Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts's final update releases soon>Cold waters 2 floating cold in the water>3D naval sims have cowtowed to their 2D superiorsRtW chads won, excel spreadsheets are the superior means of naval sim gameplayOn the other hand, will he dev a new darthmod and save CA?
So, how was that American Revolution game
>>1923636No dark mode spreadsheet games are gey. Such a shame Game Labs has died.
>>1923672Mogged by SGS we the people >>1923713Ear rape sound effects sell, sorry 3Dunce
>>1923636>Make shit game>Release it in early alpha>Don't fix it>Make a full release>Still don't fix it>Repeat 3x timeGood job Darth you accidentally made 2 okay games and took the good will and money you made from those and then made 3 shit games instead.
>>1923636I liked UAD, but it never got the point where it was in the trailer. The fixed hulls really hurt the design process in my mind and every time I returned I kept expecting something that wasn't so design limited.
>>1923636American revolution game was so bad, ruined any hope I had for them making a good nappy game and now they are gone anyway
>>1923864Someone needs to make a 19th Century ground warfare equivalent of Rule the Waves, feels like no one has really ever made a satisfying Napoleonic Wars game. Napoleon Total War got the scale wrong, and they came the closest.>>1923782>>1923636I don't really know how they managed to go backwards from their Civil War game, it seemed like a good model which they could very nearly copy paste onto every conflict from ~1700 to ~1900, yet they just... couldn't.
>>1924426How about >scourge of warIt recently got remasteredMaybe Mount& blade 2 might get modded to NW again so we could have high player count line battles
>>1924426>I don't really know how they managed to go backwards from their Civil War gameTwo reasons, one they sold their company in 2021 to a holding company which set expectations. The other reason being they're located in the money laundering and proxy war capital of the decade.
>>1923636>excel spreadsheets are the superior means of naval sim gameplayas anon developing my own spreadsheet game, makes me happy, it gives me hope
>>1924426It is pretty much a copy, but thats the problem, both games rely on the player going 100% historical route or getting ready for the ai to spawn double the amount of troops for everything you kill, while you can barely replenish
>>1924426>19th Century ground warfare equivalent of Rule the Waves,How woudl you even make ground equivalent?Like Rule the Waves is all about the sea, I can't even imagine the equivalent would be for land combat
>>1924529Mount&Blade's Napoleonic mod was great back in the day. Janky, but I still played it a ton.>scourge of warSeems relatively limited in scope but also good enough I'll probably get it at some point.
>>1924572>2D>full world map (granted, harder since the land is not a featureless plane in the way the ocean is)>play as army minister, concerned with outfitting troops and deciding army composition/structure/training/etc. much like in RtW>some input into politics, but largely have to adapt to external pressures rather than decide them>operational scale combat, larger spatial scales than your typical Total War battles (units are never more than a minute or so away from one another), more detailed than Grand Strategy type engagements (Paradox is still flailing in its attempts to make a combat system that isn't garbage)I think it is an oddly fresh scope for a strategy game, I don't see why a similar formula couldn't be applied to the land. Hex and chit style wargames are often similar in terms of combat (see: War in the East), but typically neglect much of the management side.>>1924565Explains everything, actually.>>1924567What kind of spreadsheet game are you making, anon?
>>1924595But in RtW, you assing ships to different theaters of war, and they will randomly engage in battle which you may command, right?So, how would that translate to land combat, which is more about occupation?
>>1924611It would work fairly well for Napoleonic warfare (and well into the 19th Century), which was by and large not about occupation, but about taking your big army and crushing the other big army. How many of the coalition wars were decided in a few large battles over the course of a day or two, surrounded by a half dozen smaller skirmishes? The War of the Third Coalition was really just a giant army repositioning with associated skirmishes followed by one giant battle that decided the war. That sounds more or less like the flow of any RtW war I've played, with a couple of major fleet battles deciding the war with some cruiser actions sprinkled throughout.
I have always disliked Darth since trying his autistic Shogun 2 mod.
>>1924638I think mid 17th century would fit better as it was the dawn of standing armies.I'd imagine gameplay like this:>map is divided to small regions of operation like England, Scotland, Neustria>each region is composed 3-5 cities>each region is commanded by a generalSo, for example, if player is England is at war with France, and they wish to invade Neustria, they simply assign a general to Neustria, and this general will try to take cities within Neustria with the resources he is given.What does player do?He designs regiments within the capital region. Things like which type of men will serve in regiment, presuming quality of men would be rated from A to E. How much training they will get, etc.Things like horses, gunpowder, artillery, firearms, and food could also be limited resources. All things players need buy seperate, and their price could be based on supply and demand.After the player has made their regiment they can be assigned to the regional army, and that guy will use them to fight.So, regiments would fight like ships.
