy
Why didn't people like Darkest Dungeon 2? It felt more like a journey and an improvement in every way.
my problem is one bad roll can cost you 10 hours of gameplay and you simply cannot hedge effectively
That's just flat out not true. You're meant to lose dudes all the time in Battle Brothers. It's a strong incentive to keep looking for better recruits instead of trying to make your craptacular original dudes work at all costs, though admittedly this shifts somewhat depending on your origin. People who think you can't recover from setbacks in BB are almost always scrubs who fill their entire roster with garbage and then get assfucked by the game scaling off of their troop count.

There's nothing "pretentious" about that, except for people like you pretending that the game is bad because you never bothered to git gud.
They Long War devs bro. Hardcore gameplay is what they make.
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more than 1000 hours in this game and yet early game is the best that can possible be. If you struck the how to play and move in this game, then it's become easy. The best scenario is ofcourse lone wolf. It's sad that studio responsible for making this gacha shitshow, makes some shity space game. They should add more armors, weapons dungeon possibilites or possiblity to develop settlement, so mid and end game would be more fun. I would buy it even in form of DLC
it isn't "le hardcore dark souls of gsg" it's just fake difficulty bullshit
they deserved to have their closed alpha leaked
Honestly its just gambling at this point.
Also Battle Brothers taught me the percentages more than any math class ever did.
People also encourage players to savescum until they learn how fights go. That's what saving is for classically, so you don't lose all your progress when you die and have to start over. The mentality of self imposed ironman when it's an option at game start is a retarded carryover from easy games where people had to create restrictions to self impose challenge. That environment doesn't exist in battle brothers so self imposing additional challenge before you master the entire game is like shooting yourself in both feet then complaining that you can't run a marathon.
>every battle is randomized at start and savescumming is actually reseting battle, you can't play the same battle twice
>You're meant to lose dudes all the time in Battle Brothers
that is wrong tho, you can't easily replace high level brothers and leveling up is slow and its not like you can actually stash cash or items in this game(events and limited inventory)
Coffee with piss in it tastes strangely oily.
relationship mechanic suck. having to redo hours of progress suck. unlocking new skills is so slow it's not fun. many things are not properly explained, like most quirks don't have any explanation of their effect. there's no story about what's going on. poor hero balance, all people using the same few teams.
Anon each encounter against a specific enemy type has a general strategy that applies to all enemies of that type even if the encounter is slightly different. The fact that you can't adapt information learned in one encounter to all similar encounters just reveals you to be a retard that can only into rote learning and memorization, and that is why you have difficulty.
A high level shit brother is worth less than a mid level good brother. You are supposed to sacrifice the shit at appropriate moments to keep high value brothers in the game and progressing.
as in 50% and above is a guaranteed fuck you, 45-25% is a Very likely Fuck you, and 5% means IT ALWAYS FUCKING HITS
and your bros 95% Means TWO MISSES IN A ROW
>Long War devs make hardcore gameply
no they make tedious gameplay. it's in their name
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Depending on which zombie mission, the trick is either to use constructors to salvage wrecks or to obliterate wrecks entirely
tedious and hardcore are usually synonymous
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no, but tedious and autistic are synonymous
you can't even amass a cash reserve(lol gib a raise event) or hire high level troops to replace losses(and leveling take long time)
contract payout is ridiculously low and you need to cheese loot and repair every trash to make by
and yes
>choose your battles well
but you literarily can't see what are you gonna face most of the time and scouting or running away is a waste of time
all you wrote is skill issue
yes, on the side of the devs
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>skinner box: the games
You have the insurance cache you get from failed missions. It's just enough to fully equip a new clone and send him in. And if you have a dodge clone available you don't even need that, just corner ambush with your fists until you find a gun.
Learning curve and tricks to survival are insane in that game tho. Like, I don't think I can reccomend dropping your entire inventory and doing any available drugs you have before engaging the enemy to lower their chances of turning into a space demon and improving your dodge (or depending on your equipement load, reducing the enemues chance to crit) in any other game.
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The issue I will assume and shamelesly project onto this thread is that all of you idiots are too prideful to tone tone the game difficulty down to a level where you're having fun.
You just set it to ball-breaking mode and then complain that your balls are being broken.
Piss coffee is just on the menu, you can always order something else
TW: Warhammer games feel like the AI and some mechanics are coded specifically to aggravate the player. They behave less like serious geopolitical opponents, and more like they're trying cause the maximum amount of irritation possible. Even as allies they're an unreliable, useless, pain in the ass that often cause more problems as friends than as enemies.
What annoys me about 3 is that they specifically hyped up all the changes they made to sieges (since attacking settlements are probably the most common battle type), only for the AI to basically never bother attacking your cities unless they calculated that they're going to completely stomp you. So your options to "enjoy" the new mechanics are either to fight out obvious losses with tiny garrisons versus full armies, or to cheese the AI by making your army seem juuust weak enough to bait them into attacking.
I can understand the anti-player bias is needed in some way to prevent snowballing (since the AI is overall hopeless), but the war decs from across the map from a faction who will never interact with you are also very stupid.
Yeah, it's too calculating and quite immersion breaking. It'd be so much more fun if the AI took a chance on a battle instead of only waiting for a certain win. I guess that's because a semi-competent player could stomp them, but then that's a failure of the battle AI which is reportedly designed to be bad to make players feel smart and powerful rather than be a genuine challenge outside of an overwhelming advantage against the player.

