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Leaks in the previous thread:

so, are they breaking off entirely or just not going to the new map?
>Delete the CW and years of work associated with it
The civil war went through dozens of iterations with no meaningful changes. The years of work amounted to just the development of mechanics (which will be repurposed where possible) and insubstantial lore reworks, which kept all of the same problems of the previous versions.
>Delete everything associated with a Prussian general doing reforms, add a younger one instead fulfilling an identical role
Von Saucken was past the age of retirement. He'll still be a figure in the path, but there isn't a reason or a way for him not to be retired by 1963.
>Delete everything associated with Kaminski, move Oktan from Samara into the same function
Not the same function at all, Kaminski is still present and relevant to the colony in a way that Oktan isn't.
>Backe, Gorbachev and many other interesting ideas just deleted outright and replaced with nothing
Backe's path centred around doing what the Nazis have already been doing for the 20 years they've ruled Muscovy. While Gorbachev's path didn't make logical sense for why it would exist. There's no reason why him of all people would become a Nazi collaborator and why the Germans would prefer him over established figures, to say the least.
The fuck is wrong with current drip???
>None of this is ever releasing, Foka shoots himself in the head when the 13th rework is announced.
The lore is finalised. Why would it be reworked?

And also, what is with the obsession over the civil war when that didn't even have content? Like it wasn't finished either. it was basically like if you put a hypothetical flowchart on the map and it was so bad that no one wanted to work on Moskowien until someone who actually competent actually came and stuck around.
tell me anything remotely interesting about these leaks. Like, genuinely. Anything remotely noteworthy. Anything to look forward to. Anything that is actually interesting. Anything.
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>mein fuhrer, the tno team has removed the burgsys savitri devi path for india
So was Hitler the good guy in the end?
Shit bake. OP is a sliding faggot.
>why would it be reworked
nothing is final with these people lmfao are you really that deluded
the current standards grounded realistic alt history of today is the goofy killpeopleist slop of tomorrow.
As much as I hate the TNO team, I would really like for them to use the new map. I want Antarctica to be directly integrated content in the game and for Russia to be able to interact with it.
>2wrw has embraced its role as redux
Let's go
>no commies
>no fascists
What's the fucking point?
Shame they aren't using the Antarctica content, I wanted to see Russia potentially snag a piece of Antarctica. But probably not until someone manages to debloat the slow pile of shit that is the new map.
I just wish the Antarctica content actually had stakes. Oh, it would be bad if your puppet collapsed because it was bad at resource management!
...why not give the player a decision category to send shit to Antarctica at great cost, then? Send guns for militarization, liquid reserves cash for supplies and PP for legitimacy.
Okay real talk where is the Crow and Bull update? Didn't they have a stream in the summer a few months ago showcasing what they've done? What's taking them so long? Plus does anyone know if Heydrich and Goering are going to have content once the Bormann and Speer rework comes out, or will it be like the UK demo update last year?
HMMLR still dead in the water?
'twas the only reason to stick with TNO anyway
looking forward to full werbell metal gear war
i miss esoteric despotism :(
To dilate some neo vaginas you chud.
bump, cock and balls still hasn't released

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