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Now this just seems silly.

Also, post stuff about HOI4 mods.
Previous thread: >>1891716
Not as silly as Europe surrendering it's military to USA irl
I know, right? An EU country doing something besides being passively fucked to death where sham elections lead to nothing. Someone get the TNO devs on the horn, this thing needs some realism injected into it.
>tno devs tno devs tno devs tno devs tno devs tno devs wikipedia wikipedia wikipedia wikipedia wikipedia realism rework realism rework realism rework
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Posting TFR toozers that no one else bothered to.
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Although iirc Les Identitaires rolled back on the JQ
Why did you repost the latest dev announcement from their Discord here?

All these are great, look forward to them.
God I cannot wait for Munchies to shit out that France update.
>The Chinese can build an AI God
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Hope the NSM focus tree eventually gets a major overhaul, feels very bareboned compared to the other civil war factions.
Does anyone in this board still care about kaiserreich?
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>John Titor quit
/vst/ generally trends more towards KX. The only positive buzz for the update that I've seen has come out of the TNO thread because their Christmas update is a bunch of micro states and a broken map.
Who? What?
(Now former (?) lead dev of The Fire Rises.
why the FUCK isn't there a basic balanced competitive 1v1 map for multiplayer
something you can just hop in and play a game in an hour or so
Now they just need to make it possible for the RoC to slip a virus into it that makes the supercomputer split into two personalities, one that of Mao and one that of Chiang, with the two fighting eachother until one manages to kill the other.
It's working out for them so far.
What does this mean? Please don't tell me it's another TNO style implosion happening.
the new russia update for kaiserreich is actually pretty fun, it's way better than the german rework with the TNO minigames
I still can't believe they ripped the RD-NPP election minigame from TNO right down to the slogans for Germany's elections. Mixed feelings on Russia though, there's a lot of give and take with that one. Don't like the pacing and a lot of the narrative decisions either. But at least it wasn't ruined and there's plenty of map painting you can do. Will still be sticking to KX but you know could've been way worse.
that is exactly what going to happened soon
>tfr, try germany->fascist eu, need to lose in the first nato-rus war against the soviet union first, so i set them to always go commie
>sit on my ass for 8 years
>war starts
>win in less than 6 months
Well, uhh.
The funny thing is that I didn't even have to do anything, the other European armies just fucking bulldozed the Russians. Mind you, Ukraine DID fall, which is supposed to be very beneficial for the Russians, but alas.
I'm thinking of going for China next. Can anybody give me a general rundown on playing China? I've heard that you get some very interesting stuff if you lose the war against the RoC, but not any details.
if you lose against Taiwan you can get the military, new leftists or reformists in charge
if you win you stay with xi
Good to know. I thought that the country would splinter into a hundred factions or something. Speaking of which, I swear I saw a teaser for a mod like that once.
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that would cause the chinks and russians to make their own version
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I am sad that Yale doesn't get any interesting special projects or even just bonuses to them. Or just in general, EAW didn't do enough with the special projects. The thaumaturgic thing is just boring. At least give me proper modern airships. I crave those in HoI4 ever since replaying Kiseki games.
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The world also ended up pretty boring. Daybreaker lost after Luna started a civil war, and nothing interesting ever happens in Zebrica.
That might be my single biggest and most autistic gripe with the mod. They have a fantasy setting that could have huge fleets or aerial battleships, flying aircraft carriers, and motherships with awesome airships and instead they just make it almost exactly 1:1 standard air warfare of WWII. Such a disappointment. They have magical clouds that could make the volume to carrying capacity much better. And with the world being inhabited by quadrupedal hooved or at best clawed species that could serve as an easy excuse for why they wouldn't be able to make use of fighter planes anywhere near as easily. But no. They're just so boring.
So... what's going to happen?
>I am sad that Yale doesn't get any interesting special projects or even just bonuses to them
The path that you're playing as has literal tranny events
Notes from TNO's latest lead meeting leaked along with their new space race toozer.
I'm not going to start playing TNO even if they add space autism.
Yea, it is disappointing how scared most devs are to go into weird tech and magic. Even Grogar monster thing is heavily limited in how many monsters you can get.
That second east asian war was the most agonizing thing I've ever experienced. Which drooling fucking retard decided to give a -95% debuff to ALL fucking states and then make some 20 decisions where you have to wait 50 days for it to finish so you can get rid of the retarded ass debuff? And the icing on the cake is that for almost all of those decisions you can only do one at a time, and may actually even have to wait for 50 days just to select another one? Of course there's a time limit of about two years to the war too.
My experience with invading Japan was this;
