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So what does /vst/ think about this game? Is it actually any good, or did people just freak out about it for a hot second because it's been so long since an actual good HoMM game has been released? I just played through HoMM V again and want more of something like it. I've already played the shit out of HoMM II and III of course.
Nice sprite work.
Cool magic system.
Reddit writing and lore.
Shit A.I.
Player who attacks first loses (stack cap + no reinforcement mechanic to support the said cap)
Some music pieces are O.K.
Ah, almost forgot. Never felt it on my pc, but some say that graphic performance is shit as the game was, allegedly, coded by jungle critters.
Man... I was afraid of that. I'd heard something about the writing/lore, to also hear that the A.I. is shit is a dealbreaker. Thanks, anon.
Nobody else on /vst/ has played this? Bump
i really enjoyed it when it was in early access, playing the arabs and making a hyena focused build was fun as fuck as enemies would essentially kill themselves on them. The spritework is nice, factions were neat, but frankly didnt give much of a fuck about the lore
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There are hardly any white heroes in the game; most of them are either black or animals. And every white hero looks ugly.
I said this about many games, but when talking about SoC I really mean it - the game is fine. This is the most "fine" game that I've played. It's not bad - I've put ~150 hours in it and I'll put more when they add more factions. It's not as good as classic HoMM games, but that's a tall order anyway. If you want more of that, sure, give it a go, don't hate it just because it does some things differently.
They are adding a Nordic inspired faction next. Surely this Swedish dev team wouldn't muttify themselves?
can't hold a candle to HOMM3 or even 5. It's just too shallow with not nearly enough content to compete. Not to mention the "wait" function cardinal sin
>Surely this Swedish dev team wouldn't muttify themselves?
webm related, 1:33
The DLC is out.
It's a good, not great, game. It's never gonna be as good as HoMM3, but it's a fun diversion for when you've played HoMM3 to death and want something similar but different for a bit.
It's good and had some novel ideas which is a big plus over most would-be HoMM successors. The novel magic system is very well done and I enjoyed playing just to try that, plus their units felt well-designed (though being limited to a single faction's troops is quite restrictive compared to most other heroes games). However it has a number of problems that I found to drag it down from being really great.

The map objects which give permanent boosts are frustrating and tedious, especially on campaign because their benefits carry over to later missions. Picking up the non-permanent boosts before a big battle feels similarly tedious.

The stack limit was an interesting idea, but I feel like it failed completely at the goal of encouraging more interesting tactics than a single doomstack. Maybe this is more relevant in large multiplayer matches but I rarely felt like I had enough troops to do more than fully load out a single hero and splitting your troops is just suicide. There's also research to funnel extra resources towards powering up your main hero if you do somehow cap out your main hero's troops.

The hero skills are far too critical to making spells useful. Having my spells being basically useless made me sad and pushed my builds heavily towards spell-focused skills and items just so I could interact with the interesting system more. Dual-mastery spells requiring both associated skills to tier up was bullshit and limits your effective spell list (and especially off-path spell list) further. Battles also feel a bit too short/explosive to really show off the system, especially early on in the game. When you often don't get enough essence built up for significant spellcasting until round 2 or 3 it feels really bad to see stacks dying in a couple of attacks.
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>Surely this Swedish dev team wouldn't muttify themselves?
played it long time ago, didn't really liked it outside of looks
No idea, anon. No clue. A true mystery
I wish living in a world where this is the biggest issue this shitfest of a game has.
>I wish living in a world where this is the biggest issue this shitfest of a game has.
But it's a sure symptom of a dumpster-fire. The first thing that should come to mind when a video game studio or a company virtue signals is that their focus is on some weird bullshit instead of their product.
I like the concept of the game but the balance and AI tuning are retarded.
Magic overpowers almost everything and half the units feel like a waste of space.
The actually good melee unit are fucking expensive so by the time you could make a proper army some lvl 8 wielder came and nuked you with a a magic build.
The AI goes from braindead to "totally not cheating I swear" in a single increment and they can somehow afford to deck out 3 heroes before you even get your 2nd town built.
it's also weird how so many units are female
oops didn't mean to quote>>1913606
Vanir are fun but too OP imo
>2 dest tier 1 unit with a free ranged attack + shielded
>sidegrade that absolutely cheese sieges
>the taunt ability can mess up an enemy stack real bad
>great ranged AND melee unit AND tanky AND 2 dest
>nornor are basically just cheating
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Horrible mulatto zebra
Turbomeh, and with eyesore wannabe retro graphics. Just play HoMM3 or AoW2.

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