>"Oh, aye, it were me cousin—aye, me cousin, not me, I swear it! He seen a feller, bold as a badger in a henhouse, swipin’ up a piece o’ armor so grand it gleamed brighter than moonlight on a frost-kissed night! And wouldn’t ya know it, off he scarpered leggin’ it straight for the mountains yonder, to the northeast, sure as me ale is warm!">go there and fight camp>legendary equipment is a light 130 defense "famed" armor
>>1929794>fight champion>lose multiple good bros>get rewarded with a shield for the nth time
>>1929873skill issue
>>1929873The game is trying to tell you that you should use more shields to not lose multiple good bros to champions.
>>1930111What the fuck am I gonna do with my 12th copy of a named heavy orc shield
>>1930138Have twelve brothers with iron lungs and shield mastery
>>1929794>me ale is warmBut why?
This vs WarTales
>constantly ambushed by patrols of bandits, the undead, barbarians, goblins, witches, and ghouls>take a patrol contract>they are suddenly nowhere to be seen
using anything besides spears and shields means your dumb
>It's another Undead Scourge crisis
>undead army with necrosavants>assemble the diamond formation
Im trying to beat an endgame crises EEL IMM with out ALT+F4ing. Pray for my brothers, brothers.
>>1930410Have ancient meme on your way to hell
this game sucks ass. Pike should be able to spearwall so I can do a viable Swiss company
>two famed armors from a small orc campread them and weep
>>1931114>fourth heavy orc shieldI am weeping
>>1929794Beast slayers start is so hard, I keep losing one of my original 3 slayers
>>1934400All I can tell you is that you should avoid combat for the first few days and then it's more or less normal game with harder economy. Hiring 3-4 peasants with spears is usually enough to get you started. Also, sell the witch's hair. Always buy cheap tools if you can find them. Use war hounds to save few crowns on wages and food.
>>1929794The Adrenaline skill is a drug and i can't stop
>>1929794>Miss on a 96/95>Miss on a 99/95>Miss on a 97/95>Enemy hits on 4/7>Enemy hits on 1/7>Bro is now fleeingstrict RNG is fine and interactive.
>>1930454I've built a phalanx for myself, and I think that your right.Pikes should be able to spear wall.It'd make it feel more historically accurate.Maybe.But the polearm formation is pretty good.It really allows you to focus attacks where you need them most, the range of the weapon really helps there.Unfortunately, when you come across an enemy that can disrupt your formation, like orc warriors or unholds, then you start getting into trouble.At least that's my experience with the pike formation.
>>1934625This is why I'm not against save-scumming in this game.You often come across battles where the AI doesn't seem to ever miss, no matter what the odds are telling you, and you couldn't seem to hit the broad side of a barn.When this happens to me, I find that, most of the time, if I restart the battle then the RNG begins to look actually random again instead of heavily stacked against me.I think that the RNG in this game is weighted against the player on every level except beginner, which is disappointing for anyone looking for a pure RNG experience.I also find it disappointing because of the handicap that the game throws on Melee Defense that goes above 50.Why would they punish the player like that when they're going to give the enemy a few free hits every battle anyway?It's dishonest difficulty, because God forbid that they make the enemies challenging; no, it's easier to screw with RNG.
>>1934687It does feel like, after a series of successes, the game decides it wants blood.This is mostly due to real RNG distribution being primarily peaks and valleys.The issue is that in the grand scheme of math, after say, 1,000,000 instances, yeah sure, the RNG maths out and it's "Fair".But you don't get 1,000,000 swings in a fight. You get a small pocket of those in each one, meaning the effects of the peaks and valleys are amplified to a nauseating, utterly unrealistic and satisfying level.The game needs more deterministic ways to handle combat than RNG that "makes sense in the context of 1 million or 1 billion instances".
>>1934750That's a real fancy way to say "the game should be rigged in my favor", anon.
>>1934756It shouldn't be rigged in either favor. The mechanism the player can take advantage of, the AI should readily be able to as well. I never said otherwise, and would hope that would be implied. RNG in a game like this is a dev being too lazy to come up with a deterministic system.
