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Wartales Thread.
Do we have a cute girls mod? What's the point of making female characters if they are all old and/or look like dudes?
Discuss wartales
You're being brainwashed by /pol.
I see. Can I have some boobs in my game?
the game lacks a purpose and endgame
it should be like in mount and blade where you establish your own province, manage it, and conquer all others on the map. Maybe face off-map invasions and stuff. Otherwise there's no point to playing
Haven't played in a while so I just started up a new adaptive campaign a few days ago to hit all the DLCs and like the last regions of the base game which I'm not sure if I cleared. Started with Belerion and jesus christ this place takes an assload of time to traverse. The loot is nice and having a ship is cool and all but maybe this was not my best choice to start here. Gonna be a while til I hit the new DLC stuff, that region very much sounds end-game

Crossbowmen and Pugilist seem pretty good though, already abusing AoO with the riposte shield so the crossbowman spec that triggers AoO on hit is just icing on top.
>discuss wartales
There is nothing to discuss, the game is everything wrong with mudcore in a single package.
OK, name five similar games that are good and show how it's supposed to be
>, name five similar games that are good
You don't seem to understand. I never said there are good games, I never implied there are or anything like that.
I said that Wartales is a great example of everything wrong with mudcore. The point is: those games don't work, period. All of them. So there is no "supposed" way of doing them, it's a shit subgenre, that runs almost entirely on misplaced autism, even more misplaced selective realism and shitty (often literally) aesthetics.
If I wanted to have people whacking each other with rough hewn pieces of wood, I would just go for a local football game and observe ultras of both teams fighting each other after the match.
What does this word mean?
It's bait
It has to be
>start fight
>everyone is spread out randomly
>spend 15 minutes looking for all my men because I can't unzoom far enough and there's junk everywhere making it hard to see, whoops, your bowman is now alone on the other side of the map.
>every fight is the same due to random placement making it very easy to separate large groups into smaller ones and the retarded "leader" bonus that force you to beeline one random retard early
I did enjoy the new Crossbowman class tho, the one that deal random debuff is really strong against enemies outside combat, and the one that can shoot multiple times is a strong single target killer.
The update said they were meant to have a backup weapon or something? Mine just punch, was it never added or is it something that's supposed to show up later?
Press the movement button so enemies and allies appear clearly, just make sure to cancel it so you can move the units like you want
>new Crossbowman class
Seems broken d e s u, little frustrating when is not me the one abusing them
Did they buff Alazar team perk?
>Apply Vulnerability if the unit have NO GUARD
Pretty sure it was originally if they had no armor, because currently their bowmen are absolutely OP
>Press the movement button so enemies and allies appear clearly, just make sure to cancel it so you can move the units like you want
In general the game really could use better visual direction, it's hard to tell classes apart, and many battlefields don't have a clear distinction between walkable and unwalkable. Vertruse vineyards are a bitch to fight on because of the broken wooden fences.
>Seems broken d e s u, little frustrating when is not me the one abusing them
Reload is pretty unpredictable. Sometime the AI will decide to two shot your light armored units, and sometime they'll just shoot once and end their turn.
It gets better when they don't have the Reload ability.
Can someone give me a QRD on this game? Big fan of mount and blade and TRPGS. It sounds a lot like Battle Brothers, but how does it compare?
It's sorta similar to Battle Brothers, you manage a party of mercenaries, roam the map and do contracts and explore areas to gain money.
The major differences:
>progress is region locked, events/story missions are tied to their region only, leaving a region require a pass (gained after finishing a region story) or spend money to open the border. Also each region have its own roaming boss.
>units are class based, a swordman can use 1h or 2h sword but only swords, a bowman only bow, etc...
>your men don't die when they hit 0 hp, instead goes into "dying" mode, where any incoming damage will kill them, but they can be revived with the First Aid skill
>as a result of above, you have 1 skill tied to weapon, everything else is tied to the class
>no combat RNG, hit will always hit (exception for ranged units if there's enemies/allies in front or near their intended target)
>combat placement is awful, see >>1921570
>no fatigue, instead you have "Vigor points" which is the mana for your entire party and is spent to use skills. You only have a set amount that stay between combats until you rest. Some perks and skills generate temporary vigor points that is lost after the fight.
>travel is hindered by fatigue, which force you to make camp regularly else you move very slowly and get a massive debuff during combat. You have to pay your men every 3 rests. You can get ambushed if enemies are nearby.
