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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

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>"Oh, aye, it were me cousin—aye, me cousin, not me, I swear it! He seen a feller, bold as a badger in a henhouse, swipin’ up a piece o’ armor so grand it gleamed brighter than moonlight on a frost-kissed night! And wouldn’t ya know it, off he scarpered leggin’ it straight for the mountains yonder, to the northeast, sure as me ale is warm!"
>go there and fight camp
>legendary equipment is a light 130 defense "famed" armor
>fight champion
>lose multiple good bros
>get rewarded with a shield for the nth time
skill issue
The game is trying to tell you that you should use more shields to not lose multiple good bros to champions.
What the fuck am I gonna do with my 12th copy of a named heavy orc shield
Have twelve brothers with iron lungs and shield mastery
>me ale is warm
But why?
This vs WarTales
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>constantly ambushed by patrols of bandits, the undead, barbarians, goblins, witches, and ghouls
>take a patrol contract
>they are suddenly nowhere to be seen
using anything besides spears and shields means your dumb
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>It's another Undead Scourge crisis
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>undead army with necrosavants
>assemble the diamond formation
Im trying to beat an endgame crises EEL IMM with out ALT+F4ing. Pray for my brothers, brothers.
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Have ancient meme on your way to hell
this game sucks ass. Pike should be able to spearwall so I can do a viable Swiss company
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>two famed armors from a small orc camp
read them and weep
>fourth heavy orc shield
I am weeping

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