>>1934787The game is fun BECAUSE the RNG is garbage
>>1929794Got back into playing this again recently after years of not touching it, I honestly think this might be the perfect game. There’s just nothing that even comes close
>equip a dog>Been Caught Stealing starts playing
>lone wolf campaign>fully decked out legendary company>had finished witch hut and ijirok>on my way to sunken library>fight big nomad outpost on the way just because>I'm fucking invicible, bitches>get too cocky and put lone wolf in bad situation>gets multiple headshots and dies in a turn to nomad outlaws>didn't even alt+f4, thought it was a fitting ending to my company
>>1934761rng is not the problem the problem is the disparity between crits and crit failures
>>1934687the RNG machine is somewhat skewed, I noticed that sometimes it spew numbers in close proximity cluster - like 95,97,98,94 for exampleit work both for you and for the enemy so you sometimes get fights easier or harder than you would thought
Is it worth it to repair your looted weapons to sell them on or is it a bad use of tools?
>>1935943Depends on the weapon. Weaker weapons you should sell as is. Military grade weapons should be repaired first and then sold.
>>1935943the mid and higher tier yesthe low not
>>1929794Next time please put the game's name on the Subject or at least somewhere on the OP. It almos took me a week to find this thread, thinking no one had made a Battle Bros thread yet.
>>1936042>>1936082Do you know what's cheapest weapon still worth repairing? Short sword, short bow, something else?
>>1936142swords and any ranged weapons should be fine. Wooden sticks and meat cleavers probably not
Would you play a BB like game where you only control one character and the rest of your party is controlled by AI?
>>1936218Maybe. BB like is pretty nebulous term. If the game had same level of difficulty, RNG and you only get a two-three actions per combat round, I don't think I would like it very much. Imagine get royally screwed, because AI rolled badly or picked terrible tactics.
>>1936218nahI would not mind game like Brigandine but with BB combat tho
>>1929794It's decorative armor. The owner was stupid rich and didn't know a sabaton from a sallet helm so the smith decided to take him for all he's worth. The armor has Never been worn in combat and likely never will. ...But really, the GM doesn't want you getting OP gear this early in the game.
>get baited into taking a high reward caravan contract>all smooth until last day when we get attacked by barbarians>shit morale for not paying my bros makes me screw up and we die>decide to alt f4 and beat them without any issue the second time>get 5000 as a reward>10 seconds later fast forward to the next town>get ambushed in a swamp by another band of barbarians>they beat the shit out of mefitting end to a savescum company...
>>1934761This is what I thought veteran level was supposed to be. Pure RNG. I know beginner level weights the RNG slightly in favor of the player and, I thought, expert level weighted the RNG slightly in favor of the AI. After playing Vet for awhile now, I'm pretty convinced that the AI gets a bonus; I've been hit far too many times on a 5 percent chance when the AI roles a 1 through 5 for it to be a coincidence. It's disappointing, but I still really enjoy the game. I've been playing it with the reforged mod and it is a blast. Reforged does some weird stuff that I don't necessarily agree with, but the dynamic perk trees make every bro feel truly unique. Recruiting new brothers has always been one of the best parts of the game for me, I like that you don't know what you're getting when you hit that recruit button; well now, you really don't know what you're getting. You don't even know what kind of weapons they can use or armor they can wear. I've started caring more about my brothers than is healthy for a mercenary captain.
>>1936494I never save scum, losing is fun…
Which backgrounds are best purely for events?
>>1936218I wish there was an crpg where companions are fully independent i.e. they choose their own equipment, make their own moves etc.
>>1938483Monk, Anatomist, Witchhunter, Beast Slayer, Houndmaster. Peddlers are shitty and more expensive than they are worth, but they do have a few moneymaking events, with some risk involved. I think bowyer can rarely craft a legendary bow
>>1938483>>1938531Don't forget, if you want to get the best shield in the game you will need a historian. I think cultists might be able to read the black book too, but I've never tried with one.
>>1938483Also caravan hand for more inventory slots
>>1938531>>1938615>>1938649Thanks, I'm doing lone wolf run, so I'm only limited to 12 bros. Might use bb editor to buff when necessary.
>>1938531What event does witch Hunter get
>>1938894Hunts witches.Adds good, surefire option to few supernatural events. Beast Slayer does something similar for monster events. Both tend to have decent stats for their hiring price
>>1938898Beast slayers always seem to roll good duel purpose for me, ranged skill and melee skill I always give them quick hands
Do you guys prefer legends or vanilla+
What's the difference between War Tales and Battle Brothers? Is Tales = Brothers but in 3d?
>purse lips
>>1940922Go fark a goat
>>1930422Perfect focus is such a busted fucking ability. No late game brother is complete without it. Combine it with the Vala rune that converts damage into fatigue with a cleaver bro and you have a brother that can delete a lindwurm in a single turn.