>naval invasion in kyushu, take over and rush into chugoku and shikoku
>wait 50 days to get the decision that removes the debuffs from kansai, whole time my 80 divisions are staring head on at the 5 japanese divisions sitting across the border, i am staring blankly at my screen
>take kansai, wait 50 days, ditto, THEN i can rush into tokyo and kill them off
And then I have to deal with the rest of the retards. For Indonesia and Australia I just tagged in as them, deleted their armies and then tagged back and teleported my army to all their cities. If I didn't do so, I would have lost the war to the equally retarded time limit that just kills you, no questions asked.
Who even invented this "lol -99.99% attack debuff" bullshit? It's about as contrary to the design of the game as it can get, and since it only functions if there's fighting you can just get around it by avoiding fighting, either by vomiting ten gorillion mobile units over a large front or occupying the whole country with airdrops/marines at the same time. That would have worked well with Japan, saved me the pure agony. In fact, I fucking WISH I had done that. Then I could take screenshots of me doing it, enter the discord of the devs, ask for the one who came up with this genius invention, and then show him the screenshots. Then the little bitch would start bawling his eyes out about how I'm not playing fair and go slit his fucking throat.
This is really funny cause in the Eurowar everyone was seething that if you have a braincell it ends so easily. I don't blame the devs, there is no winning with you people lmao.
I'm not at all in the wrong you little niggerape, there's no fucking reason for such a retarded "design" "decision" whatsoever, it's just a shitty ass roadblock that exists for no reason, and if you're going to throw that on my way AND expect me to completely circumvent it via some trick then you should just hang yourself. It also was nowhere near as cancerous in the Eurowar.
>Which drooling fucking retard
one of the chinks
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Folks, we're commencing GREAT ACTION - to help DONALD J TRUMP.
We’ve already gotten so much done, everyone is saying. The busiest in history, it’s really unbelievable - ITS TREMENDOUS. Mechanics, Events, More STUFF - you guys love STUFF... More coming soon. Stay tuned, patriots.
I'm BIGLY excited for this!
Don't worry, they'll never add it. I just came here to let you guys join in on laughing at them.
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How the fuck are you supposed to defeat the National Front as the AWD
Best TFR paths in Europe? I played Germany and everything post war with Russia was just buggy and frankly seemed salty, like "you were not supposed to win as the Liberals.
i just want to remake the confederacy and conquer the north
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Skill issue, pal.
NatSoc Germany is pretty solid.
what's generally the best doctrine in TFR, the one that gives you planning bonus?
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Looking to make some modding friends.
I studied comp-sci, have some experience modding HoI4 and a lot of free time.
t. Archeofuturist Chud
The Surrender the Military focus is an AI focus that stops them from being a dead weight when you're playing Germany. It's not meant to be realistic, just a convenience because Eurasia can be pretty tough.
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New "KRTL Cold War". Looks way better than BoreKrieg
Shame it's not between Savinkov's Russia and Totalist America, but the setting is still interesting.
Here's hoping they do a good job, can't be worse than KK. Can we get a QRD on what the majors are except for Totalist America?
IIRC Kaiser-Germany and Japan
What about Russia?
>Commie states
Dropped and ignored
Looks kino.
Reduced to warlord states.
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Why and how? Are any of them funny?
KK is perfect for you then!
Please, anon, don't even joke about that. No one deserves to be subjected to that.
When did KX surpass KR?
I think the general discourse really started to turn in 2022. It varies from person to person. I gave up on KR completely when they made Huey a Nazi and deleted the Silver Legion and Goering.
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>I'm not a Nazi, it's just all of my buddies who loved Hitler
I really wish you'd stop shitting up these threads with your constant, bumbling attempts to justify this terrible change. The only reason you did it was because you didn't like the Silver Legion and wanted something to replace it upon its deletion without having to do any work you dumb, lazy cunts.
TNO and its' consequences were a disaster for the goy$ modding race
>warlord states.
Why do they always shill this chinese meme, it's gay and lame and not fun and such a "lol look at our schizo of a week" bait.
But KX is so boring. On the same level as some outdated KR tags.
KX is reddit incarnate and i won't pretend otherwise
lmao you got mogged you ape
>Breaks his own mod/gender
>Tells people that moved on that they got owned
The transexual's mind is truly something else.
Is this retard physically capable of arguing about something he likes without immediately screeching about everybody else that doesn't is a dev or troon or whatever?
I like to think he's like that in real life debates.
>Call the troondev a troondev
>It seethes
Works every time.
What kind of mods do you even like
What the fuck is going on in the TFR server?
Getting raided. Appears that some moderator went chimpo mode and is fucking up the server. I hope they have the sensibility not to make any permanent changes like channel deletions.
That's more of an admin feature than a janny one unless they are really fucking retarded. Thanks for the info!
qrd for those not on it
>qrd when it's already explained