>your men individually like or dislike each others. It's pretty janky
>carry capacity is tied to your men and ponies
>you can capture enemies and animals, and recruit them. Enemies usually sucks (they have like 2 skills in their entire tree) but animals are great, but you don't control them unless one of your bowman have a specific skill. Bandits can be sold to a jail.
In my opinion, the game is much easier than BB, but the world is a lot more static, and the game lack visual clarity. Also the game become very slow if you recruit too many men.
>Fixed map with fixed encounters
>Mudcore aesthetics
>Square-based combat
>Super-simplistic, despite pretense of complexity
That's about it
You do have roaming parties and the rare bandit/animal party attacking caravans. But yeah, the world is static.
And god I hate the fucking animals in this game.
>super easy fight but there's a bagillion of them
>massive fucking cone of vision on the world map because fuck you
>Mudcore game is tedious
Who would have expected!
if i remember correctly, is this a medieval game without helmets? lol
Tedious doesn't mean good.
I don't want to have to fight boars/wolves for the bagillionth time and waste ressources while on my way to an actual fight.
They got added over a year ago.
So that's why they added the avoid animals thingy were they have smaller vision and follow time.
Don't you need to unlock it with the feat system or whatever it's called that requires doing the same repetitive tasks?
Yeah, and it's super low on the priority list plus they are still free food
>in 4 just eat the bodies
No, I roleplay as someone that doesn't eat humans
>Tedious doesn't mean good.
Are you by chance ESL? Or irony blind?
The POINT is that this game is tedious, and that means exactly that: being tedious. And that's part of the "experience" of the whole shitty subgenre.
You deft cunt
>Coming into a thread to shit on a game and an entire genre
>The POINT is that this game is tedious
That's not even remotely true.
>Game is geninely and infamously bad?
>The genre sucks, too?
>Let's try to talk praises about those instead!
It's good and comfy tho...
>mfw can't go out of first zone because didn't bother with armor/weapon recipes
Some people just want to play as the hero. It's a power fantasy and they hate any game that prevents them from enjoying that fantasy uninhibited.
there is no point to being a hero, nothing you do matters in this game. You're just getting stronger without any payoff at the end
Not the first, not the last. Not everything needs a story, would have probably ditched it before finishing anyways
>female mercenaries
Hard pass.
i don't mean a story, I mean an endgame goal. Something to aspire to. There isn't even a mercenary band leaderboard or anything like that, nothing. Wartales failed where Sid Meier's Pirates! succeeded
Duly noted, reddit.
It's just need the option to retire, similar to Battle Brothers.
How so?
>it's bad, boring and has zero replayability
>Bringing his fucked-up mental issues to video game discussion
Like that
This game has genuine issues. A lot of them. Yet here you are, bitching about female mercs. It's like you did a mail order, received a steaming turn inside of the box instead of your order, and you complain not about the turd, but the fact the box was blue, rather than teal.
But then again, expecting from redditor understanding he's a mental case is bound to fail.
Your meltdown aside, I find it weird having a simp telling me that I'm a redditor.
But it's good to know, that on top of having broken setting the game has other problems. Feeling vindicated.
Turns out that games that have wrong priorities (like having dykes in them) turn out shitty.
Sure thing, redditor
>Feeling vindicated.
Yeah, feeling vindicated over the games having - oh noes - females in it. The horror! The fact it's a mechanical mess with brain-dead AI and various pointless grinds included is secondary to the fact a woman is in it. But the best part is that you never played it, but still harp about it.
And then you gonna insist with straight face you aren't mental or redditor
>(like having dykes in them
So you've got a problem with females, or imaginary lesbians now? Decide yourself
And the exact same shit happens with faggots like you when Humankind gets brought up: the fact it's a mechanical mess with bunch of mechanics that don't mess together is secondary to the fact it has "muh race mixing" and then you gonna insist the game failed financially not due to being an unfinished beta release with fuckload of bugs, but "go woke go broke", even if the game isn't even that.
It's all so fucking tiresome and makes discussing actual games and their issues impossible, because it gets drowned with screeching of morons like you. Then the retards on the other side of the horseshoe go with equal retardation and insist that "people hate it for politics, nothing else", thus enabling shitty game design, reducing complains to non-issues. Having actual issue with this or that game? Nu-uh, you're just racist/sexist/whatever.
And then everyone wonders why games are shit, when customer feedback gets cock-blocked by internet warriors

tl;dr go fuck yourself, you fucking child
Well, the concept of female mercenaries is just retarded. It's dead and beaten argument, but women are weaker mentally and physically, have periods, can get pregnant and are prone to being irrational.