>>1939509More like wartales is battle brothers in 3d but worse. The combat/strategy/character build elements are all inferior and that's what you're going to be spending 90% of your time doing. Not to mention BB has mods to improve the lifespan.
>>1941691It was more about old build perfect focus
>>1930191I like that there isn't RNG to screw you over in Wartales but it still gets boring before Battle Brothers for me. I think progression felt too slow to me in Wartales.
Why are beast slayers so goddamn expensive I’ve been rolling anatomists and they are basically the same just 1/3 the price
>>1944096Beasts Slayers have a bunch of positive events, Anatomists have none without the Anatomists origin iirc.
I don't even know how I got baited into buying this game years agousually when I buy a piece of shit it is because of sseth
>>1934687I am absolutely dogshit at this game but I love it. The only time I ever seem to do well is when I play a solo-lone wolf run and get a two handed axe for round swing + the underdog perk. That clears most of the mobs for me and my operating costs are so low I can buy anything I want fairly quickly.I get absolutely fucked demolished by shit rolls at the start of the game when I have a party and I have zero idea why. Doesn't matter if I play aggressive or defensive I have really wacky shit happen to me like being domed by an archer from a ways away with a 12% chance to hit. I have watched other people better than me play and emulate them and still get smoked. That being said, I love the world, the art, the atmosphere and the armor. Its a gem of a game, even if it does bust your balls. Its up there with mount and blade for me.
Question for more experienced anons, what armor attachment is best for battle forged bro carrying plate and 2 hander? Unhold cloak? Bone armor?
>>1945587Additional fur padding for forged.Bone armor for nimble.Unhold cloak looks great but mechanically it's not that good imho.
>>1944637>>1934687>>1934750>>1935390>still complaining about rngNo anon, the enemy isn't making that 10% chance hit 95% of the time. You just don't really notice the times the enemy misses an attack with a high chance to hit.
>>1930191BB. Not because it is actually better, but because it's the sort of a game where you sit to on Saturday close to noon, and then, when you close the game by evening, you are done - you've experienced everything it has to offer, and you "finished" it at least twice.Whereas WarTales is an absolute slog that pretends to have a great, long campaign, except it's just as bare bones as BB's random seed world, but good luck finishing that game before you run out of will to continue
>>1934687>Why would they punish the player like that when they're going to give the enemy a few free hits every battle anyway?... because this game came at the peak of the "git gud" maymay?It's made purposefully shit, with everything it brings to the table. Fandom tends to pretend it's actually playable or sustainable on the long run, or even start crying about skill issue, entirely missing the memo that the game is bad, because it's boring, not because it fakes being tough.
Why did the creators of this game make it so that orcs have oversized cocks? Was it to paint a more violent image of the raping and pillaging they do? Or just some fetish?
>sergeant level 8 dies to >whip in the first arena fight>spend 6k on a hedge knight to replace him>no stars in matk and mdef>56 matk
The only game I can think of that gives me them same feeling as battle brothers is xenonauts
>>1945673The creators have a chronic and terminal case of german
>>1945673>>1945972the what?
>>1946020>>1946201Do you dumb cunts not read any of the dialogue in this game? It's stated that orcs have massive cocks multiple times in the game. Witch hut. The witch wishes she could ride an orc dry but she'd end up getting split in half. Nobles mention that orcs leave tracks and it's not always their footprints that leave. It's also implied that they rape infants.
>>1946685nope, the writing in BB is cringe so I didn't read italso played it last time like few years ago so even if I read it I would try to forget it I was only for fights and simulation(simulation was cancelled so...)>>1945673>>1945673>just some fetish?its just caseyhttps://runesnielsen.com/author/author-interviews/2022/5/28/author-interview-casey-hollingshead
>>1946694I expected the writer to be from England. He does a good job of creating a vulgar medieval world.
>>1946694Why do you find the writing to be cringe?
>>1946696american born and raised>>1946699just so, it felt like some modern mass produced carp, it rubbed me wrong way even back in the betaI used to read a lot different genres and a lot books in general when I was younger and this kind of make me allergic to some writing styles
>>1946701Fair enough. We're all entitled to our own farkin opinion. For me personally, I love it. It's how I'd expect a bunch of uneducated yokels to talk and act.
