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File: wp4884170.jpg (153 KB, 1200x675)
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Should "civilizations" all be perfectly balanced, with constant updates and tweaking

Or should some just be easier and stronger, and others harder and weaker? If you want to play easy mode you choose the weaker, if you want a challenge choose the stronger.
File: Hand Cannoneer.png (74 KB, 256x256)
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Handcannoneers should be buffed
>if you want a challenge
You want a what? Nobody kneecaps himself by picking some tricky ass civ just to have a fair fight against some ez civ noob. He plays a good one and wipes the floor with the shitter. Pure ownage is the goal of getting gud.
Most people who play RTS are neckbeards like this >>1929299 , plus constantly updating your game with pointless balance changes gives the impression the game is still alive. So the former.
I mained vietnamese and purposefully didn't lame in order to learn the game properly, that was before the pros (and me ofc) "discovered" it was actually good
its hard to balance all the civs when maps and gamemodes all play out so differently. Bulgarians for example are considered to be one of the worst civs in the game but they are strong on closed maps and empire wars.

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