So the dev company deliberately went with that specific setting and then made choices that goes against that very setting. Now what does that says about the whole venture? But I bet, it will go over your head even though that's such a simple heuristic.
I hope you fix your simp ways, faggot.
>women are weaker mentally and physically, have periods, can get pregnant and are prone to being irrational
>give a woman, a child, or a cripple a crossbow
>they shoot you
>you are dead even though you're a strong period-less man
there are issues to get upset about, but women mercenaries ain't it. Crossbows got invented to sidestep the strong, period-less pregnant-less requirements to warfare. They were so OP a bunch of faggots pleaded to the janny of medieval europe to ban them, and nobody listened
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>Sure thing, redditor
>So you've got a problem with females, or imaginary lesbians now? Decide yourself
You have to go back
And even nowadays, when there are remote controlled supersonic missiles and suicide drones, women in military are still fucking a joke.
Keep coping, I guess your simp ways are too strong to fix.
Aren't all the side stories an end goal? There is a ranking for your tavern as well. Not really sure what you mean but again I don't see myself playing this much more
Ok can I have a similar game that is good fun game with good replayability
>inb4 deranged le mudcore rant
Closer to trannies actually
>women in military are still fucking a joke.
gender-mixed squads are a non-existent joke because it's proven men will instinctively try to protect the women.
women medic squads? Absolutely a thing. Women drone operators? Blasting vatniggers out of ukraine like there's no tomorrow. Women cooks, logistics support, administration? Get your head out of your ass.
There is more to war than masculine shield walls and 64-player strike at karkand. Keep coping in your little faggot headcanon where you just suck dicks forever.
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yep, aside from the combat system which feels more like solving the same puzzle over and over again, my biggest personal complaint about this game is its setting
no magic, 90% of the enemies are some sort of same boring variation of humans and animals, yet the game has women in warhammer-like power armor swinging comically oversized weapons and performing special moves for vigor points
it leaves the game stuck in this weird middle ground where its neither low nor high fantasy, just a boring, pointless, ugly, gray mess
>give a woman, a child, or a cripple a crossbow
>they shoot you
Ok, reload now.
kys nafo tranny
>gender-mixed squads
And nobody fucking cares.
The US bends over backwards for DEI and women in military are still seen as a joke.
What's your angle here? I'm not claiming that women are useless waste of space or anything. And who are you even simping for in the first place? Is there someone watching your shoulder?
Sure, would actually be pretty easy to do since they were designed for most anyone to operate. A 5 year old probably couldn't manage it but any teenager could.
Strange how he just described rural India.
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Women should only be in games as background characters and modestly dressed damsels in distress. That's it. There is no other role to which a woman is suited. There is no debating this. If you disagree, you're both wrong and an emasculated faggot.
You meant New Delhi?
Rural India is the cleanest India you'll get.
Perhaps go back
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All gamedev tutorials should be prefaced with this short paragraph.
They fucking weren't you subhuman lying ignorant dumb jew
>he's so weak he can't reload a crossbow and is mad about it
Crossbows needed less training to be effective doesn't mean you needed less strength to CARRY and reload, add to that the fact that they were expensive so nobody was handling them to anyone that wasn't a trained soldier but have fun in your long nosed imaginary world
Cool. Too bad you keep crying about things in this imaginary world :^)
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>cries for women and children
Why do you attribute to others that what you yourself are guilty off?
>have fun imaginary world
>SJW's come in crying about how its not realistic for women to shoot crossbows
This board doesn't move fast enough for gaslighting to work. KYS.
>muh gaslighting
Just proving me right. You're indistinguishable. Two sides of the same coin.
It is clearly assumed you as a player would have a thing for neanderthal women. You are in the wrong neighborhood asking about the wrong things.
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I don't even anymore.
Doesn't matter if you are a simp, tranny, woman or faggot - KYS, please.
You either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain.
You and you ilk jumped the horseshoe and have become what you hated.
Funny as they released a Zelda game where a woman is the main character. You are clearly an emasculated faggot stirring up shit.
I don't remember signing for that when I pirated this game
triggered tranny
Oh, you're a tranny and not a faggot. Sorry. My bad.
did you even read past the first two words you rabid spastic retard?
>You and you ilk jumped the horseshoe and have become what you hated.
And what are you, a based centrist? Social policing has always been a thing you dumb faggot. The problem with the left isn't their tactics, it's that they're wrong. We need to go even harder than them, because we're right.