>>1946703enjoy, personally I can't stand it
>>1945604I have quite literally had to restart a campaign several times in short order because my men missed all their attacks, repeatedly, while the enemy hit all of there's within the first few battles, even if it was just a line battle.Again, I am absolute trash at the game and just basically play the lone wolf start but the amount of times I have had silly RNG is absurd. I basically stopped playing with parties in favor of a lone wolf only because Round swing go woosh.
>>1946745it is because the numbers sometimes come in closely adjacent streakslike 66,69,63,71,64 etcits mostly visible when it go very low or very high(aka you high skilled bros miss or get hit) but i seen it on my and enemy side aka hitting attacks that shouldn't hit in row
nah bro I'm good
>>1947376Just bring some war dogs dude, you'll be fiiiine. Think of all the famed items you'll get. It'll be crazy. Totally worth it. Get in there.
>>1947376Day 409 wtf, I’d run out of things to do I’m usually at black monolith by day 80-90
>>1947376only one shaman, no worries.
>>1946745While you are struggling so much, other players clear the monolith on day 19.It's not the game, it is that you aren't properly engaging with the system.>what backgrounds are you hiring>what contracts are you taking>what perks are you picking>what weapons are you using>what fights are you doingEtc.BB gives you a tonne of choices that will affect your results far more than rng. Strategy games are about putting the odds in your favour
>>1946745Going for small parties is a noob mistake. After getting paid for the contract, selling the loot, repairing your stuff, healing wounds and replacing lost bros you should have a profit. If you are taking so much damage in every battle that you are constantly running out of money and have to downsize the party just to stay afloat that means you doing it wrong.Experienced players all try to get to 12 bros asap. And you are supposed to hire and train good bros from day 1, according to your resources. If you are low on funds, hire farmhands, not cripples.Playing with a single bro is done purely for roleplaying but it doesn't work against the legendary locations unless your bro is godly.
>you will never this happy irlfeels bad man
>when there’s 3 marksmen and they all target your bannerman
>>1948212vanilla>>1948270they all headshot
>>1948270>>1948338I don't savescum, but I savescum that shit. No, game, I'm not cool with losing one of my top 3 most important bros on turn 1 with no counterplay. Fuck off.
>>1948347>he ignored ranged defence on a guy with giant colorful bannerskill issue
>>1948355>implying implicationsHE HAS 55 RDEF AND DODGEWHAT MORE DO YOU WANT
Who’s your favourite battle brothers YouTuber that makes up to date videos?
>>1948355>he levels rdef everthe ai will just focus fire the least rdefhave fun wasting 200 stats points on rdef across your whole squad and still getting having someone get rekt anyway
>>1948453I like FeedingFriendly but I feel like most of his guides are full of the "almost everything works depending on your playstyle" attitude instead of getting right to the point of what he, as a very good player, considers optimal.It was from him that I finally learned that the Cook and the Blacksmith are bugged and don't do anything lol
>>1948462WRONG it will target the biggest blob of bros so leave some space around weak bros
Legends or Reforged?
>>1949025Niggerium unlimited
>>1949025reforged is still mostly vanilla with more build optionslegends is for bloat and broken op builds to fight broken op enemies
>>1947883>>1947983Sorry I was away for a bit. Usually when I play I hire farmhands, day laborers, smiths and outfit them whatever gear I can nab but slowly upgrade them as I go along. Usually they get gambesons and padded coifs with spears/shields unless they have ranged proficiency while my starter bros get mail hauberks and kettle helms, with a specialization in axes, swords or maces. I usually take quests for easy money and smaller combat missions like>Find location near X>Track down X near our village>Clear our X locationand usually avoid delivery jobs unless I need to go elsewhere to find smaller parties. I have trouble around the first big difficulty spike, where its a case of "Everything was going good, till it wasn't" and I run into the higher tier bandits wearing mail and equipped with 2h pikes or sword and bord. At that point my rolls turn into absolute dogshit and I get really unlucky, with groupings of massive hits even on low rolls. Usually my party is around 10-12 at that point and are at least level with or above the raiders in the case of my starter bros.
>did you just spend 4 round arranging defensive position and arrange for yourself to have all the first blows?>sorry honey, you just missed all 7 strikes on a single enemy and they killed your heavily armored frontliner with two headshot past their shield
>>1949944>At that point my rolls turn into absolute dogshit and I get really unluckyIt's not the RNG.If you are getting beaten by tier2 bandits then your bros suck. They must have low stats and bad perks.>"Everything was going good, till it wasn't"Watch this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOk7KxycXbA>>1950046>you just missed all 7 strikes on a single enemyNeed more matk.
