Since a new game is out of the question, what do you think of AWBW?
My only knowledge of the game comes from watching an autistic kid at school play it on his computer while he sat next to me
>>1912478It’s clearly built for autistic no-lifers by autistic no-lifers. All the maps are gigantic, all of them test your ability to optimally capture 15 properties in the shortest amount of time possible (always at least 8 days) before you even get to the first engagement, and the mechanics are just different enough that you can’t jump in and enjoy it if you enjoyed the originals. The real life time demand is insane. You can play so much else instead of a single game that you lose on day 30 because you built a tank instead of a bcopter back on day 9.
How is a new game out of the question? One bad fire emblem release would probably do it
>>1912657Boot Camp was so bad it almost seems designed specifically to kill the franchise. Genuinely would have been better off cancelling it.
>>1912497massive skill issue
>>1912479Well what did you think
>>1912478I don't like it.It would be better if it had real-time matches because then people would be forced to do worse decisions instead of having all the time in the world to think of a literal perfect turn. This is by far the biggest problem with it.Also I know that balance was always fucky in AW but AWBW takes it to a whole new level with it's really shitty maps where you can do nothing but spam infantry for the first couple of days because there's not enough starter buildings and too many neutral buildings in the middle points.Even the smallest maps in AW would often start you off with 5 buildings and have generally less neutrals as you get closer to the middle making the technological progress much faster and reducing focus on infantry.Most of the maps feel too samey and often provide little to no chokepoints.There's practically no asymmetrical 1v1 maps as well because compfags would throw a hissy fit.I've had more complaints but I forgot them.Of course AWBW fags will tell me skill issue or that I'm wrong even though I'm not, anyway check these dubs.
>>1912478I used to play this way back in the day but it's way too dominated by sweaty nolifers optimizing the shit out of every move. Which I guess is exactly what you should expect in a community like that, but when you apply it to what is essentially just a casual kids' game it very quickly stops being fun.
>>1913209There is a live format with timers that greatly accelerate decision making and lead to much wilder and looser play as a result. High funds also solves the basic bitch unit spam that can get boring because tech ups flow freely and I think there's a lot less of a robust meta in high funds so you tend to see more player expression with what they choose to build once they have the money to forgo regular tanks. >There's practically no asymmetrical 1v1 maps as well because compfags would throw a hissy fitI thought AWBW at least had copies of all the war room maps somewhere, like spann island, shouldn't those be plenty? Most people interested in casual play would much rather do so on 3+ player maps to begin with.
>>1913209I perfectly understand what you mean. However, this is a problem in strategy games in general. Even more in turn based strategy. For example, look at C&C: single player is all about using different strategy to build the AI with its superior ressources and positional advantages. PvP is just everybody building the same units, using the same strategy etc. Assymmetrical distribution of anything will always face complains about imbalances.Like I said, turn based strategy is even worse. And the fact that you start with fewer stuff has a reason: the more developed the games are at the beginning the more it favours whoever moves first. The same reason why there's bigger maps: when more than the half of the map would be in range of a single tank movement, it would simply favour whoever gets his tanks to the centre first.
Tinywars is way less solved than awbw, if your gripe is the excessive memorization. Weird to think about, since Days of Ruin was pretty well solved by 2013. But no one archived the IRC chat and most of that knowledge seems to have been lost to time.
>>1915844I'm sure the offical maps are on there somewhere but no one plays them. Every match is either the auto-made matches on Balanced Competitive maps, or 16 player memefests.
>>1912478It's shit