The left and right all bow down to the king in the end. Shame you are too retarded to ever understand this.
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Christ is King.
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>dying thread bump from barely 30 posts to 80
>a couple of retards having a meltdown over literally nothing
Do I kill the dude that ate his parent's corpses?
>needed to write this sentence to chose no
>Do I kill the dude that ate his parent's corpses?
mudcore really is slop
It's a dumb argument, the most likely scenario is that he is sick with the zombie-like plague that is affecting some people, he said that they just died of hunger and he ate them so he doesn't end up dead for the same reason.
I think you can recruit him if you let him live not sure though
but enough about your mudshark mom
Relax, Dupinder, I wasn't talking about India. Although it is equally if not moreso shit.
>a couple of retards
Is any of the dlc worth it? Does it flesh out the endgame/long term goals?
Probably skelmar invasion and pirates since they both add areas that in region-locked are a higher level than the base game areas. Haven't touched skelmar yet but pirates does have named crews you can take down at certain rep levels and while it gets stale after enough times the ship combat maps and dueling mini-game is refreshing while its still novel. Tavern is nice but its accessible from the start and feels like it just makes warband management easier due to giving buffing food every rest and being able to withdraw funds from the tavern for money. Don't have Pits but from what I've heard is more of a mid-game thing but doesn't really add too much.
peak mudcore response
I don't buy the Tavern DLC simply out of the fact it's really just shoved in your face everytime you enter a town.
sure and so what? i watched enough anime to accept battle harems just for fun of it
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>wanted by the authorities because one of my man was thinking too hard about slavery
The suspicion system is retarded
>Video game is different than reality?
Faggots like you are the reason why they took Lara Croft and turned her into a crybaby post-grad with daddy issues.
No, it wasn't industry, it wasn't "evil leftists", it wasn't wokies.
It was cunts like you.
You demand it.
You actually enjoy it.
And you probably masturbate to horse porn
Deranged as fuck
you ok lil bro?
mudcore more like mudbore
Is this game like Battle Brothers?
no it's very linear
fights are tailor-made
no replayability
How's that? The world map seems big with a ton of exploration points.
yes and again all of them are scripted. you can kinda pick out where you wanna go first, but they all play out mostly the same way every time, and you are going to be limited by your supplies (money and food) so you will want to pick optimal routes.

once you resolve all quests/problems in a province you can go to the 'next' province and will have absolutely no reason to travel back to the previous one.
Only gameplay variation I can imagine is going full bandit
>saying "mudfags" and "to quote another anon" while on reddit
holy shit i just about died of cringe
its more like classical rpg with crafted world and tactical combat where BB is more of skirmish sim with random generated world
>one autist having a fit on both Reddit and 4chan
Dear fucking god
in a sense yes, you gather your warband and run around the country but wartales has actual story lines in each region with different outcomes depends on your choices
Me attacking multiple times per turn GOOD
AI doing the same BAD
Yes, because doing so require either to put your medium armor guy in danger, or cost ressources to use.
When the AI does it, it's free, and they usually a ton of men to spare.
Wait, misread that.
But the idea is the same: You attacking multiple times per turn usually requires a ton of setup OR it costs ressources.
The AI does all of it for free.
I did meant it tho, I honestly just make sure to be stronger than the AI before engaging, is just not that fun watching enemy xbow firing 5 times per turn
For sure, the devs at least had the mercy of making enemy pugilists not kill your men if they multihit them, but enemy crossbowmen can just fucking delete your guys in a single turn for free.
nta but Go back to your habitat >>/lgbt/
gameplay side is fine but it's dry as fuck and lacks any charm to make me feel invested in it despite having the stuff that could make it so (animal taming, comfy base building, your companions develop relationship). the girls look just as frumpy as the men so meh
>finished two maps
>rushed to the last map to buy the bar
>just can't go back to finish the game
Decent take, I just don't know what it is that I can't come back to continue the game, is it the tik tok effect?
The problem is everything just feels the same
>5 fights to unlock a harder fight
>your reward is being able to leave to do the same thing
And it's not helped by the world just being dead and static.
I think the mistake of Wartales was multiple attacks per mercenary. It's a bit silly that the player's mercs are like lightning compared to the enemy, but also it does really drag out every combat, especially when you start getting higher levels and every fight is 30+ enemies.
Oh dang I forgot the boss of the second map lol, didn't even bother because the first boss gave me a legendary weapon with a skill I didn't like

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