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>he spends all this time playing strategy games
>doesn't play any multiplayer matches

What's your excuse, /vst/?
I can't pause an online game.
The multiplayer experience is just not as fun because the mechanics are ultimately annoying and the game is a bugged mess
Almost all MP games of this kind are boring and to call them "strategy" is a stretch; there's no intuitiveness because everything is abstracted, why are these units more effective than these other units? "Well the developer gave them bonus damage :)". The result isn't strategy, it's a quiz on who has the most knowledge of a particular video game.
There is only one multiplayer strategy game worth playing - Diplomacy. It requires interacting with real humans, not being knowledgeable about obscure game mechanics or clicking fast.
I don't want to ignore 90% of the games units just because they aren't the meta
Multi is boring meta autist shit
I'm just here to have fun and no 'winning' isn't the only fun that can exist
>Multi is boring meta autist shit
Also discord is for fags but its the only place games get organized
I am playing video games for fun- And optimizing some metas for no-live tryhards isn't fun for me.
If that makes me a "noob" or whatever, so be it.
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I was there Gandalf, five thousand years ago.
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why are you posting all these weird screenshots, what is this supposed to convey?
I was playing RTS even back when I was 5 years old, and I still fucking suck. Same for the overwhelming majority of other genres.
I only play multiplayer with my friends, ranked matches in these kind of games are always just the same boring meta and who has the highest APM
It requires alot of practice and skill to get some wins
Same. Though to be honest, singleplayer in them does absolutely nothing to teach you how to play for real.
I play DE, no way I can do this kind of trash talk without getting banned.
You don't need to play meta or have high APM to play online, most people playing ranked are boomers who refuse to learn build orders or keep up with the current metas with sub 30 apm. The viper got to around 1600 elo until he lost a single game playing at like 10 apm. There are tons of people playing off meta and meme strats above 2k elo (top .1%) and winning with them.
>tons of people playing off meta and meme strats above 2k elo (top .1%) and winning with them
You have to play a lot and be good to pull that off.
I am just going to filter your post.
And you have to be good and play a lot even if you are being the worlds biggest meta sheep to get to that level. Point is that APM and meta don't autowin matches and skill does.
If everyone playing in the lobby are buddies and nobody report eachother then nothing would happen

The biggest issue would be getting thru the chat censor
I don't like getting steamrolled
many words to say that you're bad
I don't have friends and I find playing with other people to be annoying
Do people still play aoe2 on 4chan or is playing games with people on this site a relic of a bygone era?
I prefer to create my own little stories
I play CoH2 MP from time to time though
>You don't need to play
I don't like people
Are you a Polak robak by any chance?
Czy tobie też stara odłączyła korki jak usłyszała że gry przez internet nie można zapauzować
I actually do play multiplayer sometimes. I just don't give a fuck and if it's ranked play I just let my ELO fall to whatever level it ends up at.
>Build orders

i sleep
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If I want to play with other people, I'm gonna play HD2, TF2, or DRG.
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Because it's nothing like the single player game.
Single player:
>well-defined objective
>artfully designed locations to evoke a historical flavour
>relaxed pace allows for comfy base-building, army building, and exploration

>everything is done as fast as possible
>build orders
>no story
>objective is variable depending on what the other player is doing
>environments are randomly generated

I find single player fun, but not multiplayer. That should be the end of the discussion, but multiplayerfags absolutely never shut the fuck up about multiplayer and insist on dragging more people into it. At least speedrunners know to keep their autistic niche gameplay method to themselves. You faggots are like speedrunners combined with jehovahs witnesses. And yes you are a niche, you're less than 10% of the playerbase.
If multiplayer was removed the game would be better off, maybe we could get new civs frequently without multifags whining about having to learn meta changes. You need us, we don't need you.
Are there many Strategy games that have a co-op or vs mode for premade campaigns or scenarios, allowing you to play them with other people?
For example, a game that allows you to play a campaign in singleplayer, with the enemy faction controlled by AI, but with an optional mode to allow the enemy faction to be controlled by another player?
I think the modern Total War games have some co-op play, letting you gift units to another player in battle so they have something to do during your fights. I want to say Shogun 2 had some element of letting other players take control of AI forces and fight against you during battles, maybe in Head-to-Head campaigns and not co-op, but it's been so long I can't remember the details. Don't think it let them do any faction-level things, just fights.
Best post so far, it's just two entirely different games and there was always little crossover between those who enjoyed one or the other.
>Are there many Strategy games that have a co-op or vs mode for premade campaigns or scenarios, allowing you to play them with other people?
Red Alert 3 had a co op campaign that was decent.
I wouldn't go that far, but I can agree that if you only play SP, you won't know the first thing about MP, and if you only play MP, then SP won't be very fun for you, either.
The speedrunner comparison is also on point in the sense that it's a very different way of playing the game. You need to read some guides to learn all about the gameplay elements and all the tips, tricks, glitches and whatnot. You need to optimize your performance to reliably hit specific timings. You need to meticulously practice even some of the most mundane tasks. It's like playing something completely different.
I think most RTS games allow you to play team games vs AI.
Those are generic skirmish matches where you can fill up player slots with AIs.
I mean more like having the a player take control of a pre-existing empire/faction in a custom-made campaign or scenario, to spice up difficulty.
You can though.
RA3's campaign can be played single player or co-op (it was created with co-op in mind, since in single player you will have an AI teammate instead), and some of the AOE2 campaigns are co-op.
Sounds like complete shit.
It was the only campaign. Every mission was technically coop and it was amazing... Well if you had someone to play with, but I really wish more games would try this.
people don't like to do stuff that is hard and beating someone else in a game of SCBW or AoE2 can be quite the strenuous activity for some. for me, it's "multiplayer is tacked on lobby system skirmish mode." filling games sucks but RTS games are the best ones to leave alone and never update because people WILL figure out new techniques and plays over time in perpetuity, regardless of what all these "muh meta" retards say and think.
>Point is that APM and meta don't autowin matches and skill does.
Cool my point is people who complain about APM or meta or build orders aren't ever going to be good enough to style on people.
Smac is too buggy and it's hard to get multi set up.
I do play them multiplayer, but only with friends. When it comes to playing with strangers, I wish seamless asynchronous multiplayer for turn based strategy games was more of a thing.

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