This looks just as shit as Kalterkrieg. WTF are those borders?
Possible ww3 scenarios
>huge land war in central asia against China and Japan. NO
>Naval war and Naval invasion invading from america or europe. NO
Will never get released and if it does it will be shit. TNO only worked because of narrative and domestic features and the plenty of long proxy wars. Every other cold war mod will fail because they have nothing to pad the reality that a cold war means nothing ever happens.
>Lost my firestarter role
It's joever
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>duchy of muscovy
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>Works every time.
With content. KX content is just hundreds of portraits and one shared foreign policy tree.
Don't get me wrong KX is fun if you want to just roll tanks around, but you can just play vanilla for that. KX doesn't really have any unique mechanics and lore, like TNO, or lore, like KR or PB. EaW mogs all of them combined.
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>defeat Biden ez as Trump and start slowly pushing my way into the national front
>the commies declare war on me, two front war
>look at logistics
>-31k gun shortage
>will last 668 days
>national front rekts the confederates and now I am completely surrounded
Wtf do I do now? Just die?
>Just die
And go to jail after the January 6 declaration of a two front war on the TRUE America? Nah I don't think so buddy. Fight fight fight! Death to the APLA!
Pit the commies and fascists against each other and wait for a golden opportunity to strike
Has anyone seen the NSM win the civil war? So far I've only seen the PF win out of all the members of the NF.
Someone posted a screenshot once of NSM scoring a weird 1/100 victory where the Michigan front was left wide open and they ended up just blobbing by accident. Otherwise PF always carries the NF.
Modern EaW is incredibpy shit and is no longer as fun as it used to be.
>t: played mod since 2017
Ayrt is telling you that KX sucks because it doesn't have fucking Denmark GUIs like TNO. It's obvious they never played the mod and just spit out names of popular mods to shit on the "nazi mod".
>EaW mogs all of them combined.
Is everything else really that shit?
No, EaW is just that good. You have fun wars to fight on a custom map, instead of going around the Maginot for the 100th time. During downtme you have some interesting but not very heavy mechanics and if you are into that you can read the events that have probably the best writing among all the mods.
Maybe OWB does things better, but I didn't pmay it because I’m not into Fallout.
Also both of them are run very fast.
I'm telling that TNO has different things to do that arent just fighting same wars over and over. I don't even like the "nazi" part of the mod so much.
KX is not even that bad, it's just extremely overrated.
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>EaW is just that good.
>take historical figure
>make them into a pony or griffon
>everything completely isolated in a vacuum, no alliances or geopolitics at all
EaW has always been shit, for literal midwits but what do you expect out of people who watch a kids show and praise it, Kaiserreich of all things has you BTFO'd
How is that any different from Kaiserreich?
>but what do you expect out of people who watch a kids show and praise it
I've got bad news for you, anon, but the people who like EaW the most are the fags of the fagdom (secondaries) while the people who are the most dedicated to the show hate EaW the most.
>chat is in ukrainian
I mean ukrainains are just ghetto russians but this is embarrassing lol
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>TNO clone
>but generic
The Troon Order has been a disaster to the worst hoi in it's series
unrelated but has krasnacht even released anything? or did the faggot devs commit 41%
1.1 when?
Nope, it died in a retarded orgy of leftist infighting, gay discord coups and such. One of its devs, a tranny called katieluka [worked on kaiserreich's Ukraine and Russia], joined kr4 after it.
Guy on the right makes some compelling points.
Now all we need is the ability to get Elon as an American president after Trump and have the endgame being two artificial hyper-intelligences duking it out for control of the world.
Sounds really kino.
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Some leftist generals for Cascadia got revealed.

