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Got Space Tyrant on the Steam sale and really enjoying it. Fast paced 4X light for my brain. No no I'm not a zoomer no no I'm not a busy father, I just can't play these endlessly long campaigns anymore but I do still want my 4x itch. Here are some other quicker /vst/ games, what do you all like?

>Through the Ages
This one is fantastic
>Conquest of Elysium

I'm not sure if the Endless games count but I've owned Endless Space 2 now for a while though never played it.
>Endless Space 2 now for a while though never played it.
worth playing, great soundtrack
i'm always weary when people say that
like nigga it's a video game if it's the background noise that left the best impression the rest can't be very good
The Battle of Polytopia
t. ADHD OST muter
Vietnam '65
Against the Storm
Reus 2
Renowned Explorers
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I feel retarded when I play Through the Ages.
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Civ Rev
Try a Zulu rush
Solar Settlers
Hexarchy! It has a set turn limit, but generally if someones dominated it typically goes fast.
Rise of Nations is practically a grand strategy in RTS format, matches are kinda long for an RTS but it's still pretty fast
thank you anon but god damn I suck at RTS. they all seem to require a certain amount of twitchy-ness which I just don't have, hench my love for turn based games.
what the hell are icons #2-3 supposed to be
those icons have to do with the Age in the game.
culture : score
research : currency used to unlock tech
The concept being that Sid uses your computer labs to make games which give score but give less research. He's not a great leader choice, only sometimes works.
1 or 2?
Well, 2 was removed from Google Play, so that might complicate things for an honest law-abiding citizen like you
2 is on the IOS store still, but its more a question of what is considered a better play for someone who has never seen these two.
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2 is pretty much just 1 with more stuff, so mind as well
EndWar looks like it's slow to play but it's actually super fast, the battles only take about ten minutes, sometimes much less.
Not a fast game though
Against the Storm isn't super fast but compared to its contemporaries it's fucking blazing
I think it's something about not having a cheat sheet of age 3 cards nor being in person to constantly peak over at other people's shit that makes the game reck me every time

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