>>1924718>Victoria 3 combatNo, god noIf using paradox HoI III with a frontline AI would be betterI'd say ageod games are better than that at line battles also despite being unstable as shit and running like indian food through ones intestines
>>1924902I mean, VIc3 still has armies moving on the map, But I was thinking in a more abstract
>>1924934Get off the keyboard wizOpen source HoI III already
>>1924595>What kind of spreadsheet game are you making, anon?You are the ruler of a kingdom resembling 10th-century France, made up of manors that generate revenue. However, 90% of these manors are held by your vassals. The game revolves around managing your interpersonal relationships with these vassals, which can be incredibly challenging.For example, if you do something nice for some vassal, the others who dislike that guy, will get angered by it because you showed favoritism, thus it's hard to maintain a strong base of support. To stay in control, you must build a network of loyal allies among the elites.Manors function like modern-day shares, with your power in the kingdom directly tied to the percentage of manors you control. If more vassals dislike you than like you, you risk losing control of your kingdom altogether.Your goal is to transform this feudal shit hole into a centralized state by claiming 50% of your kingdom’s manors through strategic manipulation, alliances, and other tactics.
>>1925124>End goal is the total degen stateDo we get a masonic coup as well? I assume one is to be able to pull templar stuff like AC or use the order as a piggy bank like IRL at least
>>1925236I don't know how if I include military orders.I haven't even figured out how bishops and monestaries should work.Interestingly clergy owned 33% of land in England, so there should be a mechanic where giving manors to clergy is motivated.Maybe keeping the clergy happy should be as important as the nobility, so unless you want to get excommunicated, you make charitable donations to clergy.
>>1925124No plap, no play
>>1925124So like CKIII but with more depth than a puddle. Sounds neat, I'd play it.
>>1925405Yes, I suppose so.I don't know, I feel like CKIII doesn't value the relationship at all. Like your wife will like or hate you, surely there is more to it?
>>1923636That’s the guy that made the balance mods for the TW games after CA made it impossible to make real mods?Never understood why people liked those.
>>1924565>Sw*dish Ew. Bet it's another front for Saudi money laundering. Like Embracer was, before haji al-jihadi pulled a funny during earnings call 2023.
>>1924572You are your nations Supply Officer/Procurement general. It is you job to pick the guns, ammo, uniforms and other stuff an army needs.It's your job to also get enough of those things into inventory without wasting all your money and then get that stuff where it is needed most.You do not control the army, you just control what the army uses.You can then easily add all the fun RtW has. Dear leader wants a mega tank. You can now make mega tanks. Make one mega tank to keep him happy or tell him no and get less money and closer to a firing squad.
>>1923824Yeah, it always annoys me when I try to recreate historical ship classes and then can't due to the limitations of the ship designer.
>>1931531Last time I checked it was Kyiv.
I know it’s tangentially related but I can’t wait for Task Force Admiral to release
>>1925236Please apply rope to your neck as soon as possible.
>>1935985>tranime sticks to Kievas expected
>>1936006anime website, tourist.
>>1924595personally i'm still waiting on a RtW-like game but for tanks>arms trade tycoonno
>>1940383In 30 years Hamish will add it to Sprocket.
>>1924567>excel spreadsheets are the superior means of naval sim gameplayThere's less reppetitiveness and/or room for a feeling of emptiness and just an overall boring game in a spreadsheet game. All the stats and all the features you need could be a few clicks away. Devs need to understand quality over beauty sometimes.
>>1923636is this the one behind darthmod in total war games?
>>1941758>Devs need to understand quality over beauty sometimes.As long as quality is poorly correlated with commercial success and beauty is well correlated, nothing will change.
>>1931585Co jest z Kijówy?
since this is the only Rule the Waves thread up right now, what do we think about 20 inch meme guns
>>1947965Honestly, I've never used them. On the other hand, I just found that, while converting old ships to CVs, you can get around the 8x8" gun requirements but clicking "remove all guns" then going and adding the flight deck and planes, then not adding any guns, period, don't even touch the guns ilir the check mark, other than AA.
>>1948015>Honestly, I've never used themSame, but that's the entire reason I'm considering it
>>1948023If you can build a ship big enough to be worth trying, I've heard they miss a lot, which is part of why I've not used it.
>>1948058I've got one in battle right now, and at the same range (14500 yards) the -1 quality 20 inch gun has a 4.82% base hit chance, and the 14 inch Q0 guns used by the preceding class have a 3.6% hit chanceI suspect because the 20 inch gun has such a long maximum range, the accuracy scaling with range treats it favorably
>>1948076In their first battle out they flash fired a 36kt British battlecruiser with a big 20" SAP round through the turret face, I guess that's cool
>>1948080further update: I'm mogging the British in every surface action thanks to my ridiculous 2x3 all forward 20" gun battlecruisers but on the downside investing in a squadron of four 2x3 all forward 20" gun battlecruisers in 1931-1934 instead of building fleet carriers was in fact dumbThey haven't managed to sink the funny battlecruisers yet but I haven't landed any decisive carrier blows with only two CVs to my Hochseeflotte's name
>>1949307>not playing on reduced aircraft development speedShiggy
>>1950644I'm pretty sure I'm playing on 80% tech rate with reduced aircraft development speed and torpedo bombers are still starting to swing battles by the 30s