Left to right, top to bottom: Erik Stinson, Gregory Lee Johnson, Bambu de Pistola, Carl Dix, Josh Servian

Absolute cinema
Trumpbros are the most oppressed faction...
Shame there's no kyle rittenhouse event
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Wouldn't Elon be a (bio)transhumanist though?
>epicenemorph kamala
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Is that even a word?
TNO? Frozen in Antarctica. Pax Brit? Radio silence. TFR? Dead on arrival. Red Flood? More like Red Drought. Kaiserchads stay winning.
TNO is currently busy making Fiji focus tree for a total of 2 bisexuals to play.
>TFR dead even tho big 1.1 update in only two (2) more weeks
Lovely. What are they adding? The devs sadly dont post anything in the social media I follow them in, so I dont really know
Focus trees for Cascadia, League of the South, Black Liberation Army, and Association of the Free. They're also doing overhauls/makeovers for the preexisting nations with content like The Long March path for China. Also the two more weeks thing was a joke if you didn't realize that, we don't know when it's dropping but I'd imagine it'll release sometime in the first half of 2025.
Kanye West is a leader confirmed
The only one of these that's totally fucking dead is TNO. They're updating in two days and are unironically bragging about adding micro states and the tenth rework of Moskowien that cuts a ton of content. There's never been a mod as dead as that one. Which is kinda funny when you think about it since it was hailed as the KR killer at one point. This year, KR has released two major reworks while TNO almost exclusively deletes old content. So if nothing else, that's a pretty big W for them even if it is due to their opponent 41%ing itself.
Red flood is 100% dead as well
It feels less egregious than the case of TNO. Red Flood is more of a boondoggle but I can still boot it up and have a fun time. TNO is actively deleting all content most people ever gave a shit about in that mod. It's just sad what happened to that one.
your right. as a TF2 player i know damm well no updates is better than bad updates
Crazy how Red Flood is dead while the fan follow up mod that the dev team "despise" (Judgement Day) is still pretty much active
So I know about TNO/OWB/EAW/TFR/TWR and the like but I keep seeing mentions of some other mod called OTL except I can't find it anywhere I look.
How could you miss it? It's all over the news.
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"They say I'm bad at balance - WRONG! I the best balancer of America - EVER. We have the best balanced budget, the most balanced government, and THE MOST BALANCED BALANCE OF POWER!
And you know, I had the most BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL decisions and the best advisors, but most importantly, I have YOU - THE PEOPLE. And you have your interests and they have theirs, but I know I can strike a deal, the greatest of deals, for the sake of America. Isn't that right?"

The Congress though, they also told me it's important to FOCUS. And to "describe" the FOCUS. They just like making more paperwork, don't they...? But I know you love reading them, folks, so make sure you FOCUS on those POLITICAL FOCUS descriptions. We have some of the biggest, some of the most powerful... You're not gonna forget them easily!!!
DVRK MQGQ path when?
Qannon Chads we won
Buckle up qatriots this is gonna be a wild one!
>The winner ai merges with the loosing one Possibly turning into the modern equivalent of AM
So uh

A German documentary about Telegram rape channels just used TFR music in the intro
Devnigger in the TNO thread said that they just went into code freeze and will release in a few hours after crunching on fixing basic issues into the last minute to meet a deadline. Are you ready for the thousand year Fijireich skeleton, anon?
Fijireich is out.
Patch notes are 95% map tweaks and minor lore additions.
Bronies, Kaiserboos, wastelanders and firestarters win again.
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Has anyone checked the focus files for Trial of Allegiance and Gotterdamerung so far? It's suspicious that they've made a skeleton focus tree in ToA that they never ended up using.