>>1948462>>1948680Not strictly true.AI targeting has a bunch of different elements to it, low rdef(or more specifically whether the enemy thinks they can kill you in a certain amount of turns) and whether a bro has the rally skill are two things that increase enemy aggression.>>1949025Legends is closer to vanilla in terms of combat mechanics, but campaign layer shit can make it tedious.Reforged has a gameplay loop closer to vanilla, but changes some core mechanics in ways that don't necessarily make sense.
>find location within the butts
What is the most versatile weapon in the game? I want to make a very uniform company of bros that wear the same armour and use the same weapon.
>>1950812Axe is a great option, backline could use long axe, frontline could use great axe or bardiche, won't brick against heavy armored enemies, and you can cosplay your bros as varangian guards while you are at it.
>>1950812Gonna second the other anon by saying the great axe/long axe. Out damages the greatsword against flesh without trading off its great armor damage. That'd be the most important thing.Then on top of that it lets your uniform company hunt schrats and gives your best bros(or a couple lone wolves) the option to step out of formation and get big round swing value.You could do the same thing with maces since that has great uniform damage against all types but it lacks the dps bump round swing gets you.
Would all-guns company be viable? Sounds like a fun idea on paper. I guess you would still need some heavy melee fighters on the frontline
>>1950885>>1950936>>1950938Thanks. I suppose I'd also be open to my backlit and front line being different ad long as they are each respectively uniform
>>1951002Warlords II
>>1950812Single weapon companies obviously are not optimal but if you are going for it the most well rounded weapons are the greataxe, barbarian greataxe or the orc mansplitter (going to be hard to find a whole company of bros capable of using that last one effectively).Also if you just want to use the same weapon category then long axes are the best reach weapon, equal to swordlances (just focused more on armoured enemies and single target damage) and better than any other polearm.All greatsword will seem okay against humans and goblins but the first band of orc warriors you come along with shred you.>>1950965Guns at all are questionably viable outside of fearsome builds.All guns all fearsome oriented builds could possibly work against the enemies that are susceptible to it but would fail completely against enemies whose resolve you aren't going to break.You could roleplay as cowboys vs indians (nomads).
Here's a spreadsheet of the average amount of turns to kill some relevant enemies, lower number is better.
>>1951008Axe is basically the exact same as hammer against even the heaviest of enemiesWhat a busted weapon
>>1951012If you are going to buy a greataxe then you might as well buy a 2h hammer.The main advantage of large axes is that you can get them from combat for free if you fight orcs or chosen. If you want to easily make a mansplitter bro just forgo berserk and get axe mastery instead.
>>1951034I dunno, they have much better break points to make killing lighter enemies more efficient and do a much better job than hammers against hp sacks like unholds/berserkers/nimble opponents and bosses like kraken/ijirok
>>1951035And as we can plainly see by the chart, it's basically just as good as the hammer against the hammers best targets
>>1951036Hammers have the shatter move with is much more useful for the bros on the flanks than the axe roundswing. Also hammers can stagger opponents.I'd take two hammers for the flankbros and the rest with rusty axes or mansplitters.
>>1951040Assuming you don't already have dedicated tanks on the flanks already. Or a greatsword user for the same reason.And that's even with a hypothetical perfect party where you have all the gear and all the bros with the stats to use it. In practice you'll have a surplus of axes from barbarians and nobles, giving you every incentive to use them on the bros you find fit for 2 handers with duelists, tanks and leftover early/mid game bros that survived taking up the rest of the front line slots.
>>1950812If i had to pick only one weapon i'd probably pick either Flanged Mace or 2H Hammer, best weapons in the game
>>1951233Interesting. I'm playing reforged mod atm, which means certain backgrounds are guaranteed to have certain weapon perk groups. Miners are guaranteed to have the hammer perk group, so I could have a bunch of ex miners that want to cave in heads for a living.
>>1951012On a bro that have to fight on his own, yes.But in a team, two axebros are less useful than a combo hammer + sword bros since one can destroy armor and stagger while the other just finish off the enemy.
>>1951288You could make an argument for 2h hammer + 2h axe but greatsword just sucks.All the real difficult enemies in the game have a lot of armour. Weapons with no armour damage or penetration are fine for goblins or bandits but completely useless against chosen, honour guards and orc warriors, which are the only enemies that even a good band struggles against.
>>1929794Are there any mods that actually add new engame invasions? Idk, Barbarian invasion, Peasant Rebellion, invasion from another other kingdom, etc.?