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I don’t care if the mechanics aren’t as good as the first game. The laws allow me to make my Christo-Fascist utopia
>i will play a worse game because it panders to me
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If I enjoy it more, is it really a worse game?
word, me too
What are the major differences between the original and this sequel. I'm quite concerned that the genre changed from an ice-age colony management story game to something completely different.

>1922781 (You)
If atheists hate the game there might be something to it though...
what's more funny than christians?
people seething about christians and blaming them for the DVCLINE OF THE VVEST when Christianity has been dead as a political force since the early 20th century
The faithkeepers aren't Christian though.

>I'm quite concerned that the genre changed from an ice-age colony management story game to something completely different.
That's still basically what it is, the only difference is the scale is larger.
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-Laws are more complicated and society changing
-Many Laws will work in tandem with each other for good or bad, and different research/buildings, meaning that the world interacts with itself and it’s not just isolated decision making
-Despite no longer controlling heat distribution, district layouts and the heat bonuses they give make up for it
-The frostland is way expanded and gives a whole new aspect to the game
-You can manage multiple cities at once, with some colonies needing to be directly controlled and constructed
-There are way more buildings with varying effects
-Population management (both under and over population) is now an important mechanic
-The soundtrack, artwork, and mini dialogues are still spot on
-The game can still hit you in the feels, especially with Lily May at the end
-The game has mod support

-The 1000 mile view of the game turns every resource into just number balancing
-The political system is simple as fuck. I can just bribe different groups to pass laws. And if you rush Guided Voting, Bureau Of Propaganda, and Secret Police in the early game, voting will never be a problem again
-The game is incredibly easy, even on the hardest mode. It has WAY too many game breaking strategies
-Frostbreaking is a thinly veiled game slowdown
-Prefabs, one of the main resources, is absurdly easy to get and stockpile
-The story is generally lacking. Not bad, but nowhere near the first game
Progress/Adaptation societies are cool, but the game is inferior to the first one in all aspects.
Far less atmospheric, looks worse, and is badly paced.
The intro sums up how directionless it is, "Now what?"
The original is essentially a puzzle game with some rng to complicate it. The essence of it is just laying out your city efficiently so that irregularly-sized rhomboids fit around circular heating zones while following a straightforward tech tree to increase your resource abundance until you reach post-scarcity.

The sequel essentially does away with the rhomboids and circles and is more or less a society management game, which in practice means it's a glorified visual novel where most of your choices come down to roleplaying. Technically you can 'optimize' your hex-based city with carefully planned adjacency bonuses as almost every hex offers either penalties or bonuses to adjacent hexes, but in practice even the absolute suboptimal layout will still be enough to succeed because the game is easy and geared towards the visual novel experience.

I personally think the first game was a better concept, since it is at very least novel the first time you do a scenario and need to actually figure out how to lay out your city and manage your resources for the unknowns ahead. In Frostpunk 2, your decisions are primarily narrative, so the gameplay of every run feels like when you replay a Frostpunk 1 scenario you've already 'solved' but decide to go for different laws this time just to see how the ending changes.

However in 2's defense, it has only 1 scenario currently and will undoubtedly get more with time just as the first game did and those will almost certainly incorporate the feedback they've gotten to help flesh out the gameplay.
i will never play with christniggers browns
>amerimutt jeet thinks this will make him White
holy cope
so basically the new game is a visual novel even more than 1 was?
this sucks because i like the frostpunk aesthetic but i want an actual game not democracy 3 with graphics where i'm supposed to feel bad because the people starving and freezing to death didn't starve and freeze to death
That is just Fascism. Fascism is already catholic by default.
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I am a Communist.

Anything this game has to offer me?
yeah you can enact the cuck law where sexual partners are rotated between everyone
Correct. When it first starts you feel like you are having to court appeal of different groups, but in practice all that ends up happening is you do a favor for a group by researching a law and maybe building something one time. It is intensely boring, there is very little charm as in the first game. It runs like shit and the cities look like disjointed garbage. Anyone that says this game was fantastic is either coping or straight up lying. It fucking sucks.
>-Frostbreaking is a thinly veiled game slowdown
I fucking hated this mechanic so much, this one is a real dealbreaker to playing it more for me. Just terrible.
Not more than the premium communist city builder, Workers and Resources.
Frostlander 4 life.
there's nothing Communist about Workers and Resources besides aesthetics. in all respects you run your city like a profit-maximising private firm
Hot. Is she available?
I don't get why they just don't roll it into the cost producing districts, it really provides nothing. There's never a time where you frostbreak and don't just build on it afterwards.

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