Pic rel is me bringing it back to see what it looked like
Played Zhirinovsky's Russian in tfr
Learned my lesson from last (incomplete) play through, sent volunteers all over the world, finished the doctrine by the start of first euro war. Patriot front won the civil war pretty quick
Used a template someone suggested, 6 ifv, 2 spa, shovel, blowtorch, tank recon and spaa in support
Europe intevened before I got like two focuses into my SVO tree
The war was a grindfest, Warsaw held out very long. I captured Berlin before Warsaw. Forgot about turks, but they ditched NATO midway through the war, making Erdogam some of the smartest video game ai, even if unintentionally
Second European war was much easier. Quick advances at first, some bloodbath with my units encircled, then broke through and went to town. The biggest difficulty was seeing anything with three billlion divisions on the map. By the end I had thousands of CAS. Greece administration annexed UK and spain afterwards, which I found funny. France didn't join the war, had to declare war on them with commands. I think it's because I battered germany so hard civil war was over real fast, therefore the war started too early and frogs got soft locked
Chinese ai is apparently retarded. By the end of th war they couldn't take Australia. I switch to them and capped it in a month. Couldn't quickly invade Japan through, so decided not to bother
Also despite being defeated Israel didn't nuke anyone
>Erdogan backstabs everyone he's allied with
Indeed, most realistic AI I've seen. Sounds like you had a fun time though, anon. I'm happy for you!
Anyone got any tips on how to beat the USSR as Nazi Germany? When the war started me and the rest of Europe weren't able to make any gains and ended up losing again.
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>Set it so the Russians are guaranteed to win the first Europe war
>They still lose
Get green air and pour in lots of close air support
hmm today I will make the two opposing sides of the BOP light blue and light blue
Ba'athist Russian path when?
I played KX today and turned off every radio but the Christmas one.
They did it for the exact same reason why paradogs made the same mechanic for spanish civil war - to prevent it from ending way too quickly
It's still utterly retarded, no argument there, and neither parakikes nor TFR devs wouldn't need to resort to such bullshit if only there was a proper province occupation mechanic like in every other game instead of them just changing color instantly the moment a division touches them
Winning as Russia requires nonstop encirclement thuggery until yuros are dwindled down to more manageable numbers, but braindead paradog AI is incapable of that
If you wanna cheese it delete all your divisions and lend lease all your equipment to Russia
But when I played atw medvedev won fairly easily. Sam with time lapses I saw-russia tends to win more often then not.
Maybe commie path is weaker, idk
Oh no no no
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I finally stopped Biden at the Mississippi, but the Patriot Front have been stuck fighting a single breakaway for years now and the APLA are about to declare war against me. What do I do?
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@everyone Hello Red Flood community! Santa Claus himself has given me the privilege of announcing the coming compatibility update for Gotterdammerung , which will be called FOR OUR FREEDOM AND YOURS. As you may guess by its icon, it will also involve the Intermarium in some capacity: as a belated Christmas gift, we have chosen to include with this update several big changes for Eastern Europe, teased and unteased, and important quality of life improvements across the board. While Burning Memories grows steadily, we thought you deserved more content while we prepare the best update we possibly can make. It's coming soon and we will announce the release date when we're ready in the near-ish future, but for now we all wish you happy holidays and a wonderful Christmas time with family and friends!
Huh, so Bolivia was also meant to have a focus tree too...
Makes sense given they already have unique leaders for all of their ideologies, unique generals, high command and advisors
I've noticed that if they ever get stuck fighting a breakaway it's always that one, wonder why that is.
If you have any light infantry to spare, set up a defensive barrier in the west, and maybe bring over a mechanized unit or two as fire brigades. If you have Biden stopped by a natural defensive barrier you should be fine.
It is dead, just admit it.
BTW EaW was supposed to release Yetis and Central Zebrica last Christmas and it is still not out a year later.
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why are all Totalitarian regimes in this mod so cool and fun?
>no day 1 update despite it being known to the HoI4 devs
dead mod
>announcing update name
>no release date
>less content added than TNO
Well it's not "Bolivia's" focus tree. It's an unused path that I saw on the Focus Tree File and it's sort of fits with Bolivia's entire deal.
Okay guys, I know I won't find these mods on the workshop, moddb or nexusmods; but do you guys have any mod that I can fully immerse in full uncensored glory, complete with speeches with music edit (like the allied speech pack), pertubator playlist, generalplan ost, final solution, etc.... ?
Post your hand first.
>New Mareland independent
>Lunaria not cleansed
>the world not claimed in the name of her Solar Majesty
>anime mod
You are a disgrace to the Solar cause, shame upon you, shame upon your family, shame upon your bloodline, shame upon your dog.
Vanilla HoI4 with this music mod is fine enough
You could try downloading THE Germany mod for DH, I don't remember the name, and extracting the music files from it and playing them directly. I remember that it had an Axis radio which has both various military marches but also Hitler speeches and the like.
UMC Germany?
>TFR dev confirmed Army of God is getting content and will be national unifier
We're back
Screenshots now
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Just check the Ask a dev section in the discord, also BLA is most likely getting a Nation of Islam path. He also confirmed the UN in Miami are gonna get content.
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Devs name is Munchies btw.
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So currently what are the ok mods for HoI IV that aren't infested with pastel flags and a redditor's understanding of politics?
>no kkk
Makes sense since they'd just join the LOS when given the chance, the Navajo not getting content is disappointing even if it admittedly wouldn't make sense.
I'm sure it might have been a placeholder for Bolivia before it was discarded.
There probably isn't a supply hub close by
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How is China in TFR, I've yet to give them a go.
Maybe. I can see the Military Dictatorship branch becoming the jumping point towards turning Bolivia into a fascist/communist dictatorship by co-opting the Falangists/Trotskyists
>NOI confirmed
I'm so fucking hyped of 1.1
This if I remember right
File: TwilightStruggle.png (409 KB, 666x586)
409 KB
409 KB PNG
tfr is good but it suffers from the same plague as all other mods
they take 60 years to release anything
>no klan
I-i..... you've broke my heart munchies..

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