Also fuck the tower defence shit, feels stupid as an attacker and annoying as a defender. "You lost this arbitrary point, your entire army gives up and you lose."
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>it's a "skaven declare war on you, take 5 stacks of dogshit into your closest province and start raiding, then forced march one pixel out of range of your army when it shows up" episode
>if you cheat it's easier
>doesn't know how to cheat in the older ones
You're just complete shit at the game
Losses are acceptable, your party rebuildable. Hell, unless you've got permanent destruction, you can even largely ignore the endgame crisis if you aren't ready for it.
X-com on the other hand requires you to be at a certain performance during the timeline or you're 100% fucked and don't know it until a year later. This >>1912383 fucking shit in particular.
Then you have games like >>1921418 where you walk in to a room with the best armour in the game at full health, perked out like a motherfucker and get instantly pain locked and killed on the fucking spot. You don't even need to walk in the room, they'll enter the room and blow your brains out for you. Shit like that is why I stopped playing it.
>and some mechanics
You mean like grinding 2000 fucking skeletons against a single piece of shit motherfucker stunty faggot unbreakable ghost dwarf?
Certain factions have unbearable bullshit early game, like ghost dwarves or fucking playing VC and watching a single tree nigger decimating your entire army, made worse that that dryad cunt has half a roster of them.
And God help you if you play Vampire Coast and don't immediately rape the donut free from elves. By midgame I had 7 full flags of fucking dragons coming straight for notBrazil.
wdym, game is easy now since it actually has a money system where you can components for your ship
also you can buy weapon/armor cases
>In-game option to simply create a wall breach is cheating
>Actually has no idea how siege rolls are done in older titles
Stay mad, zoomershit
I figured out TW games have this odd quirk where a game focuses on one thing and all the others suck balls
>historical (shogun 2) great balance, technology descisions and actual maval mechanics. Barebones diplomacy and borning fights (low verity units and tactics)
>fantasy (TWWH2) great spectacles in fights and near infinite tactics due to a combination of SEMs, magic and factions. Player antagonizing diplomacy and balance is in the gutter like in your example. Techology doesn't matter at all.
>mixup (3k) good diplomacy and interactive court intrigue. Again get samey fights after the first couple and technology matters very little very fast.
Do you even get anything good off those? Isn't the insurace an actually better collection of gear?
explain the difference i genuinely don't know
X-COM doesn't belong there, as it has a lot of room for recovery.
Darkest Dungeon expects shit to go wrong to progress further, even if it's on a sadistic side.
BB and nuCOM2 are just shitty games. Lost a high level guy? Might as well restart.
BB is especially fucking awful if you don't meta game. Nigevelopers would even "balance" stuff they consider it too strong.
>doesn't know what I'm talking about
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Picrel has been busting my balls since I got it in the winter sale. Still like it, though.
Nah fuck you FTL is great.
this looks like jankkino, i'll probably try it.
based on the trailers, the austere audio and the vibe remind me of space hulk (2013, not the latter sovlless one)
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But I don't drink coffee.

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